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Cretinous and ferine, Bugbears are the largest of the more common goblinoids, and are no strangers to savagery and warfare. Named for their bear-like faces, tough hides, and savage claws, these hairy creatures most often stand around seven-feet tall and are found in shades of yellows, browns, and reds. They use their size and raw power to bully and dominate the smaller Goblinoids beneath them, becoming leaders or champions of their brutish ‘tribes.’ Despite their size, they are nimble, cunning, and have a heightened sense of smell. They are easily enraged, quick to bloody violence, and not to be underestimated. They like nothing more than forcing their will upon lesser creatures, and choking the life from those who refuse.


Creating a New Character on Arelith


  • Alignment Restriction: Non-good


+2 CON, -4 CHA (or +2 DEX, -4 CHA with Bloodline of the Skirmisher)
+4 Hide
Bonus Feats: Darkvision, Use Poison, Keen Senses

ECL +0


  • Bonus Languages:
Goblin language

Starting City: Andunor

Playable Races on Arelith   
Human Human - Deep Imaskari - Firbolg - Half-Giant - Shadovar
Dwarf Shield Dwarf - Gold Dwarf - Duergar - Wild Dwarf
Elf Moon Elf - Aquatic Elf - Avariel - Fey'ri - Sun Elf - Wild Elf - Wood Elf
Gnome Rock Gnome - Svirfneblin - Forest Gnome
Halfling Lightfoot Halfling - Ghostwise Halfling - Strongheart Halfling - Fey
Half-Elf Half-Elf - Gloaming - Green Hag - Kenku
Half-Orc Half-Orc
Monstrous Drow - Goblin - Kobold - Gnoll - Orog - Hobgoblin - Ogre - Minotaur - Imp - Troglodyte - Yuan-ti Pureblood - Derro - Rakshasa - Vampire - Grodd Goblin - Snow Goblin - Bugbear
Planetouched Aasimar - Air Genasi - Earth Genasi - Fire Genasi - Water Genasi - Tiefling