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Wild mage

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[The Astrolabe]

Wild Mage is a custom path for Wizard (not specialists) with Arelith specific changes.


Arelith Wild Mages enjoy wild magic injected into their spellcasting. This path has its own page for its unique mechanics applied on top of Wizard (not specialist). Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. Base mechanics can be found on NWNWiki (wizard). The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment Restrictions: any
Path: Wild Mage is a path for Wizard characters. It can be obtained after creating your character via selection in the starter area, or by talking to a special Non-player-character (NPC) in-game (IG), which is strictly IG information, but it will drop a character's level to below 6 (if above). Wild Mage (Wizard) must be the primary casting class for abilities to work (ie. majority levels).
Base Class: Wizard
Spell school: General spell school (no specialization)

Class Features

Wizard#Class Features

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Same Base Spells per Level as Wizard.

  Greater Surge Replenish Chance
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feats HP 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 summon familiar, scribe scroll, weapon proficiency (wizard) 4 100% 100%
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 8 100% 100%
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 12 100% 100% 100%
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 16 100% 100% 100%
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 wizard bonus feat 20 100% 100% 100% 100%
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 24 100% 100% 100% 100%
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 28 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 32 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 36 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 77%
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 wizard bonus feat 40 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 78%
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 44 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 79% 64%
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 48 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 83% 68%
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 52 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 84% 69% 54%
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 56 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 85% 70% 55%
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 wizard bonus feat 60 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 86% 71% 56% 41%
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 64 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 87% 72% 57% 42%
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 68 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 88% 73% 58% 43% 28%
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 72 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 92% 77% 62% 47% 32%
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 76 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 93% 78% 63% 48% 33%
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 wizard bonus feat 80 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 94% 79% 64% 49% 34%



Epic Wild Mage

Wizard#Epic Wizard.

  Greater Surge Replenish Chance
Level Feats HP Fate Range 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
21st Fatidical Manipulation 84 +/- 7 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 80% 65% 50% 35%
22nd 88 +/- 6 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 96% 81% 66% 51% 36%
23rd bonus feat 92 +/- 5 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 97% 82% 67% 52% 37%
24th 96 +/- 4 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 86% 71% 56% 41%
25th 100 +/- 3 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 87% 72% 57% 42%
26th bonus feat 104 +/- 2 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 88% 73% 58% 43%
27th 108 +/- 1 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 89% 74% 59% 44%
28th 112 Perfect 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 90% 75% 60% 45%
29th bonus feat 116 Perfect 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 91% 76% 61% 46%
30th 120 Perfect 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 80% 65% 50%

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Chaotic Affinity 1

The Wild Surges from the wild mage will scale with the level, potentially becoming more effective, lasting and dangerous as the wild mage grows in power. Also, whenever the wild mage casts the spell Prismatic Spray, she will roll twice, affecting the target twice.

  • Only the Wild Surges that occur through the wizard spellbook will scale in power.
  • Wild Surges produced by Nahal's Reckless Dweomer are not affected by Chaotic Affinity
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer 1

Gains the spell as an instant-use feat ability.

  • Has 1 use +1 per 6 Wild Mage levels, replenishing 1 use every 5 minutes.
  • When the spell is cast via this feat, the Greater Wild Surge replenishment applies.
Wild Magic: Greater Wild Surge 1

Whenever a wild mage casts an arcane spell, there's a natural 5% that a Greater Wild Surge will trigger. Whenever this happens, both the spell and the surge will take place, and there's a chance that the spell will be replenished.

Note: There is a report that surges always replenish spell slots, but it is not known if this is intentional or not.

To replenish a spell, a d100 is rolled against a DC defined by the WM's level and the spell's circle. The DC is lowered by 1 for each wild mage Level and an additional 3 for every 6th wild mage Level, so at level 30 the DC reduced by 45 with and 50% chance of replenishing a level 9 spell.

Circle 1-4: Automatic success
Circle 5 Spell DC: 35
Circle 6 Spell DC: 50
Circle 7 Spell DC: 65
Circle 8 Spell DC: 80
Circle 9 Spell DC: 95
Epic: N/A
  • If the spell is cast from any other spellbook, the spell will not be replenished.
  • The infinite spells granted by Greater Spell Focus cannot trigger surges.

Note: Has been observed to always replenish on non-reckless-dweomer casts, but unknown if a bug or not.

