Category:Cleric domains

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Cleric domains
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[The Astrolabe]

Domains represent the fields of interest for deities. Each cleric chooses two of these domains when the first clerical level is taken.

Note: Arelith has significant customizations to Spells and Spell Focus Feats impacting certain spells. You should review to fully understand how the below linked spells may function differently on Arelith.

About Domains

Clerics and Divine Champions have access to accessing domains.

Clerics cannot acquire a third domain using this class feature, and any cleric levels will override all champion levels with regards to domain scaling and progression, even if they are lower.

Some domains goes against a deity dogma and a character may not be able to select them, a list of banned domain can be found in the astrolabe.

Each domain provides different bonus to the character, from skill raises, summoning streams, languages and extra spell per level and how they behave.

  • If the domain gives a skill bonus, the bonus are hard bonuses.
  • If the domain gives a bonus language, it will require at least 6 class levels, with a few more exceptions requiring more than this.
  • Any character with Turn Undead feat can turn undead race. Some domain expands the list of potential races that the feat can turn, rebuke or command.

For domains that changes the spell Elemental Swarm, if both domain picked interact with the spell, it will summon half of each forced element.

Changing Domains

Players can change domains via "-domain" chat command or Rest Menu -> 3. Character -> 9. Domains if they satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Cleric levels present
  2. Is worshiping a deity
  3. Has Domain Change Token granted by DMs or Developers upon request or domain update

Domain Powers

Certain Activation abilities are specifically flagged as a Domain Power. This is a replacement for the Vanilla game Domain Powers.

  • The level requirement for casting domain power is the spell's innate levels * 2.
  • They have a cooldown which varies per domain.

Domain List

The table bellow shows each domain in a summary format to easily compare them and see what they do. For more deatails, visit each domain article.

Name Bonus 1st Circle 2nd Circle 3rd Circle 4th Circle 5th Circle 6th Circle 7th Circle 8th Circle 9th Circle
Air Bonus Ability Elemental: Air Stream Deafening Clang Gust of Wind Stinking Cloud Wounding Whispers Energy Buffer Sound Burst Great Thunderclap Lightning Shield Elemental Swarm
Language Auran
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Elementals.
Domain Power Horizikaul's Boom / round
Spell Interactions Gust of Wind is improved.
Elemental Swarm summons Air Elementals only
Animal Bonus Ability +3 Animal Empathy Camouflage One With the Land Hold Animal Eagle Sight Hold Monster Baleful Polymorph Aura of Vitality Dominate Animal Nature's Balance
Language Animal Language
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Animals, Beasts, Magical Beasts, Vermin
Turn or rebuke Aberrations.
Domain Power Mass Bear's Endurance / minute
Spell Interactions Improved Summon Creature I-IX
Darkness Bonus Ability Immunity to Darkness Darkness Blindness/Deafness Death Armor Silence Shadow Evocation Darkbolt Greater Shadow Evocation Mass Blindness/Deafness Shadow Plague
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Death Bonus Ability None Inflict Moderate Wounds Death Armor Inflict Critical Wounds Finger of Agony Undeath to Death Circle of Death Halt Undead Undeath's Eternal Foe Wail of the Banshee
Language None
Turn Undead Damage undead
Domain Power Palemaster's Deathless Master Touch / 5 minutes
Spell Interactions Empowers all Inflict Wounds spells.
Empowers all Cure Wounds spells used on undead creatures.
Better Death Armor Scaling.
Circle of Death HD is uncapped.
Destruction Bonus Ability None Deafening Clang Combust Sound Lance Crumble Wounding Whispers Destruction Disintegrate Implosion Meteor Swarm
Language None
Turn Undead Turn, Rebuke and Damage Constructs
Domain Power Destruction / minute
Spell Interactions Deafening Clang adds bonus magical damage vs. Constructs.
Earth Bonus Ability Elemental: Earth Stream Resist Elements Glyph of Warding Spike Growth Stoneskin Stonehold Greater Stoneskin Earthquake Bombardment Elemental Swarm
Language Terran
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke and control Elementals.
Domain Power Earthquake / minute
Spell Interactions Greater Stoneskin: is empowered.
Stoneskin: is empowered.
Elemental Swarm summons Earth Elementals only
Evil Bonus Ability Automatically gains (Evil Only):

Class levels count towards maximum Divine Smite damage.

