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''"Can you use demons for good? Of course you can, but therein lies the danger. You can use a rack for good work as well - but how long is it before you begin to enjoy the screams?"''

From ''The Morals and Ethics of the Arcane'', by Ypesliva
[[Warlock]] is a custom base class available on Arelith.

== NWN Requirements ==
* Base Class: [[Bard]]
* Arelith allows lawful bards, and therefore allow lawful warlocks.
* Infernal warlocks require non-chaotic non-good.
* Abyssal warlocks require non-lawful non-good.
* Fey warlock non-good.

== General Information ==

Warlocks have an overall poor reputation, a result of their dealings with otherworldly and often malevolent outsiders. However, not all warlocks are evil by nature and may use such deadly gifts for more benign purposes. How far the warlock goes to fulfilling their pact is entirely up to them, though corruption is an ever-present danger for warlocks of all stripes.
== Introduction ==

Likewise, many warlocks make pacts with several creatures, rather than just one, in order to access even more power, though all warlocks must eventually favor one pact over all the others. Like sorcerers many warlocks come from a supernatural bloodline and it has been said that warlocks are "born, not made." This is not true for all warlocks, though many do indeed come from fiendish bloodlines. Those that aren't are still often touched by destiny in some special way, sought out by powerful extraplanar forces as tools and minions, altering their soul and giving them supernatural abilities beyond the ken of most mortals.  
[[Warlock]]s are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, they unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles, demons, devils, hags, or tempestuous powers of the deep, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power.

These forces behold warlocks to their power, though some break away from the chains of their servitude to forge their own destiny. More often, warlocks, by choice or by circumstance, become much like cruel and capricious beings they serve. Tieflings and others of fiendish blood are powerfully drawn to the ways of the warlock and are among the most common to take the path. Humans, thanks in large part to their capacity for ambition, also breed many warlocks, hoping to find a path to power that does not take them a significant portion of their short lifespans. Half-orcs are also commonly warlocks, in part because the powers that choose to give patronage to warlocks do not discriminate between them and other, more "purebred" races.
'''Note: Good/accidental/forced Warlock RP is not supported.  All Arelith Warlocks have taken their pact voluntarily.  The circumstances of this choice remain at the player's discretion.'''
::''For Arelith's purposes, every character with a Warlock pact makes the choice to pact, for whatever reason. -DM Watchtower''
Read at the end of the page for RP tips and learn about Persecution and RP expectations.

Warlocks have varying views of those who differ from them, in part because of their outsider place in society. Generally, warlocks view other arcanists through a lense of bitter rivalry but many have a healthy respect for fighters' strength or clever rogues. Few warlocks get along well with practitioners of divine magic, in part due to their dealings with unholy powers, but warlocks rarely try to deliberately upset allies who could prove useful, which includes healing clerics.
=== Bardic Path Warlocks===
The "bardic" Path [[Warlock]]s (old) have been migrated to the new [[Warlock]] class (this page). This note is here to assist with anyone looking to understand why their pre-existing Bardic Path [[Warlock]] has a forced relevel.

=== Warlocks in Campaigns ===
During your next login with such a character, one of the following things will happen:
:* If you started with the [[Bard]] class, it will be replaced with the [[Warlock]] class. You will automatically gain the new [[#Pacts|Pact Feat]] corresponding to your old warlock path. Your character's ability scores and 1st level feats remain unchanged, and you will need to relevel.
::* An exception was made for bardic warlocks with [[Dragon disciple|Dragon Disciple]] levels or tokens. These characters instead become regular [[Bard]]s to avoid locking them out of their [[Dragon disciple|Dragon Disciple]] levels. A relevel is still required.
:* If your character took bardic warlock levels later on, the path will be removed and you will need to relevel.

Even more so than sorcerers, warlocks tend to be viewed with great suspicion and fear, and only the most infamous necromancers come close to provoking the distrust and enmity that warlocks commonly elicit. Even the least superstitious know that a warlock's power is derived from dangerous and evil patrons; and even a warlock whose worth has been proven time and again in the service of good might still be thought to have the potential for dark treachery.
== Class Mechanics ==

Few towns or cities will long abide a known warlock in their midst - low-level warlocks often risk being assaulted by pitchfork-wielding mobs. Warlocks of moderate power rarely need fear outright attack, but they might find themselves subject to a variety of hints (subtle or otherwise) that their presence is unwanted. High-level warlocks are generally considered far too dangerous to offend, but they can often find themselves subject to harassment of a different sort as successive waves of crusading adventurers show up on their doorsteps, each intent on eliminating such a clearly malevolent threat.
=== Requirements ===

Warlocks fare a little better when under the protection of a local lord, but few good-hearted nobles freely offer a warlock employment. The reputation of these fell arcanists is simply too black.
'''Alignment restrictions:''' Any non-good

Like the sorcerer, the warlock is valued less for his counsel and knowledge than for his ability to wreak havoc against his foes, and those rare few who obtain a powerful patron likely serve as bodyguards or highly capable arcane warriors. Most warlocks never swear fealty to another individual, though, preferring to wield their unique power only in their own name.
=== Class Features ===

''Excerpt from The Complete Arcane''

=== On Consorting with Fiends ===
'''Hit die:''' d6

If characters can be judged by the company they keep, then those who deal with fiends - demons and devils - are surely evil beings themselves. Fiends are the ultimate expression of evil given animate form: literally evil incarnate. Destroying a fiend is always a good act. Allowing a fiend to exist, let alone purposefully summoning or helping one, is clearly evil.
'''Proficiencies:''' armor (light, medium), shield, weapon (simple)

Occasionally, a spellcaster may summon a fiendish creature to accomplish some task. Such an act is "evil" but not terribly so. However, some characters, particularly those who worship demons or devils or see them as valuable allies, may work with (or for) fiends to further their own ends. Worse still, some mortals sell their souls to fiends in order to gain more power or support.
'''Skill points:''' 6 + int modifier ((6 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Although dealing with fiends or selling souls is risky at best, the lust for power is a temptation too strong for some to resist. Yet fiends have great power, infinite life spans, and a delight for double-crossing others, so it's not surprising that most characters who ask for a fiend's aid end up on the wrong end of the deals they make.
'''Class Skills:''' bluff, concentration, [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|craft mastery]], discipline, heal, hide, [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|intimidate]], [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|leadership]], [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|lore]], move silently, [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|perform]], [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|sail]], spellcraft, spot, tumble, [[skill changes#Modified_Skills|use magic device]]

''Excerpt from The Book of Vile Darkness''
'''Unavailable feats:''' weapon specialization

=== On Demons: The Corrupter ===
'''Class feats:''' Pact, Greater Pact, Eldritch Mastery, Hideous Blow, Greater Hideous Blow, Eldritch Doom, Greater Eldritch Doom, Eldritch Spear, Greater Eldritch Spear, Beguiling Influence, Deceive Item, Devil's Sight, Leaps and Bounds, Otherworldly Whispers, See the Unseen, Eldritch Summon

The corrupter subtly brings the Abyss to the Material Plane. While it does employ temptation and lures beings into its influence with offers of favors and service, the Corrupter's nature keeps it from living up to all of its long-term bargains. While demons are known for impulsiveness, as ageless creatures, Corrupters have learned to look at least a short time into the future, recognizing that a little patience now might pay off with more chaos later.
'''Primary saving throw(s):''' Reflex and Will

Corrupters usually set up a base of operations somewhere on the Material Plane, finding or creating lairs reminiscent of their home. Indeed, Corrupter demons seek to corrupt more than just living creatures: they endeavor to change the Material Plane, and all other planes, into reflections or extensions of the Abyss. A haunted castle, a bottomless well, a labyrinthine maze of caverns hidden in a nearby hillside - any of these places could be home to a demonic corrupter.
'''Base attack bonus:''' +3/4 level

Corrupter demons do venture out into the open, but they use disguises and possession (the demon's ultimate weapon) to collect souls and change the land to benefit their masters.
:'''Note''': A [[Warlock]] summoning any '''''Evil''''' planar being using any in game spell/feat/item/etc. is exempted from [[Summoning_Changes#Alignment_divergence|alignment divergence]] hostility.

Here are a few examples of how well some kinds of demons align with the corrupter role.
:* Arcane (spell failure from armor is a factor), charisma-based (a base score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified charisma, and the charisma modifier accects spell DCs), and spontaneous cast (no spell preparation required).
:* [[Warlock]]s are able to freely select spells from the Warlock spell list.
:* [[Warlock]]s learn one (infinite) [[:Category:Spells#Cantrips|cantrip]] at level 2 and additional ones at levels 10, 20 and 30.
:* Pact feats (See Below) will enable infinite casts of pact-specific spells, if the [[Warlock]] has selected them on level-up:
::* Regular '''Pact''' enables pact-specific infinite spells of Spell Levels 1 and 2.
::* '''Greater Pact''' enables pact-specific infinite spells of Spell Levels 3 and 4.
::* '''Epic Pact''' enables pact-specific infinite spells of Spell Levels 5 and 6.
::* Spell Levels 7 and 8 are a Patron's greatest boons and therefore never unlimited
:* Metamagic will not prevent Pact Spell replenishment, unless the Spell Level increases to 7 or higher.
:* Due to engine limitations, using all casts of one Spell Level will also prevent casting Pact Spells of that circle.
:* Pact Spells are both listed on the Pact feat description and highlighted during levelup for ease of selection.
:* For balance reasons, certain Pact Spells are only replenished once every 3 minutes. These spells are marked with an asterisk in the spell selection menu. After casting, the "-cd" command will list their remaining replenishment cooldown times.
:* Epic Spells: [[Warlock]] exclusive [[#Class_Feats_-_Dark_Invocations|Dark Invocations]]. They have specific '''Epic Pact''' feat requirements in addition to [[Warlock]] level and Spellcraft skill requirements

Archetypical: Glabrezu, guecubu, nabassu (juvenile), succubus
===Eldritch Blast===
Interesting: Chasme, dybbuk, lilitu, marilith, nalfeshnee
Unlikely: Armanite, babau, ekolid, mane

''Excerpt from Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss''
:* '''The repeat use of Eldritch Blast (including Eldritch Spear, Eldritch Chain, Hideous Blow, Greater Hideous Blow) can be automated using [[Console_command#-warlock|-warlock autoblast]].  Allowing the Warlock to automatically continue using this ability across available targets.'''
::: '''Note''': This excludes Eldritch Doom, Greater Eldritch Doom and targeted healing.
:* Is available as a feat-based ability granted at level 2 for all [[Warlock]]s. [[Harbinger]] synergizes with [[Warlock]], increasing (only) Eldritch Blast Caster Level by 1 per 2 [[Harbinger]] levels.
:* Starts at 2d6 damage (level 2), increases to 3d6 (level 5) then increases by 1d6 per combined ([[Warlock]] / 2) and ([[Harbinger]] / 4) levels. Certain [[Warlock]] Class Feats will increase this damage further. Damage is halved when targeting objects.
::* All Eldritch Blast Damage Types EXCEPT Magic and Positive will deal half Magic or Positive and half Elemental Damage.  Magic and Positive Blast Damage remains undivided but only deals 80% Damage.  This makes Magic and Positive the best Blast Damage for interruping spells.
:* Is a Touch Attack, ignoring Weapon AB unless otherwise noted. Eldritch Blast respects Spell Resistance, but ignores Globes of Invulnerability and Spell Mantles due to being an invocation.
::: '''Note''': the base Eldritch Blast is a ranged touch attack (Dex based).
:* A natural 20 on the Touch Attack results in a critical hit, increasing Eldritch Blast damage by 50%.
:* Different Blast Shapes are available as [[Warlock]] Class Feats. Presently, these are the following, available in Regular and Greater variants:
::* Hideous Blow: Strength-based Melee-range Eldritch Blast. Instead of wasting an action when queued to target a creature out of range, Hideous Blow will trigger a regular Eldritch Blast or Spear instead, if the target is close enough for these abilities. Hideous Blow applies a third of the blast damage as temporary hit points for a short period of time.
::* Eldritch Doom: Area of effect Eldritch Blast. No touch attack nor saving throw, but lower damage.
::* Eldritch Spear: Long-range Eldritch Blast. Dexterity-based ranged touch attack. Upgrades to Eldritch Chain which adds chaining to multiple targets with decreasing damage.
:* [[Warlock]]s can switch between different blast damage types using the [[Console_command#-warlock|"-warlock" command]] or radial menu. Available damage types depend on the chosen Pact feats.
:* [[Warlock]]s able to invoke:
::* Positive energy can use Eldritch Blast to heal non-undead party members by 1d4 hit points per two warlock levels.
::* Negative energy can use Eldritch Blast to heal undead party members by 1d4 hit points per two warlock levels.
::: '''Note''': This does not work for Hideous Blow and Greater Hideous Blow (swapping to base Eldritch blast or another shape will still work)
:* The Metamagic feat Quicken Spell will automatically quicken Eldritch Blast cast times.
::* '''Note:''' Due to engine limitations, the first Eldritch Blast in a sequence remains unquickened.
:* Eldritch Blast will appear as an "unknown spell" in the combat log unless characters have high enough Spellcraft to recognize the vile origins of this ability. The amount of Spellcraft needed to recognize [[Warlock]] invocations increases based on the observer's level.
:* Epic Pact Eldritch Blast effects:
::* Epic Pact, Eldritch Blast effects are triggered with:
:::* Base Eldritch Blast
:::* Base Shaped Eldritch Blast (Edritch Spear, Eldritch Doom Hideous Blow)
:::* Greater Shaped Blast (Eldritch Chain, Greater Eldritch Doom, Greater Hideous Blow)

=== On Devils: Faustian Pacts ===
====Class Feats - Eldritch Blast====
Class Feats pertaining to Eldritch Blast.
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

