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Misc Changes

From Arelith Wiki
Miscellaneous Changes
Character Creation
Creation (New Players Guide)
Race - Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds - Alignment
Marks - Epic Sacrifice
Customization - Head List - Builds
Character Systems
Description - Disguise / Covered
Languages - Experience - Quests
Pickpocket - Rest - Role Play Bonus
Death - Lycanthropy - Investigate
Sequencers - Runic Sequencers
World Systems
Settlements - Factions
Quarters - Shops - Taverns - Banks
Riding - Sailing - Boons
Communication - Portals
Time - Containers/Bags
Radiant Heart - Assassin's Guild
Sencliff's Pirates
Item Creation Systems
Alchemy - Art Craft - Carpentry
Herb - Smith - Tailor
Dweomercraft - Runes
Weapons - Melee / Ranged / Siege
Resources - Poison
Arelith Changes
Classes - Skills - Feats - Trap
Summons - Familiar Reskins
Spells (list) - Misc
Rules - Roleplay - Maps
Console Commands
Common Bugs - Staff
Support Tickets - Character Remake
[The Astrolabe]

This page lists and explains miscellaneous changes that have been made from how things work in Vanilla NWN.


The weigh that characters can carry has been increased so physically weaker characters can carry more items. The exact weigh goes like this:

Strength Normal Heavy
1 6 10
2 13 20
3 20 30
4 26 50
5 33 60
6 90 105
7 99 120
8 110 135
9 120 150
10 129 165
11 138 173
12 150 195
13 165 225
14 174 263
15 200 300
16 230 245
17 260 390
18 300 450
19 350 525
20 399 600
21 459 690
22 519 780
23 530 800
24 550 820
25 580 850
26 613 920

For strength values above 25 there are no custom changes.

Fixes and Overrides

The Harper Paragon can't select Divine Might, Divine Shield or Turn Undead unless they have levels in an existing divine class. This 2da file fixes this, but needs to be saved to your local override folder.

AFK Prevention

Players that have been inactive for 30 real life minutes will automatically be disconnected from the server and may freely reconnect.

Model Size

On creation, you have a few options to alter slightly the height and size of your character. These options range from Short (-5% size) to Tall (+5% Size) with several values in-between. If you want to alter your character's height again, you will have to ask a DM and use the Character Editor Room.

Item Creation and Customization

Procedural Looting

Rarely, magical equipment may be obtained as drop from different sources. Either looted from a corpse, or sitting pretty within a chest. These items are unlike others as they are not predefined, but instead they are randomly generated within a defined spectrum of skills and abilities.

Occasionally, tailored items may be dropped from bosses or looted from chests. These items are special in the way that they adapt specifically to the stats of a member of the party. For Example:

  • If a skill, it will only include Combat skills that you have invested points into, plus discipline.
  • Combat Skills include: Concentration, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Parry, Perform, Spot, Taunt, Spellcraft. Jewelry may also spawn with Heal.
  • If a stat, it will use your two highest stats plus CON, excluding INT if you don't have a level in wizard or assassin.

Each tic of time increases the chance that a tailored item will be found, but once one is found the chance is divided again. Otherwise, magical items without tailored abilities can be found.

There are basically two tiers of power of these magical items. Potentially, they can be as good as something a master enchanting may craft.

The quality and tier of these items is relevant to the difficulty and level of the creature/chest from where they are obtained.

Occasionally, runic magical items may be found. Runic items are further described here.

Sure Striking

A new item property called Sure Striking has been introduced. It allows a weapon to beat Damage Reduction up to the level listed independent of the weapon's Attack or Enhancement Bonus (e.g. Sure Striking: +5 would penetrate 20/+5 damage reduction, even if the weapon itself only has +2 Attack/Enhancement Bonus.). Existing weapons so far have achieved this effect by using a combination of Attack Bonuses and Attack Penalties. Sure Striking will be replacing this combination for existing and future weapons that feature this capability.

Misc Items

Heal Potion

Consuming a Heal Potion lowers sobriety at the same rate as spirits. This restricts the number of heal potions that can be consumed quickly. The Ironguts spell halves the sobriety loss from the potions.

Blade Orbs

A blade orb is an anti-pickpocket item. A character that pickpockets a blade orb will be paralyzed for a couple of rounds.

  • Blade orbs are usually found as part of loot in the modules, either from mobs or chests.
  • A high Search score from part of the pickpocketer will allow the pickpocketer to avoid the blade orbs altogether.
  • Pickpocketing grabs one slot.
  • A single blade orb has a (low, but reasonable) base chance of intercepting any successful pickpocket attempt. However, carrying additional blade orbs (even stacked) will further increase this chance.