None Magic Circle Against Alignment Crushing Despair Lesser Planar Binding Planar Binding Blasphemy Aura Versus Alignment Gate None
Language Infernal (if Lawful Evil)

Abyssal (if Neutral/Chaotic Evil)

Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Outsiders.
Domain Power Divine Smite / minute
Spell Interactions None
Fire Bonus Ability Elemental: Fire Stream Burning Hands Scorching Ray Flame Lash Wall of Fire Flame Shield Daltim's Fiery Tentacles Inferno Incendiary Cloud Elemental Swarm
Language Ignan
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Elementals.
Domain Power Meteor Swarm / 3 minutes
Spell Interactions Elemental Swarm summons Fire Elementals only.
Good Bonus Ability Outsider: Celestial Stream
Class levels count towards maximum Divine Smite damage.
Lionheart Magic Circle Against Alignment Good Hope Lesser Planar Binding Planar Binding Word of Faith Aura Versus Alignment Gate None
Language Celestial
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Outsiders.
Domain Power Divine Smite / minute
Spell Interactions None
Healing Bonus Ability +3 Heal Cure Moderate Wounds Cure Serious Wounds Healing Circle Monstrous Regeneration Heal Regeneration Mass Heal Regeneration None
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions Overheal
Sympathetic Healing
Empower Healing
Knowledge Bonus Ability Can Scribe Scrolls
+3 Lore
+5 Max Crafting Points
Identify See Invisibility Clairaudience/Clairvoyance True Seeing Legend Lore Feeblemind Power Word, Stun Premonition Power Word, Kill
Language Linguistic Aptitude
Turn Undead Turn, Rebuke, Command or Damage Constructs.
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Cold Bonus Ability Elemental: Water Stream Ice Dagger Frostbite Frost Nova Wall of Ice Frost Shield Cone of Cold Ice Storm Freeze Iceberg
Language Aquan
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Elementals.
Domain Power Burst of Glacial Wrath / 3 minutes
Spell Interactions None
Storm Bonus Ability Elemental: Air Stream Gedlee's Electric Loop Call Lightning Lightning Bolt Scintillating Sphere Ball Lightning Chain Lightning Lightning Shield Storm of Vengeance Great Thunderclap
Language Auran at 18
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Elementals.
Domain Power Chain Lightning / minute
Spell Interactions None
Magic Bonus Ability Can Scribe Scrolls
+3 Spellcraft
+5 Max Crafting Points
Mage Armor Magic Missile Spell Resistance Lesser Spell Breach Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm Lesser Mind Blank Lesser Spell Mantle Silence Banishment
Language Draconic
Turn Undead None
Domain Power Greater Dispelling / minute
Spell Interactions None
Plant Bonus Ability Green Fingers Entangle One With the Land Barkskin Monstrous Regeneration Vine Mine Regeneration Creeping Doom Nature's Balance None
Language Animal Language
Turn Undead Turn or rebuke Aberrations, Animals, Beasts, Magical Beasts, Vermin.
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Protection Bonus Ability None Shield Magic Vestment Minor Globe of Invulnerability Energy Buffer Lesser Mind Blank Globe of Invulnerability Greater Stoneskin Lesser Spell Mantle Protection from Spells
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power Lesser version of Knight's Heroic Shield
Spell Interactions Lifeline
Shield: Improved
Strength Bonus Ability +3 Climb
+3 Sail
Bull's Strength Balagarn's Iron Horn Divine Power Bigby's Disrupting Hand Bigby's Interposing Hand Greater Bull's Strength Bigby's Forceful Hand Bigby's Grasping Hand Aura of Vitality
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power Mass Bull's Strength / minute
Spell Interactions Bull's Strength is empowered
Sun Bonus Ability None Bless Weapon Searing Light Good Hope Undeath to Death Sunfire Flame Shield Sunbeam Undeath to Death Sunburst
Language Celestial at 12
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or damage Aberrations.
Domain Power Sunfire / minute
Spell Interactions Bless Weapon: extra effects.
Travel Bonus Ability +3 Climb
+3 Sail
Expeditious Retreat Slow Freedom of Movement Haste Freedom of Movement Haste Slow Maze Slow
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Trickery Bonus Ability +2 Bluff
