Spell Level(s): Bard 1, Cleric(Water, Ooze) 1, Druid 2, Elementalist 1, Hemomancer 1, Ranger 1, Shaman 1, Sorcerer 1, Spellsword 1, Warlock 1, Wizard 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Conjuration
Descriptor(s): None
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long (40 meters)
Area of Effect / Target: Medium (3.33 meters radius)
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 / 3 levels
Additional Counter Spells: Freedom of Movement
Save(s): Reflex
Spell Resistance: No
Description: A churning field of oil and grease fills the target area, causing all within to either fall down or move at a reduced speed. Persistent area spells do not stack with themselves. When the same spell is cast it will be replaced and refreshed. Different area spells may be stacked. Same spell by different caster stacks. The same spell may be cast away from 50% of the center of the Area of Effect (AoE) radius, allowing a section where they can overlap, and hit twice.
- The speed reduction is 50%, and this is applied upon entering the area of effect. (So, for example, having freedom when entering the area of effect negates the speed reduction, even if freedom is lost while in the affected area.) There is no saving throw for this aspect of the spell.
- The chance of falling down occurs every six seconds, independent of whether or not the speed reduction was effective. Staying on one's feet requires passing the saving throw (or immunity to knockdown).
- Creatures with woodland stride are immune to this spell, but due to a bug, incorporeal creatures are not.
- The speed reduction stacks when multiple grease spells have overlapping areas (overlapping is limited, see below).
- Under construction.
- Persistent area spells do not stack with themselves. When the same spell is cast it will be replaced and refreshed.
- Different area spells may be stacked.
- Same spell by different caster stacks.
- The same spell may be casted away from 50% of the center of the Area of Effect (AoE) radius, allowing a section where they can overlap, and hit twice.
- Acid Fog, Wall of Fire, Incendiary Cloud and Cloudkill spells will ignore NPC and PC corpses, but still damage furniture/placables normally.
- Table key:
- CEoR: Checks made on (e)ntry, per (r)ound, or (b)oth.
- SpR: Speed reduction.
- ↑ Movement speed reduction check on entry only.