Melee Weapons

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Melee Weapons
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[The Astrolabe]

Melee Weapons are weapons that can be used only against close opponents, as opposed to ranged weapons.

See the main Weapons article for full information.

See the Weapon Grouping Summary Chart to review which weapons fall into which Arelith custom weapon feat groups.

Note: Recipes here are made with Smithing except for a few which use Carpentry or Tailoring. These have been noted below.
Note: For the purposes of stacking, an enhancement bonus is considered a damage bonus of the weapon's base damage type. In the case of multiple base damage types, an enhancement bonus is considered to be only a single damage type, in this order: Slashing -> Piercing -> Bludgeoning.

Bastard Sword

Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged, 2-Handed
Weight: 6.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Bastard Sword (Bronze) 228 7 1 70 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Bastard Sword (Iron) 257 8 15 1970 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Bastard Sword (Iron) 289 12 28 3580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
Ingot (Iron)
Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Bastard Sword (Steel) 318 15 53 6730 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Bastard Sword (Steel) 347 32 205 25630 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 damage
Bastard Sword (Greensteel) 556 27 112 14114 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Bastard Sword (Damask) 376 30 164 20550 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Bastard Sword (Damask) 405 53 543 67930 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Orog Bastard Sword 941 50 600 81770 gold 21st 1 Mithral Dust
1 Amaratha
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Orog Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Only Usable By: Half-Orc
Only Usable By: Orc
Weight Increase: 30 lbs
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Base Strength of 22 Required
Berserker Fang 1828 50 600 159380 gold 21st 1 Fossil Amber
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Blood Frenzy
Enhancement Bonus +4
Ability Bonus: +1 Strength
Massive Criticals: 2d6
Saving Throw Bonus: +1 vs Fear
Skill Bonus: +2 Intimidate
Skill Bonus: +1 Spellcraft
Skill Penalty: -3 Concentration
Cast Spell: Lesser Spell Mantle (9), 1 use per day
Class Requirement: Barbarian
(Only craftable by Barbarian, Shaman)
Increased UMD Requirement: 30
Callidyrr Blade 2143 50 600 65334 gold 16th 6 Ingot (Steel)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Uvarovite Gem
2 Keen Edge (Scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Damage Bonus: 3 Piercing
Massive Criticals: 1d8
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass
Song of Moonlight 2142 50 600 204582 gold 16th 6 Ingot (Silver)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Moonstone
2 Serene Visage (Scroll)
Crafter must be Drow
+4 Enhancement
Damage Bonus: 2d4 Sonic
Damage Bonus vs Evil: 2 Piercing
Extra Damage Type: Piercing
Skill Bonus: +3 Perform
Cast Spell: Good Hope, 1 use per day
Cast Spell: Aura of Glory (7), 1 use per day
Cast Spell: Moonbeam (9), 2 uses per day
Base Weight Reduction: 60%
Alignment Requirement: Non-evil
Race Requirement: Elf (any), Half-elf
Rune: Tier 3 Espruar
UMD Requirement: 45


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 7.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Battleaxe (Bronze) 217 3 1 20 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Battleaxe (Iron) 246 8 15 1920 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Battleaxe (Iron) 277 12 28 3530 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Battleaxe (Steel) 306 15 53 6680 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Battleaxe (Steel) 336 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Battleaxe (Greensteel) 539 27 112 14064 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Battleaxe (Damask) 365 30 164 20500 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Battleaxe (Damask) 727 53 543 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Frostmaiden's Kiss 1675 48 450 93454 21st 1 Ice Storm (scroll)
1 Cone of Cold (scroll)
1 Star Sapphire
4 Ingot (Greensteel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus +4
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1d6 Damage
Damage Bonus: Cold 1d10 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Skill Bonus: Climb +3
Runic (Generic:Thorass)
Only Usable by Evil
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Golden Axe of the Great Rift 1831 56 580 72620 21st 1 Amaratha
1 Dwarven Incantation
2 Ingot (Gold)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 3 Piercing
Damage Bonus: 1 Slashing
Damage Bonus vs Aberration: 2d4 Magical
Massive Criticals: 1d12
Saving Throw Bonus: +1 vs Mind Affecting
Race Requirement: Gold Dwarf
Rune: Dethek (Tier 3)
(Only craftable by Gold Dwarf)
UMD Requirement: 30
Despoiler 2141 50 600 116148 gold 16th 6 Ingot (Steel)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Fossil Amber
2 Battletide (scroll)
+4 Enhancement
Massive Critical 1d12
Damage Bonus vs Lawful: 2 Piercing
Skill Bonus: +2 Intimidate
Skill Bonus: +2 Sail
Skill Bonus: +2 Search
Extra Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Alignment Requirement: Non-lawful
UMD Requirement: 30
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass

Bill Hook

Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 12

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Bill Hook (Bronze) 3 1 20 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Bill Hook (Iron) 8 15 1920 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Bill Hook (Iron) 12 28 3530 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Bill Hook (Steel) 15 53 6680 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Bill Hook (Steel) 32 204 25580 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Bill Hook (Greensteel) 27 112 14064 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Bill Hook (Damask) 30 164 20500 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Bill Hook (Damask) 53 543 67880 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage


Base Damage: 1d4/1d4
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 3

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Cane 1 1 2 2nd Carpentry
1 Hardwood
Cane (Greensteel) 27 112 14064 13th Smithing
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Sturdy Cane 20 28 3512 2nd Carpentry
1 Hardwood
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d4 Damage
Hardened Cane 35 166 20802 13th Carpentry
1 Hardwood
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Topaz
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d8 Damage
Enchanted Cane 50 718 89780 16th Carpentry
1 Hardwood
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Topaz
1 Greater Magic Weapon (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Masterly Cane (Damask) 53 543 67880 16th Smithing
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage

Cavalry Weapons

Cavalry Axe

Base Damage: 2d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 8.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Cavalry Axe (Bronze) 1580 6 1 60 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Cavalry Axe (Iron) 1583 21 15 1960 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Cavalry Axe (Masterly Iron) 1586 22 28 3570 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Cavalry Axe (Steel) 1591 23 53 6720 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Cavalry Axe (Masterly Steel) 1589 32 204 25620 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Cavalry Axe (Greensteel) 1595 27 112 14104 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Cavalry Axe (Damask) 1598 30 164 20540 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Cavalry Axe (Masterly Damask) 1601 53 543 67920 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Orcslayer 1630 48 447 148152 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
5 Mojo
2 Rare Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +3
Attack Bonus vs.: Half Orc +5
Attack Bonus vs.: Orc +5
Attack Bonus vs.: Orog +5
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Half Orc 4 Negative Energy
Damage Bonus vs.: Orc 4 Negative Energy
Damage Bonus vs.: Orog 4 Negative Energy
Massive Criticals: 2d6 Damage
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses

Cavalry Hammer

Base Damage: 2d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning and Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 8.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Cavalry Hammer (Bronze) 1604 6 1 60 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Cavalry Hammer (Iron) 1632 21 15 1960 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Cavalry Hammer (Masterly Iron) 1633 22 28 3570 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Cavalry Hammer (Steel) 1635 23 53 6720 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Cavalry Hammer (Masterly Steel) 1634 32 204 25620 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Cavalry Hammer (Greensteel) 1636 27 112 14104 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Cavalry Hammer (Damask) 1637 30 164 20540gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Cavalry Hammer (Masterly Damask) 1638 53 543 67920 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Bec de Corbin 1631 48 447 55974 gold 21st 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Rare Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Massive Criticals: 2d8 Damage

Cavalry Sword

Base Damage: 2d3
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing and Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 8.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Cavalry Sword (Bronze) 1582 6 1 60 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Cavalry Sword (Iron) 1585 21 15 1960 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Cavalry Sword (Masterly Iron) 1588 22 28 3570 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Cavalry Sword (Steel) 1593 23 53 6720 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Cavalry Sword (Masterly Steel) 1594 32 204 25620 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Cavalry Sword (Greensteel) 1597 27 112 14104 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Cavalry Sword (Damask) 1600 30 164 20540 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Cavalry Sword (Masterly Damask) 1603 53 543 67920 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Knight Commander's Saber 1628 48 447 145154 gold 21th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Gold)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rose Quartz
Attack Bonus: +2
+5 Sure Striking
Damage Bonus: 4 Slashing
Massive Criticals: 1d6 Damage
Skill Bonus: +3 Leadership
Skill Bonus: +3 Intimidate
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass
Only Usable By: Cavalier OR Knight OR Paladin OR Harper Paragon OR Divine Champion
Increased UMD Requirement (30)


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Primitive, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Barbed slayer (Bronze) 501 16 4 502 gold 2nd Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Barbed slayer (Iron) 497 8 34 4352 gold 2nd Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Masterly Barbed slayer (Iron) 498 12 53 6662 gold 2nd Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Barbed slayer (Steel) 500 25 86 10812 gold 2nd Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Masterly Barbed slayer (Steel) 499 15 265 33212 gold 13th Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Club (Greensteel) 543 27 112 14046 gold 13th Smithing:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Barbed slayer (Damask) 503 33 219 27382 gold 13th Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Masterly Barbed slayer (Damask) 738 53 543 80012 gold 16th Smithing:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Slayer 33 1 1 2 gold 2nd Carpentry:
1 Hardwood
Masterly slayer 34 21 12 1620 gold 2nd Carpentry:
1 Gem Dust (Diamond)
1 Hardwood
Enhancement Bonus: +1
Adventurer's torch 42 21 13 1712 gold 2nd Carpentry:
1 Alchemist's fire
1 Bandage roll
1 Hardwood
Damage Bonus: Fire 1 Damage
Light: Normal (15m) Orange
Barbed slayer (Greensteel) 31 28 136 17112 gold 13th Carpentry:
6 Hardwood
2 Sapphire
1 Greater Magic Weapon (scroll)
6 Spider silk
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Massive Criticals: 1d6
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Weigh Reduction: 80% of Weight (2.4 lbs)

Colossal Weapons

Colossal Armament

Base Damage: 3d6
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Huge
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 42.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Claw of the King Eater (Giant Armament) 2164 47 530 164306 gold 21st 2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Star Ruby
6 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
6 Dragon Blood
3 Blade Thrist (Scroll)
Attack Bonus +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing +3
Vampiric Regen: +5
Strength: +1
Massive Criticals: 2d8
Only usable by: Ogre
UMD Requirement: 30