Fatidical Manipulation 21

-Fate [number]

At level 21, a wild mage's power has entered the epic threshold, finally gaining a glimpse of true comprehension of the seemingly entirely chaotic forces of her wild magic, taking it in her hands to shape her powers and limit the possible outcomes in the next surge. Using the table of wild magic as reference guide, you can input -fate and the number to get any effect from the number selected to the next seven. In example; using -fate 60 at level 21 would make the next surge be any between 60 to 67.

  • Each wild mage level after 21 will reduce the range by 1, resulting in a perfect surge at level 28, removing all random factor.
    • Note: Caster level bonuses will not work for this effect, Fate will exclusively improve with hard Wizard level investment.
  • -Fate can only be used once every 30 minutes.
  • If the selected value goes above 100, it loops back to 1 and so on.
  • Gems, gold, teleport, and djinni surges may not be fated.
  • Surges that are usually saveless will roll for a save when they are fated.
Special Surge Spells -

Wrathful Castigation: Affects any target, hostile, neutral or friendly. It's a target spell, not an AoE. If the target succeeds the Death save Wrathful Castigation will instead deal 1d6 of Magical Damage per Caster Level (Max 20) and has a chance to Daze the target as well, 1 Round / Caster Level against a Will Save.

Burst of Glacial Wrath: You create a burst of icy energy that flash-freezes any creatures within the spell's area. The spell deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 25d6 points)

Disintegrate: You must make a successful ranged touch attack to hit in a distance up to 20 meters from Caster. Any creature struck by the ray takes 2d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by this spell is entirely disintegrated, leaving behind only a trace of fine dust. (?)

Effulgent Epuration: Creates a Spell Mantle effect on the Caster and her allies (Up to one ally per 4 caster levels). The Spell Mantle can absorb "d12 + Random value from 1 to Caster Level" amount of spells before collapsing and this value is random for each mantle applied by the Surge.

Depth Surge: A shockwave of water is fired out from the Caster dealing 2d6 + 2/Caster Level Bludgeoning damage to all targets caught in the AoE. Reflex Save negates. Failing the save will also Knockdown the target for 3 seconds.

Field Of Icy Razors: Deals 1d6 Damage (Max 20) to targets caught in the AoE. Half the damage is Slashing and the other half is Cold damage. Targets failing a Reflex Save is slowed for 1 Round / Caster Level.

Surge Vanished - Sometimes, instead of getting the surge effect you will see "Surge Vanished". This happens for two reasons: Some surges have a failure chance coded into them, and the rest fail to cast due to the lack of the intended targeting. This means that some surges will only trigger when you are targeting a character, the floor, yourself, etc. There's no real way to prevent this short of avoiding to use self-target spells (like stoneskin and shadow shield, and for some reason, mage armor). Otherwise, it could be considered simply wild magic bad luck.
Wild Magic Notes -
  • The Wild Surges are identical to the ones happening due to Faerzress interference, but only the ones from the Wild Mage will scale in power with the Wild Mage's level.
  • Wild Surges can only happen through casted spells; never spells from items or abilities that replicate spells.
  • Wild Surges can happen through any arcane spell casted, but their power is always tied to both the Wild Mage level and the wizard spellbook.
  • For the Wild Surge table, surges between 1 to 49 are considered usually negative, and 50 to 100 usually positive.
  • The used abilities will not reset with server jump - they will, however, do so with death.
Bonus Language - Draconic.
Spell changes - For specifics, see Category:Wizard_Spells.
Summoning Changes - For specifics, read Summoning Changes which details how summons are changed on Arelith and Summons which details each specific summon stream and what is summoned at each tier of the stream.
Spellbook - Can save and load Spellbooks through the Crafting Skills menu. Special Abilities > Crafting Skills > Choose "Spellbooks" from the menu.
Spell components - Requires spell components (made with Alchemy or Art Crafting) to cast spells greater than level 6. Level 7 spells cost 1. Level 8 spells cost 2. Level 9 spells cost 3.
Inficasting -
The Greater Spell Foci of every school that they take, additionally to the normal effects that they grant, will unlock a spell which the sorcerer, spellsword or wizard may cast freely and without limit as a special ability, that works identically as a spell casted from their spellbooks. Cannot be targeted at fixtures.
To cast the spells, look for them in your radial menu of abilities. The subclasses and paths also benefit from this effect.
These spells are lost if they are interrupted, but they can be refreshed by casting another infispell.
Familiar - Familiar changes and notes.

