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Arelith Wiki

Character Creation:
Creation (New Players Guide)
Race - Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds - Alignment
Marks - Epic Sacrifice
Customization - Head List - Builds
Character Systems:
Description - Disguise / Covered
Languages - Experience - Quests
Pickpocket - Rest - Role Play Bonus
Death - Lycanthropy - Investigate
Sequencers - Runic Sequencers
World Systems:
Settlements - Factions
Quarters - Shops - Taverns - Banks
Riding - Sailing - Boons
Communication - Portals
Time - Containers/Bags
Radiant Heart - Assassin's Guild
Sencliff's Pirates
Item Creation Systems:
Alchemy - Art Craft - Carpentry
Herb - Smith - Tailor
Dweomercraft - Runes
Weapons - Melee / Ranged / Siege
Resources - Poison
Arelith Changes:
Classes - Skills - Feats - Trap
Summons - Familiar Reskins
Spells (list) - Misc
Rules - Roleplay - Maps
Console Commands
Common Bugs - Staff
Support Tickets - Character Remake
[The Astrolabe]

Race represents a creature's bloodline or ancestry. Arelith supports a large variety of Races and Subraces as outlined below.


Races are chosen either by selecting the race directly in the racial list OR if the race does not exist in the racial selection list by selecting a base race at character creation, then using the setup dialog for subraces upon joining the game. Gifts can also be chosen to customize characters further.

The multiclass experience penalty has been removed from Arelith, making the racial favored class redundant.

Unless otherwise noted, Planetouched races can only be applied to "base races": Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Moon Elf, Lightfoot Halfling, Rock Gnome, or Shield Dwarf. This means that you cannot make a wood elf earth genasi, but you can make a moon elf earth genasi.

Most subraces have altered statistics from the base race. These bonuses are only applied after creating your character. For this reason they are listed in two different ways below: Stats and "Change to Base Stats."

For example: if you are creating a Fey (Stats: Dex +4, Cha +4, Str -4) you will have to select the default "Lightfoot Halfling" on character creation (Lightfoot Halfling Stats: Dex +2, Str -2). Use the "Change to Base Stats" of Str -2, Dex +2, Cha +4 to see how your stats will change after the subrace changes are applied.

List of Races

Base Race Subrace ECL Stats Change to Base Stats Start Abilities
Human Human (Default) +0 (none) (none) Cordor, Sencliff, Skal or
Andunor (Outcast or Slave only)
Quick to Master: 1 extra feat at 1st level
Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level
Deep Imaskari +0 Int +2
Dex -2
(Int +2
Dex -2)
Andunor, Skal Underdark Requires Greater Award
Low Light Vision
+4 Hide
Bonus Language: Undercommon, Roushoum
Spell clutch: Refresh all second circle arcane spells and below once per rest
Firbolg +3 Str +4
Con +2
Dex -2
Cha -4
(Str +4
Con +2
Dex -2
Cha -4)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Major Award
Requires Non-Lawful alignment
Cannot wield any tiny weapon
10/- Cold Resistance
Bonus Feat: Deflect Arrow
Bonus Language: Giant
Fast Healing (+1 regen at level 1, +2 at 15, +3 at 30)
Can use the -track command
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Moon-Seer
Shadovar +1 Int +2 (Int +2) Cordor, Sencliff, Skal or
Andunor (Outcast only)
Requires Greater Award
Requires Non-Good alignment
Restricted: Cannot be Druid or Wild Mage
Bonus Language: Loross
Special: Innate Shadow Magic: Arcane spells are automatically cast via the Shadow Weave
Spell-Like Abilities: Shadow Conjuration and Greater Shadow Conjuration (at level 16+)
Dwarf Shield Dwarf (Default) +0 Con +2
Cha -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Stonecunning: +2 racial bonus on Search checks made in subterranean areas
Darkvision: Dwarves are able to see in the dark
Hardiness vs. Poisons: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poisons
Hardiness vs. Spells: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells
Offensive Training vs. Orcs: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs
Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against goblinoids (goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears)
Defensive Training vs. Giants: +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants
Skill Affinity (Lore): +2 racial bonus to lore checks
Receive dwarven war axe proficiency for free.
Gold Dwarf +0 Con +2
Dex -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Shield Dwarf abilities.
Attack +1 vs. Aberrations
Wild Dwarf +0 Con +2
Cha -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Minor Award.
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
+3 on saves against poisons
+4 on saves against disease
+2 on saves against spells
+1 on attack rolls against orcs
+1 on attack rolls against goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus to AC against giants
Use Poison feat
Fire Immunity 15%
+10 dc on hiding tracks see Investigate#Tracks
Can use -track
Does NOT receive dwarven war axe proficiency for free.
Duergar +1 Con +2
Str +2
Cha -4
(none) Andunor (Default) or Sencliff (Requires Normal Award AND DM Permission) Requires Non-Good Alignment.
Listen +1
Move Silently +4
Spot +1
Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity: Poison
Spell-like Ability: 1/day Invisibility
Duergar deal with all NPC traders as if their favored race
Shield Dwarf abilities.