Colossal Axe

Base Damage: 2d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Huge
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 42.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Colossal Axe (Bronze) 1841 1 1 400 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Bronze)
Colossal Axe (Iron) 1842 8 16 2300 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Colossal Axe (Masterly Iron) 1849 12 28 3910 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Colossal Axe (Steel) 1852 15 54 7060 gold 2nd 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Colossal Axe (Masterly Steel) 1855 32 205 25960 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Colossal Axe (Greensteel) 1870 25 113 14444 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Colossal Axe (Damask) 1856 30 164 20880 gold 13th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Colossal Axe (Masterly Damask) 1859 53 732 68260 gold 16th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Valiance (Colossal Axe) 1874 55 600 69724 gold 16th 2 Ingot (Adamantine)
6 Ingot (Mithral)
6 Ingot (Silver)
1 Moonstone
1 Undeath's Eternal Foe
Enhancement Bonus +4
Damage Bonus vs Evil: 2 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs Undead: 2 Piercing
Extra Melee Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Massive Critical: 1d12
Rune: Tier 3 Celestial
Only usable by: Good
UMD Requirement: 30
Horned Cleaver (Colossal Axe) 2008 55 600 482818 gold 16th 2 Ingot (Adamantine)
6 Ingot (Steel)
1 Amaratha
4 Horn of a Magical Creature
10 Ichor
Enhancement Bonus +4
Damage Bonus vs Gnoll: 1d4 Bleeding
Damage Bonus vs Undead: 1d4 Fire
On Hit: Wounding
Massive Criticals: 1d12
Cast Spell: Blood Frenzy (7) x2 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Fiendish
Only usable by: Non-good
UMD Requirement: 30

Colossal Hammer

Base Damage: 2d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Huge
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 50.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Colossal Hammer (Bronze) 1844 1 1 376 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Bronze)
Colossal Hammer (Iron) 1845 8 16 2162 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Colossal Hammer (Masterly Iron) 1848 12 28 3675 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Colossal Hammer (Steel) 1850 15 54 6636 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Colossal Hammer (Masterly Steel) 1854 32 205 24402 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Colossal Hammer (Greensteel) 1868 25 113 13577 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Colossal Hammer (Damask) 1858 30 164 19627 13th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Colossal Hammer (Masterly Damask) 1860 53 732 64164 gold 16th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Wrath Prince's Rage (Colossal Hammer) 1873 55 600 115561 gold 16th 6 Ingot (Iron)
6 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Star Sapphire
1 Burst of Glacial Wrath
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d10 Cold
Massive Critical: 1d10
Extra Melee Damage Type: Slashing
Skill Bonus: +2 Intimidate
Rune: Tier 3 Fiendish
Only usable by: Evil
UMD Requirement: 30
Skiltgravr's Hammer (Colossal Hammer) 2160 53 470 103212 gold 21st 6 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Amaratha
4 Dragon Hide
3 Glyph of Warding (Scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Sonic
Massive Critical: 1d8
Extra Melee Damage Type: Slashing +2
Extra Melee Damage Type: Bludgeoning +2
Cast Spell: Glyph of Warding 3/per day
Rune: Tier 3 Dethek
Only usable by: Cleric, Shaman, Paladin, FvS, Druid, Paladin, Ranger
UMD Requirement: 30

Colossal Sword

Base Damage: 2d8
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Huge
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 38.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Colossal Sword (Bronze) 1843 1 1 400 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Bronze)
Colossal Sword (Iron) 1846 8 16 2300 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Colossal Sword (Masterly Iron) 1848 12 28 2300 gold 2nd 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Colossal Sword (Steel) 1851 15 54 7060 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Colossal Sword (Masterly Steel) 1853 32 205 25960 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Colossal Sword (Greensteel) 1869 25 113 1444 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Colossal Sword (Damask) 1857 30 167 20880 gold 13th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Colossal Sword (Masterly Damask) 1860 53 732 68260 gold 16th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Legacy of Wyrmrever (Colossal Sword) 1872 55 600 68494 gold 21st 6 Ingot (Mithral)
6 Ingot (Bronze)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Orange Topaz
1 Mind Blank
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs Dragon: 4 Piercing
Massive Critical: 1d10
Extra Melee Damage Type: Piercing
Saving Throw Bonus: +1 Will
Rune: Tier 3 Dethek
Only usable by: Half-Giant
UMD Requirement: 30
Battlecry (Colossal Sword) 2012 55 600 102448 gold 16th 6 Ingot (Gold)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rosenstone
2 Battletide
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Saving Throw Bonus: +2 Fear
Skill Bonus: +3 Leadership
Skill Bonus: +2 Intimidate
Skill Bonus: +2 Taunt
Cast Spell: Good Hope (7) x1 per day
Cast Spell: War Cry (7) x2 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Dethek

Colossal Spear

Base Damage: 2d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Huge
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 33.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has customised Arelith mechanics, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Colossal Spear (Bronze) 1997 1 1 400 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Bronze)
Colossal Spear (Iron) 1998 8 16 2300 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Colossal Spear (Masterly Iron) 1999 12 31 3910 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Colossal Spear (Steel) 2000 15 54 6710 gold 2nd 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Colossal Spear (Masterly Steel) 2001 32 205 25610 gold 2nd 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Colossal Spear (Greensteel) 2002 25 113 14094 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Colossal Spear (Damask) 2003 30 164 20530 gold 13th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Colossal Spear (Masterly Damask) 2004 53 732 67910 gold 16th 6 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Augur of Tempests 2009 55 600 140306 gold 21st 4 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Azurite
6 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
2 Chain Lightning
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus: 1 Piercing
Damage Bonus: 2 Slashing
Damage Bonus: 1d10 Lightning
Massive Criticals: 2d4
Cast Spell: Call Lightning (11) x2 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Dethek
Cinder of the Hunt Mother 2156 49 510 203766 gold 21st 4 Ingot (Mithral)

2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Orange Topaz
4 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
2 Regenerate

Enhancement Bonus: +4

Damage Bonus: 1d10 Fire
Vampiric Regeneration: +3
Massive Criticals: 2d6
Skill Bonus: +4 Heal


Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 1.0

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Dagger (Bronze) 229 1 1 4 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Dagger (Iron) 258 8 15 1904 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Dagger (Iron) 290 12 28 3514 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Dagger (Steel) 319 15 53 6664 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Dagger (Steel) 348 32 204 25564 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Dagger (Greensteel) 529 25 94 11764 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Dagger (Damask) 377 30 163 20484 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Dagger (Damask) 731 53 542 67864 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Damask Main-Gauche 406 32 163 27088 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Skill Bonus: Parry +4
Dead Man's Cross 1152 53 533 66704 gold 16th 1 Dragon Oil
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot(Steel)
1 Skull Emblem
1 Ametrine
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1d4 Damage
Only Usable By: Assassin
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Athame of Carnage 1875 45 350 76140 gold 16th 4 Shaped Obsidian (Superior)
4 Onyx
1 Star Ruby
1 Vial of Preserved Blood
1 Scroll: Vampire Touch
Enhancement Bonus: +2
Ability Bonus: Charisma +1
Additional Property: Use Magic Device 50
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +2
Skill Bonus: Concentration +2
Skill Bonus: Intimidate +2
Bonus Feat: Spell Penetration
Immunity Damage Type: Bleeding [5%]
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal +1
Thorass Rune, Tier 3
Only Useable by: Hemomancer
Visual Effect : Drops, Red
Rune T3 - Fiendish

Dire Mace

Base Damage: 1d12 / 1d12
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed, Polearm
Weight: 8.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Mistreater (Bronze) 222 7 1 80 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Mistreater (Iron) 249 8 15 1980 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Masterly Mistreater (Iron) 281 12 28 3590 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Mistreater (Steel) 313 15 53 6740 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Mistreater (Steel) 342 32 205 25640 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Mistreater (Greensteel) 554 25 94 11840 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Mistreater (Damask) 371 30 164 20560 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Mistreater (Damask) 745 53 543 67940 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Orcish Blood Mace 834 45 400 89520 gold 21st 1 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
5 Blood Frenzy (scroll)
1 Black Blade of Disaster (scroll)
Half-Orc, Orog Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs: Dwarf 1d8 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs: Elf 1d8 Damage Piercing
Massive Criticals: 1d8
Vampiric Regeneration: +3
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Use: Blood Frenzy (7) 4 uses/day
Tier 3 Dethek (Orcish) Rune
Only Usable By: Half-Orc OR Orc (Orog)
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Summer of Idyll 1970 40 160 96020 gold 21st 1 Mistreater (Damask)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Bluestone
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Mass Critical: 2d8
Spell: Barkskin (12), 1 per day
Spell: Spike Growth (9), 1 per day
Spell: Sunfire (13), 1 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Espruar
Requirement: Druid, Ranger, Shaman
Increased UMD Requirement (30)

Double Axe

Base Damage: 3d4 / 3d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed, Polearm
Weight: 15

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Double axe (Bronze) 218 6 1 60 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Double axe (Iron) 247 8 15 1960 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Double axe (Iron) 279 12 28 3570 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Double axe (Steel) 311 15 53 6720 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Double axe (Steel) 340 32 204 25620 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Double axe (Greensteel) 553 25 94 11820 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Double axe (Damask) 369 30 164 20540 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Double axe (Damask) 398 53 543 67920 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Orcish Blood Axe 835 45 400 89500 gold 21st 1 mithral Dust
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
5 Blood Frenzy (scroll)
1 Black Blade of Disaster (scroll)
Half-Orc, Orog Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs: Dwarf 1d8 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs: Elf 1d8 Damage Piercing
Massive Criticals: 2d6
Vampiric Regeneration: +3
Use: Blood Frenzy (7) 4 uses/day
Tier 3 Dethek (Orcish) Rune
Only Usable By: Half-Orc OR Orc (Orog)
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Axe of the Yuirwood 1969 50 600 131850 gold 4 Ingot (Silver)
6 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rogue Stone
2 Dismissal (Scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Massive Critical 2d8
Damage vs Beast: 1d4 Magical
Damage vs Vermin: 1d4 Magical
Spell: Dismissal (12), 2 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Espruar
Only Usable By: Half-elf
Increased UMD Requirement (30)

