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Green Hag

From Arelith Wiki

Note: The Green Hag race may only be selected by spending a Greater Award!


Green Hags are the most common types of hags, foul crones known for their deceitful ways and corrupting natures. These vile beings prey upon primal vices in order to sow anguish and drag their victims down into bestial savagery.

Playing a Hidden Monstrous Races

If playing a race that has the ability to hide it monstrous nature, you must understand that should they become well-known and outed then they should expect to be considered and treated as a Monstrous Race and all the rules that applies to playing a monster race will apply to your character.

If outed as one of these races, whilst entering settlements would not be a rule break, you should likely expect to be thrown out by PCs or NPCs, with little recourse.



Creating a New Character on Arelith



  • ECL: +1


  • -2 DEX, +2 WIS, +2 CHA
  • Greater Skill Affinity (Leadership): +4 bonus to Leadership checks
  • Greater Skill Affinity (Bluff): +4 Bonus to Bluff checks
  • Bonus Feats
  • Brew Potion
  • Use Poison
  • Darkvision
  • Special Abilities
  • Green Hag Polymorph
    • Can polymorph into two different human shapes at-will. (One is a particular static appearance type, while the other is a customizable human appearance that looks exactly like the one made in the character creation menu.)
  • Immunity to Poison
  • Immunity to Disease
  • 5/+2 Damage Reduction
  • Innate Spell Resistance: 16
  • Can cast Invisibility via the Innate Ability Token
  • Gains +1 Herbalism Tradeskill rank


  • Bonus Language: Sylvan
  • Starting city: Cordor, Sencliff, Skal, or Andunor as Outcast

External Sources

The following material can help understanding the race.
Please note the information does not necessarily reflects their implementation in Arelith.

Playable Races on Arelith   
Human Human - Deep Imaskari - Firbolg - Half-Giant - Shadovar
Dwarf Shield Dwarf - Gold Dwarf - Duergar - Wild Dwarf
Elf Moon Elf - Aquatic Elf - Avariel - Fey'ri - Sun Elf - Wild Elf - Wood Elf
Gnome Rock Gnome - Svirfneblin - Forest Gnome
Halfling Lightfoot Halfling - Ghostwise Halfling - Strongheart Halfling - Fey
Half-Elf Half-Elf - Gloaming - Green Hag - Kenku
Half-Orc Half-Orc
Monstrous Drow - Goblin - Kobold - Gnoll - Orog - Hobgoblin - Ogre - Minotaur - Imp - Troglodyte - Yuan-ti Pureblood - Derro - Rakshasa - Vampire - Grodd Goblin - Snow Goblin - Bugbear
Planetouched Aasimar - Air Genasi - Earth Genasi - Fire Genasi - Water Genasi - Tiefling