Note: Delete character error CHA requirement workaround for Bard, Warlock, Favored Soul, Hexblade, or Sorcerer.
Make your character as usual, then, before hitting play, edit your abilities scores and reduce one, making sure you have 1 point left. Then cancel.
Your character should start with 30 points and therefore be legal.

Elf Moon Elf (Default) +0 Dex +2
Con -2
(none) Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Sleeplessness: Immune to spells and effects of the 'Sleep' subtype
Hardiness vs. Enchantments: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells
Bonus Proficiencies (Longsword, Rapier, Shortbow, Longbow)
Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus to listen checks
Skill Affinity (Search): +2 racial bonus to Search checks
Skill Affinity (Spot): +2 racial bonus to Spot checks
Keen Senses: Elves make active Search checks automatically and with no movement penalties
Low-light Vision: Allows them to see better than normal in the dark
Aquatic Elf +1 Con +2 (-2 Dex, +4 Con) Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Normal Award.
Moon Elf abilities Except: weapon proficiency (elf) and low-light vision.
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: Polearm
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency: Aquatic Elf
Bonus Feat: Amphibious Character
Skill Affinity (Spot): +2 bonus to Spot checks (additional to racial default)
Special: Needs to drink more water to survive on dry land
Aquatic Elves are innately familiar with the Water Elemental stream and Sea Shanties bard song.
Avariel +0 Dex +2
Con -2
Wis +2
(+2 Wis) Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Major Award.
Requires Non-Lawful alignment (Paladin at Level 1 Exempted)
Moon Elf abilities.
Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 bonus to listen checks (additional to racial default)
Skill Affinity (Spot): +2 bonus to Spot checks (additional to racial default)
Bonus Feat: Winged Character
Bonus Feat: Hollow Bones
Immunity: Immune to the Earthquake Spell
Avariel are innately familiar with the Air Elemental stream and, due to their tragic history, the Ballad of the Dragonslayer bard song
Sun Elf +0 Int +2
Con -2
(none) Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Moon Elf abilities.
Wild Elf +0 Dex +2
Int -2
(Int -2
Con +2)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Normal Award.
Moon Elf abilities EXCEPT Weapon Proficiency (elf).
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
Bonus Feat: Trackless Step
Bonus Feat: Toughness
Can use -track
Wood Elf +0 Str +2
Con -2
(none) Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Moon Elf abilities.
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus (Missile).
+10 DC tracks see Investigate#Tracks
Can use -track

Gnome Rock Gnome (Default) +0 Con +2
Str -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Small-sized
+1 size modifier to attack rolls
+1 size modifier to AC
+4 size bonus to hide checks
Hardiness vs. Illusions: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells
Offensive Training vs. Reptilians: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against reptilian humanoids
Offensive Training vs. Goblinoids: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against goblinoids (goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears)
Defensive Training vs. Giants: +4 dodge bonus to AC against giants
Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus to listen checks
Skill Affinity (Concentration): +2 racial bonus to concentration checks
Spell Focus (Illusion): Gnomes add +2 difficulty class to any Illusion spells they cast (This counts as the feat so characters are able to select Greater Spell Focus (Illusion) at first level)
Low-light Vision: Allows them to see better than normal in the dark
Svirfneblin +2 Dex +2
Wis +2
Cha -4
Str -2
(none) Andunor or Brogendenstein Rock Gnome abilities.
Hide +2
Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day Invisibility
Spell Resistance 11+Character Level (Caps at 26)

Note: Delete character error CHA requirement workaround for Bard, Warlock, Favored Soul, Hexblade, or Sorcerer.
Make your character as usual, then, before hitting play, edit your abilities scores and reduce one, making sure you have 1 point left. Then cancel.
Your character should start with 30 points and therefore be legal.