Dwarven Waraxe

Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Dwarf
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 8.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Dwarven Waraxe (Bronze) 459 6 1 60 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Dwarven Waraxe (Iron) 461 8 15 1960 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Dwarven Waraxe (Iron) 460 12 28 3570 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Dwarven Waraxe (Steel) 463 15 53 6720 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Dwarven Waraxe (Steel) 462 32 204 25620 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Dwarven Waraxe (Greensteel) 538 27 112 14104 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Dwarven Waraxe (Damask) 465 30 164 20540 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Dwarven Waraxe (Damask) 726 53 543 67920 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Dwarven Rune Axe 807 45 400 77250 gold 21st 1 Dwarven Incantation
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Cone of Cold (scroll)
1 Star Sapphire
Dwarven Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs.: Orcs Cold 4 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Goblinoid Cold 4 Damage
Damage bonus vs.: Half-Orcs Cold 2 Damage
Only Usable By: Dwarf
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Duerthuldor (Dwarven Waraxe) 2167 52 480 172110 21St 3 Ingot (Iron)
4 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Royal Tourmaline
2 Acid Fog (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: +2 Piercing
Damage Bonus: +2 Slashing
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Acid
Damage Immunity: 10% Psychic
Runic (Dethek)
Only Craftable by Duergar


Base Damage: 2d4
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 16.0

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Falchion (Bronze) 1415 7 1 75 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Falchion (Iron) 1416 8 16 2060 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Falchion (Masterly Iron) 1425 12 29 3743 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Falchion (Steel) 1426 15 56 7034 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Falchion (Masterly Steel) 1435 33 214 26785 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Falchion (Greensteel) 1450 27 118 14751 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Falchion (Damask) 1440 30 171 21476 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Falchion (Masterly Damask) 1443 55 567 70988 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage

Great Club

Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Primitive
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 12

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Great Club (Bronze) 1413 2 1 75 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Great Club (Iron) 1417 8 15 1912 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Great Club (Masterly Iron) 1423 12 28 3522 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Great Club (Steel) 1427 15 53 6672 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Great Club (Masterly Steel) 1433 32 204 25572 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Great Club (Greensteel) 1446 27 112 14056 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Great Club (Damask) 1436 30 163 20492 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Great Club (Masterly Damask) 1442 53 542 67872 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Dwarf Crusher 1972 50 600 218234 gold 4 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rogue Stone
6 Coal
Attack Bonus: +4
Attack Bonus vs Dwarf: +5
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Damage vs Dwarf: 1d8 Piercing
Damage vs Construct: 1d8 Sonic
Spell: Crumble (11), 2 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Dethek
Requirement: Half-Giant, Half-Orc, Ogre, Orog
Increased UMD Requirement (30)


Base Damage: 3d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 12.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Greataxe (Bronze) 216 5 1 40 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Greataxe (Iron) 244 8 15 1940 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Greataxe (Iron) 276 15 28 3550 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Greataxe (Steel) 300 23 53 6700 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Greataxe (Steel) 334 32 204 25600 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Greataxe (Greensteel) 555 25 112 14084 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Greataxe (Damask) 363 30 164 20520 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Greataxe (Damask) 392 53 543 67900 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Colossi's End 1706 48 495 222750 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Essence (Giant's Bane)
Dwarven Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Attack Bonus vs.: Giant +5
Damage Bonus vs.: Aberration 4 Damage Electrical
Damage Bonus vs.: Firbolg 4 Damage Electrical
Damage Bonus vs.: Giant 4 Damage Electrical
Damage Bonus vs.: Minotaur 4 Damage Electrical
Damage Bonus vs.: Monstrous 4 Damage Electrical
Damage Bonus vs.: Ogre 4 Damage Electrical
Tier 3 Rune
Only Usable By: Chaotic Good OR Lawful Good OR Lawful Neutral OR Neutral Good
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Fiendish Reaver 1774 50 600 161140 gold 21st
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
4 Vial of Preserved Blood
1 Star Ruby
Blackguard OR Warlock OR Harbinger Smith
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 2 Piercing
Damage Bonus: 2 Slashing
Damage Bonus: 1d10 Acid
Damage Bonus vs Good: 2 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs Outsiders: 2 Magical
Massive Criticals: 2d6
Vampiric Regeneration: +3
Rune: Fiendish (Tier 3)
Only Usable By: Evil
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Heavenly Fire 2144 50 600 158700 gold 16th 4 Ingot (Silver)
6 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Sunstone Gem
2 Sunburst (scroll)
+4 Enhancement
Damage Bonus: 1d6 Fire
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Divine
Massive Criticals: 1d10
Cast Spell: Sunfire (13), 2 uses per day
Cast Spell: Light (5), 1 use per day
Alignment Requirement: Non-evil
Crafting Requirement: Cleric, Paladin, Divine Champion
UMD Requirement: 30
Rune: Tier 3 Celestial


Base Damage: 2d6
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: 8

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Greatsword (Bronze) 232 8 1 100 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Greatsword (Iron) 261 8 16 2000 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Greatsword (Iron) 293 12 28 3610 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Greatsword (Steel) 322 15 54 6760 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Greatsword (Steel) 351 32 205 25660 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Greatsword (Greensteel) 552 25 113 11860 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Greatsword (Damask) 760 30 164 20580 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Greatsword (Damask) 409 53 732 67960 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Unfettering Edge 1705 50 525 126344 gold 21st 1 Star Ruby
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Freedom of Movement (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d6 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus: Sonic 1d10 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Lawful 1d4 Pierce Damage
Massive Criticals: 1d8 Damage
Use: Freedom of Movement (7) 2 uses/day
Only Usable By: Chaotic
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Orog Slayer Sword 939 50 600 128350 gold 21st 1 mithral Dust
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
4 Ingot (Steel)
Orog Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Only Usable By: Half-Orc
Only Usable By: Orc
Weight Increase: 50 lbs
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Base Strength of 24+ Required
Mind Absolver 2011 50 600 253430 gold 21st 4 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Azurite
2 Mind Blank
1 Whaler's Cry
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Enhancement vs Aberration: +5
Massive Critical: 2d8
Damage Bonus vs Aberration: 1d6 Force
Damage Immunity: Psychic 10/-
Saving Throw Bonus: +2 Mind Affecting
Skill Bonus: +2 Concentration
Extra Damage Type: Piercing
Cast Spell: Lesser Mindblank (9) x1 per day
Cast Spell: Clarity (2) x2 per day
Cast Spell: Clairvoyance (1) x1 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass


Base Damage: 1d12
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing & Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 12

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Halberd (Bronze) 233 3 1 20 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Halberd (Iron) 262 8 15 1920 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Halberd (Iron) 294 12 28 3530 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Halberd (Steel) 323 15 53 6680 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Halberd (Steel) 352 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Halberd (Greensteel) 550 25 94 11780 gold 13th 4 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Halberd (Damask) 381 30 164 20500 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Halberd (Damask) 410 53 543 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Honor Guard Halberd 1562 42 380 80664 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Gold)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ruby
Enhancement Bonus: +3
Damage Immunity: Bludgeoning 5% Immunity
Damage Immunity: Slashing 5% Immunity
Damage Immunity: Piercing 5% Immunity
Lawful Protector 1775 50 600 117246 gold 21st 6 Ingot (Steel)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rosenstone
1 Shield Scroll
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus: 2 Slashing
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Electrical
Massive Criticals: 2d4
Use: Shield (5) 2 uses/day
Use: Mage Armor (2) 1 uses/day
Runic (Thorass)


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Monk, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties

Handaxe (Bronze) 274 2 1 12 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Handaxe (Iron) 245 8 15 1912 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Handaxe (Iron) 278 15 28 3522 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Handaxe (Steel) 307 23 53 6672 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Handaxe (Steel) 335 32 204 25572 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Handaxe (Greensteel) 528 25 94 11772 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Handaxe (Damask) 364 30 163 20492 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Handaxe (Damask) 728 53 542 67872 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Joyous Dance 1836 60 718 89804 gold 21st 1 Rogue Stone
4 Wine
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Silver)
1 Tasha's Hideous Laughter
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Massive Criticals: 1d6
Saving Throw Bonus: +1 vs Mind Affecting
Skill Bonus: +2 Taunt
Skill Penalty: -2 Concentration
Spell Resistance: 12
Cast Spell: Tasha's Hideous Laughter (7) 3 uses per day
Alignment Requirement: Chaotic
Rune: Espruar (Tier 3)
(Craftable by Fey, Elf*)
Drow are not joyful enough
UMD Requirement: 30

Heavy Flail

Base Damage: 1d12
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion, 2-Handed
Weight: 10.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Heavy flail (Bronze) 236 4 1 30 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Heavy flail (Iron) 264 8 15 1930 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Masterly Heavy flail (Iron) 296 12 28 3540 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Heavy flail (Steel) 325 15 53 6690 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Heavy flail (Steel) 354 32 204 25590 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Heavy flail (Greensteel) 551 27 112 14074 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Heavy flail (Damask) 383 30 164 20510 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Heavy flail (Damask) 739 53 543 67890 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Gravekeepers Repose 1564 48 482 60254 gold 12th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Giant Bone
5 Holy Water
1 Bless Weapon (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +2
Attack Bonus vs: Undead +6
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Damage Bonus vs: Undead 2d6 Damage Divine
Yeenoghu's Hunger 1664 50 600 394834 gold 21st 1 Star Ruby
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
4 Ingot (Greensteel)
10 Ichor
1 Infestation of Maggots (scroll)
Crafter must be Gnoll
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Acid 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Lawful 1d4 Damage Piercing
Extra Melee Damage: Slashing
Runic (Infernal)
On Hit: Disease DC=22 Slimy Doom
Only Useable By: Evil
Only Useable By: Gnoll
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Plague's Cure 1776 50 600 169146 gold 21st 4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Silver)
5 Healing Draught
1 Rosestone
Attack Bonus: +4
Massive Criticals 1d8
Damage Bonus: 2 Slashing
Damage Bonus: 2 Bludgeoning
Attack Bonus: +5 vs Vermin
Damage Bonus: 1d10 Fire
Damage Bonus vs.: Vermin 2 Magical
Use: Remove Disease (5) 2 uses/day
Use: Neutralize Poison (5) 2 uses/day
Use: Lesser Restoration (3) 1 uses/day
Runic (Espruar)

(Crafted by Paladin, Cleric, Ranger, or Druid smith)

Heavy Pick

Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 6

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Heavy Pick (Bronze) 1412 3 1 16 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Heavy Pick (Iron) 1418 8 15 1916 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Heavy Pick (Masterly Iron) 1422 12 28 3526 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Heavy Pick (Steel) 1428 15 53 6676 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Heavy Pick (Masterly Steel) 1432 32 204 25576 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Heavy Pick (Greensteel) 1447 27 112 14060 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Heavy Pick (Damask) 1439 30 163 20496 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Heavy Pick (Masterly Damask) 1441 53 543 67872 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Kurtulmattok (Large) 1561 45 400 54096 gold 16th 8 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Dragonhide
1 Amaratha
8 Dragon Blood
Kobold Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs: Gnome 1d6 Damage Slashing
Only Usable By: Kobold
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses


Base Damage: 1d8/1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning & Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Gnome
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 8

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Hookhammer (Bronze) 3 1 16 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Hookhammer (Iron) 8 15 1916 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Hookhammer (Iron) 12 28 3526 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Hookhammer (Steel) 15 53 6676 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Hookhammer (Steel) 32 204 25576 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Hookhammer (Greensteel) 27 112 14060 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Hookhammer (Damask) 30 163 20496 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Hookhammer (Damask) 53 543 67880 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Assassin, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 2.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Kama (Bronze) 220 1 1 4 Gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)

Kama (Iron) 251 8 15 1904 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Kama (Iron) 285 12 28 3514 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Kama (Steel) 308 15 53 6664 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Kama (Steel) 339 32 204 25564 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Kama (Greensteel) 531 27 94 11764 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Kama (Damask) 366 30 163 20484 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Kama (Damask) 748 53 542 67864 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Disciple's Kama 1149 50 500 134482 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Ashwood Stabilizer
1 Rare Hardwood
1 Hardening Finish
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 7 Damage
Only Usable By: Monk
UMD Requirement (25)
Disciple's Kama 1148 55 500 134482 gold 16th Smithing
1 Dragon Oil
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 7 Damage
Only Usable By: Monk
UMD Requirement (25)


Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes, Also 2H Finesse
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged, 2-Handed
Weight: 6.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Katana (Bronze) 225 7 1 80 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Katana (Iron) 254 8 15 1980 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Katana (Iron) 287 12 28 3590 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Katana (Steel) 315 15 53 6740 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Katana (Steel) 345 32 205 25640 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Katana (Greensteel) 535 27 112 14124 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Katana (Damask) 373 30 164 20560 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Katana (Damask) 733 53 543 67940 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Force of Honor 1838 50 600 60140 gold 21st 1 Jade
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Piercing
Damage Bonus: 2 Slashing
Massive Criticals 1d6
Skill Bonus: +1 Discipline
Skill Bonus: +3 Ride
Thorass Rune, Tier 3
Alignment Requirement: Lawful
UMD Requirement: 30


Base Damage: 2d2
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing & Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Assassin, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged, Unarmed
Weight: 1.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Katar (Bronze) 1641 5 1 40 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Katar (Iron) 1642 21 15 1940 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Katar (Iron) 1643 22 28 3550 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Katar (Steel) 1645 23 53 6700 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Katar (Steel) 1644 32 204 25600 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Katar (Greensteel) 1646 27 112 14084 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Katar (Damask) 1647 30 164 20520 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Katar (Damask) 1648 53 543 67900 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Katar of Verdant Growth 1662 48 480 227416 gold 21st 5 Lady's Tear
3 King's Crown
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
3 Small Seed Balm
1 Rosenstone
Enhancement Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus vs.: Vermin +6
Damage Bonus vs.: Evil 2 Damage Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs.: Vermin 2d12 Damage Sonic
Damage Bonus vs.: Aberration 2d8 Damage Divine
Enhancement Bonus: Wisdom +1
Runic (Celestial)
Only Usable By: Good
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Eldarbat Nihayah (Final Blow) 1663 51 573 71740 gold 21st 1 Dragon Oil
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Jade
1 Skull Emblem
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Magical 1 Damage
Massive Criticals: 2d4 Damage
Runic (Generic:Thorass)
Only Usable By: Assassin
Increased UMD Requirement (30)


Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 2.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Kukri (Bronze) 221 3 1 16 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Kukri (Iron) 252 8 15 1916 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Kukri (Iron) 284 12 28 3526 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Kukri (Steel) 309 15 53 6676 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Kukri (Steel) 338 32 204 25576 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Kukri (Greensteel) 530 27 112 14060 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Kukri (Damask) 367 30 163 20496 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Kukri (Damask) 746 53 543 67876 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Note: Lances are only usable when mounted.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Lance (Bronze) 1389 1 1 2 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Lance (Iron) 1391 8 15 1916 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Lance (Masterly Iron) 1392 12 28 3512 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
Ingot (Iron)
Ingot (Silver)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Lance (Steel) 1393 15 53 6662 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Lance (Masterly Steel) 1394 32 204 25562 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Lance (Greensteel) 1397 27 112 14046 gold 13th Carpentry:
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Lance (Damask) 1395 30 163 20482 gold 13th Carpentry:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Hardwood
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Lance(Masterly Damask) 1396 53 543 67862 gold 16th Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Ironwood Lance 1567 53 540 122462 gold 21st Carpentry:
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
4 Rare Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Platebreakers Lance 1569 50 600 87452 gold 21st Carpentry:
1 Rose Quartz
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
4 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
8 Rare Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 2d8 Damage
Runic (Generic:Thorass)
Only Usable By: Cavalier
Increased UMD Requirement (30)

Lance (Small)

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Note: Lances can only be used while mounted.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Small Lance (Bronze) 1388 1 1 2 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Small Lance (Iron) 1390 8 15 1916 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Small Lance (Masterly Iron) 1398 12 28 3512 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
Ingot (Iron)
Ingot (Silver)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Small Lance (Steel) 1399 15 53 6662 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Small Lance (Masterly Steel) 1400 32 204 25562 gold 2nd Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Small Lance (Greensteel) 1403 27 112 14046 gold 13th Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Small Lance (Damask) 1401 30 163 20482 gold 13th Carpentry:
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Hardwood
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Small Lance(Masterly Damask) 1402 53 543 67876 gold 16th Carpentry:
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Ironwood Lance (Small) 1566 53 540 122462 gold 21st Carpentry:
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
4 Rare Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Platebreakers Lance (Small) 1568 50 600 87452 gold 21st Carpentry:
1 Rose Quartz
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
4 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
8 Rare Hardwood
Only Usable While Mounted
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 2d8 Damage
Only Usable By: Cavalier
Increased UMD Requirement (30)

Light Flail

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 19-20x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 5.0 lbs
Note: Light Flails cannot be offhand wielded

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Light flail (Bronze) 235 3 1 16 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)

Light flail (Iron) 265 8 15 1916 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage

Masterly Light flail (Iron) 297 12 28 3526 gold 2nd 2 Coal
Ingot (Iron)
Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Light flail (Steel) 326 15 53 6676 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Light flail (Steel) 355 32 204 25576 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Light flail (Greensteel) 540 27 112 14060 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Light flail (Damask) 384 30 163 20496 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Light flail (Damask) 740 53 543 67876 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Goblin Scourge Flail 796 45 307 61066 gold 16th Carpentry
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rare Hardwood
3 Malyss Roots
1 Skull Emblem
1 Fossil Amber
Carpenter must be a goblin
Enhancement: +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Use: Fear (5) 3 uses/day
Only Useable By: Goblin
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses

Light Hammer

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 2.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Light hammer (Bronze) 237 1 1 2 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Light hammer (Iron) 266 8 15 1902 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Masterly Light hammer (Iron) 298 12 28 3512 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Light hammer (Steel) 327 15 53 6662 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Light hammer (Steel) 356 32 204 25562 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Light hammer (Greensteel) 525 21 112 140446 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Light hammer (Damask) 385 30 163 20482 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Light hammer (Damask) 742 53 542 67862 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Svirfneblin Rune Hammer 836 45 400 60000 gold 21st 1 Amaratha
1 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
4 Ingot (Steel)
1 Bless Weapon (scroll)
Svirfneblin Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs.: Elf 4 Damage Divine
Damage Bonus vs.: Evil 1d6 Damage Piercing
Massive Criticals: 2d4 Damage
Only Useable By: Gnome
Increased UMD Requirement: 30

Light Pick

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 4

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Light Pick (Bronze) 1386 1 1 16 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Light Pick (Iron) 1404 8 15 1916 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Light Pick (Masterly Iron) 1405 12 28 3526 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Light Pick (Steel) 1406 15 53 6676 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Light Pick (Masterly Steel) 1407 32 204 25576 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Light Pick (Greensteel) 1410 27 112 14060 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Light Pick (Damask) 1408 30 163 20496 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Light Pick (Masterly Damask) 1409 53 542 67872 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Kurtulmattok (Small) 1560 45 400 54088 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Amaratha
4 Dragon Blood
1 Dragonhide
Kobold Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs: Gnome 1d6 Damage Slashing
Only Usable By: Kobold
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Elf
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 4.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Longsword (Bronze) 231 4 1 30 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Longsword (Iron) 260 8 15 1930 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Longsword (Iron) 292 12 28 3540 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Longsword (Steel) 321 15 53 6690 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Longsword (Steel) 350 32 204 25590 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Longsword (Greensteel) 537 27 112 14074 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Longsword (Damask) 379 30 164 20510 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Longsword (Damask) 735 53 543 67890 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Elfblade 808 41 512 43274 gold 21st

1 Moonstone
1 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Silver)
3 Gem Dust (Diamond)
Elf (Non-Drow) OR Half-Elf Smith

Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs.: Drow 1d8 Damage Slashing
Damage Bonus vs.: Goblinoid 1d8 Damage Slashing
Damage Bonus vs.: Orc 1d8 Damage Slashing
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Base Item Weight Reduction: 40% of Weight (1.6lbs)
Runic (Espruar)
Only Useable By: Aquatic Elf OR Avariel OR Half-Elf OR Moon Elf OR Sun Elf OR Wild Elf OR Wood Elf
Increased UMD Requirement (30)

Anarchic Razor 1673 50 550 285874 21st 1 Enervation (scroll)
1 Energy Drain (scroll)
1 Rogue Stone
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Extra Melee Damage: Piercing
Damage Bonus: Negative Energy 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Lawful 1d4 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs.: Good 1 Damage Bludgeoning
Runic (Abyssal:Infernal)
Only Usable By: Chaotic Evil OR Chaotic Neutral
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Justicar's Reach 1837 50 600 68792 gold 21st 1 Sunstone
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Bronze)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Bless Weapon
Crafter Must be Paladin
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 3 Piercing
Damage Bonus vs Evil: 2 Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 1d8
Saving Throw Bonus: +1 vs Fear
Skill Bonus: +2 Leadership
Cast Spell: Light (5), unlimited uses per day
Class Requirement: Cleric, Divine Champion, Paladin
Alignment Requirement: Lawful Good, Neutral Good
Rune: Celestial (Tier 3)
UMD Requirement: 30
Avernus' Rebuttal 1983 50 550 120154 gold 21st 2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Orange Topaz
1 Inferno (Scroll)
1 Gate (Scroll)