Wild Surge Table

Fate Surge   Fate Surge
1 Caster is struck with drunkenness. 51 Fireball on Target. Caster Immune.
2 Fireball on Caster. 52 Slow on Target. Caster Immune.
3 Caster is Held for 3 rounds. No save. 53 Caster is polymorphed into a wolf!
4 Caster is Held for 3 rounds. No save. 54 Fright on Target. Caster Immune.
5 Caster is polymorphed into a cow. No save. 55 Hindsight! The Caster can see everything.
6 Enlarge Person on Caster. 56 Super Improved Invisibility on Caster.
7 Caster is set on fire! 57 Gems! Caster makes gems rain!
8 A loud noise screams in the Caster's ears. 58 Combat Ready (Caster becomes a true fighter).
9 Caster is Held for 2 rounds. No save. 59 Caster is granted uber spell resistance.
10 Target is Healed. 60 Heal spell lands on Caster.
11 Target is Hasted. 61 Target is turned into Stone.
12 Caster accidentally summons forth a demon. 62 Enlarge Person on Target.
13 Caster accidentally summons forth a Rift demon. 63 Target is blinded!
14 Caster is put to sleep. 64 Effulgent Epuration on Caster.
15 Caster slips and falls. 65 Target is slowed! No save.
16 Lightning strikes down on the Caster. 66 Target is polymorphed into a cow. No save.
17 Thunderclap on the Caster. 67 Mass Daze on Target. Caster Immune.
18 Razor-sharp Spikes appear under the Caster's feet. 68 Target is polymorphed into a zombie. No save.
19 Mass Elemental Shield on Target. 69 Haste Spell on Caster.
20 Caster summons a rock. It's a nice rock. 70 Caster summons forth a Djinni (Make a wish!)
21 Caster summons a stupid amount of heavy rocks on Target. 71 Gold rains on the Caster!
22 Target is sparkling. 72 Mass Stun on Target. Caster Immune. No save.
23 Mass polymorph: Chicken on Caster. 73 Web on Target. Caster Immune.
24 Caster is Deafened. No save. 74 Target is struck by Sleep. No save.
25 Caster is teleported to target location. 75 Lightning strikes down on Target.
26 Imprisonment spell on Caster. 76 Super Thunderclap Spell on Target.
27 Caster is struck with hunger! 77 Razor-sharp spikes appear under Target's feet!
28 Caster is struck with thirst! 78 Damage Shield on Caster.
29 Random polymorph fog on Caster. 79 Iceskin Spell on Caster.
30 Half the Caster's gold is destroyed! 80 Mass Polymorh: Chicken on Target! Caster immune.
31 Caster summons forth a herd of wild rothe! 81 Super Speed on Caster.
32 Caster summons an exploding cow. 82 Super Mass Energy Buffer on Caster.
33 Target becomes invisible. 83 Depth Surge.
34 Caster sparkles. A lot! 84 Freedom of Movement on Self or Imprisonment on Target.
35 Caster starts to glow. 85 The nearest trap disarms itself!
36 Butterflies. Butterflies everywhere. Ah! 86 Destroy half the Target's gold.
37 Target glows. Even more glow! 87 Lightning Storm spell!
38 Caster summons a snow storm. But only if outside! 88 Grease spell on Target. Caster Immune.
39 Caster is stuck by Mindfire disease. 89 Harm spell on Target.
40 Slow spell on Caster. 90 Field Of Icy Razors
41 Caster summons an exploding cow herd! 91 Caster acquires phantomlike powers and form!
42 Caster is put to sleep for 3 rounds. No save. 92 Caster summons forth a powerful Elemental Monolith![1]
43 Caster is struck by panic! 93 Wrathful Castigation spell on Target!
44 Caster is cursed. No save. 94 Caster casts the same spell, again! (Does not work with Epic Spells and IGMS.)
45 Caster is silenced - mostly - for a random duration. 95 Double Surge! Double Effect!
46 Caster temporarily forgets how to cast spells! 96 A tiny volcano erupts from the ground!
47 Caster starts to laugh. Laugh a lot. 97 Burst of Glacial Wrath spell on Target!
48 Spell turning! The spell mirror backs to the Caster. 98 Disintegrate spell on Target.
49 Strange noises echo. 99 Blasphemy Spell on Target.
50 Caster temporarily gets a random elemental immunity. 100 Avascular Mass spell on Target.
  1. Will vanish if the character already has a summon.

Roleplay Tips

A wild mage is much like any other spellcaster, specializing in the perusal of codices of arcane lore. But while wizards rely on their practiced discipline, and sorcerers and warlocks on natural talent, the wild mage taps into the pure and unknown essence of magic itself to produce a result that even she doesn’t know beforehand.

The trademark trait of the wild mage is her ability to cause wild surges; seemingly random bursts of magic that can result in a plethora of, if not infinite, magical effects. From simply accelerating the wild mage as if replicating the effect from a Haste spell, to turning her into a wolf or summoning a rift demon forth to wreak great havoc on the prime. For good or ill, the wild surges follow the wild mage wherever she goes.

Whether attuned to the spectacular and always shifting forces of chaos, drawing their power from them or entirely unrelated, it remains to the wild mage in question. Reckless or careful, reluctant or willing, sane or insane, wild mages are as varied as the powers they hold, and potentially a walking disaster, or an unassuming hero. Or both.

For their ability to create great disaster, or simply being unpredictable, the wise knows to see them with wary eyes, and the fearful makes no distinction between the wild mage and the warlock. Both are equally dangerous, and both may be a threat after all.

The following are tips. Not rules, there's nothing mechanically enforced.

  • Wild mages are not necessarily wizards. This can have many interpretations, as assuming they are wizards with Wild Mage on top of them as a prestige class, or being purely their own class.
  • Be prepared to make things as you go, and roll with the punches. You are going to get punched... a lot.
  • Other characters may see Wild Mages with wariness. If your character is secretive or careful, try to limit your spellcasting.
  • But otherwise, don't be afraid to let your class truly show. Surge! Make mistakes! Hurt people! And always be prepared to deal with the consequences! You are a Wild Mage, keep the boat rocking and people at the edge of their seats with your unpredictability!

Wild Mage by the Books

The Wild Mages have appeared several times in many editions of Dungeon and Dragons. The Wild Mage path is not the same from the books; it is indeed based on it, but that's as far as the similarities go, and therefore the lore behind Wild Mages from the books is not to be taken as an actual reflection of Arelith's Wild mages.

For instance, in Complete Arcane, Wild Mages could be any arcane casting class, it was a prestige class, and required chaotic as alignment.

Wild Mages, by Complete Arcane

Magic is one of the most capricious and unpredictable of all natural or supernatural forces in the universe. Attempts to codify spellcasting through arcane formulas, or to impose order on magic through the force of will, are essentially pointless—or so wild mages believe. Instead, those who would truly master magic must forget what they know and abandon their willful control of the arcane. Within this paradox lies the awesome power of wild magic.

The wild mage aspires to cast spells without structure. By taking the risk of substituting an element of randomness, she gives up the safe predictability of other arcane spellcasters. This risk allows for the potential of power greater than other casters can hope for. Of course, she also risks the potential for less power, but what is magic if not risky? Chaos is strong, and her magic often carries her to heights of power that other casters cannot reach—but chaos is also fickle, and her spells sometimes fall short of her expectations. In addition, from time to time her spells unfold in spectacular wild surges that might prove catastrophic to the wild mage and her companions. The wild mage accepts this as the price of her convictions.

Sorcerers are naturally intrigued by the study of wild magic. The act of unchaining their spells from the safeguards and controls built into these time-honored formulas appeals to many of them. One might suppose that few wizards would be drawn to the spontaneity and unpredictability of wild magic, but in fact many wizards do become wild mages, seeking to explore and harness the power of chaos.

Wild mages tend to be solitary innovators. They have little contact with their fellow spellcasters, since wild mages can’t really learn from them. Rumors persist of a secretive Prismatic Cabal of wild mages who cloister themselves within the depths of Limbo to experience the power of chaos firsthand.

Capricious and powerful, NPC wild mages act much like chaotic sorcerers and wizards. Some are heroes who join parties crusading against tyranny and evil, while others are villains who revel in the chaos of destruction and disaster. A few wild mages (generally not good-aligned ones) believe that the power of their magic increases as the amount of chaos and uncertainty in the world around them rises, and therefore they bend their efforts toward instigating catastrophes of all kinds

External Links

Table of wild magic.

Neverwinter Nights wikia wizard article.