Forest Gnome +0 Con +2
Str -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Minor Award
Rock Gnome abilities.
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
Bonus language: Animal and Sylvan
Can use the -track command.
Can read tracks left by players
+10 DC tracks, see Investigate#Tracks
Note that forest gnomes are not granted the Trackless Steps feat.
Halfling Lightfoot Halfling (Default) +0 Dex +2
Str -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Small-sized
+1 size modifier to attack rolls
+1 size modifier to AC
+4 size bonus to hide checks
Skill affinity (move silently): +2 racial bonus to move silently checks
Skill affinity (listen): +2 racial bonus to listen checks
Lucky: +1 luck bonus to all saving throws
Fearless: +2 morale bonus to saving throws against spells and effects of the fear subtype
Good aim: +1 racial bonus to attack rolls made with throwing weapons
Ghostwise Halfling +0 Dex +2
Str -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Minor Award.
Lightfoot Halfling abilities.
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
Strongheart Halfling +0 Dex +2
Str -2
(none) Brogendenstein, Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Lightfoot Halfling abilities, but instead of Lucky (+1 luck bonus to all saves), they have Alertness and Strongsoul, instead.
Fey +3 Dex +4
Cha +4
Str -4
(Str -2
Cha +4
Dex +2)
Cordor or Skal Requires Greater Award
Requires Neutral Good or True Neutral alignment
Hide +4
Move Silently +4
Spell Resistance 16, does not increase through levels
+10 DC tracks see Investigate#Tracks
Bonus Feat: Winged Character
Half-Elf Half-Elf (Default) +0 (none) (none) Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Sleeplessness: Immune to spells and effects of the 'Sleep' subtype
Hardiness vs. Enchantments: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells
Partial Skill Affinity (Listen): +1 racial bonus to listen checks
Partial Skill Affinity (Search): +1 racial bonus to Search checks
Partial Skill Affinity (Spot): +1 racial bonus to Spot checks
Low-light Vision: Allows them to see better than normal in the dark
Bonus Feat: Dodge
Gloaming +2 Str -2
Dex +2
Wis -2
Cha +2
(Str -2
Dex +2
Wis -2
Cha +2)
Andunor Requires Greater Award
20% Immunity to Psychic Damage
5/- Resistance to Psychic Damage
Skill Affinity (Move Silently): +4 racial bonus to move silently checks
Bonus Feat: Small Stature
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus: Illusion
Bonus Feat: Hardiness vs. Illusions
Bonus Feat: Keen Senses
Bonus Feat: Low-light Vision
Bonus Feat: Winged Character
Bonus Language: Undercommon
Special Abilities: Can innately interact with Shadow Doors
Spell Like Ability: Light on self (1 use/day)
Vulnerability to Sunlight: Become more vulnerable to damage every hour within sunlight. Vulnerability decreases every hour when not in sunlight. Sun related spells incur Sunlight penalties.
Native Outsider: Can be turned and is negatively impacted by Banishment and Dismissal spells.
Automatically detect Shadow Doors.
Kenku +0 Str -2
Dex +2
(Str -2
Dex +2)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Major Award
Skill Affinity (Bluff): +4 racial bonus to bluff checks
Skill Affinity (Search): +2 racial bonus to Search checks
Bonus Feat: Skill Focus: Perform
Bonus Feat: Use Poison
Bonus Feat: Stealthy
Bonus Feat: Low-light Vision
Bonus Feat: Hollow Bones
Half-Orc Half-Orc +0 Str +2
Cha -2
(none) Cordor, Sencliff, Skal or
Andunor (Outcast or Slave only)
Darkvision: Half-orcs are able to see in the dark
Bonus Feat: Ambidexterity
5% Physical Damage Immunity


Planetouched are a type of mortal creatures whose ancestors were extraplanar creatures such as celestials, fiends or elementals. Some spells and abilities may treat them as outsiders and apply additional effects. More information about various Planetouched races can be found on FRwiki.