Warlock OR Blackguard Smith

Enhancement Bonus: +4
Extra Melee Damage Type: Piercing
Damage Bonus: Fire 1d4 Damage
Damage Bonus: Magical 1d4 Damage
Damage Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Chaotic 1 Damage / Type: Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Good 1d4 Damage / Type: Piercing
Use Limitation: Alignment Group: Evil
Rune: Fiendish (Tier 3)
Visual Effect: Flames, Red
UMD Requirement: 35

Mace (Light Mace)

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 20x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 4.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Mace (Bronze) 240 1 1 10 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Mace (Iron) 269 8 15 1910 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Masterly Mace (Iron) 302 12 28 3520 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Mace (Steel) 330 15 53 6670 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Mace (Steel) 359 32 204 25570 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Mace (Greensteel) 527 27 112 14054 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Mace (Damask) 388 30 163 20490 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Mace (Damask) 743 53 542 67870 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Black Scepter 1153 53 533 66710 gold 16th 1 Dragon Oil
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Skull Emblem
1 Rose Quartz
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d4 Damage
Only Usable by: Assassin
Increased UMD requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses


Macuahuitl: Maca

Base Damage: 2d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Primitive
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion, 1H-Edged
Weight: 4.0

Note: Macuahuitl are made with Carpentry.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Maca (Driftwood) 1651 6 40 34266 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Obsidian
1 Leather (Small)
1 Softwood
Attack Bonus: +1
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 1d4 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=14
Maca (Solid Oak) 1655 17 153 91154 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Shaped Obsidian
1 Leather (Small)
1 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +2
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 1d6 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=18
Maca (Ironwood) 1653 28 201 178162 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Shaped Obsidian
1 Leather (Small)
1 Hardwood (Rare)
1 Keen Edge (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +3
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 1d8 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=22
Maca (Petrified Yew) 1657 39 442 286232 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Shaped Obsidian (Superior)
1 Leather (Small)
1 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Keen Edge (scroll)
Enhancement Bonus: +3
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 2d4 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=24
Vile Maw 1660 50 563 77530 gold 16th Carpentry
2 Shaped Obsidian (Superior)
1 Dragonhide
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
2 Acid Bomb
1 Fossil Amber
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Acid 2d6 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Reptilian 1d6 Damage Negative Energy
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning

Macuahuitl: Dire Maca

Base Damage: 2d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Primitive
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion, 2-Handed
Weight: 8.0

Note: Macuahuitl are made with Carpentry.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Dire Maca (Driftwood) 1652 6 29 69424 gold 2nd Carpentry
2 Obsidian
1 Leather (Small)
2 Softwood
Enhancement Bonus: +1
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 1d8 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=16
Dire Maca (Solid Oak) 1656 17 49 128500 gold 2nd Carpentry
2 Shaped Obsidian
1 Leather (Small)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +2
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 2d4 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=20
Dire Maca (Ironwood) 1654 28 134 224290 gold 11th Carpentry
2 Shaped Obsidian
1 Leather (Small)
2 Hardwood (Rare)
1 Keen Edge (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +3
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 2d6 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=24
Dire Maca (Petrified Yew) 1658 39 398 456874 gold 16th Carpentry
2 Shaped Obsidian (Superior)
1 Leather (Small)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Keen Edge (scroll)
Enhancement Bonus: +3
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 2d8 Damage
On Hit: Wounding DC=26
Scalebeast Render 1659 50 671 145450 gold 21th Carpentry
2 Shaped Obsidian (Superior)
1 Displacer Beast Hide
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
2 Horn of a Magical Creature
1 Fossil Amber

Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Aberration 1d6 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs.: Beast 1d6 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs.: Magical Beast 1d6 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs.: Vermin 1d6 Damage Piercing
Extra Melee Damage: Bludgeoning
Material: Bone
Material: Gem, Obsidian
Material: Hide
Material: Wood, Yew
Quality: Masterwork

Magic Staff

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Small (decreased from default Medium)
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion, 2-Handed
Weight: 4.0

Note: Magic Staffs are made with Carpentry.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Staff (plain) 22 19 8 1000 Gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Topaz
3 Hardwood
Only Usable By: Wizard
Only Usable By: Bard
Only Usable By: Cleric
Only Usable By: Sorcerer
Only Usable By: Druid
Staff (plain) 23 19 8 1000 Gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Topaz
3 Hardwood
Only Usable By: Wizard
Only Usable By: Bard
Only Usable By: Cleric
Only Usable By: Sorcerer
Only Usable By: Druid
Staff (plain) 24 19 8 1000 Gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Topaz
3 Hardwood
Only Usable By: Wizard
Only Usable By: Bard
Only Usable By: Cleric
Only Usable By: Sorcerer
Only Usable By: Druid
Druidic Branch-staff 875 44 345 74251 Gold 21st 1 Bluestone
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
3 King's Crown
3 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Rare Hardwood
Druid Crafter
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +2
Druid Spell Slot: 3 x2, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 10 / -
Immunity: Damage Type: Fire 10% Immunity Bonus
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +5
Concentration +5
Heal +3
Leadership +2
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Druidic Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
ILR 21
Initiate's Conduit (Wizard) 36 22 26 3267 Gold 1st 1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
3 Hardwood
1 Sapphire
Ability Bonus: Intelligence +1
AC Bonus +1
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Spellsword & Wizard Spell Slot: 1, 2, 3
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +4
Lore +4
Spellcraft +4
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Wizard, Spellsword
Arcane Focus (Wizard) 870 37 228 28623 Gold 21st 1 Beljuril Gem
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
2 Ingot (Gold)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Initiate's Conduit (Wizard)
Ability Bonus: Intelligence +2
AC Bonus +3
Spellsword & Wizard Spell Slot: 3 x2, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +5
Lore +5
Spellcraft +5
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
Wizard, Spellsword
ILR 21
Initiate's Conduit (Sorcerer) 35 22 26 3266 Gold 1st 1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
3 Hardwood
1 Sapphire
Ability Bonus: Charisma +1
AC Bonus +1
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Sorcerer Spell Slot:: 1, 2, 3
Bonus Spell Slot of Level: Sorcerer Level 3
Skill Bonus:
Bluff +1
Concentration +4
Leadership +2
Lore +4
Spellcraft +2
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Arcane Focus (Sorcerer) 871 37 278 34810 Gold 21st 1 Beljuril Gem
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
2 Ingot (Silver)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Initiate's Conduit (Sorcerer)
Ability Bonus: Charisma +2
AC Bonus +3
Sorcerer Spell Slot:: 3, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Bluff +2
Concentration +5
Leadership +3
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
ILR 21
Gleeman's Travel-staff 37 23 56 7002 Gold 1st 1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
3 Hardwood
1 Fire Opal
Ability Bonus: Charisma +1
AC Bonus +1
Attack Bonus +1
Bard Spell Slot: 1, 2, 3
Skill Bonus:
All except Craft Mastery +1
Concentration +4
Lore +4
Perform +2
Sleight-of-hand +2
Tumble +4
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +30
Minstrel's Shillelagh 38 37 274 34340 Gold 21st 1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
3 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Diamond
1 Ruby
1 Emerald
Ability Bonus: Charisma +2
AC Bonus +3
Attack Bonus +3
Bard Spell Slot: 3, 4, 5, 6
Regeneration +1
Skill Bonus:
All except Craft Mastery +1
Climb +2
Concentration +5
Hide +2
Leadership +2
Lore +5
Move Silently +2
Open Lock +1
Perform +3
Ride +2
Sail +2
Sleight-of-hand +3
Spellcraft +2
Tumble +5
Use Magic Device +2
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
ILR 21
Cleric's Staff 39 25 85 10726 Gold 1st 1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
3 Hardwood
1 Diamond
1 Holy Water
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +1
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Cleric Spell Slot: 1, 2, 3
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +4
Heal +4
Intimidate +1
Leadership +1
Lore +4
Spellcraft +2
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Hierophant's Crozier (Purist) 872 44 200 52240 Gold 21st 1 Royal Tourmaline
1 Emulsified Oil
1 Hardening Finish
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +2
AC Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Evil +5
AC Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Neutral +3
Cleric Spell Slot: 3 x2, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +5
Heal +5
Intimidate +2
Leadership +2
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
Good, CN, TN, LN
ILR 21
Hierophant's Crozier (Zealot) 873 44 395 75331 Gold 21st 1 Royal Tourmaline
2 Ingot (Silver)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Skull Emblem
6 Skeleton's Knuckle
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +2
AC Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Good +5
AC Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Neutral +3
Cleric Spell Slot: 3 x2, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +5
Heal +5
Intimidate +2
Leadership +2
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
Evil, CN, TN, LN
ILR 21
Favored's Rod 1555 32 160 28953 Gold 1st 2 Ingot (Gold)
3 Hardwood
1 Lesser Planar Binding
5 Holy Water
Ability Bonus: Charisma +1
AC Bonus vs. Racial Group: Outsider +3
Attack Bonus vs. Racial Group: Outsider +3
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Favored Soul Spell Slot: 1, 2, 3
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +4
Heal +1
Intimidate +2
Leadership +2
Lore +4
Spellcraft +2
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Favored Soul
Chosen's Staff 1556 44 421 61623 Gold 21st 1 Seer's Stone
1 Favored's Rod
2 Ingot (Mithral)
3 Rare Hardwood
1 Planar Binding
Ability Bonus: Charisma +2
AC Bonus vs. Racial Group: Outsider +5
Attack Bonus vs. Racial Group: Outsider +5
Favored Soul Spell Slot: 3, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Concentration +5
Heal +2
Intimidate +3
Leadership +3
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
Favored Soul
ILR 21
Hermetic Totem 1552 22 36 10957 Gold 1st 1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Standard)
3 Hardwood
3 Amethyst
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +1
AC Bonus vs. Elemental, Fey, Outsider, Undead +2
Shaman Spell Slot: 1, 2, 3
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +1
Concentration +4
Heal +2
Leadership +1
Lore +4
Spellcraft +2
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Mystic Focus (Benign) 1553 46 314 82938 Gold 21st 1 Ametrine
2 Horn of a Magical Creature
1 Rare Hardwood
1 Resurrection
1 Hermetic Totem
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +2
AC Bonus vs. Elemental, Fey, Outsider, Undead +4
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Shaman Spell Slot: 3, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +2
Concentration +5
Heal +3
Leadership +2
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
Good, CN, TN, LN
ILR 21
Mystic Focus (Malign) 1554 46 464 120704 Gold 21st 1 Ametrine
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
3 Rare Hardwood
2 Wail of the Banshee
1 Hermetic Totem
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +2
AC Bonus vs. Elemental, Fey, Outsider, Undead +4
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Shaman Spell Slot: 3, 4, 5, 6
Cast Spell: Sequencer (1 spell) 1 Use/Day -
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +2
Concentration +5
Heal +3
Leadership +2
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Use Magic Device - +50
Evil, CN, TN, LN
ILR 21
Icon of the Hunt 876 46 414 114351 Gold 21st 1 Ametrine
10 Flameberry
10 Iceberry
2 Rock Chunk (Gold)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Crafter must be Druid or Ranger
Ability Bonus: Constitution +1
Attack Bonus +5
Bonus Feat: Alertness
Spell Slot: Cleric 5, Druid 7, Favored Soul 5, Ranger 3 x2, Shaman 7
Damage Bonus: Cold 2d4 Damage
Damage Bonus: Fire 2d4 Damage
Extra Melee Damage Type: Piercing
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +3
Concentration +3
Hide +2
Lore +2
Move Silently +2
Search +5
Spellcraft +2
Use Traps +1
Tier 3 Espruar Rune
Use Magic Device - +40
Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Ranger, Shaman
Neutral, CG, CE
ILR: 21
Branch of Disruption 874 49 512 170956 Gold 21st 1 Ametrine
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
4 Garnet
1 Emerald
1 Resurrection
AC Bonus vs. Racial Group: Undead +5
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Spell Slot: Cleric 6, Druid 7, Favored Soul 6, Paladin 1, Ranger 4, Shaman 3, Sorcerer 6, Spellsword 3, Wizard 6
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Undead 2d8 Damage Positive Energy
Damage Resistance: Negative Energy Resist 10 / -
Enhancement Bonus vs. Racial Group: Undead +5
Immunity: Damage Type: Negative Energy 10% Immunity Bonus
Saving Throw Bonus: Negative Energy +3
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +3
Concentration +5
Discipline +1
Lore +5
Spellcraft +3
Tier 3 Espruar Rune
Use Magic Device - +30
Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Ranger, Shaman, Sorcerer, Spellsword, Wizard
ILR 21
Eldritch Focus 1669 49 550 76712 21st Harbinger OR Warlock Carpenter
3 Ioun Stone (Deep Red)
2 Rare Hardwood
1 Ashwood Stabilizer
1 Beljuril Gem
1 Planar Binding (scroll)
Ability Bonus: Charisma +2
AC Bonus vs. Alignment Group: Good +5
Attack Bonus vs. Aberration, Elemental, Fey, Outsider, Undead +3
Bonus Spell Slot: Warlock 7
Bonus Spell Slot: Warlock 8
Bonus Spell Slot: Harbinger 1
Bonus Spell Slot: Harbinger 1
Bonus Spell Slot: Harbinger 2
Bonus Spell Slot: Harbinger 2
Bonus Spell Slot: Harbinger 3
Bonus Spell Slot: Harbinger 4
Cast Spell: Ioun Stone, Deep Red (3/day)
Skill Bonus: Bluff +2
Skill Bonus: Concentration +5
Skill Bonus: Lore +5
Skill Bonus: Perform +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +3
Skill Bonus: Use Magic Device +2
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Increased UMD requirement: 50
Warlock OR Harbinger
Evil, CN, TN, LN
Runestaff of Elements 1876 52 470 92377 16st 2 Rare Hardwood
2 Gold Ingot
1 Rainbow Agate
5 Scroll: Isaac's Lesser Missle Storm
4 Emerald
Ability Bonus: Charisma +2
Additional Property: Use Magic Device 50
Cast Spell: Isaac's Lesser Missle Storm [20] [unlimited] +2CL
Saving Throw: Universal +1
Immunity Damage Type: Entropy [5%]
Skill Bonus: Concentration +3
Skill Bonus: Leadership +2
Skill Bonus: Spellcraft +3
Thorass Rune, Tier 3
Only Useable by: Elementalist
Sequencer: No


