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Arelith Wiki

Character Creation:
Creation (New Players Guide)
Race - Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds - Alignment
Marks - Epic Sacrifice
Customization - Head List - Builds
Character Systems:
Description - Disguise / Covered
Languages - Experience - Quests
Pickpocket - Rest - Role Play Bonus
Death - Lycanthropy - Investigate
Sequencers - Runic Sequencers
World Systems:
Settlements - Factions
Quarters - Shops - Taverns - Banks
Riding - Sailing - Boons
Communication - Portals
Time - Containers/Bags
Radiant Heart - Assassin's Guild
Sencliff's Pirates
Item Creation Systems:
Alchemy - Art Craft - Carpentry
Herb - Smith - Tailor
Dweomercraft - Runes
Weapons - Melee / Ranged / Siege
Resources - Poison
Arelith Changes:
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[The Astrolabe]

See the Deity Table or the Astrolabe Deity Search for the full list.

Chosen Deity

One of the few items given to your character upon creation is the Arelith Book of Deities, which will allow you to select a main patron to serve. You are also able to attune to another god by using the Attuning and Deity Menu in the Rest menu.

Non-religious characters can worship any deity, regardless of alignment and race. You can have a chaotic-evil rogue drow worship Tyr just because he secretly hates Lolth so much.

Druids are not required to select a nature-aspect deity, but they are unable to cast all spells if they do not.

Rangers are no longer required to choose a Nature deity to cast their spells.

Paladins are required to choose a Paladin Deity.

Clerics, Paladins and Druids must be one of the cleric alignments of that deity. Cleric alignments usually include those alignments one step away from the deity's alignment. In addition, these classes can only select non-specified race deities or deities that belong to the character's race. Half-orcs can worship deities of both orc and human pantheons. Half-elves can worship deities of both human and elf pantheons. Note that these restrictions apply to Blackguards and Paladins even if they are not of a high enough level to cast any divine spells.

Notable exceptions

  • Paladins can select Oberon, Selune, Sune or Eldath as their patron deity
    • If a character has a paladin level in one of these gods, they may then take cleric levels in them as well, despite being outside their normal alignment restrictions.
  • Gift of Devotion allows a religious classed PC to ignore race restrictions.

If a non-religious character which does not fit the alignment and/or racial restrictions takes a level in a religious class (i.e. one which gives divine spells), the deity will abandon the PC. Unlike a PC choosing to change religion, this abandonment does not cost the character 500 XP.

The subcategories found here list of all Arelith Gods will allow you to see all Deities available to character of certain alignment.


It is recommended for clerics to choose domains listed with their Deity or those that are close to their dogma. The selection of domains is not mechanically enforced in any way. Use your better judgement and common sense.


Each deity has two aspects. Your chosen deity will determine what aspects and thus actions/behaviors a character can perform to raise their piety.

Bard song: Each song now grants Piety to deities with a specific aspect, depending on the song.

Aspect Name Action
War and Destruction Killing things
0.5% piety for turning in a bounty head
Hearth and Home Healing, including with healing kits.
0.1% piety for a successful guard.
Fishing: 0.1% piety for small, 0.2% for medium, 0.3% for large, 0.5% for huge.
Knowledge and Invention 0.1% piety gained per CP spent while Crafting
0.5% piety for creating a letter
Trickery and Deceit Using -disguise
0.1% piety for entering stealth mode (30 sec cooldown, requires 5 ranks in hide/ms)
Nature Tending to bushes/mushrooms. Clerics, rangers, shaman and druids only.
Magic Spellcasting
0.5% piety for applying an essence


Every Deity provides the same potential benefits depending on what you're doing in-game.

Action Benefit
When you die God raise
Crafting Non-5% Failed crafting attempt succeeds once per in-game day.
When disguised Pass a failed disguise check if character has 5 ranks in Bluff or Perform
Dweomercrafting Failed dweomercraft might succeed (50% chance of a failed dweomercraft succeeding anyway).