The following Planetouched races, unless otherwise noted, may be selected on-creation in the awards menu by any "base race": Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Moon Elf, Lightfoot Halfling, Rock Gnome, or Shield Dwarf:

Type ECL Stats Change to Base Stats Abilities
Aasimar +3 See base race See Bloodlines Requires: Greater Award (or Major for non-good exception)
Listen +2
Spot +2
15% damage immunity to fire, cold, electricity
Spell Like Ability: Light (1 use/day)
Genasi, Air +1 See base race (Dex +2
Wis -2)
Requires: Greater Award
25% Lightning Immunity
5/- Lightning Resistance
Starts knowing the Air Elemental stream
Higher success chance for Climbing and other mobility checks.
Unaffected by heavy wind and other weather effects.
Takes reduced damage from falling.
Genasi, Earth +1 See base race (Str +2
Wis -2)
Requires: Greater Award
25% Acid Immunity
5/- Acid Resistance
Starts knowing the Earth Elemental stream
+10 DC tracks see Investigate#Tracks
Bonus to mining ore deposits.
Genasi, Fire +1 See base race (Int +2
Cha -2)
Requires: Greater Award
25% Fire Immunity
5/- Fire Resistance
Starts knowing the Fire Elemental stream
"Spot Weld" ability (use the special abilities widget item) used once per day to repair a forging item up to 20 charges.
Genasi, Water +1 See base race (Con +2
Cha -2)
Requires: Greater Award
25% Cold Immunity
5/- Cold Resistance
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Feat: Amphibious Character
Starts knowing the Water Elemental stream
Do not need to drink. Must still eat and rest.
Tiefling +3 See base race See Bloodlines Requires: Greater Award (or Major for non-evil exception)
Bluff +2
Hide +2
15% damage immunity to fire, cold, electricity
Spell Like Ability: Darkness (1 use/day)

Monster Races

Players can play monster races either by selecting the race directly OR if the race does not exist in the racial selection list by first creating the character as the base race shown in the chart. Speak to the NPCs in the setup area after creation to have the race correctly changed.

Monster races are reviled by society and civilization, seen as enemies almost universally. As such, monstrous PCs on Arelith are treated as pariahs in settlements and are unable to shop, vote or own property in organized settlements.

Subrace ECL Stats Change to Base Stats Start Abilities
Bugbear +0 Cha -4
Con +2


Cha -4
Dex +2
(none) Andunor Requires Non-Good Alignment
Bonus Feat: Use Posion
Hide +4
Drow +2 Dex +2
Con -2
Int +2
Cha +2
(none) Andunor Requires non-good alignment
Good alignment requires Normal Award
Required Reading: The Definitive Drow Policy

Moon Elf abilities.
Spell Resistance: 11+level (capped at 26)
Spell-Like Ability: Darkness 1/day
Bonus Feat: Rapid Reload
Vulnerability to Sunlight: Become more vulnerable to damage every hour within sunlight. Vulnerability decreases every hour when not in sunlight.
Sun related spells incur Sunlight penalties for Drow.
Goblin +0 Str -2
Dex +2
(none) Andunor (Default) or Sencliff (Requires Normal Award AND DM Permission) Base Race: Halfling
Requires Non-Good Alignment
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
Listen +2
Move Silently +4
Spot +2
Bonus Feat: Use Poison
Special: +1 Discipline/Wisdom for every friendly goblin PC in 20 feet
Grodd Goblin +0 Str -2
Int +2


Str -2
Wis +2
(none) Andunor Requires Non-Good AND Non-Chaotic Alignment
Requires Normal Award
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Simple)
Bonus Feat: Stealthy
Listen +2
Spot +2
Special: Shadow Affinity: Can innately detect Shadow Doors
Special: Automatically worships The Iron One, a Goblinoid deity
Special: +1 Discipline/Wisdom for every friendly goblin PC in 20 feet
Snow Goblin +0 Str -2
Con +2


Str -2
Cha +2
(none) Andunor Requires Non-Good Alignment
Requires Minor Award
Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
Bonus Feat: Stealthy
Intimidate +2
Climb +4
Special: Damage Resistance: 10/- vs. Cold
Innate Ability: War Cry (DC scales with CON)
Special: +1 Discipline/Wisdom for every friendly goblin PC in 20 feet
Hobgoblin +1 Con +2 (none) Andunor Base Race: Half-Elf
Requires Non-Good Alignment