Devils take special delight in corrupting the souls of their enemies, and Faustian pacts have proven to be among the most effective ways to lure mortals stray. Such a contract exchanges the mortal's soul for any number of possible benefits. Over the centuries, many adventurers have proven themselves susceptible to the temptations inherent in Faustian pacts, because those pacts promise the sort of powers and abilities that adventurers covet.
! Agonizing Blast
| - || CHA 24 || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Eldritch Blast damage increases by CHA modifier.
! Precision Blast
| - || DEX 24 || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - DEX bonus to Eldritch Blast AB is increased by DEX mod.<br/>- All Blasts bypass concealment.
! Eldritch Mastery
| - || - || Eldritch Blast || - ||  || +1 Eldritch Blast AB (total),<br/>+2d6 blast damage(total)<br/>+1d4 healing (total) || - Bonus applies to all blast shapes.<br/>- Eldritch Doom bonus damage is 2d3 or d4.
! Greater Eldritch Mastery
| - || DEX 16 || Eldritch Mastery,<br/>Blast Shape (Any) || - ||  || +3 Eldritch Blast AB (total),<br/>+6d6 blast damage (total)<br/>+2d4 healing (total) || - Bonus applies to all blast shapes<br/>- Eldritch Doom bonus damage is 6d3 or d4.
! Epic Eldritch Mastery
| - || DEX 20 || Greater Eldritch Mastery,<br/>Greater Blast Shape (Any) || - ||  || +6 Eldritch Blast AB (total),<br/>+12d6 blast damage(total)<br/>+3d4 healing (total) || - Bonus applies to all blast shapes.<br/>- Eldritch Doom bonus damage is +12d3 or +12d4.
! Hideous Blow
| - || STR 16 || Eldritch Blast || - || - || - || - Melee Eldritch Blast (STR-based melee touch attack).<br/>- Blast damage increased by 1d2 per [[soft]] STR modifier to a maximum of +1d2 per combined (Warlock / 2) and (Harbinger /4) levels<br/>- Respects melee weapon AB bonuses. Doesn't work with ranged weapons.<br/>- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.<br/>- Hideous Blow applies a third of the blast damage as temporary hit points for a short period of time.
! Greater Hideous Blow
| Warlock 20 || STR 20 || Hideous Blow || - || - || - || - Hideous Blow bonus damage increases to 1d6 per [[soft]] STR modifier to a maximum of +1d6 per combined (Warlock / 2) and (Harbinger /4) levels<br/>- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
! Eldritch Doom
| - || CHA 16 || Eldritch Blast || - || - || - || - Medium range Eldritch Blast. Half damage but affects medium AoE.<br/>- No touch attack needed to hit, can be ground targeted.<br/>- Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies in the AoE by d3/4 levels.<br/>- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
! Greater Eldritch Doom
| Warlock 20 || CHA 20 || Eldritch Doom || - || - || - || - Eldritch Doom AoE increases to "large"<br/>- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.<br/>- Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies in the AoE by d4/4 levels.
! Eldritch Spear
| - || DEX 16 || Eldritch Blast || - || - || - || - Long range Eldritch Blast.<br/>- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
! Eldritch Chain
| Warlock 20 || DEX 20 || Eldritch Spear || - || - || - || - Like Eldritch Spear, but affects two nearby targets at reduced damage.  The secondary at d4 damage (Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies targeted for d4/4 levels) and the tertiary at d3 damage (Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies targeted for d3/4 levels)<br/>- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.

Devils extend two types of contracts: the ''Pact Certain'' and the ''Pact Insidious''. These terms are used only in the Nine Hells; they sound too sinister to share with prospective signatories.

In accordance with folklore, each contract is a physical object, whether a scroll or a small volume bound in fine leather and edged in gold. In it are scribed the terms of the contract in amazing detail. The devil always retains a copy of the contract and, if pressed, provides a second one to the signatory. Mortals must sign in their own blood to render the contract binding.
* [[Warlock]]s are not limited to a single Pact and Patron. Multiple Pacts can be chosen at the expense of [[Warlock]] Class Feats.
* Pact feats represent a [[Warlock]]'s commitment to one particular Patron entity. Per Pact, there are three tiers with increasingly powerful benefits: Regular '''Pact''', '''Greater Pact''' and '''Epic Pact'''.
:: Note: '''Epic Pact''' offer the most powerful benefits, but also prohibit the use of Divine Might and Divine Shield when multiclassed with a class that grants access to selecting these feats.
====Abyssal Pact====
<i>Lusting after power and uncaring of - or bolder than - its perils, the warlock strikes a black bargain with the destructive agencies of the Abyss.</i>
=====Class Feats - Pact (Abyssal)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.  
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special
! Pact (Abyssal)
| - || - || - || Electrical || Electrical DI 5%<br/>Electrical DR 5/- || Intimidate +3 || - Language: [[Abyssal]]<br/>- Summon Stream: Demon<br/>- Darkvision
! Greater Pact (Abyssal)
| Warlock 10 || CHA 14 || Pact (Abyssal) || Electrical,<br/>Acid || Electrical DI 10%,<br/>Electrical DR 10/-,<br/>Acid DI 5%,<br/>Acid DR 5/- || Intimidate +6 || - Character no longer stunned by Wild Surges/Faer'zress.<br/>- 5% Wild Surge chance on spells cast from the Warlock spellbook.<br/>- Chance for negative surges lowered by 2% per Warlock level.<br/>- Devil's Sight (Permanent Ultravision)
! Epic Pact (Abyssal)
| Warlock 20 || CHA 18 || Greater Pact (Abyssal) || Electrical,<br/>Acid,<br/>Magic || Electrical DI 15%<br/>Electrical DR 15/-,<br/>Acid DI 10%,<br/>Acid DR 10/- || Intimidate +9 || - Eldritch Blast has a 5% Wild Surge chance.<br/>- Greater Eldritch Summon (if Warlock has an Eldritch Summon feat)<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- Eldritch Blast triggers a lesser curse, lowering a random ability by 2 (DC 16 + CHA modifier, increased by Transmutation foci vs. Will save)

The '''Pact Certain''' is the favored choice of all devils who deal in Faustian pacts, but it is offered only to easy marks who have already proven themselves indifferent to the fates of their souls. A Pact Certain contains language in which the mortal ''explicitly'' affirms allegience to a Lord of Hell and promises to do their will in exchange for whatever benefits are offered.

The mere act of consciously assigning one's soul to a lord of Hell is, by the terms of the Pact Primeval, an irredeemably and intrinsically evil act.
=====Pact Spells (Abyssal)=====
: '''Pact'''
:: Level 1: [[Darkness]], [[Grease]], [[Protection from Alignment]], [[Ultravision]], [[Scare]]
:: Level 2: [[Bull's Strength]], [[Darkfire]], [[Lightning Bolt]], [[See Invisibility]],
: '''Greater Pact'''
:: Level 3: [[Combust]], [[Fear (spell)|Fear]], [[Magic Circle Against Alignment]], [[Poison (spell)|Poison]], [[Command]], [[Life Transference]] (3min CD), [[Strangulate]]
:: Level 4: [[Finger of Agony]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] (3min CD), [[Scintillating Sphere]], [[Stinking Cloud]]
: '''Epic Pact'''
:: Level 5: [[Dismissal]], [[Flame Shield]] (3 min cooldown), [[Greater Life Transference]] (3min CD)
:: Level 6: [[Chain Lightning]], [[Hell Inferno]], [[Lesser Planar Binding]], [[Mass Bull's Strength]]

A Pact Certain can be nullified only by proving that the bloody signature was extracted involuntarily through duress. According to the Pact Primeval, devils cannot reap signatures through torture or threats of force - including force against third parties. This rule does not, however, pertain to individuals who voluntarily sign a Pact Certain to ransom an imprisoned soul from Baator.
====Fathomless Pact====
<i>Guided by a thalassic patron of the world's Oceans or the Undrenzee, the warlock grasps for sinister powers originating from the blackest depths.</i>

In a '''Pact Insidious''', a devil promises to provide certain benefits for a mortal signatory in exchange for specified reciprocal favors. It does ''not'' explicitly bind the mortal's soul to Baator, nor does it require a statement of allegiance to any particular archdevil.
=====Class Feats - Pact (Fathomless)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.  
! Stat Prereq.  
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

From the devil's point of view, such a pact is still an exercise in damnation - it is merely sneakier than a Pact Certain. A Pact Insidious allows a gullible mortal to believe he can gain the benefits of a flirtation with evil without suffering its consequences. Thus, it exploits the eternal self-delusion of the lazy and greedy.
! Pact (Fathomless)
| - || - || - || Cold || Cold DI 5%,<br/>Cold DR 5/- || Sail +3 || - Language: [[Deep Speech]]<br/>- Summon Stream: [[Summon_Drowned|Drowned]]<br/>- Bonus to surviving jumping overboard.
! Greater Pact (Fathomless)
| Warlock 10 || CHA 14 || Pact (Fathomless) || Cold,<br/>Entropy || Cold DI 10%<br/>Cold DR 10/-<br/>Entropy DI 5%<br/>Entropy DR 5/- || Sail +6 ||- Bonus Feat: [[Amphibious Character]]<br/>- Immunity: Fear<br/>- [[Evard's Black Tentacles]] inflict Entropy damage.
! Epic Pact (Fathomless)
| Warlock 20 || CHA 18 || Greater Pact (Fathomless) || Cold,<br/>Entropy,<br/>Magic || Cold DI 15%<br/>Cold DR 15/-<br/>Entropy DI 10%<br/>Entropy DR 10/- || Sail +9 || - Immunity: Tentacle spells<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- Eldritch Blast triggers a weakened [[Drown]] spell (DC 16 + CHA modifier, increased by Transmutation foci vs. Fortitude save) removing 20% of max HP, capped at 2 damage per Warlock level. Guaranteed secondary damage: 2d6 bludgeoning.<br/>-Eldritch Summon VI / Planar Gate: New pact-specific summon skin

A contract of this type is written to deliver its promises in stages. To reap the next stage of benefits, the signatory must perform a new service for the devil. A fool who signs a bargain rarely notices until it is too late that each service incrementally nudges him toward eternal damnation. Below are the most common corrupt acts requested at each stage and provided corruption value.

* Using an evil spell ''(1)''
[[File:Summon Epic Pact Fathomless.PNG|link=]]
* Humiliating an underling ''(1)''
* Engaging in intimidating torture ''(1)''
* Stealing from the needy ''(2)''
* Desecrating a good church/temple ''(2)''
* Betraying a friend/ally for personal gain ''(2)''
* Causing gratuitous injury to a creature ''(3)''
* Perverting justice for personal gain ''(3)''
* Inflicting cruel or painful torture ''(4)''
* Inflicting excruciating torture ''(5)''
* Murder ''(5)''
* Inflicting sadistic torture ''(6)''
* Cold-blooded murder ''(6)''
* Murder for pleasure ''(7)''
* Inflicting indescribable torture ''(7)''

Hidden provisions in the contract revoke the previous benefits if the mortal stops performing the specified tasks. Strict prohibitions forbid the mortal from disclosing the contents of the agreement to any third party. Though the contract does not explicitly say so, these prohibitions are meant to keep mortals away from meddlesome priests who would seek to absolve repentant signatories of their accumulated sins.
=====Pact Spells (Fathomless)=====
: '''Pact Spells:'''
:: Level 1: [[Doom]], [[Grease]], [[Resist Elements]], [[Scare]]
:: Level 2: [[Blindness/Deafness]], [[Bull's Strength]], [[See Invisibility]], [[Blur]], [[Frigid Darkness]]
: '''Greater Pact (Fathomless)'''
:: Level 3: [[Fear (spell)|Fear]], [[Invisibility (spell)|Invisibility]], [[Protection from Elements]], [[Frostbite]], [[Gust of Wind]], [[Negative Energy Burst]] (3 min cooldown)
:: Level 4: [[Contagion]], [[Evard's Black Tentacles]] (3 min cooldown), [[Freeze]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] (3min CD), [[Withering Ray]] (3 min cooldown)
: '''Epic Pact (Fathomless)'''
:: Level 5: [[Dark Undertow]] (3 min cooldown), [[Frost Shield]] (3 min cooldown), [[Negative Energy Flood]] (3 min cooldown)
:: Level 6: [[Drown]], [[Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles]] (3 min cooldown), [[Mass Bull's Strength]]

''Excerpt from Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells''
====Infernal Pact====
<i>The warlock explores their business horizons with the diabolical agencies of Baator, negotiating a pact with an Infernal patron of the Nine Hells.</i>

== Roleplaying tips ==
=====Class Feats - Pact (Infernal)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

How a Warlock is played varies from person to person, but here are some tips that apply to everyone.
! Pact (Infernal)
| - || - || - || Fire || Fire DI 5% || Leadership +3 || - Language: [[Infernal]]<br/>- Summon Stream: Devil<br/>- Darkvision
! Greater Pact (Infernal)
| Warlock 10 || CHA 14 || Pact (Infernal) || Fire,<br/>Acid || Fire DI 10%,<br/>Fire DR 10/-,<br/>Acid DI 5%,<br/>Acid DR 5/- || Leadership +6 || - Character unaffected by Wild Surges/Faer'zress. (This disables the Abyssal wild surges)<br/>- [[Hell Inferno]] variable damage increases by 50%.<br/>- Devil's Sight (Permanent Ultravision)
! Epic Pact (Infernal)
| Warlock 20 || CHA 18 || Greater Pact (Infernal) || Fire,<br/>Acid,<br/>Magic || Fire DI 15%,,<br/>Fire DR 15/-<br/>Acid DI 10%<br/>Acid DR 10/- || Leadership +9 || - Greater Eldritch Summon (if Warlock has an Eldritch Summon feat)<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- Eldritch Blast triggers a lesser [[Hell Inferno]] spell which does not stack with the actual spell  (2d4 variable damage + 1d4 extra per evo focus, magic reduced by 1d6. two ticks.).