In addition to a character's chosen deity, a second deity can be attuned in the Attuning and Deity Menu in the Rest menu. Attuned deities can be changed without the associated experience point loss like the chosen deity and will overwrite the chosen deity's aspects for the purposes of piety generation. For example, a character with Helm as their chosen deity but Gond as their attuned deity would gain piety from Gond's aspects of Knowledge & Invention/Trickery & Deceit rather than Helm's War & Destruction/Hearth & Home. Attunement can be cleared by reattuning to the same deity's altar again, attuning to a new deity and doing the same, or attuning to an altar of the character's chosen deity.

Attuned deities are not restricted by alignment like Divine Classes and do not influence your ability to cast spells or use abilities granted by those classes.


Heresies use the existing deity system and are available for all characters. Gift of Devotion is required for worshippers with divine class levels to select a Heresy with the exception of the The Freth Heresy which is a prevalent religion in Andunor. A divine character following a Heresy can apply a heresy trait to a god’s altar for 20% piety; a divine character not following the Heresy can remove it for the same amount of piety (with a synergetic god). Both sides can tell who the altar is currently attuned to.

A character following the heresy can pray at an altar of the deity for max (0.4) points (i.e. Risen Sun worshiping at Lathander altar).

The following Heresies are Available:

Risen Sun (Amaunator)

Aspects: War and Destruction, Knowledge and Invention
Alignment: Lawful Good
Synergy: Lathander, Three-Faced Sun Heresy, Allows Paladins

Three-Faced Sun

Aspects: War and Destruction, Knowledge and Invention
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Synergy: Jergal, Lathander, Risen Sun Heresy

Dark Moon

Aspects: Trickery and Deceit, Magic
Alignment: Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral
Synergy: Shar, Selune

Cult of Shared Suffering

Aspects: War and Destruction, Hearth and Home
Alignment: True Neutral
Synergy: Ilmater

Harlot's Coin

Aspects: Knowledge and Invention, Magic
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Synergy: Graz'zt, Waukeen

Freth Faith

Aspects: War and Destruction, Trickery and Deceit
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Synergy: Lloth (Lolth), Baatorian Archdevils, Gargauth
Note: No Gift of Devotion is required to select this Heresy for Drow characters with Divine class levels


Each character maintains and manages his/her own piety. Piety drops by 0.1% every IG hour.

Raising Piety

1) Performing actions depending on the character's deity's aspect, see the table above.

2) Sacrificing gold at an altar.

3) Praying at an altar. Twice as fast if the altar has been consecrated to a deity of the same race or aspect of yours. Three times as fast if the altar is consecrated to a deity of the same race AND aspect. Four times as fast if the altar is consecrated to the same deity as the character's.

4) Cleric-led ceremonies. Performed at an altar. Faster then praying alone. A cleric goes up at the accumulated rate of his flock + his own rate.

5) Paladins, CoT, and Blackguards gain piety like clerics on tick (CoT upper threshold is 18 instead of 28).

Using Piety

1) Consecrating altars - cost 20% piety. Clerics, Harper Priests and Harper Paragon only.

2) Desecrating altars

  • Cost 50% piety.
  • Clerics only.
  • Desecrating an altar
    • Takes 18 seconds and freezes PC in place (there are VXFs every 6 seconds).
    • The deity that influenced the desecration will be shown to clerics and characters with the gift of devotion.
    • Makes it useless but does not allow it to be consecrated to a different deity.
    • This action no longer makes NPCs hostile.

3) Spells: Circle 7 Cleric/Druid spells cost 1% piety. Circle 8 Cleric/Druid spells cost 2% piety. Circle 9 Cleric/Druid spells cost 4% piety. Most commands gained through Epic Spell Focuses cost 5% piety

4) Feats: Divine Might and Divine shield cost 1% piety.

5) There is a piety cost when your patron provides a benefit.