+2 Disarm Trap
+2 Hide
+2 Move Silently
+2 Open Lock
+2 Perform
+2 Set Trap
+2 Sleight of Hand
Camouflage Serene Visage Invisibility Displacement Improved Invisibility Confusion Rogue's Cunning Mass Blindness/Deafness Otto's Irresistible Dance
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
War Bonus Ability Domain Martial Proficiency Deafening Clang Mage Armor Divine Power Battletide Blade Barrier Slow Aura of Vitality War Cry Disintegrate
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Water Bonus Ability Elemental: Water Stream Grease Stinking Cloud Water Breathing Energy Buffer Frost Shield Drown Acid Fog Horrid Wilting Elemental Swarm
Language Aquan
Turn Undead Turn, Rebuke or Command Elementals and Ooze
Domain Power Drown / minute
Spell Interactions Elemental Swarm summons Water Elementals only
Ooze Bonus Ability Elemental: Ooze Stream Grease Melf's Acid Arrow Poison Mestil's Acid Breath Evard's Black Tentacles Vitriolic Sphere Acid Fog Mestil's Acid Sheath Elemental Swarm
Language Deep Speech at 24
Turn Undead Turn, Rebuke or Command Ooze.
Domain Power Vitriolic Sphere / minute
Spell Interactions Elemental Swarm summons Ooze only
Undeath Bonus Ability Undead: Vampire Stream at 9th
Dragon: Dracolich Stream at 17th
Chill Touch Death Armor Negative Energy Burst Vampiric Touch Create Undead Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles Create Greater Undead Avascular Mass Wail of the Banshee
Language Draconic at 18
Turn Undead Rebuke and command Undead.
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions Improved Death Armor
Improved Mummy Dust
+2 to Undead Caster level
Soul Shackle
Moon Bonus Ability None Bless Weapon Ghostly Visage Moonbeam Displacement Confusion Lesser Mind Blank Ethereal Visage Premonition Undeath to Death
Language None
Turn Undead Turn or rebuke Shapechangers.
Domain Power Moonbeam / 30 seconds
Spell Interactions Bless Weapon: extra effects.
Forge Bonus Ability Hammer Proficiency
Better Magic Dweomercraft Tier
Enhanced Crafting: +10
Deafening Clang Shelgarn's Persistent Blade Hammer of the Gods Stoneskin Flame Shield Mordenkainen's Sword Great Thunderclap Inferno Black Blade of Disaster
Language None
Turn Undead Turn, Rebuke or Command Constructs.
Domain Power Deafening Clang / unlimited
Spell Interactions Deafening Clang: Extra Effects
Suffering Bonus Ability None Ray of Enfeeblement Bestow Curse Circle of Doom Finger of Agony Harm Enervation Eye Bite Evil Blight Horrid Wilting
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions Vampiric Inflict
Vampiric Overheal
Vermin Bonus Ability +3 Animal Empathy Poison Quillfire Spider Skin Infestation of Maggots Healing Sting Vampiric Touch Eyebite Creeping Doom Web
Language Animal Language
Turn Undead Turn, rebuke or command Vermin.
Turn or rebuke Aberrations, Animals, Beasts, Magical Beasts.
Domain Power Vampiric Touch / 30 seconds
Spell Interactions Vampiric Touch is empowered
Illusion Bonus Ability Can identify illusions more easily. Color Spray Invisibility Displacement Phantasmal Killer Shadow Conjuration Improved Invisibility Phantom Wound Scintillating Pattern Weird
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Mind Bonus Ability None Charm Person Tasha's Hideous Laughter Crushing Despair Confusion Mind Fog Lesser Mind Blank Mass Charm Dominate Monster Mass Hold Monster
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Chaos Bonus Ability Class levels count towards maximum Divine Smite damage. Color Spray Chromatic Orb Displacement Confusion Bigby's Disrupting Hand Cloud of Bewilderment Greater Chromatic Orb Prismatic Spray Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Law Bonus Ability Class levels count towards maximum Divine Smite damage. Hold Person Clarity Pacifying Shackle Lesser Planar Binding Lesser Mind Blank Dominate Person Hold Monster Greater Planar Binding Dominate Monster
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None
Luck Bonus Ability Gets 5% more resources from resource nodes. Remove Paralysis Lionheart Keen Edge Spell Resistance Wounding Whispers Stone to Flesh Ethereal Visage Premonition Shadow Shield
Language None
Turn Undead None
Domain Power None
Spell Interactions None