+4 Move Silently
Bonus Feat: Skill Focus: Leadership
Skilled: 4 extra skill points at 1st level, plus 1 additional skill point at each following level.
Due to a glitch do not spend skill points during creation or your character might be deleted upon entry.
Kobold +0 Str -2
Dex +2
(none) Andunor Base Race: Halfling
Requires Non-Good Alignment
Craft Trap +2
Listen +2
Spot +2
Bonus Feat: Rapid Reload
Gnoll +1 Str +2
Con +2
Int -2
Cha -2
(Con +2
Int -2)
Andunor Base Race: Half-Orc
Requires Non-Good Alignment
Requires Minor Award
Damage Immunity: 5% Physical
Listen +2
Spot +2
Innate Ability: War Cry 1/Day per 7 levels (CON-based DC)
Bonus Feat: Power Attack
Bonus Feat: Toughness
Orog +2 Str +2
Con +2
Wis -4
(none) Andunor Requires Non-Good Alignment
10% Cold Immunity
10% Fire Immunity
5% Physical Immunity
Bonus Feat: Power Attack
Ogre +3 Str +6
Dex -2
Con +2
Int -2
Cha -4
(Str +4
Dex -2
Con +2
Int -2
Cha -2)
Andunor Base Race: Half-Orc
Requires Evil Alignment
Requires Normal Award

Cannot use tiny weapons
+2 Armor bonus (Other)
5% Physical Immunity
-4 Hide
May take the Gift of the Ogre Magi
Minotaur +4 Str +4
Con +2
Wis -2
Cha -2
(Str +2
Con +2
Wis -2)
Andunor Base Race: Half-Orc
Requires Non-Good Alignment
Requires Greater Award

Cannot use tiny weapons
5% Physical Immunity
Spot + 4
Search +4
Listen +4
Immunity to the Maze spell
Bonus Feat: Weapon Focus: 2-Handed
Can use the -track command.
Special: Sprint adjusted at 150%
Imp +3
Cha +4
Dex +2
Str -4
(Str -2
Cha +4)
Andunor Base Race: Halfling
Requires Lawful Evil Alignment
Requires Greater Award

Can only use tiny (one handed) and small (two handed) weapons
Doesn't need to eat or drink
+2 Regeneration
Poison Immunity
Spell Resistance 10
Damage Resistance 20 vs Fire
Damage Reduction 5/+1
Invisibility (Level 3) - 5 minute cooldown (shared with polymorph)
Polymorph Self(level 7) - 5 minute cooldown (shared with invisibility)
Bonus Feat: Winged Character
Native Outsider: Can be turned and is negatively impacted by Banishment and Dismissal spells.
Troglodyte +1 Con +2
Int -2
(Str -2
Con +2
Int -2
Cha +2)
Andunor Base Race: Half-Orc
Requires Non-Good Alignment
Requires Minor Award

Bonus Feat: Weapon Proficiency (Primitive)
+2 Armor Bonus (Other)
Stench Aura
Derro +1 Dex +2
Con +2
Wis -2
(Dex +2
Cha +2
Wis -2)
Andunor Base Race: Dwarf
Requires Non-Lawful AND Non-Good Alignment
Requires Minor Award

Use Poison
Hide +4
Move Silently +4
Spells: Darkness on Cooldown
Spell Resistance: 16, does not increase through levels
Vulnerability to Sunlight: Become more vulnerable to damage every hour within sunlight. Vulnerability decreases every hour when not in sunlight.
Does NOT receive dwarven war axe proficiency for free.

Hidden Monster Races

The following are races can hide their appearance but they are monsters.

Playing a Hidden Monstrous Races

If playing a race that has the ability to hide it monstrous nature, you must understand that should they become well-known and outed then they should expect to be considered and treated as a Monstrous Race and all the rules that applies to playing a monster race will apply to your character.

If outed as one of these races, whilst entering settlements would not be a rule break, you should likely expect to be thrown out by PCs or NPCs, with little recourse.

