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Turn Undead

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Turn Undead
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[The Astrolabe]
Type of feat: Cleric Class, Paladin Class, Blackguard Class, Harper Paragon Class, Zhentarim Enforcer Class, Harbinger Class Bonus, Harper Priest Bonus
Prerequisite: Harper Priest 1, Harbinger (Divine Patronage Feat) 5
Automatically granted by: Cleric 1, Paladin 3, Blackguard 3, Harper Paragon 3, Zhentarim Enforcer 3
Required for: Divine Might, Divine Shield, Improved Turning, Planar Turning.
Specifics: With this feat, the character can inflict a number of effects (see below) on the affected targets. This ability may be actived three times, plus the character's charisma modifier. It replenishes a single activation every 10-11.5 minutes. Refreshes sequentially, once one cool down is complete the next replenishment will begin automatically. The character's relevant class levels (see below) and charisma are used to determine how many undead are turned.
  • Command: Turns target into a henchman, wanders off if removed from party.
  • Damage: Very specific domain interactions with certain targets will result in damaging the turned creatures.
  • Destroy: Target is destroyed
  • Fear: Applies Frightened at 10 Intensity.
  • Neutralize: Target turns neutral and wanders off. Works for matching character and target alignments.
    • Example: a Good aligned Good Domain Cleric turning a celestial, an evil aligned Evil Domain Cleric turning a fiend, or a neutral aligned Animal/Plant Cleric turning a neutral animal
  • Rebuke: Target is stunned.

Note: All of the above effects are automatically calculated and applied. Players only need to use on the Turn Undead feat. All can Neutralize, Destroy, Rebuke, or Fear the affected creatures (T), but only a select few can Command (C) or Damage (X) certain creatures (see feat page notes for more details).

Use: Selected
( View - Edit Feat )


  • Area of effect:A radius of 20 meters, centered on the turner. Hostile and Seen creatures are affected from nearest to furthest.
  • Turn undead has a HD cap based on the HD of the creature. Outsiders (if your domains allow you to turn them) add their SR (or half their SR if you have the Planar Turning feat) to this check.
  • This cap, (henceforth Power) is: Class bonus + 1d6 + Cha mod + Improved Turning Feat Bonus (1d6) + 1d2 per oath of inquisition.
  • A character is subject to turning if your domains permit it, and if its HD is lower than your remaining power. Every affected creature lowers the remaining HD of creatures that can be affected, but not the overall intensity of the effects.
  • An affected creature cannot be cured with the Restoration or Mind Protection (e.g. Clarity) lines of spells. However, the effect may be dispelled, with the turner's hit dice as the effective caster level of the turn effect.

Player Characters Turning

  • Player Characters that are affected are always struck with the custom Frighten effect - its intensity is equal to (remaining power - target HD)/2 , capping at 10 with a minimum of 2. This effect has a duration of 5 rounds.
  • Affected Player Characters are also struck with 12 seconds of a special effect that prevents them from targetting the Turner.
  • Player characters have an immunity period of 60 seconds after being affected.
  • Affected Player Characters will never show any VFX.

Non Player Characters Turning

  • If turner has a domain giving the Command power and power is twice that of the HD of the target creature and turner has less than 3 henchmen, the creature will be turned into a henchmen.
  • If power is twice that of the HD of the target creature, it is destroyed, or it wanders away disappearing solemnly into the horizon.
  • If it is not but it's still above its HD, it will instead be Rebuked (immobilized) or struck with the custom Frighten effect for a duration of 5+Power rounds at max intensity (10). The effect can vary depending on your alignment.
  • If turner has a domain giving damage, Turn Undead Power is also used to determine the effect of Domains that damage creatures.
Domain Effect
Sun Power/2 d3 Fire
Power/2 d3 Positive
Moon Power d3 Magic
Death Power d3 Magic
Destruction Power d3 Magic
Forge Power d3 Magic
Knowledge Power d3 Magic

Domain Interactions

Cleric Domain Aberration Animal Beast Construct Elemental Magical Beast Ooze Outsider Shapeshifter Undead Vermin
Air C T
Animal T C C C T T
Cold T T
Darkness T
Death X
Destruction X T
Earth C T
Evil C T
Fire C T
Forge C&X T
Good C T
Healing T
Illusion T
Knowledge C&X T
Magic T
Mind T
Moon T X
Ooze T C T
Plant T C T T T T
Protection T T
Storm T
Strength T
Suffering T
Sun T X
Travel T
Trickery T
Undeath C
Vermin T T T T T C
War T
Water C T T


  • None

Custom content notes

  • script: NW_S2_TurnDead