Base Damage: 2d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion, 2-Handed
Weight: 20

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Maul (Bronze) 1411 2 1 15 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Maul (Iron) 1419 8 14 1801 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Maul (Masterly Iron) 1421 12 26 3314 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Maul (Steel) 1429 15 50 6275 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Maul (Masterly Steel) 1431 32 192 24041 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Maul (Greensteel) 1448 26 105 13216 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Maul (Damask) 1437 29 154 19266 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Maul (Masterly Damask) 1445 51 510 63803 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Steelbreaker Sledge 1563 45 400 177908 gold 16th 1 Dwarven Incantation
1 Uvarovite
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
4 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Golem Heart
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Enhancement Bonus vs: Construct +5
Damage Bonus vs: Construct 2d8 Damage Sonic
Enhancement Bonus: Strength +2
Shatterbone (Maul) 2010 50 600 67977 gold 21st 6 Ingot (Steel)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Uvarovite
2 Earthquake
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus: 1 Piercing
Damage Bonus: 2 Slashing
Extra Damage Type: Piercing
Mass Criticals: 2d6
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 20/x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning & Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 6.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Morningstar (Bronze) 239 3 1 16 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Morningstar (Iron) 268 8 15 1916 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Morningstar (Iron) 301 12 28 1916 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Morningstar (Steel) 329 15 53 6676 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Morningstar (Steel) 358 32 204 25576 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Morningstar (Greensteel) 542 27 112 14060 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Morningstar (Damask) 387 30 163 20496 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Morningstar (Damask) 744 53 543 67876 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Black Hand of Bane (Replica) 1665 50 500 262450 gold 16th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Uvarovite (scroll)
1 Bane (scroll)
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Damage Negative
Damage Bonus vs.: Chaotic 1d4 Damage Slashing
Damage Bonus vs.: Good 1 Damage Bludgeoning
Runic (Infernal)
Only Usable By: Lawful Evil OR Lawful Neutral
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Prayer of Anger 1973 50 600 134002 gold 4 Ruby
4 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Blood Frenzy (Scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Bleeding Damage: 1d6
Massive Critical: 4
Concentration Skill: +2
Saving Throw Bonus: +2 vs Fear
Spell: Blood Frenzy (7), 3 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass
Requirement: Cleric, Divine Champion, Favored Soul
Increased UMD Requirement (30)


Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 20/x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning & Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: Yes, Also 2H Finesse
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Monk, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 12

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Naginata(Bronze) 1166 3 1 20 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Naginata(Iron) 1170 8 15 1920 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Naginata(Iron) 1172 12 28 3530 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Naginata(Steel) 1183 15 53 6680 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Naginata (Steel) 1177 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Naginata(Greensteel) 1178 27 112 14064 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Naginata(Damask) 1184 30 164 20500 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Naginata(Damask) 1189 53 543 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Rankbreaker 1839 50 600 68698 gold 21th 1 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rogue Stone
1 Haste Scroll
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs Lawful: Slashing 2 Damage
Bonus Feat: Cleave
Improved Saving Throws: Reflex +1
Thorass Rune, Tier 3


Base Damage: 3d4
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: Yes, Also 2H Finesse
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed
Weight: TBD lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Nodachi (Bronze) 1728 8 1 100 gold 2nd

4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)

Nodachi (Iron) 1729 8 16 2000 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)

Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage

Masterly Nodachi (Iron) 1730 12 28 3610 gold 2nd

4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)

Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage

Nodachi (Steel) 1731 15 53 6760 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)

Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage

Masterly Nodachi (Steel) 1732 32 205 25660 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)

Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage

Nodachi (Greensteel) 1733 25 113 12104 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Nodachi (Damask) 1734 30 164 20580 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)

Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage

Masterly Nodachi (Damask) 1735 53 543 67960 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)

Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage

Oni Metsu no Ha (Onislayer) 1736 50 650 150176 gold 21st

1 Desert Flower
1 Jade
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Banishment (scroll)

Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Divine 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d4 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Ogre 1d4 Damage Magical
Damage Bonus vs.: Outsider 1d8 Damage Magical
Massive Criticals: 1d8 Damage
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Only Usable By: Chaotic Neutral OR Good OR Lawful Neutral OR True Neutral
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses

Profaned Decapitator 1737 50 650 191200 gold 21st

1 Jade
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
5 Rock Chunk (Nitharit)
1 Slay Living (scroll)

Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Acid 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1d4 Damage
Damage Bonus: Negative Energy 1d8 Damage
Tier 3 Thorass Rune
Only Usable By: Chaotic Neutral OR Lawful Neutral OR True NeutralOR Evil
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon does not stack with Enhancement bonuses


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: 20/x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Primitive, Sea Elf
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 3

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Pike(Bronze) 1712 2 1 2 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
2 Hardwood
Pike(Iron) 1708 8 15 1902 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Pike(Masterly Iron) 1709 12 28 3530 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Pike(Steel) 1710 15 53 6662 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Pike (Masterly Steel) 1711 32 204 25562 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Pike(Greensteel) 1712 27 112 14046 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Pike(Damask) 1713 30 164 20500 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Hardwood
Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Pike(Masterly Damask) 1714 53 543 67880 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Dragoon Swordspear 1715 50 500 220292 gold 16th 1 Orange Topaz
1 Dragon Oil
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Attack Bonus: +5 vs Dragon
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: vs Dragon 1d6 Magical
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1d10 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Improved Saving Throws: +5 vs Fear
Only Usable by: Chaotic good OR Lawful Good OR Lawful Neutral OR Neutral Good
UMD Requirement (30)
Some of the physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Maelstrom 1716 47 450 2327326 gold 21th Carpentry
1 Emulsified Oil
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Pearl
10 Shark Tooth
1 Azurite
Aquatic-Elf Carpenter
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Sonic 1d10 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Reptilian 1d6 Damage Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs.: Kobold 1d6 Damage Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs.: Troglodyte 1d6 Damage Bludgeoning
Massive Criticals: 1d8 Damage
On Hit: Drown(14)[1]
Only Usable by: Elf
Only Usable by: Half-Elf
UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
  1. There are bug reports that this causes Expertise to turn off.


Base Damage: 1d6 / 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed, Polearm
Weight: 4.0 lbs

Note: Masterly Damask and Greensteel Quarterstaffs are made with Smithing. Other Quarterstaffs are made with Carpentry.

