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[The Astrolabe]

The esoteric art of runecrafting has made its way to Arelith. Taking advantage of this potent art will require a combination of crafting, enchantment, and rare ingredients found only in the depths of the most dangerous dungeons.

They are used to boost chances in Dweomercraft and they can be mainly obtained via Crafting.

Rune Crafting


Name DC Craft
Value Materials Product Properties ID
Abeyant Template 30 60 7510 gold 1 Euklian Clay
5 Dragon Blood
1 Abeyant Template Base Runic material 952


Name DC Craft
Value Materials Product Properties ID
Abeyant Template 30 60 7510 gold 1 Euklian Clay
5 Dragon Blood
1 Abeyant Template Base Runic material 951

Art Crafting

Name DC Craft
Value Materials Product Properties ID
Lesser Bejeweled Rune 30 120 15003 gold 1 Rough Fragments of Theurglass 1 Lesser Bejeweled Rune 956

Greater Bejeweled Rune 35 200 25003 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Fragments of Theurglass
1 Greater Bejeweled Rune 957

Masterwork Bejeweled Rune 40 260 32503 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Intact Theurglass
1 Masterwork Bejeweled Rune 958


Name DC Craft
Value Materials Product Properties ID
Lesser Etched Rune 30 120 15003 gold 1 Sample of Blueleaf Extract 1 Lesser Etched Rune 962

Greater Etched Rune 35 200 25003 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Vial of Blueleaf Extract
1 Greater Etched Rune 963

Masterwork Etched Rune 40 260 32503 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Bottle of Blueleaf Extract
1 Masterwork Etched Rune 964


Name DC Craft
Value Materials Product Properties ID
Lesser Blade Rune 35 120 15003 gold 1 Impure Shard of Zardazik 1 Lesser Blade Rune 959

Greater Blade Rune 40 200 25003 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Chunk of Zardazik
1 Greater Blade Rune 960

Masterwork Blade Rune 45 260 32503 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Pure Chunk of Zardazik
1 Masterwork Blade Rune 961

Lesser Forged Rune 30 120 15003 gold 1 Flawed Chardalyn Stone 1 Lesser Forged Rune 965

Greater Forged Rune 35 200 25003 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Chardalyn Stone
1 Greater Forged Rune 966

Masterwork Forged Rune 40 260 32503 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Perfect Chardalyn Stone
1 Masterwork Forged Rune 967


Name DC Craft
Value Materials Product Properties ID
Lesser Woven Rune 30 120 15003 gold 1 Sample of Djinn Uther 1 Lesser Woven Rune 968

Greater Woven Rune 35 200 25003 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Flask of Djinn Uther
1 Greater Woven Rune 969

Masterwork Woven Rune 40 260 32503 gold 1 Abeyant Template
1 Bottle of Djinn Uther
1 Masterwork Woven Rune 970

Applying a rune

As every item is different an Assayer's Lens can be used to inspect them, showing in the combat log the kind and tier of the rune it can accept.

To apply the rune:

1) Select the Rune script to be used, the options available can be found here.
2) Use the rune item power and target the item you want to use it.
3) Check the combat log and confirm to confirm the correct script is used.
4) Use the rune item power on the same target.

After this process is done, the rune will be lost and the item will have the rune applied and can be used in Dweomercraft.