* If you are aiming to keep your identity as a Warlock a secret, be careful about using your invocations. You never know who might know enough about Warlock magic to identify you.
* If your identity as a Warlock is openly flaunted, prepare to be shunned in character. Yes, even neutral warlocks. All the available pacts are made with dangerous and evil otherworldly beings.
* A devil-pact Warlock would usually be a lawful character and/or have been given some kind of code to follow by the one they made the pact with. A demon-pact Warlock on the other hand would usually be a chaotic character. These tend to be the ones who flaunt their power openly.
* Swearing fealty to X isn't the same as worshiping X. This means that you can still worship your previous deity.
* You should know X's doctrines. But there will be a difference between the "believers" in those doctrines (more like worshippers), and those who follow the doctrines because of a pact (more or less willingly).
* Hence, there will be a difference between being devoted to X (these characters will most likely blossom), and those reluctant or even defiant. The latter will most probably be mentally and spiritually corrupted (comparable to necromancers). They wanted the benefits of the pact, but are not 100% willing to pay the very high price for it.
* At the very least, it is necessary to roleplay a significant influence from the pact. Believers will blossom from it. Those who did it for other reasons will most likely constantly run into problems wherever there is a conflict between the deity he/she serves and the doctrines of X.
* Good/accidental/forced Warlock RP is not supported.  All Arelith Warlocks have taken their pact voluntarily.  The circumstances of this choice remain at the player's discretion.
::For Arelith's purposes, every character with a Warlock pact makes the choice to pact, for whatever reason.  -DM Watchtower

Warlock roleplay can be seen as a triangle of conflict between the one you make the pact with, your deity and your own selfish (and/or your community's) interests.
=====Pact Spells (Infernal)=====
: '''Pact Spells:'''
:: Level 1: [[Darkness]], [[Grease]], [[Protection from Alignment]], [[Ultravision]], [[Scare]]
:: Level 2: [[Bull's Strength]], [[Darkfire]], [[Flame Lash]], [[See Invisibility]]
: '''Greater Pact (Infernal)'''
:: Level 3: [[Combust]], [[Fear (spell)|Fear]], [[Magic Circle Against Alignment]], [[Poison (spell)|Poison]], [[Command]], [[Life Transference]] (3min CD), [[Strangulate]]
:: Level 4: [[Finger of Agony]], [[Fireball]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] (3min CD), [[Stinking Cloud]]
: '''Epic Pact (Infernal)'''
:: Level 5: [[Dismissal]], [[Flame Shield]] (3 min cooldown), [[Greater Life Transference]] (3min CD)
:: Level 6: [[Delayed Blast Fireball]] (3 min cooldown), [[Hell Inferno]], [[Lesser Planar Binding]], [[Mass Bull's Strength]]

== Mechanical Information ==
====Night Hag Pact====
<i>Coveting nightmarish dominion over the subconscious and the hazy beyond, the warlock strikes a pact with a Night Hag at their own peril.</i>

The Warlock is a subclass of the Bard. To become a Warlock, a character starts life as a [[Bard]], but then makes a pact with an Abyssal, Infernal or Fey entity to draw on its power. You can either find the NPC in-game that offers the pact, or you can take the pact on character creation.
=====Class Feats - Pact (Night Hag)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special
! Pact (Night Hag)
| - || - || - || Negative || Spell Resistance 10 || Bluff +3,<br/>Use Trap +3 || - Language: [[Abyssal]]<br/>- Summon Stream: Yugoloth<br/>- Immunity: Sleep<br/>- Darkvision<br/>- [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]] spell automatically empowered.
! Greater Pact (Night Hag)
| Warlock 10 || CHA 14 || Pact (Night Hag) || Negative,<br/>Sonic || Spell Resistance 18 || Bluff +6,<br/>Use Trap +6 || - Immunity: Disease<br/>- Deceive Item (+10 to UMD)<br/>- [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]] spell HD limit removed (Empowered is no longer possible).<br/>- [[Nightmare]] spell automatically empowered.
! Epic Pact (Night Hag)
| Warlock 20 || CHA 18 || Greater Pact (Night Hag) || Negative,<br/>Sonic,<br/>Magic || Spell Resistance 26 || Bluff +9,<br/>Use Trap +9 || - [[Nightmare]] DC increases by 3 against sleeping targets and the spell no longer immediately wakes up targets. (Targets will wake up after a random duration between 1 and 2 rounds).<br/>- Phantasmal Killer DC increases by 3 against sleeping targets.<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- Eldritch Blast triggers a single-target [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]] spell (DC 16 + CHA modifier, increased by Enchantment foci vs. Will save) with a duration of 1-2 rounds.<br/>- They also exhaust (all) targets failing the save, lowering their Rest meter by 2d8% ot 1d8% if the save is made.<br/>([[Negative Energy Protection]], [[Shadow Shield]] and Mind Immunity prevents this).<br/>- [[Warlock#Class_Feats_-_Summoning|Epic Eldritch Summon]] for Ultroloth (Yugoloth stream) has been reskinned to a Night Hag projection

Note: Bard does not have to be the 1st class taken. It can be characters that multiclass later to bard.

: "To become a Warlock you simply need Bard levels. Your Bard levels become your Warlock levels."
=====Pact Spells (Night Hag)=====
: '''Pact (Night Hag)'''
:: Level 1: [[Darkness]], [[Ray of Enfeeblement]], [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]], [[Ultravision]]
:: Level 2: [[Eagle's Splendor]], [[Hold Person]], [[Tasha's Hideous Laughter]], [[False Life]] (3min CD), [[Serene Visage]]
: '''Greater Pact (Night Hag)'''
:: Level 3: [[Bestow Curse]], [[Infestation of Maggots]], [[Nightmare]], [[Polymorph Self]], [[Crushing Despair]], [[Poison (spell)|Poison]]
:: Level 4: [[Contagion]], [[Displacement]], [[Finger of Agony]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] (3min CD)
: '''Epic Pact (Night Hag)'''
:: Level 5: [[Ethereal Visage]] (3 min cooldown), [[Evil Blight]], [[Phantasmal Killer]] (3 min cooldown), [[Baleful Polymorph]] (3min CD)
:: Level 6: [[Mind Fog]], [[Shadow Evocation]] ([[Flame Shield]] is exempt), [[Mass Eagle's Splendor]], [[Phantom Wound]]

- Mithreas
====Star Pact====
<i>Beguiled by forbidden knowledge of a remote, star-gnawed cosmos, the warlock bonds with otherworldly intelligences that press against the veil of the night sky.</i>

=====Class Feats - Pact (Star)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

! Pact (Star)
| - || - || - || Psychic || Psychic DI 5%<br/>Psychic DR 5/- || Spot +3 || - Language: [[Deep Speech]]<br/>- [[Crushing Despair]] inflicts half the penalty on a successful save and does not stack.
! Greater Pact (Star)
| Warlock 10 || CHA 14 || Pact (Star) || Psychic,<br/>Entropy|| Psychic DI 10%<br/>Psychic DR 10/-<br/>Entropy DI 5%<br/>Entropy DR 5/- || Spot +6 || - Hex (CL is Warlock level*2/3)<br/>- See the Unseen (Permanent See Invisibility)<br/>- Immunity: Fear
! Epic Pact (Star)
| Warlock 20 || CHA 18 || Greater Pact (Star) || Psychic,<br/>Entropy,<br/>Magic || Psychic DI 15%<br/>Psychic DR 15/-<br/>Entropy DI 10%<br/>Entropy DR 10/- || Spot +9 || - Hex of Acedia<br/>- Otherworldly Whispers (+5 bonus to Lore and Spellcraft)<br/>- Psionic attacks inflict no damage to the warlock if the save is passed.<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- Eldritch Blast activates a Psionic inertial barrier (10/+5 DR, duration 1 round).<br/>This barrier will also protect against [[Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm]] if the [[Warlock]] has [[Feat_changes#Spell_Focus:_Abjuration|Spell Focus: Abjuration]] and [[Isaac's Greater Missile Storm]] if the warlock has the [[Feat_changes#Spell_Focus:_Abjuration|Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration]].<br/>- Eldritch Summon VI / Planar Gate: New pact-specific summon skin

=== Warlock Class Abilities ===
=====Pact Spells (Star)=====
: '''Pact Spells:'''
:: Level 1: [[Doom]], [[Entropic Shield]], [[Ghostly Visage]], [[Mage Armor]], [[Scare]]
:: Level 2: [[Blindness/Deafness]], [[Cat's Grace]], [[See Invisibility]], [[Blur]], [[Frigid Darkness]]
: '''Greater Pact (Star)'''
:: Level 3: [[Crushing_Despair|Crushing Despair]], [[Fear (spell)|Fear]], [[Gust of Wind]], [[Invisibility (spell)|Invisibility]], [[Nightmare]], [[Command]]
:: Level 4: [[Confusion]], [[Eyebite]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] (3min CD), [[Sound Lance]] (3 min cooldown), [[Withering Ray]] (3 min cooldown)
: '''Epic Pact (Star)'''
:: Level 5: [[Feeblemind]], [[Wounding Whispers]] (3 min cooldown), [[Phantasmal Killer]] (3 min cooldown)
:: Level 6: [[Darkbolt]] (3 min cooldown), [[Mind Fog]], [[Mass Cat's Grace]]

A Warlock is similar to a Bard, with the following changes:
====Undying Pact====
* Bard Song is disabled (note that Curse Song is useless without Bard Song)
<i>Guided by one of those undying ancients who yet lurk the corners of creation, the warlock pursues the liminal mysteries of Life, Death and the Pale in-between.</i>
* Bardic Knowledge is disabled
* Hit Die changed to d8 (8HP/lvl)
* [[Warlock#Warlock_Resilience | Warlock Resilience]] (seen below)
* Arcane Spell Failure for Armor and Shields is reduced by 20% for pure-class Warlocks, or multi-class Warlocks with at least 6 levels in the class
* Warlocks may cast unlimited spells from a [[Warlock#Warlock_Spell_List | pre-selected list]], based on their pact (regardless of which spells are chosen at level up, only those from the Warlock spell list will be available)
* A Ranged Touch Attack must be made for any spell cast against a hostile opponent, and successful hits will inflict [[Warlock#Eldritch_Blast | Eldritch Blast]] damage (Charm Person, Dominate Person, and Darkness will not inflict damage)

=== Warlock Eldritch Blast ===
=====Class Feats - Pact (Undying)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

When a spell is cast directly on a hostile opponent, Eldritch Blast damage of (1d6 + 1) / 2 levels is dealt to the target, along with the spell effect. Certain spells (marked below) that apply disabling or debuffing effects deal Eldritch Blast Damage of (1d3) / 3 levels to the target. While an AoE spell may affect multiple opponents, Eldritch Blast damage is dealt only to the target of the spell. Spell Resistance checks are made separately for the base spell and Eldritch Blast damage, meaning that one may penetrate while the other is blocked.
! Pact (Undying)
| - || - || - || Negative || Negative DI 5%,<br/>Negative DR 5/- || Regeneration +1,<br/>DR 5/+1 || - Language: [[Draconic]]<br/>- Summon Stream: [[Summon_Ghoul|Ghoul]]
! Greater Pact (Undying)
| Warlock 10 || CON 14 || Pact (Undying) || Negative,<br/>Acid || Negative DI 15%,<br/>Negative DR 15/- || Regeneration +2,<br/>DR 5/+3 || - [[Summoning_Changes#Undead_Summoning|Undead Summons]] get bonus SR equal to 6 + 1/2 [[Warlock]] levels. Stacks with [[Palemaster]].<br/>- Immunity: Poison<br/>- Immunity: Disease
! Epic Pact (Undying)
| Warlock 20 || CON 18 || Greater Pact (Undying) || Negative,<br/>Acid,<br/>Magic || Negative DI 25%,<br/>Negative DR 25/- || Regeneration +3,<br/>DR 5/+5 || - Unlocks Tier 6 [[Summoning_Changes#Undead_Summoning|Undead Summons]] (Requires 24+ Base CHA).<br/>- Eldritch Blast scales with the [[Warlock]]'s [[Palemaster]] levels.<br/>- Gains [https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Deathless_mastery Deathless Mastery] (Requires: 10+ [[Palemaster]] Levels)<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- Eldritch Blast heals the [[Warlock]] by 1d4 per 6 levels.

Using Eldritch Blast will cause the Warlock's eyes to glow.  Spells may be cast on the ground to avoid making a Ranged Touch Attack and activating eye glow.
=====Pact Spells (Undying)=====
:'''Pact (Undying)'''
:: Level 1: [[Ghostly Visage]], [[Mage Armor]], [[Ray of Enfeeblement]], [[Scare]]
:: Level 2: [[Bear's Endurance]], [[Ghoul Touch]], [[Stone Bones]], [[False Life]] (3min CD)
: '''Greater Pact (Undying)'''
:: Level 3: [[Fear (spell)|Fear]], [[Infestation of Maggots]], [[Negative Energy Burst]] (3 min cooldown), [[Hemorrhage]], [[Life Transference]] (3min CD)
:: Level 4: [[Eyebite]], [[Finger of Agony]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] (3min CD), [[Healing Sting]] (3 min cooldown)
: '''Epic Pact (Undying)'''
:: Level 5: [[Circle of Doom]], [[Energy Drain]], [[Greater Life Transference]] (3min CD), [[Negative Energy Flood]] (3min CD), [[Soul Scour]]
:: Level 6: [[Cloudkill]] (3 min cooldown), [[Mass Bear's Endurance]], [[Redbolt]] (3min CD)

The damage types listed below may be selected by using the [[Console_command#-warlock|-warlock console command]], as well as the VFX.
====Unseelie Fey Pact====
<i>Ensnared by countless inviolate courtesies, the warlock spirals further and further into the court intrigues of the capricious Unseelie Fey.</i>

=====Class Feats - Pact (Unseelie Fey)=====
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