6) -pray

7) The scribing of Raise Dead scrolls will cost 25% piety, 10000 gold and 100 xp and the scribing of Resurrection scrolls will cost 50% piety, 20000 gold and 200 xp.

8) The casting of Raise Dead from scrolls will cost 50% piety (25% for clerics) and the casting of Resurrection from scrolls will cost 75% piety (50% for clerics).

Available Deities

See Category:Deities for a complete list of all Deity related wiki Categorisations.

Deity Table

See Deity Table for a complete list of all deities in Tabular format.

Deity Substitution Guidelines

  • If your god isn't listed, choose a substitute.
  • If your god is listed, choose them. No substitutes.

Though - you're allowed to respect multiple gods. You can RP being a faithful Oghmyte while serving Mystra so long as you also RP serving Mystra at least as much.

Tips for selecting substitute deity Here are few things to consider when selecting substitute deity to mechanically represent god that character worships: Look for a deity that has:

  • Same or similar alignment. To see all Deities available to character of certain alignment, click on the subcategories for each alignment listed here.
Chaotic Good (CG) Neutral Good (NG) Lawful Good (LG)
Chaotic Neutral (CN) True Neutral (N) Lawful Neutral (LN)
Chaotic Evil (CE) Neutral Evil (NE) Lawful Evil (LE)
  • Same or similar allowed alignment for their clerics and worshipers
  • Same or similar allowed domains
  • Same or similar dogma
  • Superiors of worshipped god (for example: head of racial pantheon)

Deity Selection by In Game Menu

The links below represent the lists of mechanically supported Gods on the Arelith server. They are listed in exactly the same way as in-game Deity selection via the (R) -> Character -> Deities menu. Indented (subcategories) are represented in the in-game menu using racial limitation flags at the end of the Deity Name like /Derro.


Corellon Larethian is a Seldarine (Elven Power), he is listed under Seldarine (Elven Powers) only in-game and on this wiki.
Mielikki is both an Faerûnian Intermediate Power and a Seldarine (Elven Power), she is listed under Faerûnian Intermediate Powers and Seldarine (Elven Powers) in-game and on this wiki.
Diirinka is a Derro Power and can be found under Monstrous & Other Powers with a racial restriction flag: Diirinka (Trickery & Deceit, Magic/Derro) in-game and with a subcategory (indented) reference on this wiki.


Faerûnian Major Powers
Faerûnian Intermediate Powers
Faerûnian Lesser Powers
Faerûnian Demipowers
Faerûnian Heresies
Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Duergar Powers
Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Seelie and Unseelie court (Fey Powers)
Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Orc & Goblin Powers
Orcish Powers
Goblin Powers
Hobgoblin Powers
Yuan-ti Powers
Draconic Powers
Monstrous & Other Powers
Aberration Powers
Derro Powers
Firbolg Powers
The Ordning (Giant Powers)
Gnoll Powers
Hag Powers
Kobold Powers
Ogre Powers
Rakshasa Powers
Troglodyte Powers
Kenku Powers
Mulhorandi Powers (Human)
Yuir Powers (Half-Elven)
Kara-Turan Powers
Zakharan Powers
Maztican Powers
Nature & Beast Cults
Baatorian Powers
Abyssal Powers
Celestial Powers
Eldritch Patrons

Planar powers (TBR)
Other Beliefs (TBR)

Deity Selection by Other useful Categorizations

Deities available to Any Race

Deities available to Any race (This includes those racial pantheon deities that are available to any race not just the racial pantheon)

Shadow Weave Deities

Deities with access to the Shadow Weave

Paladin Deities

Deities allowed for selection by Paladins

Other Deities

There are other Gods in Forgotten Realms that are not selectable mechanically on Arelith, but whose worship can be roleplayed. See Deity Substitution Guidelines for more information on how to do this.

External links

Note that many resources on internet can be from D&D 4th edition or AD&D. Not all information from them would be valid on Arelith! (Including the information from links below that date to year 1372 DR and after.)