Subrace ECL Stats Change to Base Stats Start Abilities
Green Hag +1 Dex -2
Wis +2
Cha +2
(Dex -2
Wis +2
Cha +2)
Cordor, Sencliff, Skal or
Andunor (Outcast only)
Requires Greater Award
Requires Any Evil Alignment
Restriction: Female characters only
Skill Affinity (Bluff): +4 racial bonus to bluff checks
Skill Affinity (Leadership): +4 racial bonus to Leadership checks
Bonus Feat: Brew Potion
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Feat: Immunity to Poison
Bonus Feat: Immunity to Disease
Bonus Feat: Use Poison
Bonus Language: Sylvan
Special Ability: Green Hag Polymorph: Can polymorpth into two different Human shapes
Spell Like Ability: Invisibility (1 use/day)
Fey'ri +0 Con -2
Int +2
Cha +2
(Cha +2) Cordor, Skal, and Sencliff Requires: Major Award
Requires DM approval
Requires: Any Non-Good Alignment
Restriction: Sun Elf base race only
All Sun Elf abilities
Skill Affinity (Bluff): +4 racial bonus to bluff checks
15% Damage Immunity to Fire, Cold, Electricity
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Feat: Winged Character
Bonus Language: Abyssal
Special Abilities: Demonic Wings
Summon Stream: Demon
Rakshasa +3 Dex +2
Cha +2
(Dex +2
Cha +2)
Andunor Requires Major Award
Requires DM approval

Requires Lawful Evil Alignment
Spell Resistance: 26
5/+2 DR
Bluff +8
Skill Affinity: Listen
Skill Affinity: Spot
Vampire +3 see note see note Andunor Requires Major Award
Requires DM approval

immunity to negative energy damage
permanent Ultravision
Yuan-ti Pureblood +3 Int +2
Cha +2
Dex +2
(Int +2
Cha +2
Dex +2)
Cordor, Skal, Sencliff Base Race: Human
Requires Any Evil Alignment
Requires Greater Award

+6 racial bonus to Bluff
Feat: Snake-Blooded
Poison Immunity
Serpentine Polymorph - Yuan-ti can, at will, change to either a viper form (snake model), hybrid form (yuan-ti model if female, lizardfolk model if male), or human form through an ability selectable in the radial wheel.

Unavailable Races

The following races were previously supported, but may no longer be selected at character creation. They may be available one day in the future again.

Base Race Subrace ECL Stats Change to Base Stats Start Abilities
Human Half-Giant, Cloud +3 Str +2
Wis +2
Cha +2
(Str +2
Wis +2
Cha +2)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Major Award
Requires Any Neutral alignment
Cannot wield any tiny weapon
5% Slash Damage Immunity
10% Pierce Damage Immunity
5% Bludgeon Damage Immunity
25% Electrical Immunity
10/- Electrical Resistance
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Language: Giant
Summon Stream: Air
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Fog
Half-Giant, Fire +3 Str +4
Dex -2
Con +2
Cha -2
(Str +4
Dex -2
Con +2
Cha -2)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Greater Award
Requires Non-Chaotic alignment
Cannot wield any tiny weapon
5% Physical Damage Immunity
50% Fire Immunity
20/- Fire Resistance
25% Frost Vulnerability
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Language: Giant
Summon Stream: Fire
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Priest
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Fire Praetor
Half-Giant, Frost +3 Str +2
Dex -2
Con +4
Cha -2
(Str +2
Dex -2
Con +4
Cha -2)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Greater Award
Requires Any Neutral alignment
Cannot wield any tiny weapon
5% Physical Damage Immunity
50% Cold Immunity
20/- Cold Resistance
25% Fire Vulnerability
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Language: Giant
Summon Stream: Water
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Shaman
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Frost Skald
Half-Giant, Stone +3 Str +2
Dex -4
Con +4
(Str +2
Dex -4
Con +4)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Major Award
Requires Any Neutral alignment
Cannot wield any tiny weapon
10% Slash Damage Immunity
5% Pierce Damage Immunity
5% Bludgeon Damage Immunity
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Language: Giant
Summon Stream: Earth
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Stone Augur
Half-Giant, Storm +3 Str +2
Dex -2
Con +2
Cha +2
(Str +2
Dex -2
Con +2
Cha +2)
Cordor, Sencliff or Skal Requires Major Award
Requires Non-Lawful alignment
Cannot wield any tiny weapon
5% Physical Damage Immunity
25% Electrical Immunity
10/- Electrical Resistance
Bonus Feat: Amphibious Character
Bonus Feat: Darkvision
Bonus Language: Giant
Summon Stream: Air and Water
May take the Gift Bloodline of the Sage

Racial sizes

Creatures in Neverwinter Nights fall into one of five size categories: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge. The size is based upon appearance, unless it's custom Arelith race like the Derro or Wild dwarf.

Note: Planetouched, Rakshasa and Vampire take on the size of the base race.