{| border=1 cellpadding=1
|+ '''Eldritch Blast Damage Types by Pact and Level'''
! Level !! Fiendish/Abyssal Pact !! Fey Pact
| 1 || Fire || Cold
! Pact (Unseelie Fey)
| - || - || - || Cold || Cold DI 5%,<br/>Cold DR 5/- || Perform +3,<br/>Animal Empathy +3 || - Language: [[Sylvan]]<br/>- Summon Stream: Unseelie Fey<br/>- Immunity: Charm<br/>- Wildshape 1/day (Does not scale with levels.)<br/>- All secondary damage inflicted by blasts becomes positive energy damage
| 4 || Acid || Electrical
! Greater Pact (Unseelie Fey)
| Warlock 10 || CHA 14 || Pact (Unseelie) || Cold,<br/>Acid|| Cold DI 10%,<br/>Cold DR 10/-<br/>Acid DI 5%,<br/>Acid DR 5/- || Perform +6,<br/>Animal Empathy +6 || - Beguiling Influence<br/>- Immunity: Dominate
| 8 || Negative || Positive
! Epic Pact (Unseelie Fey)
| Warlock 20 || CHA 18 || Greater Pact (Unseelie) || Cold,<br/>Acid,<br/>Positive || Cold DI 15%,<br/>Cold DR 15/-<br/>Acid DI 10%,<br/>Acid DR 10/- || Perform +9,<br/>Animal Empathy +9 || - Woodland Stride<br/>- Double Dominate (Req: 24+ [[Hard]] Charisma)<br/>- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.<br/>- [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] spell triggers no CD on self-cast<br/>- [[#Eldritch Blast|Eldritch Blast]] disorients targets with [[Faerie Fire]], inflicting a miss chance equal to 25% plus 1% per warlock level. Duration: 1 round.
=====Pact Spells (Unseelie Fey)=====
:'''Pact (Unseelie Fey)'''
:: Level 1: [[Charm Person or Animal]], [[Entangle (spell)|Entangle]] (3 min cooldown), [[Expeditious Retreat]], [[Hold Animal]], [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]]
:: Level 2: [[Charm Monster]], [[Dominate Animal]], [[Eagle's Splendor]], [[Hold Person]], [[Serene Visage]]
: '''Greater Pact (Unseelie Fey)'''
:: Level 3: [[Crushing Despair]], [[Hold Monster]], [[Invisibility (spell)|Invisibility]], [[Polymorph Self]], [[Slow]], [[Vengeful Mount]] (3 min cooldown)
:: Level 4: [[Confusion]], [[Dominate Person]], [[Haste (spell)|Haste]], [[Improved Invisibility]], [[Freeze]]
: '''Epic Pact (Unseelie Fey)'''
:: Level 5: [[Ice Storm]] (3 min cooldown), [[Otto's Irresistible Dance]], [[Baleful Polymorph]] (3 min cooldown)
:: Level 6: [[Mind Fog]], [[Spike Growth]] (3 min cooldown), [[Mass Eagle's Splendor]]
===Class Feats - Summoning===
Available Summoning Class Feats.
:* Tier 4 Summons and above are subject to the [[Summoning_Changes#Epic_Caster_Bonus|Epic Caster Bonus]].
:* Creatures summoned with the Eldritch Summon line of feats now synergize with the warlock's pact spells and abilities:
::* Self-casting Haste also the summon now gains a 50% movement speed increase.
::* Eldritch Blasts heal them by 1d2 per 3 warlock levels.
::* Casting (Greater) Life Transference on them bypasses the pact spell cooldown.
::* Eldritch Summons can resist Word of Faith via a successful fortitude saving throw.
:::* If they pass this saving throw, they are instead blinded for 9 seconds, like player characters.
:* [[Warlock]] Eldritch summons are limited to the "Evil" planar streams regardless of the alignment of the [[Warlock]].  If the [[Warlock]] uses a stream (even their default stream) that is not evil, the summon will default to the "evil" axis of their alignment.
::* Example: A Lawful Neutral [[Warlock]] summons a creature using their default stream and Eldritch Summon will summon from the Lawful Evil stream (Devils).
:* The "evil" Planar streams are:
::* [[Summons#Devils_.28Lawful.29|Devils]]: Lawful Evil
::* [[Summons#Yugoloths|Yugoloths]]: Neutral Evil
::* [[Summons#Demons_.28Chaotic.29|Demons]]: Chaotic Evil
::* [[Summons#Unseelie_Fey|Unseelie Fey]]: Chaotic Evil
:: '''Note:''' These summons are exempt from the [[Summoning_Changes#Alignment_divergence|alignment divergence]] penalties typical for outsider summons.
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special
! Eldritch Summon
| - || - || Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Tier 1 to 4 summon (6 min cooldown)<br/>- Scales with Warlock levels: Tier 2 at level 8, Tier 3 at 12, Tier 4 at 17.<br/>- All summon tiers are available as radial spell options. The cooldown is shared.
! Greater Eldritch Summon
| Warlock 20 || CHA 20 || Greater Pact (Any)<br/>Eldritch Summon || - || - || - || - Unlocks Tier 5 summon (6 min cooldown)<br/>- Lesser summon tiers are available as radial spell options. The cooldown is shared.
| 12 || Magic || Magic
! Epic Eldritch Summon
| Warlock 28 || CHA 24 || Epic Pact (Any)<br/>Greater Eldritch Summon || - || - || - || - Unlocks Tier 6 summon (6 min cooldown)<br/>- Lesser summon tiers are available as radial spell options. The cooldown is shared.

=== Warlock Resilience ===
===Class Feats - Dark Invocations===
Warlock Specific Epic Spells
: '''Note:''' These are the only Warlock class feats that can also be taken as '''general feats''' (if the pre-requisites are met)

As a Warlock advances in level, she or he becomes more resilient against attacks, gaining resistance to damage types which vary by pact.
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special
! Dark Invocation: Planar Gate
| Level 21+ || Spellcraft 27,<br/>Level 8 spells || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - As Gate spell. Duration: 1 round per 2 warlock levels.<br/>- Scaled as if the Warlock had Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
! Dark Invocation: Sage Tongues
| Level 21+ || Spellcraft 27,<br/>Level 8 spells || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Speak and understand all '''learnable''' [[Languages]] for 1 turn per warlock level.
! Dark Invocation: Glyph of Forestallment
| Level 21+ || Spellcraft 27,<br/>Level 8 spells || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Like epic abjurer area warding.<br/>- [[Warlock]]s with multiple paths can switch between different glyphs available to them by toggling the associated warlock elemental damage.
! Dark Invocation: Sinister Call
| Level 21+ || Spellcraft 27,<br/>Level 8 spells || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Grants access to the -yoink command.
! Dark Invocation: Eldritch Veil
| Level 21+ || Spellcraft 27,<br/>Level 8 spells || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Greater Invisibility for 1 round per 6 warlock levels. Double duration for warlocks with GSF: Illusion.(Greater Invisibility is not removed when attacking, but Invisibility Purge still removes it.)

===Class Feats - Passives===
Passive abilities that can be aquired by a [[Warlock]] spending Class Feats.
{| {{Table-Class}}
! Name
! Class Prereq.
! Stat Prereq.
! Feat Prerequisite
! Blast Damage Types
! Immunities
! Bonus
! Special

{| border=1 cellpadding=1
|+ '''Warlock Bonus Defenses by Level and Pact'''
! Level !! Fiendish/Abyssal Pact !! Fey Pact
| 10 || Uncanny Dodge, 5/- DR vs Fire/Acid || Uncanny Dodge, 5/- DR vs Cold/Electrical
! Beguiling Influence
| - || - || Pact (Any) || - || - || - || +5 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Taunt
| 20 || 5% Damage Immunity vs Physical, 10/- DR vs Fire/Acid || 5% Damage Immunity vs Physical, 10/- DR vs Cold/Electrical
! Dark Blessing
| Warlock 28 || CHA 24 || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - CHA modifier to saving throws.
| 30 || 10% Damage Immunity vs Physical, 20/- DR vs Fire/Acid || 10% Damage Immunity vs Physical, 20/- DR vs Cold/Electrical
! Deceive Item
| - || - || Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - +10 bonus to Use Magic Device<br>- +2 to the Innate caster level check for all classes for [[Sequencers]]
! Devil's Sight
| - || - || Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Permanent [[Ultravision]]
! Eldritch Armor
| - || STR 24 || Epic Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Heavy armor proficiency.<br/>- Allows the [[Warlock]] to use [[#Eldritch Blast|Eldritch Blast]] without deactivating Expertise or Improved Expertise (The Expertise penalty does apply to Touch attacks).<br/>- While active Expertise and Improved Expertise modes lower blast damage by 5d6 (and 10d6, respectively)<br/>- Allows resting while armored.<br/>- Warlock ASF reduction increases to -50%, effectively rendering the character immune to ASF
! Leaps and Bounds
| - || - || Greater Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Movement speed +10% faster (doesn't stack with Haste),<br/>- Spring Attack feat
! Otherworldly Whispers
| - || - || Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - +5 bonus to Lore and Spellcraft
! See the Unseen
| - || - || Greater Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Permanent [[See Invisibility]]
! Eldritch Euphony
| - || - || Pact (Any) || - || - || - || - Bard Song scaling and Charges increased by 2:3 Warlock levels. <br> - Allows getting Curse Song Feat as a general feat.

=== Warlock Spell List ===
=== Level Progression ===  

Warlocks may use the following spells with unlimited castings and no cooldown.
Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

{| {{Table-Class}}
! colspan="8" |
! rowspan=33 |
! colspan="9" |Base spells per day
! rowspan=33 |
! colspan="9" |Known spells
! Level
! Fort
! Ref
! Will
! Feats
! HP
! [[#Eldritch Blast|Eldritch Blast]]
! 0th
! 1st
! 2nd
! 3rd
! 4th
! 5th
! 6th
! 7th
! 8th
! 0th
! 1st
! 2nd
! 3rd
! 4th
! 5th
! 6th
! 7th
! 8th
| 1st||+0||+0||+2||+2||Pact||-||6||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||-
| 2nd||+1||+0||+3||+3||Eldritch Blast||12||2d6||*||6||-||-||-||-||-||-||-||1||1||-||-||-||-||-||-||-
| 3rd||+2||+1||+3||+3||{{hover|Arcane Spell Failure reduction -20%*|This applies both to the armor and the shield for a total -40% reduction. It also does not stack with other class-based sources of ASF reduction}} <br/>(Req. 6+ Lvls for multiclassed Warlocks)||18||2d6||*||7||6||-||-||-||-||-||-||1||2||1||-||-||-||-||-||-
| 4th||+3||+1||+4||+4||||24||2d6||*||8||7||-||-||-||-||-||-||1||2||2||-||-||-||-||-||-
| 5th||+3||+1||+4||+4||Class Feat||30||3d6||*||8||8||-||-||-||-||-||-||1||3||2||-||-||-||-||-||-
| 6th||+4||+2||+5||+5||||36||3d6||*||8||8||-||-||-||-||-||-||1||3||3||-||-||-||-||-||-
| 7th||+5||+2||+5||+5||||42||4d6||*||8||8||4||-||-||-||-||-||1||4||3||1||-||-||-||-||-
| 8th||+6/+1||+2||+6||+6||||48||4d6||*||8||8||5||4||-||-||-||-||1||4||4||2||1||-||-||-||-
| 9th||+6/+1||+3||+6||+6||||54||5d6||*||8||8||6||5||-||-||-||-||1||5||4||2||2||-||-||-||-
| 10th||+7/+2||+3||+7||+7||Class Feat, Uncanny Dodge, Summon Familiar||60||5d6||*||8||8||6||6||-||-||-||-||2||5||5||3||2||-||-||-||-
| 11th||+8/+3||+3||+7||+7||||66||6d6||*||8||8||6||6||-||-||-||-||2||5||5||3||3||-||-||-||-
| 12th||+9/+4||+4||+8||+8||||72||6d6||*||8||8||6||6||2||-||-||-||2||5||5||4||3||1||-||-||-
| 13th||+9/+4||+4||+8||+8||||78||7d6||*||8||8||6||6||3||2||-||-||2||5||5||4||4||2||1||-||-
| 14th||+10/+5||+4||+9||+9||||84||7d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||3||-||-||2||5||5||4||4||2||2||-||-
| 15th||+11/+6/+1||+5||+9||+9||Class Feat||90||8d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||-||-||2||5||5||4||4||3||2||-||-
| 16th||+12/+7/+2||+5||+10||+10||||96||8d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||-||-||2||5||5||4||4||3||3||-||-
| 17th||+12/+7/+2||+5||+10||+10||||102||9d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||0||-||2||5||5||4||4||3||3||1||-
| 18th||+13/+8/+3||+6||+11||+11||||108||9d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||1||0||2||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||1
| 19th||+14/+9/+4||+6||+11||+11||||114||10d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||1||2||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 20th ||+15/+10/+5 ||+6||+12||+12||Class Feat, Eldritch Carapace I||120||10d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
|colspan=32 style="background:#a2a9b1;font-size: 1px;line-height: 0;"|&nbsp;
| 21st ||+16/+11/+6 ||+6||+12||+12||||126||11d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 22nd ||+16/+11/+6 ||+7||+13||+13||||132||11d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 23rd ||+17/+12/+7 ||+7||+13||+13||||138||12d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 24th ||+17/+12/+7 ||+8||+14||+14||Epic Class Feat||144||12d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 25th ||+18/+13/+8 ||+8||+14||+14||Epic Class Feat||150||13d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 26th ||+18/+13/+8 ||+9||+15||+15||||156||13d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 27th ||+19/+14/+9 ||+9||+15||+15||||162||14d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||2||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 28th ||+19/+14/+9 ||+10||+16||+16||Epic Class Feat||168||14d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||3||2||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 29th ||+20/+15/+10 ||+10||+16||+16||||174||15d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||3||3||3||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2
| 30th ||+20/+15/+10 ||+11||+17||+17||Epic Class Feat, Eldritch Carapace II||180||15d6||*||8||8||6||6||4||4||3||3||4||5||5||4||4||3||3||2||2