A lasso has four functions. It can be either used to capture certain mobs, or it can be flung to certain specific locations to generate shortcuts, OR it can be used as a climbing rope to help other characters perform climb checks OR it can be used to constrict subdued characters.

The lasso can only be used to capture a limited array of creatures, following a few conditions:

  • Not boss-type creatures;
  • Not flagged as plot or immortal;
  • Not PC associates;
  • Medium or Small sized;
  • Near Death.

Attempting to capture a creature is a ranged touch attack. On successful touch attack and with all conditions met, the creature is captured and added to the party as a henchman. They will not attack, cannot be controlled in any way, and only passively follow the lassoer.

Note: Using the lasso on non hostile NPC's will cause them and others to turn hostile on you. This includes horses.

After capturing, bear in mind that:

  • One PC can only capture one creature at a time.
  • When you drop the lasso item, log off, or die, the captured creature will flee.
  • You can use the lasso item again on the captured creature to release it (it will flee) or you can use the lasso item on another PC, to transfer the captured creature to the targeted PC.
  • Captured creatures can be taken through transitions, portals and servers.
  • You can sell the captured creature to certain NPCs in the modules. The NPC buyers will demand different specific creatures each reset; selling these creatures will double the gold reward.
  • Selling the creature grants a relatively small sum of gold and Adventure XP.
  • Alternatively, characters can surrender creatures to the jailer of Cordor's Outskirts, but they won't receive any gold for it, only the capture XP.
  • Lassoed creatures will not incur an experience penalty like other summons or companions.
  • Distance of the creatures from the creature trader, the amount of creatures of the same type sold recently, and the time since the last a creature of the type was sold all factor in the rewarded gold/experience, from lowering the base reward to a 10%, or increasing it up to 150%.
  • A good appraise score increases the gold reward as well.

Alternatively, the lasso can be used to generate shortcuts or paths to otherwise unreachable areas.

For these purposes, you will have the climb skill calculated out of different elements.

  • Dex + Str modifier
  • +5 with Good Aim feat (Halfling) and +5 With Exotic Proficiency feat. ***pending

Along with this skill, you will also use the highest of your Spot or Search when you use the lasso.

The lasso can only be used in specific location. If your Search/Spot score is high enough, a floating text will appear when you approach one of these locations. Using the lasso in these locations will make a hookable element appear, like a rock or a ledge. If you click (just click, don't use the lasso again) on the element you will fling the lasso, putting the location DCs against your Rope Use skill.

Once the lasso is set, you can interact with it from either side to open a dialogue box with three options:

  • Climb - this uses the usual climbing mechanics (similar to the ones required to determine the Use Rope skill), but the DC is the DC of the location minus the lassoer Rope Use skill - this means that a lassoer with enough skill can make the climbing DC fall to 0!
  • Retrieve - This will return the lasso to the inventory, with a DC equal to the lassoer Use Rope skill - this means that the owner of the lasso can always retrieve their own lasso, provided that their stats didn't change.
  • Cut - This will destroy both the path and the lasso. There's no DC for this option.

Lastly, a lasso can be used on subdued PCs. An explanation of that is given in the subdual article, but the Use Rope mechanics are explained just above.


There are many secrets and treasures buried in the island of Arelith, around, and below it. If you think you've found the place where one of these secrets are hidden, you can try luck with the shovel!

If you are lucky - or clever - enough to find something, you will receive a small amount of experience, along with hauling to the surface whatever that was buried.

Note that these secret locations can only be dug once per reset, and if somebody has already dug it, you will get the same feedback as if there was nothing there!


There are no Bags of Holding, per se, in Arelith, but there are a few bags and containers that reduces the amount of items in a character inventory and in some cases the weight of them.

A complete list of them can be found here.


A keyring, usually bought from merchants, can store a very high number of keys, as long as they are not "cursed" keys. Quarter keys can be used automatically from within the keyring, but most other keys will require to be manually extracted from the keyring to be used.

Mundane Items

Some conditions in Arelith prevent the access to magic abilities. Specialist wizards of certain schools may never cast spells from their opposing schools, and null-magic zones impede the operation of magic, so be it casted or from magic items.

Enter mundane items, which through completely non-magical, chemical and other sorts of means, basically mimic some of these effects. Due to their mundane nature, they can be used by those who would be normally exempt, including the above-mentioned classes.

These items ignore spell resistance, and will not be affected by Wild Magic or Null Magic areas.

To see whether an item is mundane or not, simply check its description.