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Quarterstaff (Greensteel) 546 27 112 14046 gold 13th Smithing
2 Hardwood
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Masterly Quarterstaff (Damask) 755 53 542 67862 gold 16th Smithing
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Quarterstaff 16 1 1 2 gold 2nd Carpentry
2 Hardwood
Masterly Quarterstaff 17 21 12 1620 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Hardwoods
Enchantment Bonus: +1
Sturdy Quarterstaff 1019 22 28 3512 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Emulsified Oil
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1d4 Damage
Ten Foot Pole 27 23 51 6480 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Leather (Small)
2 Hardwood
1 Cloth (Medium)
Disable Trap +5
Search +5
Staff of Defense 53 26 109 13626 gold 2nd Carpentry
2 Hardwood
1 Dwarven incantation
Armor Bonus: +3 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Natural Focus 41 28 129 16174 Gold 1st Carpentry
1 Alchemistic Catalyst (Lesser)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Diamond
3 Sweetberry
Ability Bonus: Wisdom +1
Bonus Feat: Combat Casting
Druid Spell Slot: 1, 2, 3
Ranger Spell Slot: 3
Skill Bonus:
Animal Empathy +4
Concentration +4
Heal +2
Leadership +1
Lore +4
Spellcraft +2
Tier 2 Thorass Rune
Druid, Ranger
Hardened Quarterstaff 1021 35 166 20082 gold 13th Carpentry
2 Emulsified Oil
2 Rare Hardwood
1 Hardening Finish
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1d8 Damage
Enchanted Quarterstaff 1023 51 718 89780 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Ashwood Stabilizer
2 Emulsified Oil
2 Rare Hardwood
2 Hardening Finish
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1d12 Damage
Simple Fishing Rod 1676 4 1 1 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Softwood
3 Cotton
1 Copper Fish Hook
No Damage
Sturdy Fishing Rod 1677 19 1 1 gold 2nd Carpentry
3 Spider Silk
1 Ingot (Bronze)
1 Hardwood
1 Iron Fish Hook
No Damage
Reinforced Fishing Rod 1678 34 27 1 gold 2nd Carpentry
2 Brass Gears
3 Animal Sinew
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Rare Hardwood
1 Damask Fish Hook
No Damage


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Elf, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Rapier (Bronze) 227 5 1 40 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Rapier (Iron) 256 8 15 1940 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Rapier (Iron) 288 12 28 3550 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Rapier (Steel) 317 15 53 6700 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Rapier (Steel) 346 32 204 25600 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Rapier (Greensteel) 536 27 112 14084 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Rapier (Damask) 758 30 164 20520 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Rapier (Damask) 734 53 543 67900 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage


Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Tiny
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Assassin, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 1.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Sai (Bronze) 1167 3 1 20 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Sai (Iron) 1169 8 15 1920 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Masterly Sai (Iron) 1173 12 28 3530 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Sai (Steel) 1182 15 53 6680 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Sai (Steel) 1176 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Sai (Greensteel) 1179 27 112 11780 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Sai (Damask) 1185 30 163 20500 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Sai (Damask) 1188 53 542 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Shrinemaiden's Hair Pin 1704 48 425 112430 gold 21st 1 Jade
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Skull Emblem
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Massive Criticals: 2 Damage
Armor Bonus: +3 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Only Usable By: Assassin OR Monk OR Cleric OR Favored Soul
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Some of the physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Druid
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 4.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Scimitar (Bronze) 226 4 1 30 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Scimitar (Iron) 255 8 15 1930 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Scimitar (Iron) 286 12 28 3540 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Scimitar (Steel) 316 15 53 6690 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Scimitar (Steel) 344 32 204 25590 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Scimitar (Greensteel) 544 27 112 14074 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Scimitar (Damask) 757 30 164 20510 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Scimitar (Damask) 736 53 543 67890 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage


Base Damage: 2d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing & Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 10.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Scythe (Bronze) 223 5 1 36 Gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Scythe (Iron) 250 8 15 1936 Gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Mastery Scythe (Iron) 280 12 28 3546 Gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Scythe (Steel) 314 15 53 6696 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Mastery Scythe (Steel) 341 32 204 25596 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Scythe (Greensteel) 549 27 112 14080 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Scythe (Damask) 759 30 164 20516 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Mastery Scythe (Damask) 751 53 543 67896 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Man-Slayer 1777 50 600 47322 gold 21st 2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Fossil Amber
1 Fear Scroll
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 3 Slashing
Damage Bonus: 1d6 Bludgeoning vs Human
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Bludgeoning vs Half-elf
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Bludgeoning vs Half-orc
Massive Criticals: 1d8
Runic (Thorass)

Short Sword

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 2.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Shortsword (Bronze) 230 3 1 20 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Shortsword (Iron) 259 8 15 1920 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Shortsword (Iron) 291 12 28 3530 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Shortsword (Steel) 320 15 53 6680 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Shortsword (Steel) 349 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Shortsword (Greensteel) 526 27 112 14064 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Shortsword (Damask) 378 30 164 20500 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Shortsword (Damask) 737 53 543 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Dale Sword 837 45 400 50000 gold 21st 1 Uvarovite
1 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Bless Weapon (scroll)
Halfling smith

Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Giant 1d8 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Goblinoid 1d8 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs. Racial Type: Orc 1d8 Damage Piercing
Extra Melee Damage Type: Slashing
Tier 3 Espruar (Halfling) Rune
Only Useable By: Halfling
Material: Gem, Rogue Stone
Material: mithral
Material: Steel
Quality: Masterwork
Increase UMD Requirement (30)

Assuran's Retribution 1832 50 600 123736 gold 21st 1 Star Sapphire
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Chain Lightning
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 1d8 Electrical
Massive Criticals: 1d6
Skill Bonus: +1 Concentration
Skill Bonus: +1 Discipline
Thorass Rune, Tier 3
Alignment Requirement: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil
UMD Requirement: 30
Grip of Night 1985 47 530 63308 gold 21st 2 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Shadow Conjuration
1 Mithral Dust
1 Moonstone
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Cast Spell : Blur 1 Use/Day
Skill Bonus : Hide +2
Skill Bonus : Move Silently +2
Special : Ghost Walk (Allows you to move through enemies.)
Thorass Rune, Tier 3
Use Limitation: Class : Assassin
Use Limitation: Class : Rogue
Use Limitation: Class : Shadowdancer
Visual Effect : Glow, Black
UMD Requirement: 30


Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Druid
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 2.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Sickle (Bronze) 224 2 1 12 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Sickle (Iron) 253 8 15 1912 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Sickle (Iron) 283 12 28 3522 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)]
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Sickle (Steel) 310 15 53 6672 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Sickle (Steel) 337 32 204 25572 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)]
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Sickle (Greensteel) 532 27 112 14056 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Sickle (Damask) 368 30 163 20492 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Sickle (Damask) 750 53 542 67872 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Blessed Druid Sickle 797 39 318 126372 gold 21st 1 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Silver)
1 Gem Dust (Diamond)
1 Bluestone
Crafter must be level 21+
Crafter must
Druid OR Paladin OR Cleric OR Ranger OR Shifter
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs.: Fey 4 Divine
Damage Bonus vs.: Shapechanger 4 Divine
Bonus Spell Slot: Druid Level 6
Restoration (7) 3 Charges/Use
Use: Unique Power (Refreshes fruits of any plant) 1 Use/Day (Charges: 50)
Only Useable By: Druid
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Dusk 2145 50 600 123256 gold 16th 4 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
6 Ingot (brass)
1 Seer's Stone
2 Vial of Preserved Blood
+4 Enhancement
+3 Vampiric Regeneration
Damage Bonus vs Evil: 1d4 Piercing
Damage Bonus vs Undead: 2 Magic
Damage Bonus vs Outsider: 2 Magic
Damage Bonus vs Aberration: 2 Magic
Massive Critical 2d4
Alignment Requirement: Non-good
UMD Requirement: 30
Rune: Tier 3 Infernal


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Primitive, Druid, Aquatic Elf
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Spear (Bronze) 234 1 1 2 gold 2nd Smithing
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Spear (Iron) 263 8 15 1902 gold 2nd Smithing
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Spear (Iron) 295 12 28 3512 gold 2nd Smithing
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Spear (Steel) 324 15 53 6662 gold 2nd Smithing
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Spear (Steel) 353 32 204 25562 gold 2nd Smithing
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Spear (Greensteel) 545 27 112 14046 gold 13th Smithing
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Quarterstaff
 (Quarterstaff is bugged you must buy from specific npc's. Known NPC's Furths in Cordor outskirts, Kashard Andunor East Wheel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Spear (Damask) 382 30 163 20482 gold 13th Smithing
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Spear (Damask) 753 53 542 67862 gold 16th Smithing
2 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Giant Femur Spear 852 23 48 35492 gold 16th Carpentry
4 Animal Sinew
4 Giant Bone
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Massive Criticals: 2d6 Damage
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Jagged Bone Tipped Spear 851 18 55 9682 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Thighbone
1 Animal Sinew
2 Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses
Sturdy Spear 1018 20 28 3512 gold 2nd Carpentry
1 Emulsified Oil
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Hardwood
1 Rare Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d4 Damage
Dragonbone Spear 853 30 112 105002 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Horn of a Magical Creature
4 Animal Sinew
3 Hardwood
4 Dragon Blood
1 Rare Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Enhancement Bonus: Strength +1
Use: Energy Buffer (11) 1 use/day
Hardened Spear 1020 35 166 20802 gold 13th Carpentry
2 Emulsified Oil
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Hardwood
1 Hardening Finish
1 Rare Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d8 Damage
Fang of the Wild 854 36 240 76880 gold 15th Carpentry
4 Animal Sinew
4 Rock Chunk (Silver)
14 Animal Blood
5 Hardwood
Crafter Must Be Wild Elf
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus vs.: Aberration 4 Damage Fire
Damage Bonus vs.: Undead 4 Damage Positive
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Only Useable By: Dwarf
Only Useable By: Elf
Only Useable By: Gnome
UMD Requirement (35)
Elder Dream 857 46 511 255512 gold 2nd Carpentry
5 Blood of a Magic Creature
5 Hardwood
5 Leaves of the Dreaming Tree
5 Potion of Barkskin
1 Seer's Stone
Crafter Must Be: Minimum Level
18 Druid or Ranger or Shaman
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Divine 2d6 Damage
Use: Barkskin (12) 3 uses/day
Use: Nature's Balance (15) 1 use/day
Use: Sleep (2) Unlimited uses/day
Only Useable By: Druid
Only Useable By: Ranger
Only Useable By: Shaman
Increased UMD Requirement (55)
Stormchaser 1661 49 600 132396 gold 21st Carpentry
2 Ingot (Gold)
4 Ingot (Greensteel)
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
1 Star Sapphire
2 Chain Lightning (scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Electrical 1d6 Damage
Damage Bonus: Sonic 1d6 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Good 1 Damage Slashing
Damage Bonus vs.: Lawful 1d4 Damage Bludgeoning
Use: Lightning Bolt (10) 3 use/day
Only Usable By: Chaotic Evil OR Chaotic Neutral OR Neutral Evil
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Enchanted Spear 1022 50 718 89780 gold 16th Carpentry
1 Ashwood Stabilizer
2 Emulsified Oil
1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Rare Hardwood
2 Hardening Finish
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1d12 Damage


Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Aquatic Elf
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 5.0 lbs

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Trident 481 1 1 2 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Spear (Iron)
Trident (Bronze) 504 1 1 2 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Trident (Iron) 506 8 15 1902 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Trident (Iron) 505 12 28 3512 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Trident (Steel) 507 15 53 6662 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Trident (Steel) 508 32 204 25562 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Trident (Greensteel) 547 27 112 14046 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
1 Quarterstaff
Attack Bonus: +3
Light Dim (5m) Green
Trident (Damask) 510 30 163 20482 gold 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Trident (Damask) 754 53 542 67862 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage
Cyclone 856 48 680 85000 gold 21st 1 Azurite Gem
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
4 Ingot (Mithral)
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Cold 1d8 Damage
On Hit: Slow DC-16 50% / 2 Rounds
Maw of the Depths 2146 50 600 525588 gold 16th 4 Ingot (Gold)
6 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Azurite
2 Drown (scroll)
+4 Enhancement
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Divine
Damage Bonus: 1d4 Magical
Cast Spell: Waterbreathing (3), 2 uses per day
Cast Spell: Dark Undertow, 2 uses per day
Favored Soul, Shaman, and Cleric Spell Slot: 7
Skill Bonus: +3 Spellcraft
Skill Bonus: +3 Concentration
Class Requirement: Cleric, Favored Soul, Divine Champion, Shaman
UMD Requirement: 30
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass

Two-Bladed Sword

Base Damage: 1d6 / 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic
Weapon Focus Group: 2-Handed, Polearm
Weight: 10.0

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Two-bladed sword (Bronze) 219 11 1 200 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Two-bladed sword (Iron) 248 8 16 2100 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Two-bladed sword (Iron) 282 12 29 3710 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Two-bladed sword (Steel) 312 15 54 6860 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Masterly Two-bladed sword (Steel) 343 32 206 25760 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Two-bladed sword (Greensteel) 548 27 113 14244 gold 13th 6 Coal
3 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Two-bladed sword (Damask) 370 30 165 20680 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Two-bladed sword (Damask) 749 54 544 68060 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Orcish Blood Sword 833 45 400 50000 gold 21st 1 Mithral Dust
4 Coal
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
5 Blood Frenzy (scroll)
1 Black Blade of Disaster (scroll)
Half-Orc, Orog Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs: Dwarf 1d8 Damage Piercing
Damage Bonus vs: Elf 1d8 Damage Piercing
Massive Criticals: 2d4
Vampiric Regeneration: +3
Use: Blood_Frenzy (7) 4 uses/day
Tier 3 Dethek (Orcish) Rune
Only Usable By: Half-Orc OR Orc (Orog)
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
The physical bonus damage on this weapon stacks with Enhancement bonuses


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Monk, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Edged
Weight: 2.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Wakizashi (Bronze) 1168 15 4 500 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Wakizashi (Iron) 1171 8 15 1920 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piecing 1 Damage
Masterly Wakizashi (Iron) 1174 12 28 3534 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piecing 2 Damage
Wakizashi (Steel) 1181 15 53 6684 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piecing 2 Damage
Masterly Wakizashi (Steel) 1175 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piecing 4 Damage
Wakizashi (Greensteel) 1180 25 94 11780 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Wakizashi (Damask) 1186 30 164 20500 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piecing 3 Damage
Masterly Wakizashi (Damask) 1187 53 543 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piecing 6 Damage
Focus of the Shukenja 2147 50 600 299280 gold 18th 6 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Rainbow Agate Gem
2 Elemental Weapon (scroll)
1 Energy Buffer (scroll)
+4 Enhancement
Massive Criticals: 1d8
Ability Bonus: +1 Charisma
Skill Bonus: +2 Spellcraft
Skill Bonus: +2 Concentration
Cast Spell: Protection vs the Elements (10), 1 use per day
Immunity Damage Type: 5% Acid
Immunity Damage Type: 5% Cold
Immunity Damage Type: 5% Electricity
Immunity Damage Type: 5% Fire
Class Requirement: Cleric, Elementalist, Favored Soul, Monk, Shaman
UMD Requirement: 30
Rune: Tier 3 Thorass

War Mace

Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 12

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties

War Mace (Bronze) 1414 2 1 12 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
War Mace (Iron) 1420 8 15 1912 gold 2nd 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
War Mace (Masterly Iron) 1424 12 28 3522 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
War Mace (Steel) 1430 15 53 6672 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
War Mace (Masterly Steel) 1434 32 204 25572 gold 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
War Mace (Greensteel) 1449 27 112 14056 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
War Mace (Damask) 1438 30 163 20492 gold 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
War Mace (Masterly Damask) 1444 53 542 67872 gold 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Scepter of Dawn 1671 47 475 417182 21St 1 Bless Weapon (scroll)
1 Sunburst (scroll)
1 Sunstone
4 Ingot (Mithral)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Enhancement Bonus vs.: Undead +5
Armor Bonus vs.: Undead +5 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Bonus: Divine 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus: Fire 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Undead 1d8 Damage Positive Energy
Runic (Celestial)
Only Usable by Good
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Moonphase Sceptre 1672 47 475 449712 21St 1 Bless Weapon (Scroll)
1 Wolf's Bane
1 Moonstone
4 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Enhancement Bonus vs.: Shapechanger +5
Armor Bonus vs.: Shapechanger +5 (AC Deflection Modifier)
Damage Bonus: Divine 1d8 Damage
Damage Bonus vs.: Evil 1d6 Piercing
Damage Bonus vs.: Undead 1d8 Damage Magical
Damage Bonus vs.: Shapechanger 1d8 Damage Magical
Runic (Celestial)
Only Usable by Good
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Mace of the Darkchildren 1840 50 600 219118 21St 1 Mithral Dust
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Mithral)
1 Control Undead
2 Shaped Obsidian (Superior)

Crafter must be a Blackguard, Warlock, Harbinger, Palemaster, or Dirgesinger
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: 3 Piercing
Damage Bonus: 1 Bludgeoning
Damage Bonus vs Good: 2 Slashing
Massive Criticals: 2d6
Vampiric Regeneration: +2
Bonus Feat: Spell Focus Necromancy
Cast Spell: Control Undead (16), 2 uses per day
Alignment Requirement: Evil
Rune: Thorass (Tier 3)
Increased UMD Requirement: 30


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: No
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion
Weight: 5.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Warhammer (Bronze) 238 3 1 24 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
Warhammer (Iron) 267 8 15 1924 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Masterly Warhammer (Iron) 299 12 28 3534 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Warhammer (Steel) 328 15 53 6684 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 2 Damage
Masterly Warhammer (Steel) 357 32 204 25580 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 4 Damage
Warhammer (Greensteel) 541 27 112 14068 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Warhammer (Damask) 386 30 164 20500 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 3 Damage
Masterly Warhammer (Damask) 741 53 543 67880 gold 16th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Mithral)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 6 Damage
Dwarven Rune Hammer 1565 45 400 77214 gold 21st 1 Dwarven Incantation
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Flame Strike (scroll)
1 Orange Topaz
Dwarven Smith
Enhancement Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus vs: Goblinoid 4 Damage Fire
Damage Bonus vs: Half-Orc 2 Damage Fire
Damage Bonus vs: Orc 4 Damage Fire
Only Useable By: Dwarf
Increased UMD Requirement (30)
Demondoom 1971 50 600 69494 gold 4 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Silver)
2 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Sunstone
2 Greater Planar Binding (Scroll)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Bludgeoning 1 Damage
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Damage vs Outsider: 1d4 Magic
Damage vs Chaotic Evil: 1d4 Piercing
Spell: Protection vs Alignment (5), 2 per day
Rune: Tier 3 Dethek
Requirement: Non-Chaotic
Increased UMD Requirement (30)


Base Damage: 1d2
Base Critical Threat: 20/x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Small
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Rogue, Drow
Weapon Focus Group: 1H Concussion, 1H Edged
Weight: 2.0
Bonus Feat: Disarm
Note: Whips cannot be offhand wielded

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Leather Whip 999 1 1 2 gold 2nd Tailoring
1 Leather (Medium)
1 Hardwood
Whip 643 1 1 2 gold 2nd Tailoring
1 Leather (Large)
Masterly Whip 644 21 13 1658 gold 2nd Tailoring
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Leather (Large)
Enchantment Bonus: +1
Mastercraft Barbed Whip 1123 32 205 25706 13th Tailoring
8 Coal
4 Rock Chunk (Arjale)
2 Leather (small)
1 Masterly Whip
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Illithid Tentacle Whip 679 50 750 30578 gold 16th Tailoring
2 Diamond
3 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
1 Dragon Oil
3 Illithid's tentacle
4 Rock Chunk (Adamantine)
Enchantment Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus : Psychic 2d6 Damage
Only Useable By: Drow
Grand Mastercraft Whip 1124 45 544 68096 16th Tailoring
2 Diamond
4 Rock Chunk (Adamantine)
1 Mastercraft barbed whip
2 Leather (small)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Variable Whip 1125 50 750 80272 16th Tailoring
1 Rainbow Agate
3 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
1 Dragon Oil (1)
2 Rock Chunk (Adamantine)
Ingot (Mithral) (4)
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage
Unique Power: +2d6 (Random Elemental Damage)
Note: A Masterwork Woven rune can be applied to this item prior to using the ability to apply variable damage.


Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Finesse: Yes
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Cavalier, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: Polearm
Weight: 12

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Yari (Bronze) 3 1 20 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Bronze)
Yari (Iron) 8 15 1920 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Yari (Iron) 12 28 3530 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Yari (Steel) 15 53 6680 2nd 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Masterly Yari (Steel) 32 204 25580 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Yari (Greensteel) 27 112 14064 13th 4 Coal
2 Ingot (Greensteel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Light: Dim (5m) Green
Yari (Damask) 30 164 20500 13th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Yari (Damask) 53 543 67880 16th 4 Coal
1 Ingot (Adamantine)
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage