Category:Bard Spells
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Pages in category "Bard Spells"
The following 159 pages are in this category, out of 159 total.
- Amplify
- Balagarn's Iron Horn
- Camouflage
- Charm Person
- Color Spray
- Continual Flame
- Cure Light Wounds
- Detect Poison
- Endure Elements
- Expeditious Retreat
- Grease
- Identify
- Inflict Light Wounds
- Lesser Dispel
- Mage Armor
- Magic Weapon
- Protection from Alignment
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Remove Fear
- Scare
- Sleep (spell)
- Summon Creature I
- Aid
- Bear's Endurance
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blur
- Bull's Strength
- Cat's Grace
- Clarity
- Cloud of Bewilderment
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Darkness
- Detect Curse
- Eagle's Splendor
- False Life
- Fox's Cunning
- Ghostly Visage
- Ghoul Touch
- Gust of Wind
- Hold Person
- Inflict Moderate Wounds
- Invisibility (spell)
- Knock
- Owl's Wisdom
- Remove Paralysis
- Resist Elements
- See Invisibility
- Serene Visage
- Silence (spell)
- Sound Burst
- Summon Creature II
- Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- Ultravision
- Web
- Aura of Glory
- Bestow Curse
- Bigby's Disrupting Hand
- Charm Monster
- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- Confusion
- Crushing Despair
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Dispel Magic
- Displacement
- Fear (spell)
- Find Traps
- Good Hope
- Greater Magic Weapon
- Haste (spell)
- Hemorrhage
- Inflict Serious Wounds
- Invisibility Sphere
- Keen Edge
- Lionheart
- Magic Circle Against Alignment
- Protection from Elements
- Remove Blindness/Deafness
- Remove Curse
- Remove Disease
- Slow
- Summon Creature III
- Sustenance
- Vengeful Mount
- Wounding Whispers
- Animate Dead
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Dismissal
- Dominate Person
- Halt Undead
- Hold Monster
- Improved Invisibility
- Inflict Critical Wounds
- Legend Lore
- Lesser Planar Binding
- Minor Globe of Invulnerability
- Neutralize Poison
- Poison (spell)
- Polymorph Self
- Predator
- Shadow Conjuration
- Sound Lance
- Summon Creature IV
- War Cry
- Bestow Curse, Greater
- Bigby's Interposing Hand
- Control Undead
- Create Greater Undead
- Dirge
- Energy Buffer
- Evil Blight
- Eyebite
- Feeblemind
- Flesh to Stone
- Greater Planar Binding
- Greater Shadow Conjuration
- Greater Shadow Evocation
- Ice Storm
- Lesser Mind Blank
- Mass Bear's Endurance
- Mass Bull's Strength
- Mass Cat's Grace
- Mass Eagle's Splendor
- Mass Fox's Cunning
- Mass Haste
- Mass Owl's Wisdom
- Moonbeam
- Otto's Irresistible Dance
- Phantasmal Killer
- Summon Creature VI
- Sunfire
- Transmute Blood