{| border=1 cellpadding=1
'''* Note:''' [[:Category:Spells#Cantrips|Cantrips]] on Arelith have been customized to allow infinite casting
|+ '''Warlock Spell List by Level and Pact
! Level !! Fiendish/Abyssal !! Fey Pact
=== Epic Warlock===
'''Bonus feats:''' The epic warlock gains a bonus feats at levels 24, 25, 28 and 30.
'''Epic Class Feats:''' Epic Pact,
'''Unavailable epic feats:''' epic weapon specialization, outsider shape, construct shape, dragon shape, undead shape
=== Spells ===
See [[:Category:Warlock_Spells]] for a list of all spells by category.
{| {{Table-Class}}
!1st level spells
!2nd level spells
|-align=left valign=top
* [[Bestow Wound]]
* [[Blades of Fire]]
* [[Chill Touch]]
* [[Cure Minor Wounds]]
* [[Daze]]
* [[Flare]]
* [[Inflict Minor Wounds]]
* [[Ray of Frost]]
* [[Sustain]]
* [[Vicious Mockery]]
* [[Charm Person or Animal]]
* [[Darkness]]
* [[Doom]]
* [[Entangle (spell)|Entangle]]
* [[Entropic Shield]]
* [[Expeditious Retreat]]
* [[Ghostly Visage]]
* [[Grease]]
* [[Hold Animal]]
* [[Mage Armor]]
* [[Protection from Alignment]]
* [[Ray of Enfeeblement]]
* [[Resist Elements]]
* [[Scare]]
* [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]]
* [[Ultravision]]
* [[Bear's Endurance]]
* [[Blindness/Deafness]]
* [[Blur]]
* [[Bull's Strength]]
* [[Cat's Grace]]
* [[Charm Monster]]
* [[Darkfire]]
* [[Dominate Animal]]
* [[Eagle's Splendor]]
* [[False Life]]
* [[Flame Lash]]
* [[Frigid Darkness]]
* [[Ghoul Touch]]
* [[Hold Person]]
* [[Lesser Dispel]]
* [[Lightning Bolt]]
* [[See Invisibility]]
* [[Stone Bones]]
* [[Tasha's Hideous Laughter]]
* [[Serene Visage]]
!3rd level spells
!4th level spells
!5th level spells
|-align=left valign=top
* [[Animate Dead]]
* [[Bestow Curse]]
* [[Combust]]
* [[Command]]
* [[Crushing Despair]]
* [[Fear (spell)|Fear]]
* [[Frostbite]]
* [[Gust of Wind]]
* [[Hold Monster]]
* [[Infestation of Maggots]]
* [[Invisibility (spell)|Invisibility]]
* [[Life Transference]]
* [[Magic Circle Against Alignment]]
* [[Negative Energy Burst]]
* [[Nightmare]]
* [[Poison (spell)|Poison]]
* [[Polymorph Self]]
* [[Protection from Elements]]
* [[Slow]]
* [[Strangulate]]
* [[Sustenance]]
* [[Vengeful Mount]]
* '''[[Hemorrhage]]'''
* [[Confusion]]
* [[Contagion]]
* [[Dispel Magic]]
* [[Displacement]]
* [[Dominate Person]]
* [[Evard's Black Tentacles]]
* [[Eyebite]]
* [[Finger of Agony]]
* [[Fireball]]
* [[Freeze]]
* [[Haste (spell)|Haste]]
* [[Healing Sting]]
* [[Improved Invisibility]]
* [[Scintillating Sphere]]
* [[Sound Lance]]
* [[Stinking Cloud]]
* '''[[Predator]]'''
* '''[[Withering Ray]]'''
* '''[[Wraith Stride]]'''
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]
* [[Circle of Doom]]
* [[Dark Undertow]]
* [[Dismissal]]
* [[Energy Drain]]
* [[Ethereal Visage]]
* [[Evil Blight]]
* [[Feeblemind]]
* [[Flame Shield]]
* [[Frost Shield]]
* [[Greater Life Transference]]
* [[Ice Storm]]
* [[Lesser Spell Breach]]
* [[Negative Energy Flood]]
* [[Otto's Irresistible Dance]]
* [[Phantasmal Killer]]
* [[Shadow Conjuration]]
* [[Spinal Tap]]
* [[Wounding Whispers]]
* '''[[Soul Scour]]'''
!6th level spells
!7th level spells
!8th level spells
|-align=left valign=top
* [[Chain Lightning]]
* [[Cloudkill]]
* [[Create Undead]]
* [[Darkbolt]]
* [[Delayed Blast Fireball]]
* [[Disintegrate]]
* [[Drown]]
* [[Energy Buffer]]
* [[Greater Dispelling]]
* [[Hell Inferno]]
* [[Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles]]
* [[Lesser Planar Binding]]
* [[Mass Bear's Endurance]]
* [[Mass Bull's Strength]]
* [[Mass Cat's Grace]]
* [[Mass Eagle's Splendor]]
* [[Mind Fog]]
* [[Phantom Wound]]
* [[Power Word: Blind]]
* '''[[Redbolt]]'''
* [[Shadow Evocation]]
* [[Spike Growth]]
* '''[[Transmute Blood]]'''
*'''[[Vermilion Stars]]'''
* [[Banishment]]
* [[Blackfire]]
* [[Blade Barrier]]
* '''[[Blood Locust]]'''  
* [[Burst of Glacial Wrath]]
* [[Control Undead]]
* [[Creeping Doom]]
* [[Greater Shadow Conjuration]]
* [[Greater Spell Breach]]
* [[Mass Blindness/Deafness]]
* [[Mass Charm]]
* [[Maze]]
* [[Planar Binding]]
* [[Rogue's Cunning]]
* [[Shadow Shield]]
* [[Solipsism]]
* [[Sunfire]]
* [[True Seeing (spell)|True Seeing]]
* '''[[Grim Terror]]'''
* [[Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting]]
* [[Avascular Mass]]
* [[Create Greater Undead]]
* '''[[Curse Storm]]'''
* [[Destruction]]
* [[Dominate Monster]]
* [[Finger of Death]]
* [[Greater Planar Binding]]
* [[Greater Shadow Evocation]]
* [[Mass Haste]]
* [[Mass Hold Monster]]
* [[Mass Phantom Wound]]
* [[Meteor Swarm]]
* [[Nature's Balance]]
* [[Nybor's Wrathful Castigation]]
* [[Shadow Plague]]
* [[Stop Heart]]
* '''[[Transmute Breath]]'''
* '''[[Vitae's Coronet]]'''
====Spells by Pact====
A summary table of of the [[Warlock]] spellbook and Inficasting by Pact Tier
{| {{Table-Class}}
! rowspan=2| 1st level spells<br/>(5 known)
! colspan=7| Inficast (+ tier req.)
!rowspan=21 |
! rowspan=2| 2nd level spells<br/>(5 known)
! colspan=7| Inficast (+ tier req.)
!rowspan=21 |
! rowspan=2| 3rd level spells<br/>(4 known)
! colspan=7| Inficast (+ tier req.)
| '''''Aby''''' || '''''Inf''''' || '''''Fey''''' || '''''Fath''''' || '''''Hag''''' || '''''Star''''' || '''''Und'''''
| '''''Aby''''' || '''''Inf''''' || '''''Fey''''' || '''''Fath''''' || '''''Hag''''' || '''''Star''''' || '''''Und'''''
| '''''Aby''''' || '''''Inf''''' || '''''Fey''''' || '''''Fath''''' || '''''Hag''''' || '''''Star''''' || '''''Und'''''
| [[Charm Person or Animal]] || ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Bear's Endurance]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || 1 || [[Animate Dead]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 2*
| [[Darkness]] || 1 || 1 ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  || [[Blindness/Deafness]] || ||  ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  || [[Bestow Curse]] || ||  ||  ||  || 2 ||  || 
| [[Doom]] || ||  ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  || [[Bull's Strength]] || 1 || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  || [[Combust]] || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 
| [[Entangle (spell)|Entangle]] || ||  || 1* ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Cat's Grace]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  || [[Command]] ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 
| [[Entropic Shield]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  || [[Charm Monster]] || ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Crushing Despair]] ||  ||  || 2 ||  ||  || 2 ||
| [[Expeditious Retreat]] || ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Darkfire]] || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Fear (spell)|Fear]]|| 2 || 2 ||  || 2 ||  || 2 || 2
| [[Ghostly Visage]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || 1 || [[Dominate Animal]] || ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Frostbite]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 
| [[Grease]] || 1 || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  || [[Eagle's Splendor]] || ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||  || [[Gust of Wind]] ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 2 || 
| [[Hold Animal]] || ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Flame Lash]] || || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  || || [[Hold Monster]] ||  ||  || 2 ||  ||  ||  || 
| [[Mage Armor]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || 1 || [[Ghoul Touch]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || [[Infestation of Maggots]] ||  ||  ||  ||  || 2 ||  || 2
| [[Protection from Alignment]] || 1 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Hold Person]] || ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||  || [[Invisibility (spell)|Invisibility]] ||  ||  || 2 || 2 ||  || 2 ||
| [[Ray of Enfeeblement]] || ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||[[Lesser Dispel]] || || ||  ||  ||  ||  || || [[Magic Circle Against Alignment]] || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||  || 
| 1 || Flare (0), Light (0) || Flare (0), Light (0)
| [[Resist Elements]] || ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  ||  || [[Lightning Bolt]] || 1 || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Negative Energy Burst]] ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 2*
| 2 || Summon Creature (1), [[Spell_changes#Changes_to_Groups_of_spells|Lesser Dispel (1)]]* || Sleep (1), Expeditious Retreat (1)
| [[Scare]] || ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  || 1 || [[See Invisibility]] || 1 || 1 ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  || [[Nightmare]] || ||  ||  ||  || 2 || 2 || 
| 3 || Balagarn's Iron Horn (1) || Mage Armor (1)
| [[Sleep (spell)|Sleep]] || ||  || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||  || [[Stone Bones]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 1 || [[Poison (spell)|Poison]] || 2 || 2 ||  || 2 ||  ||  || 
| 4 || Bull's Strength (2) || Tasha's Hideous Laughter (2)
| [[Ultravision]] || 1 || 1 ||  ||  || 1 || 1 ||  || [[Tasha's Hideous Laughter]] || ||  ||  ||  || 1 ||  ||  || [[Polymorph Self]] || ||  || 2 ||  || 2 ||  || 
| 5 || Resistance (0), Grease (1) || Cure Minor Wounds (0), Resistance (0)
| || || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Protection from Elements]] ||  ||  ||  || 2 ||  ||  || 
| 6 || Protection from Alignment (1) || Charm Person (1)
| || || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Slow]]  ||  ||  || 2 ||  ||  ||  || 
| 7 || Bestow Curse (3) || Displacement (3)
| || || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Sustenance]] ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 
| 8 || Summon Creature (2) || Charm Monster (3)
| '''Spells by pact'''
| '''4''' || '''4''' || '''5''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''5''' || '''4''' || ||
| '''4''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''3''' || '''3''' || '''4''' || '''3''' || ||
| '''4''' || '''4''' || '''5''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''5''' || '''3''' 
{| {{Table-Class}}
! rowspan=2| 4th level spells<br/>(4 known)
! colspan=7| Inficast (+ tier req.)
!rowspan=21 |
! rowspan=2|5th level spells<br/>(3 known)
! colspan=7|Inficast (+ tier req.)
!rowspan=21 |
! rowspan=2|6th level spells<br/>(3 known)
! colspan=7|Inficast (+ tier req.)
| 9 || Darkness (2) || Ghostly Visage (2)
| '''''Aby''''' || '''''Inf''''' || '''''Fey''''' || '''''Fath''''' || '''''Hag''''' || '''''Star''''' || '''''Und'''''
| '''''Aby''''' || '''''Inf''''' || '''''Fey''''' || '''''Fath''''' || '''''Hag''''' || '''''Star''''' || '''''Und'''''
| '''''Aby''''' || '''''Inf''''' || '''''Fey''''' || '''''Fath''''' || '''''Hag''''' || '''''Star''''' || '''''Und'''''
| 10 || Dismissal (4) || [[Spell_changes#Changes_to_Groups_of_spells|Invisibility (2)]]
| [[Confusion]] || ||  || 2 ||  ||  || 2 ||| [[Circle of Doom]] || ||  ||  ||  || ||  || 3 || [[Chain Lightning]] || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 11 || Ultravision (2), Gust of Wind (3) || Cloud of Bewilderment (2), Hold Person (2)*
| [[Contagion]] || ||  ||  || 2 || 2 ||  ||  || [[Dark Undertow]] || ||  ||  || 3* ||  ||  ||  || [[Cloudkill]] || || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3*
| 12 || Summon Creature (3) || Slow (3), Haste (3)**
| [[Dispel Magic]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Dismissal]] || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Create Undead]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3*
| 13 || See Invisibility (2) || Mind Fog (5)
| [[Displacement]] || ||  ||  ||  || 2 || ||  || [[Energy Drain]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 || [[Darkbolt]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||
| 14 || [[Spell_changes#Changes_to_Groups_of_spells|Dispel Magic (3)]]*, Eagles Splendor (2) || [[Spell_changes#Changes_to_Groups_of_spells|Dispel Magic (3)]]*, Eagles Splendor (2)
| [[Dominate Person]] || ||  || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Ethereal Visage]] || ||  ||  ||  || 3* ||  ||  || [[Delayed Blast Fireball]] || || 3* ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 15 || Fear (3)* || Hold Monster (4)*
| [[Evard's Black Tentacles]] || ||  ||  || 2* ||  ||  ||  || [[Evil Blight]] || ||  ||  ||  || 3 || ||  || [[Disintegrate]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 16 || Energy Buffer (6) || Energy Buffer (6)
| [[Eyebite]] || || ||  ||  ||  || 2 || 2 || [[Feeblemind]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3 ||  || [[Drown]] || ||  ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||
| 17 || Summon Creature (4) || Summon Shadow (Special)***, ****
| [[Finger of Agony]] || 2 || 2 ||  ||  || 2 ||  || 2 || [[Flame Shield]] || 3* || 3* ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Energy Buffer]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 18 || Cat's Grace (2) || Sound Burst (2)
| [[Fireball]] || || 2 || ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Frost Shield]] || ||  ||  || 3* ||  ||  ||  || [[Greater Dispelling]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 19 || War Cry (4), Blindness/Deafness (2)* || Dominate Person (4)
| [[Freeze]] || ||  ||  || 2 || ||  ||  || [[Ice Storm]] || ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Hell Inferno]] || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 20 || Summon Creature (5), Magic Circle Against Alignment (3) || Confusion (3)*
| [[Haste (spell)|Haste]] || 2* || 2* || 2* || 2* || 2* || 2* || 2* || [[Lesser Spell Breach]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles]] || ||  ||  || 3* ||  ||  ||
| 22 || [[Spell_changes#Changes_to_Individual_Spells | Greater Dispelling (5)]]* || [[Spell_changes#Changes_to_Individual_Spells | Greater Dispelling (5)]]*
| [[Healing Sting]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 2* || [[Otto's Irresistible Dance]] || ||  || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Lesser Planar Binding]] || 3 || 3 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| 25 || Summon Creature (6) || Dirge (6)
| [[Improved Invisibility]] || || || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Phantasmal Killer]] || ||  ||  ||  || 3* ||  ||  || [[Mind Fog]] || ||  || 3 ||  || 3 || 3 ||
| 28 || Ice Storm (6) || Shadow Shield (Special)***
| [[Scintillating Sphere]] || 2 || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Shadow Conjuration]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || [[Shadow Evocation]] || ||  ||  ||  || 3* ||  ||
| [[Sound Lance]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 2 ||  || [[Wounding Whispers]] || ||  ||  ||  ||  || 3* ||  || [[Spike Growth]] || ||  || 3* ||  ||  ||  ||
| [[Stinking Cloud]] || 2 || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||  || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || ||
| '''Spells by pact'''
| '''4''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''4''' || '''4''' ||
| '''2''' || '''2''' || '''2''' || '''2''' || '''3''' || '''2''' || '''2''' || 
| '''3''' || '''3''' || '''2''' || '''2''' || '''2''' || '''2''' || '''2'''
<nowiki>* This spell does limited Eldritch Blast damage.</nowiki>
:<nowiki>** Fey Pact Warlocks can cast haste an unlimited number of times on themselves, and it may only be active on one other target at a time. Any casts on targets other than the warlock will be subject to a cooldown equal to 10 rounds or warlock caster level - 1, whichever is lower.</nowiki>
<nowiki>****Has 3 minutes of cooldown</nowiki>
<nowiki>***These are implemented as spell-like abilities and can be accessed separately through the radial menu</nowiki>

=== Fiendish/Abyssal Summons ===
{| {{Table-Class}}
! 7th level spells<br/>(2 known - no infinicast)
! rowspan=16 |
! 8th level spells<br/>(2 known - no infinicast)
| [[Banishment]] || [[Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting]]
| [[Blade Barrier]] ||  [[Avascular Mass]]
| [[Burst of Glacial Wrath]] || [[Create Greater Undead]]
| [[Control Undead]] || [[Destruction]]
| [[Creeping Doom]] || [[Dominate Monster]]
| [[Greater Shadow Conjuration]] || [[Finger of Death]]
| [[Greater Spell Breach]] || [[Greater Planar Binding]]
| [[Mass Blindness/Deafness]] || [[Greater Shadow Evocation]]
| [[Mass Charm]] || [[Mass Haste]]
| [[Maze]] || [[Mass Hold Monster]]
| [[Planar Binding]] || [[Meteor Swarm]]
| [[Rogue's Cunning]] || [[Nature's Balance]]
| [[Shadow Shield]] || [[Nybor's Wrathful Castigation]]
| [[Sunfire]] || [[Shadow Plague]]
| [[True Seeing (spell)|True Seeing]] ||

Fiendish and Abyssal Warlocks will summon alternate creatures with the Summon Creature line of spells.

Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration does not increase the tier as it normally does with Summon Creature, but instead, it will raise its stats slightly. Epic levels will continue to increase the power of Summon Creature VI as per the [[Summoning Changes]]. For the exact stats of the summoned creatures, read the [[summons]] article. Warlocks cannot use the -stream command to switch abyssal/infernal summons.
== Arelith Changes ==

Warlock summons have a cooldown of (Spell Level + 1) rounds, starting the moment the creature is slain.
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|- style="background-color:#c0c0c0"

|'''Summoning [[Summoning_Changes#Alignment_divergence|Alignment Divergence]] Penalties'''
| 1
|A [[Warlock]] summoning any '''''Evil''''' planar being using any in game spell/feat/item/etc. is exempted from alignment divergence hostility.

{| border=1 cellpadding=1
|+ '''Fiendish/Abyssal Warlock Summons'''
! Level !! Spell !! Fiendish !! Abyssal
| 2 || Summon Creature I || Lemure || Mane
| 1
Gains [[#Pact|Pact]]
| 8 || Summon Creature II || Imp || Quasit
|'''Eldritch Blast'''
| 2
Gains [[#Eldritch Blast|Eldritch Blast]]
| 12 || Summon Creature III || Erinyes || Succubus
|'''Arcane Spell Failure Reduction'''
| 3
Arcane Spell Failure (ASF) for Armor and Shields is reduced by 20% for pure-class [[Warlock]]s, or multi-class [[Warlock]]s with at 6+ levels in the class. This ASF reduction is automatically applied to equipped armors and shields, totaling a 40% reduction.
| 17 || Summon Creature IV || Osyluth || Vrock
|'''Uncanny Dodge I'''
| 10
Gains [https://nwn.fandom.com/wiki/Uncanny_dodge Uncanny Dodge I]
| 20 || Summon Creature V || Gelugon || Glabrezu
|'''Eldritch Carapace I'''
| 20
Gains 5% Damage Immunity vs. Physical
| 25 || Summon Creature VI || Pit Fiend General || Balor Lord
|'''Eldritch Carapace II'''
| 30
Gains 5% Damage Immunity vs. Physical
===RP Tips===
==Persecution and Hostility==
The nature of the warlock is one that is often regarded with fear and mistrust - their powers didn't come through arduous arcane study alone, or by virtue of a magical bloodline, or by the divine providence of a well respected deity, but from esoteric, and often unspeakable powers, powers that they themselves may not fully understand, powers that sometimes, if not outright malign in nature, are at least unknowable, carrying a sentience and purpose that is unpredictable and dangerous.
Clearly, the act of binding with a greater power is not in itself evil, but it ''is'' questionable. Those that would make of themselves warlocks should know that the path they chose is one that is dark and turbulent, and many are the ones that have gone astray and have been consumed by the thirst for even more power. Many are the warlocks that have been the cause of great calamity, and few are truly heroic; in the eye of the public, any warlock is as likely to cause another catastrophe.
Painful experience teaches the warlock to be secretive of their nature, and never to flaunt their powers, lest they invoke the ire of the zealot, the fearful and the cautious alike.
That is not to say that warlocks are to be killed on sight; do not make the mistake of considering that questionable is direct equivalency to a more than monstrous status.
Playing with and playing as a warlock has the subtle expectation everybody involved understands that warlocks ''should'' be persecuted; they should be ostracized, thrown rotten tomatoes and pointed subtle fingers to. A warlock is only marginally better than an [[Outcast]], barely above the status of a criminal and never better than second class citizens... ''if'' the nature of their powers is revealed, of course...
Plainly speaking - Don't go flaunting your pact powers around and expect nothing to happen; you should know that your class is persecuted and questionable. A good RPer will hide their identity and powers, an ''excellent'' RPer will almost hide it entirely, and play along when they are inevitably caught. This obviously goes both ways; common people and adventurers should treat warlocks with the full awareness that they are, if not at the very least dangerous, capable of binding their soul to dark forces in the pursuit of power. It should be common sense that this is a red flag.
As an "ordinary adventurer" - that is to say, a non-outcast, non-evil character - associating with warlocks has the same implication as associating with other brands of common ruffians, assassins, necromancers and pale masters are all similar equivalents. This never means 'do not RP with warlocks' or 'Kill them on sight' - this means that you have to find the balance to maintain a skeptical wariness of what they are, and how it will reflect on you to deal with their kind. 

Latest revision as of 14:39, 21 February 2025

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[The Astrolabe]

Warlock is a custom base class available on Arelith.


Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, they unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles, demons, devils, hags, or tempestuous powers of the deep, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power.

Note: Good/accidental/forced Warlock RP is not supported. All Arelith Warlocks have taken their pact voluntarily. The circumstances of this choice remain at the player's discretion.

For Arelith's purposes, every character with a Warlock pact makes the choice to pact, for whatever reason. -DM Watchtower

Read at the end of the page for RP tips and learn about Persecution and RP expectations.

Bardic Path Warlocks

The "bardic" Path Warlocks (old) have been migrated to the new Warlock class (this page). This note is here to assist with anyone looking to understand why their pre-existing Bardic Path Warlock has a forced relevel.

During your next login with such a character, one of the following things will happen:

  • If you started with the Bard class, it will be replaced with the Warlock class. You will automatically gain the new Pact Feat corresponding to your old warlock path. Your character's ability scores and 1st level feats remain unchanged, and you will need to relevel.
  • An exception was made for bardic warlocks with Dragon Disciple levels or tokens. These characters instead become regular Bards to avoid locking them out of their Dragon Disciple levels. A relevel is still required.
  • If your character took bardic warlock levels later on, the path will be removed and you will need to relevel.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: Any non-good

Class Features


Hit die: d6

Proficiencies: armor (light, medium), shield, weapon (simple)

Skill points: 6 + int modifier ((6 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: bluff, concentration, craft mastery, discipline, heal, hide, intimidate, leadership, lore, move silently, perform, sail, spellcraft, spot, tumble, use magic device

Unavailable feats: weapon specialization

Class feats: Pact, Greater Pact, Eldritch Mastery, Hideous Blow, Greater Hideous Blow, Eldritch Doom, Greater Eldritch Doom, Eldritch Spear, Greater Eldritch Spear, Beguiling Influence, Deceive Item, Devil's Sight, Leaps and Bounds, Otherworldly Whispers, See the Unseen, Eldritch Summon

Primary saving throw(s): Reflex and Will

Base attack bonus: +3/4 level

Note: A Warlock summoning any Evil planar being using any in game spell/feat/item/etc. is exempted from alignment divergence hostility.


  • Arcane (spell failure from armor is a factor), charisma-based (a base score of 10 + the spell's level is required to cast a spell, bonus spells are based on modified charisma, and the charisma modifier accects spell DCs), and spontaneous cast (no spell preparation required).
  • Warlocks are able to freely select spells from the Warlock spell list.
  • Warlocks learn one (infinite) cantrip at level 2 and additional ones at levels 10, 20 and 30.
  • Pact feats (See Below) will enable infinite casts of pact-specific spells, if the Warlock has selected them on level-up:
  • Regular Pact enables pact-specific infinite spells of Spell Levels 1 and 2.
  • Greater Pact enables pact-specific infinite spells of Spell Levels 3 and 4.
  • Epic Pact enables pact-specific infinite spells of Spell Levels 5 and 6.
  • Spell Levels 7 and 8 are a Patron's greatest boons and therefore never unlimited
  • Metamagic will not prevent Pact Spell replenishment, unless the Spell Level increases to 7 or higher.
  • Due to engine limitations, using all casts of one Spell Level will also prevent casting Pact Spells of that circle.
  • Pact Spells are both listed on the Pact feat description and highlighted during levelup for ease of selection.
  • For balance reasons, certain Pact Spells are only replenished once every 3 minutes. These spells are marked with an asterisk in the spell selection menu. After casting, the "-cd" command will list their remaining replenishment cooldown times.
  • Epic Spells: Warlock exclusive Dark Invocations. They have specific Epic Pact feat requirements in addition to Warlock level and Spellcraft skill requirements

Eldritch Blast

  • The repeat use of Eldritch Blast (including Eldritch Spear, Eldritch Chain, Hideous Blow, Greater Hideous Blow) can be automated using -warlock autoblast. Allowing the Warlock to automatically continue using this ability across available targets.
Note: This excludes Eldritch Doom, Greater Eldritch Doom and targeted healing.
  • Is available as a feat-based ability granted at level 2 for all Warlocks. Harbinger synergizes with Warlock, increasing (only) Eldritch Blast Caster Level by 1 per 2 Harbinger levels.
  • Starts at 2d6 damage (level 2), increases to 3d6 (level 5) then increases by 1d6 per combined (Warlock / 2) and (Harbinger / 4) levels. Certain Warlock Class Feats will increase this damage further. Damage is halved when targeting objects.
  • All Eldritch Blast Damage Types EXCEPT Magic and Positive will deal half Magic or Positive and half Elemental Damage. Magic and Positive Blast Damage remains undivided but only deals 80% Damage. This makes Magic and Positive the best Blast Damage for interruping spells.
  • Is a Touch Attack, ignoring Weapon AB unless otherwise noted. Eldritch Blast respects Spell Resistance, but ignores Globes of Invulnerability and Spell Mantles due to being an invocation.
Note: the base Eldritch Blast is a ranged touch attack (Dex based).
  • A natural 20 on the Touch Attack results in a critical hit, increasing Eldritch Blast damage by 50%.
  • Different Blast Shapes are available as Warlock Class Feats. Presently, these are the following, available in Regular and Greater variants:
  • Hideous Blow: Strength-based Melee-range Eldritch Blast. Instead of wasting an action when queued to target a creature out of range, Hideous Blow will trigger a regular Eldritch Blast or Spear instead, if the target is close enough for these abilities. Hideous Blow applies a third of the blast damage as temporary hit points for a short period of time.
  • Eldritch Doom: Area of effect Eldritch Blast. No touch attack nor saving throw, but lower damage.
  • Eldritch Spear: Long-range Eldritch Blast. Dexterity-based ranged touch attack. Upgrades to Eldritch Chain which adds chaining to multiple targets with decreasing damage.
  • Warlocks can switch between different blast damage types using the "-warlock" command or radial menu. Available damage types depend on the chosen Pact feats.
  • Warlocks able to invoke:
  • Positive energy can use Eldritch Blast to heal non-undead party members by 1d4 hit points per two warlock levels.
  • Negative energy can use Eldritch Blast to heal undead party members by 1d4 hit points per two warlock levels.
Note: This does not work for Hideous Blow and Greater Hideous Blow (swapping to base Eldritch blast or another shape will still work)
  • The Metamagic feat Quicken Spell will automatically quicken Eldritch Blast cast times.
  • Note: Due to engine limitations, the first Eldritch Blast in a sequence remains unquickened.
  • Eldritch Blast will appear as an "unknown spell" in the combat log unless characters have high enough Spellcraft to recognize the vile origins of this ability. The amount of Spellcraft needed to recognize Warlock invocations increases based on the observer's level.
  • Epic Pact Eldritch Blast effects:
  • Epic Pact, Eldritch Blast effects are triggered with:
  • Base Eldritch Blast
  • Base Shaped Eldritch Blast (Edritch Spear, Eldritch Doom Hideous Blow)
  • Greater Shaped Blast (Eldritch Chain, Greater Eldritch Doom, Greater Hideous Blow)

Class Feats - Eldritch Blast

Class Feats pertaining to Eldritch Blast.

Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Agonizing Blast - CHA 24 Epic Pact (Any) - - - - Eldritch Blast damage increases by CHA modifier.
Precision Blast - DEX 24 Epic Pact (Any) - - - - DEX bonus to Eldritch Blast AB is increased by DEX mod.
- All Blasts bypass concealment.
Eldritch Mastery - - Eldritch Blast - +1 Eldritch Blast AB (total),
+2d6 blast damage(total)
+1d4 healing (total)
- Bonus applies to all blast shapes.
- Eldritch Doom bonus damage is 2d3 or d4.
Greater Eldritch Mastery - DEX 16 Eldritch Mastery,
Blast Shape (Any)
- +3 Eldritch Blast AB (total),
+6d6 blast damage (total)
+2d4 healing (total)
- Bonus applies to all blast shapes
- Eldritch Doom bonus damage is 6d3 or d4.
Epic Eldritch Mastery - DEX 20 Greater Eldritch Mastery,
Greater Blast Shape (Any)
- +6 Eldritch Blast AB (total),
+12d6 blast damage(total)
+3d4 healing (total)
- Bonus applies to all blast shapes.
- Eldritch Doom bonus damage is +12d3 or +12d4.
Hideous Blow - STR 16 Eldritch Blast - - - - Melee Eldritch Blast (STR-based melee touch attack).
- Blast damage increased by 1d2 per soft STR modifier to a maximum of +1d2 per combined (Warlock / 2) and (Harbinger /4) levels
- Respects melee weapon AB bonuses. Doesn't work with ranged weapons.
- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
- Hideous Blow applies a third of the blast damage as temporary hit points for a short period of time.
Greater Hideous Blow Warlock 20 STR 20 Hideous Blow - - - - Hideous Blow bonus damage increases to 1d6 per soft STR modifier to a maximum of +1d6 per combined (Warlock / 2) and (Harbinger /4) levels
- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
Eldritch Doom - CHA 16 Eldritch Blast - - - - Medium range Eldritch Blast. Half damage but affects medium AoE.
- No touch attack needed to hit, can be ground targeted.
- Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies in the AoE by d3/4 levels.
- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
Greater Eldritch Doom Warlock 20 CHA 20 Eldritch Doom - - - - Eldritch Doom AoE increases to "large"
- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
- Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies in the AoE by d4/4 levels.
Eldritch Spear - DEX 16 Eldritch Blast - - - - Long range Eldritch Blast.
- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.
Eldritch Chain Warlock 20 DEX 20 Eldritch Spear - - - - Like Eldritch Spear, but affects two nearby targets at reduced damage. The secondary at d4 damage (Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies targeted for d4/4 levels) and the tertiary at d3 damage (Negative/Positive variants heal eligible allies targeted for d3/4 levels)
- Triggers Epic Pact blast bonuses.


  • Warlocks are not limited to a single Pact and Patron. Multiple Pacts can be chosen at the expense of Warlock Class Feats.
  • Pact feats represent a Warlock's commitment to one particular Patron entity. Per Pact, there are three tiers with increasingly powerful benefits: Regular Pact, Greater Pact and Epic Pact.
Note: Epic Pact offer the most powerful benefits, but also prohibit the use of Divine Might and Divine Shield when multiclassed with a class that grants access to selecting these feats.

Abyssal Pact

Lusting after power and uncaring of - or bolder than - its perils, the warlock strikes a black bargain with the destructive agencies of the Abyss.
Class Feats - Pact (Abyssal)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Abyssal) - - - Electrical Electrical DI 5%
Electrical DR 5/-
Intimidate +3 - Language: Abyssal
- Summon Stream: Demon
- Darkvision
Greater Pact (Abyssal) Warlock 10 CHA 14 Pact (Abyssal) Electrical,
Electrical DI 10%,
Electrical DR 10/-,
Acid DI 5%,
Acid DR 5/-
Intimidate +6 - Character no longer stunned by Wild Surges/Faer'zress.
- 5% Wild Surge chance on spells cast from the Warlock spellbook.
- Chance for negative surges lowered by 2% per Warlock level.
- Devil's Sight (Permanent Ultravision)
Epic Pact (Abyssal) Warlock 20 CHA 18 Greater Pact (Abyssal) Electrical,
Electrical DI 15%
Electrical DR 15/-,
Acid DI 10%,
Acid DR 10/-
Intimidate +9 - Eldritch Blast has a 5% Wild Surge chance.
- Greater Eldritch Summon (if Warlock has an Eldritch Summon feat)
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Eldritch Blast triggers a lesser curse, lowering a random ability by 2 (DC 16 + CHA modifier, increased by Transmutation foci vs. Will save)
Pact Spells (Abyssal)
Level 1: Darkness, Grease, Protection from Alignment, Ultravision, Scare
Level 2: Bull's Strength, Darkfire, Lightning Bolt, See Invisibility,
Greater Pact
Level 3: Combust, Fear, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Poison, Command, Life Transference (3min CD), Strangulate
Level 4: Finger of Agony, Haste (3min CD), Scintillating Sphere, Stinking Cloud
Epic Pact
Level 5: Dismissal, Flame Shield (3 min cooldown), Greater Life Transference (3min CD)
Level 6: Chain Lightning, Hell Inferno, Lesser Planar Binding, Mass Bull's Strength

Fathomless Pact

Guided by a thalassic patron of the world's Oceans or the Undrenzee, the warlock grasps for sinister powers originating from the blackest depths.
Class Feats - Pact (Fathomless)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Fathomless) - - - Cold Cold DI 5%,
Cold DR 5/-
Sail +3 - Language: Deep Speech
- Summon Stream: Drowned
- Bonus to surviving jumping overboard.
Greater Pact (Fathomless) Warlock 10 CHA 14 Pact (Fathomless) Cold,
Cold DI 10%
Cold DR 10/-
Entropy DI 5%
Entropy DR 5/-
Sail +6 - Bonus Feat: Amphibious Character
- Immunity: Fear
- Evard's Black Tentacles inflict Entropy damage.
Epic Pact (Fathomless) Warlock 20 CHA 18 Greater Pact (Fathomless) Cold,
Cold DI 15%
Cold DR 15/-
Entropy DI 10%
Entropy DR 10/-
Sail +9 - Immunity: Tentacle spells
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Eldritch Blast triggers a weakened Drown spell (DC 16 + CHA modifier, increased by Transmutation foci vs. Fortitude save) removing 20% of max HP, capped at 2 damage per Warlock level. Guaranteed secondary damage: 2d6 bludgeoning.
-Eldritch Summon VI / Planar Gate: New pact-specific summon skin

Pact Spells (Fathomless)
Pact Spells:
Level 1: Doom, Grease, Resist Elements, Scare
Level 2: Blindness/Deafness, Bull's Strength, See Invisibility, Blur, Frigid Darkness
Greater Pact (Fathomless)
Level 3: Fear, Invisibility, Protection from Elements, Frostbite, Gust of Wind, Negative Energy Burst (3 min cooldown)
Level 4: Contagion, Evard's Black Tentacles (3 min cooldown), Freeze, Haste (3min CD), Withering Ray (3 min cooldown)
Epic Pact (Fathomless)
Level 5: Dark Undertow (3 min cooldown), Frost Shield (3 min cooldown), Negative Energy Flood (3 min cooldown)
Level 6: Drown, Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles (3 min cooldown), Mass Bull's Strength

Infernal Pact

The warlock explores their business horizons with the diabolical agencies of Baator, negotiating a pact with an Infernal patron of the Nine Hells.
Class Feats - Pact (Infernal)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Infernal) - - - Fire Fire DI 5% Leadership +3 - Language: Infernal
- Summon Stream: Devil
- Darkvision
Greater Pact (Infernal) Warlock 10 CHA 14 Pact (Infernal) Fire,
Fire DI 10%,
Fire DR 10/-,
Acid DI 5%,
Acid DR 5/-
Leadership +6 - Character unaffected by Wild Surges/Faer'zress. (This disables the Abyssal wild surges)
- Hell Inferno variable damage increases by 50%.
- Devil's Sight (Permanent Ultravision)
Epic Pact (Infernal) Warlock 20 CHA 18 Greater Pact (Infernal) Fire,
Fire DI 15%,,
Fire DR 15/-
Acid DI 10%
Acid DR 10/-
Leadership +9 - Greater Eldritch Summon (if Warlock has an Eldritch Summon feat)
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Eldritch Blast triggers a lesser Hell Inferno spell which does not stack with the actual spell (2d4 variable damage + 1d4 extra per evo focus, magic reduced by 1d6. two ticks.).
Pact Spells (Infernal)
Pact Spells:
Level 1: Darkness, Grease, Protection from Alignment, Ultravision, Scare
Level 2: Bull's Strength, Darkfire, Flame Lash, See Invisibility
Greater Pact (Infernal)
Level 3: Combust, Fear, Magic Circle Against Alignment, Poison, Command, Life Transference (3min CD), Strangulate
Level 4: Finger of Agony, Fireball, Haste (3min CD), Stinking Cloud
Epic Pact (Infernal)
Level 5: Dismissal, Flame Shield (3 min cooldown), Greater Life Transference (3min CD)
Level 6: Delayed Blast Fireball (3 min cooldown), Hell Inferno, Lesser Planar Binding, Mass Bull's Strength

Night Hag Pact

Coveting nightmarish dominion over the subconscious and the hazy beyond, the warlock strikes a pact with a Night Hag at their own peril.
Class Feats - Pact (Night Hag)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Night Hag) - - - Negative Spell Resistance 10 Bluff +3,
Use Trap +3
- Language: Abyssal
- Summon Stream: Yugoloth
- Immunity: Sleep
- Darkvision
- Sleep spell automatically empowered.
Greater Pact (Night Hag) Warlock 10 CHA 14 Pact (Night Hag) Negative,
Spell Resistance 18 Bluff +6,
Use Trap +6
- Immunity: Disease
- Deceive Item (+10 to UMD)
- Sleep spell HD limit removed (Empowered is no longer possible).
- Nightmare spell automatically empowered.
Epic Pact (Night Hag) Warlock 20 CHA 18 Greater Pact (Night Hag) Negative,
Spell Resistance 26 Bluff +9,
Use Trap +9
- Nightmare DC increases by 3 against sleeping targets and the spell no longer immediately wakes up targets. (Targets will wake up after a random duration between 1 and 2 rounds).
- Phantasmal Killer DC increases by 3 against sleeping targets.
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Eldritch Blast triggers a single-target Sleep spell (DC 16 + CHA modifier, increased by Enchantment foci vs. Will save) with a duration of 1-2 rounds.
- They also exhaust (all) targets failing the save, lowering their Rest meter by 2d8% ot 1d8% if the save is made.
(Negative Energy Protection, Shadow Shield and Mind Immunity prevents this).
- Epic Eldritch Summon for Ultroloth (Yugoloth stream) has been reskinned to a Night Hag projection

Pact Spells (Night Hag)
Pact (Night Hag)
Level 1: Darkness, Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Ultravision
Level 2: Eagle's Splendor, Hold Person, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, False Life (3min CD), Serene Visage
Greater Pact (Night Hag)
Level 3: Bestow Curse, Infestation of Maggots, Nightmare, Polymorph Self, Crushing Despair, Poison
Level 4: Contagion, Displacement, Finger of Agony, Haste (3min CD)
Epic Pact (Night Hag)
Level 5: Ethereal Visage (3 min cooldown), Evil Blight, Phantasmal Killer (3 min cooldown), Baleful Polymorph (3min CD)
Level 6: Mind Fog, Shadow Evocation (Flame Shield is exempt), Mass Eagle's Splendor, Phantom Wound

Star Pact

Beguiled by forbidden knowledge of a remote, star-gnawed cosmos, the warlock bonds with otherworldly intelligences that press against the veil of the night sky.
Class Feats - Pact (Star)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Star) - - - Psychic Psychic DI 5%
Psychic DR 5/-
Spot +3 - Language: Deep Speech
- Crushing Despair inflicts half the penalty on a successful save and does not stack.
Greater Pact (Star) Warlock 10 CHA 14 Pact (Star) Psychic,
Psychic DI 10%
Psychic DR 10/-
Entropy DI 5%
Entropy DR 5/-
Spot +6 - Hex (CL is Warlock level*2/3)
- See the Unseen (Permanent See Invisibility)
- Immunity: Fear
Epic Pact (Star) Warlock 20 CHA 18 Greater Pact (Star) Psychic,
Psychic DI 15%
Psychic DR 15/-
Entropy DI 10%
Entropy DR 10/-
Spot +9 - Hex of Acedia
- Otherworldly Whispers (+5 bonus to Lore and Spellcraft)
- Psionic attacks inflict no damage to the warlock if the save is passed.
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Eldritch Blast activates a Psionic inertial barrier (10/+5 DR, duration 1 round).
This barrier will also protect against Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm if the Warlock has Spell Focus: Abjuration and Isaac's Greater Missile Storm if the warlock has the Greater Spell Focus: Abjuration.
- Eldritch Summon VI / Planar Gate: New pact-specific summon skin
Pact Spells (Star)
Pact Spells:
Level 1: Doom, Entropic Shield, Ghostly Visage, Mage Armor, Scare
Level 2: Blindness/Deafness, Cat's Grace, See Invisibility, Blur, Frigid Darkness
Greater Pact (Star)
Level 3: Crushing Despair, Fear, Gust of Wind, Invisibility, Nightmare, Command
Level 4: Confusion, Eyebite, Haste (3min CD), Sound Lance (3 min cooldown), Withering Ray (3 min cooldown)
Epic Pact (Star)
Level 5: Feeblemind, Wounding Whispers (3 min cooldown), Phantasmal Killer (3 min cooldown)
Level 6: Darkbolt (3 min cooldown), Mind Fog, Mass Cat's Grace

Undying Pact

Guided by one of those undying ancients who yet lurk the corners of creation, the warlock pursues the liminal mysteries of Life, Death and the Pale in-between.
Class Feats - Pact (Undying)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Undying) - - - Negative Negative DI 5%,
Negative DR 5/-
Regeneration +1,
DR 5/+1
- Language: Draconic
- Summon Stream: Ghoul
Greater Pact (Undying) Warlock 10 CON 14 Pact (Undying) Negative,
Negative DI 15%,
Negative DR 15/-
Regeneration +2,
DR 5/+3
- Undead Summons get bonus SR equal to 6 + 1/2 Warlock levels. Stacks with Palemaster.
- Immunity: Poison
- Immunity: Disease
Epic Pact (Undying) Warlock 20 CON 18 Greater Pact (Undying) Negative,
Negative DI 25%,
Negative DR 25/-
Regeneration +3,
DR 5/+5
- Unlocks Tier 6 Undead Summons (Requires 24+ Base CHA).
- Eldritch Blast scales with the Warlock's Palemaster levels.
- Gains Deathless Mastery (Requires: 10+ Palemaster Levels)
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Eldritch Blast heals the Warlock by 1d4 per 6 levels.
Pact Spells (Undying)
Pact (Undying)
Level 1: Ghostly Visage, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare
Level 2: Bear's Endurance, Ghoul Touch, Stone Bones, False Life (3min CD)
Greater Pact (Undying)
Level 3: Fear, Infestation of Maggots, Negative Energy Burst (3 min cooldown), Hemorrhage, Life Transference (3min CD)
Level 4: Eyebite, Finger of Agony, Haste (3min CD), Healing Sting (3 min cooldown)
Epic Pact (Undying)
Level 5: Circle of Doom, Energy Drain, Greater Life Transference (3min CD), Negative Energy Flood (3min CD), Soul Scour
Level 6: Cloudkill (3 min cooldown), Mass Bear's Endurance, Redbolt (3min CD)

Unseelie Fey Pact

Ensnared by countless inviolate courtesies, the warlock spirals further and further into the court intrigues of the capricious Unseelie Fey.
Class Feats - Pact (Unseelie Fey)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Pact (Unseelie Fey) - - - Cold Cold DI 5%,
Cold DR 5/-
Perform +3,
Animal Empathy +3
- Language: Sylvan
- Summon Stream: Unseelie Fey
- Immunity: Charm
- Wildshape 1/day (Does not scale with levels.)
- All secondary damage inflicted by blasts becomes positive energy damage
Greater Pact (Unseelie Fey) Warlock 10 CHA 14 Pact (Unseelie) Cold,
Cold DI 10%,
Cold DR 10/-
Acid DI 5%,
Acid DR 5/-
Perform +6,
Animal Empathy +6
- Beguiling Influence
- Immunity: Dominate
Epic Pact (Unseelie Fey) Warlock 20 CHA 18 Greater Pact (Unseelie) Cold,
Cold DI 15%,
Cold DR 15/-
Acid DI 10%,
Acid DR 10/-
Perform +9,
Animal Empathy +9
- Woodland Stride
- Double Dominate (Req: 24+ Hard Charisma)
- Prevents Divine Might/Shield.
- Haste spell triggers no CD on self-cast
- Eldritch Blast disorients targets with Faerie Fire, inflicting a miss chance equal to 25% plus 1% per warlock level. Duration: 1 round.
Pact Spells (Unseelie Fey)
Pact (Unseelie Fey)
Level 1: Charm Person or Animal, Entangle (3 min cooldown), Expeditious Retreat, Hold Animal, Sleep
Level 2: Charm Monster, Dominate Animal, Eagle's Splendor, Hold Person, Serene Visage
Greater Pact (Unseelie Fey)
Level 3: Crushing Despair, Hold Monster, Invisibility, Polymorph Self, Slow, Vengeful Mount (3 min cooldown)
Level 4: Confusion, Dominate Person, Haste, Improved Invisibility, Freeze
Epic Pact (Unseelie Fey)
Level 5: Ice Storm (3 min cooldown), Otto's Irresistible Dance, Baleful Polymorph (3 min cooldown)
Level 6: Mind Fog, Spike Growth (3 min cooldown), Mass Eagle's Splendor

Class Feats - Summoning

Available Summoning Class Feats.

  • Tier 4 Summons and above are subject to the Epic Caster Bonus.
  • Creatures summoned with the Eldritch Summon line of feats now synergize with the warlock's pact spells and abilities:
  • Self-casting Haste also the summon now gains a 50% movement speed increase.
  • Eldritch Blasts heal them by 1d2 per 3 warlock levels.
  • Casting (Greater) Life Transference on them bypasses the pact spell cooldown.
  • Eldritch Summons can resist Word of Faith via a successful fortitude saving throw.
  • If they pass this saving throw, they are instead blinded for 9 seconds, like player characters.
  • Warlock Eldritch summons are limited to the "Evil" planar streams regardless of the alignment of the Warlock. If the Warlock uses a stream (even their default stream) that is not evil, the summon will default to the "evil" axis of their alignment.
  • Example: A Lawful Neutral Warlock summons a creature using their default stream and Eldritch Summon will summon from the Lawful Evil stream (Devils).
  • The "evil" Planar streams are:
Note: These summons are exempt from the alignment divergence penalties typical for outsider summons.
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Eldritch Summon - - Pact (Any) - - - - Tier 1 to 4 summon (6 min cooldown)
- Scales with Warlock levels: Tier 2 at level 8, Tier 3 at 12, Tier 4 at 17.
- All summon tiers are available as radial spell options. The cooldown is shared.
Greater Eldritch Summon Warlock 20 CHA 20 Greater Pact (Any)
Eldritch Summon
- - - - Unlocks Tier 5 summon (6 min cooldown)
- Lesser summon tiers are available as radial spell options. The cooldown is shared.
Epic Eldritch Summon Warlock 28 CHA 24 Epic Pact (Any)
Greater Eldritch Summon
- - - - Unlocks Tier 6 summon (6 min cooldown)
- Lesser summon tiers are available as radial spell options. The cooldown is shared.

Class Feats - Dark Invocations

Warlock Specific Epic Spells

Note: These are the only Warlock class feats that can also be taken as general feats (if the pre-requisites are met)
Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Dark Invocation: Planar Gate Level 21+ Spellcraft 27,
Level 8 spells
Epic Pact (Any) - - - - As Gate spell. Duration: 1 round per 2 warlock levels.
- Scaled as if the Warlock had Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration
Dark Invocation: Sage Tongues Level 21+ Spellcraft 27,
Level 8 spells
Epic Pact (Any) - - - - Speak and understand all learnable Languages for 1 turn per warlock level.
Dark Invocation: Glyph of Forestallment Level 21+ Spellcraft 27,
Level 8 spells
Epic Pact (Any) - - - - Like epic abjurer area warding.
- Warlocks with multiple paths can switch between different glyphs available to them by toggling the associated warlock elemental damage.
Dark Invocation: Sinister Call Level 21+ Spellcraft 27,
Level 8 spells
Epic Pact (Any) - - - - Grants access to the -yoink command.
Dark Invocation: Eldritch Veil Level 21+ Spellcraft 27,
Level 8 spells
Epic Pact (Any) - - - - Greater Invisibility for 1 round per 6 warlock levels. Double duration for warlocks with GSF: Illusion.(Greater Invisibility is not removed when attacking, but Invisibility Purge still removes it.)

Class Feats - Passives

Passive abilities that can be aquired by a Warlock spending Class Feats.

Name Class Prereq. Stat Prereq. Feat Prerequisite Blast Damage Types Immunities Bonus Special
Beguiling Influence - - Pact (Any) - - - +5 to Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Taunt
Dark Blessing Warlock 28 CHA 24 Epic Pact (Any) - - - - CHA modifier to saving throws.
Deceive Item - - Pact (Any) - - - - +10 bonus to Use Magic Device
- +2 to the Innate caster level check for all classes for Sequencers
Devil's Sight - - Pact (Any) - - - - Permanent Ultravision
Eldritch Armor - STR 24 Epic Pact (Any) - - - - Heavy armor proficiency.
- Allows the Warlock to use Eldritch Blast without deactivating Expertise or Improved Expertise (The Expertise penalty does apply to Touch attacks).
- While active Expertise and Improved Expertise modes lower blast damage by 5d6 (and 10d6, respectively)
- Allows resting while armored.
- Warlock ASF reduction increases to -50%, effectively rendering the character immune to ASF
Leaps and Bounds - - Greater Pact (Any) - - - - Movement speed +10% faster (doesn't stack with Haste),
- Spring Attack feat
Otherworldly Whispers - - Pact (Any) - - - - +5 bonus to Lore and Spellcraft
See the Unseen - - Greater Pact (Any) - - - - Permanent See Invisibility
Eldritch Euphony - - Pact (Any) - - - - Bard Song scaling and Charges increased by 2:3 Warlock levels.
- Allows getting Curse Song Feat as a general feat.

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Base spells per day Known spells
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feats HP Eldritch Blast 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Pact - 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Eldritch Blast 12 2d6 * 6 - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - -
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Arcane Spell Failure reduction -20%*
(Req. 6+ Lvls for multiclassed Warlocks)
18 2d6 * 7 6 - - - - - - 1 2 1 - - - - - -
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 24 2d6 * 8 7 - - - - - - 1 2 2 - - - - - -
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Class Feat 30 3d6 * 8 8 - - - - - - 1 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 36 3d6 * 8 8 - - - - - - 1 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 42 4d6 * 8 8 4 - - - - - 1 4 3 1 - - - - -
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 48 4d6 * 8 8 5 4 - - - - 1 4 4 2 1 - - - -
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 54 5d6 * 8 8 6 5 - - - - 1 5 4 2 2 - - - -
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Class Feat, Uncanny Dodge, Summon Familiar 60 5d6 * 8 8 6 6 - - - - 2 5 5 3 2 - - - -
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 66 6d6 * 8 8 6 6 - - - - 2 5 5 3 3 - - - -
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 72 6d6 * 8 8 6 6 2 - - - 2 5 5 4 3 1 - - -
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 78 7d6 * 8 8 6 6 3 2 - - 2 5 5 4 4 2 1 - -
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 84 7d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 3 - - 2 5 5 4 4 2 2 - -
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Class Feat 90 8d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 - - 2 5 5 4 4 3 2 - -
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 96 8d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 - - 2 5 5 4 4 3 3 - -
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 102 9d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 0 - 2 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 -
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 108 9d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 1 0 2 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 114 10d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 1 2 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Class Feat, Eldritch Carapace I 120 10d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
21st +16/+11/+6 +6 +12 +12 126 11d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
22nd +16/+11/+6 +7 +13 +13 132 11d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
23rd +17/+12/+7 +7 +13 +13 138 12d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
24th +17/+12/+7 +8 +14 +14 Epic Class Feat 144 12d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
25th +18/+13/+8 +8 +14 +14 Epic Class Feat 150 13d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
26th +18/+13/+8 +9 +15 +15 156 13d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
27th +19/+14/+9 +9 +15 +15 162 14d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
28th +19/+14/+9 +10 +16 +16 Epic Class Feat 168 14d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 3 2 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
29th +20/+15/+10 +10 +16 +16 174 15d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 3 3 3 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2
30th +20/+15/+10 +11 +17 +17 Epic Class Feat, Eldritch Carapace II 180 15d6 * 8 8 6 6 4 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2

* Note: Cantrips on Arelith have been customized to allow infinite casting

Epic Warlock

Bonus feats: The epic warlock gains a bonus feats at levels 24, 25, 28 and 30.

Epic Class Feats: Epic Pact,

Unavailable epic feats: epic weapon specialization, outsider shape, construct shape, dragon shape, undead shape


See Category:Warlock_Spells for a list of all spells by category.

Cantrips 1st level spells 2nd level spells
3rd level spells 4th level spells 5th level spells
6th level spells 7th level spells 8th level spells

Spells by Pact

A summary table of of the Warlock spellbook and Inficasting by Pact Tier

1st level spells
(5 known)
Inficast (+ tier req.) 2nd level spells
(5 known)
Inficast (+ tier req.) 3rd level spells
(4 known)
Inficast (+ tier req.)
Aby Inf Fey Fath Hag Star Und Aby Inf Fey Fath Hag Star Und Aby Inf Fey Fath Hag Star Und
Charm Person or Animal 1 Bear's Endurance 1 1 Animate Dead 2*
Darkness 1 1 1 Blindness/Deafness 1 1 Bestow Curse 2
Doom 1 1 Bull's Strength 1 1 1 Combust 2 2
Entangle 1* Cat's Grace 1 Command
Entropic Shield 1 Charm Monster 1 Crushing Despair 2 2
Expeditious Retreat 1 Darkfire 1 1 Fear 2 2 2 2 2
Ghostly Visage 1 1 Dominate Animal 1 Frostbite
Grease 1 1 1 Eagle's Splendor 1 1 Gust of Wind 2
Hold Animal 1 Flame Lash 1 Hold Monster 2
Mage Armor 1 1 Ghoul Touch 1 Infestation of Maggots 2 2
Protection from Alignment 1 1 Hold Person 1 1 Invisibility 2 2 2
Ray of Enfeeblement 1 1 Lesser Dispel Magic Circle Against Alignment 2 2
Resist Elements 1 Lightning Bolt 1 Negative Energy Burst 2*
Scare 1 1 See Invisibility 1 1 1 1 Nightmare 2 2
Sleep 1 1 Stone Bones 1 Poison 2 2 2
Ultravision 1 1 1 1 Tasha's Hideous Laughter 1 Polymorph Self 2 2
Protection from Elements 2
Slow 2
Spells by pact 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 4 4 5 3
4th level spells
(4 known)
Inficast (+ tier req.) 5th level spells
(3 known)
Inficast (+ tier req.) 6th level spells
(3 known)
Inficast (+ tier req.)
Aby Inf Fey Fath Hag Star Und Aby Inf Fey Fath Hag Star Und Aby Inf Fey Fath Hag Star Und
Confusion 2 2 Circle of Doom 3 Chain Lightning 3
Contagion 2 2 Dark Undertow 3* Cloudkill 3*
Dispel Magic Dismissal 3 3 Create Undead 3*
Displacement 2 Energy Drain 3 Darkbolt 3
Dominate Person 2 Ethereal Visage 3* Delayed Blast Fireball 3*
Evard's Black Tentacles 2* Evil Blight 3 Disintegrate
Eyebite 2 2 Feeblemind 3 Drown 3
Finger of Agony 2 2 2 2 Flame Shield 3* 3* Energy Buffer
Fireball 2 Frost Shield 3* Greater Dispelling
Freeze 2 Ice Storm 3 Hell Inferno 3 3
Haste 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* Lesser Spell Breach Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles 3*
Healing Sting 2* Otto's Irresistible Dance 3 Lesser Planar Binding 3 3
Improved Invisibility 2 Phantasmal Killer 3* Mind Fog 3 3 3
Scintillating Sphere 2 Shadow Conjuration Shadow Evocation 3*
Sound Lance 2 Wounding Whispers 3* Spike Growth 3*
Stinking Cloud 2 2
Spells by pact 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2
7th level spells
(2 known - no infinicast)
8th level spells
(2 known - no infinicast)
Banishment Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
Blade Barrier Avascular Mass
Burst of Glacial Wrath Create Greater Undead
Control Undead Destruction
Creeping Doom Dominate Monster
Greater Shadow Conjuration Finger of Death
Greater Spell Breach Greater Planar Binding
Mass Blindness/Deafness Greater Shadow Evocation
Mass Charm Mass Haste
Maze Mass Hold Monster
Planar Binding Meteor Swarm
Rogue's Cunning Nature's Balance
Shadow Shield Nybor's Wrathful Castigation
Sunfire Shadow Plague
True Seeing

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Summoning Alignment Divergence Penalties 1 A Warlock summoning any Evil planar being using any in game spell/feat/item/etc. is exempted from alignment divergence hostility.
Pact 1

Gains Pact

Eldritch Blast 2

Gains Eldritch Blast

Arcane Spell Failure Reduction 3

Arcane Spell Failure (ASF) for Armor and Shields is reduced by 20% for pure-class Warlocks, or multi-class Warlocks with at 6+ levels in the class. This ASF reduction is automatically applied to equipped armors and shields, totaling a 40% reduction.

Uncanny Dodge I 10

Gains Uncanny Dodge I

Eldritch Carapace I 20

Gains 5% Damage Immunity vs. Physical

Eldritch Carapace II 30

Gains 5% Damage Immunity vs. Physical

RP Tips

Persecution and Hostility

The nature of the warlock is one that is often regarded with fear and mistrust - their powers didn't come through arduous arcane study alone, or by virtue of a magical bloodline, or by the divine providence of a well respected deity, but from esoteric, and often unspeakable powers, powers that they themselves may not fully understand, powers that sometimes, if not outright malign in nature, are at least unknowable, carrying a sentience and purpose that is unpredictable and dangerous.

Clearly, the act of binding with a greater power is not in itself evil, but it is questionable. Those that would make of themselves warlocks should know that the path they chose is one that is dark and turbulent, and many are the ones that have gone astray and have been consumed by the thirst for even more power. Many are the warlocks that have been the cause of great calamity, and few are truly heroic; in the eye of the public, any warlock is as likely to cause another catastrophe.

Painful experience teaches the warlock to be secretive of their nature, and never to flaunt their powers, lest they invoke the ire of the zealot, the fearful and the cautious alike.

That is not to say that warlocks are to be killed on sight; do not make the mistake of considering that questionable is direct equivalency to a more than monstrous status.

Playing with and playing as a warlock has the subtle expectation everybody involved understands that warlocks should be persecuted; they should be ostracized, thrown rotten tomatoes and pointed subtle fingers to. A warlock is only marginally better than an Outcast, barely above the status of a criminal and never better than second class citizens... if the nature of their powers is revealed, of course...

Plainly speaking - Don't go flaunting your pact powers around and expect nothing to happen; you should know that your class is persecuted and questionable. A good RPer will hide their identity and powers, an excellent RPer will almost hide it entirely, and play along when they are inevitably caught. This obviously goes both ways; common people and adventurers should treat warlocks with the full awareness that they are, if not at the very least dangerous, capable of binding their soul to dark forces in the pursuit of power. It should be common sense that this is a red flag.

As an "ordinary adventurer" - that is to say, a non-outcast, non-evil character - associating with warlocks has the same implication as associating with other brands of common ruffians, assassins, necromancers and pale masters are all similar equivalents. This never means 'do not RP with warlocks' or 'Kill them on sight' - this means that you have to find the balance to maintain a skeptical wariness of what they are, and how it will reflect on you to deal with their kind.