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[The Astrolabe]

Crafting allows characters on Arelith to use resources to create a variety of products at workstations. To do this, characters must have training in one of six Trade Skills: Alchemy, Art Crafting, Carpentry, Smithing, Herbalism and Tailoring.

Characters get 2 Trade Skill Points each level which can be assigned to any crafting skill. This can be done with a Book of Trades or at a crafting workstation (select create new production first). Characters need at least 1 Trade Skill Point in a Trade Skill to begin crafting items and see menus at workstations. Some races receive competence bonuses to certain crafting skills, and characters with Gift of Craftsmanship receive 10 bonus Trade Skill Points.

Characters have 50 Crafting Points which are renewed gradually over each in-game day (2 hours 24 minutes). These points determine how much work you can do each in-game day. Characters receive 1 bonus Crafting Point for every 1 rank in the Craft Mastery skill (which is the combination of default NWN skills Craft Weapon and Craft Armor). In addition, characters with the Gift of Craftsmanship receive 10 bonus Crafting Points per day.

WARNING: The recipe database is a special database. The PGCC server may have different list of materials for a given item. Remember to check both before building around it. If you find inconsistencies on items in the Wiki, please report at the discord Wiki channel, so we can fix it.

Crafting Reference Application

Arelith has a Custom Crafting Web based Application to assist with reviewing crafting recipes, creating a crafting queue (online only, this does not reflect within the game) and a shopping list. http://craft.nwnarelith.com/

Crafting Process

  • Find the appropriate items required to make the desired item (through the Trade Book or this Wiki).
  • Put those items into the appropriate workstation.
  • Click 'Create New Production.'
  • Navigate to find the desired 'crafted' item and click on it.
  • Click 'Okay.'

Your character will roll a d20 (random number from 1 to 20) and add their Trade Skill Points assigned to that particular Trade. If the roll ends up being equal to or higher than the 'DC' in the Trade Book, then your character has started the project. Doing his requires no crafting points.

  • If you fail on the 'Initial Craft' the project (and all items put in) will be destroyed
  • Rolling a 1 will always fail. Similarly, rolling a 20 will always succeed.

When this has happened there will be a placeholder item in the crafting station which can be moved around like any other item. By putting this in the workstation you can 'Proceed With Production' and spend crafting points (your full amount, not the amount you've assigned to the specific Trade) to try and complete the production. Each 'roll' (point spent) is just like starting the project; d20 + skill. If it is greater than or equal to the DC, the project is one point closer to being finished. The more difficult products need to be crafted repeatedly over several IG days or by several craftsmen till they are finished. Once the project has filled it's points, it becomes the final item.

Divine Intervention

Once every 24 in-game hours a failed crafting project has a chance (equal to your piety) to be saved from destruction on a failed roll, or a 1, and be completed instead. This is called a god save, or a deity save, and it also costs 25% piety.

This lets crafters make difficult crafts as long as the DC is within 20 of their skill. For example, a Carpenter with 1 Trade Skill would have a chance to make a Printing Woodcut (DC 15) deity save once per 24 in-game hours as long as they have not already spent the deity save and have enough piety. A Smith with 1 Trade Skill would not be able to make a Steel Tower Shield (DC 24) diety save because the DC is over 20 more than the Trade Skill.

Mastery Rolls

If a character has a crafting skill of at least the DC of the crafting check she makes a Mastery Roll versus the DC + 20. Succeeding this check overcomes failures in starting a project or adds one extra point of progress for active projects.

Effectively this can save Crafting Points to complete a project "faster" but does not help with items that only require 1 Crafting Point. For example, if an Art Crafter had 21 Trade Skill then Casting Molds (DC 1 Craft Points 1) would always pass the Mastery check, but would still always cost 1 Craft Point. The same crafter would be able to make Glass (DC 1 Craft Points 10) for 5 Craft Points.

An edge case to note is odd Craft Point requirements. A Smith with 33 Trade Skill would always pass their Master check on Gold Ingots (DC 3 Craft Points 3) and it would cost 2 Craft Points to complete. The first Mastery roll would complete 2 Craft Points worth of the project and leave 1 Craft Point that needed to be spent if the Mastery roll triggered or not.


Some equipment can become damaged which is represented in Arelith by the number of "charges" the item has (seen by examining the item). Characters can repair these items using the crafting system. This works by placing the damaged item into a crafting workstation and choosing repair. For each "charge" on the item you roll your skill plus d20 against the item's DC to replace the charge. Different types of items have different amounts of charges. This system does not work to recharge "on use" magic items.

Assembly templates can also be repaired.

Characters can also create Tailoring Repair Kits, Smithing Repair Kits and Carpentry Repair Kits that work by placing the kit with the damaged item into the appropriate workstation (or simply "using" the kit on the damaged item). One does not need training in a trade skill to repair items in this way.

Custom Requisites

Some crafting recipes within the very trades are exclusive to certain races, classes, and sometimes, even alignments. These restrictions usually have their own required class level, though if it's not specified, only 3 levels in the class may be necessary to perform the craft.

The restrictions may be specific to Arelith's subraces, though wearing or using an item that says, for example "Only Usable By: Halfling" means that all mechanical halfling, such as Ghostwise Halflings, can use said item and craft it. Warning: This may change in the future.

The addition of the Loremaster class also allows those that choose the Secret Knowledge of the Artisan to craft any of the class recipes.

Important Notes

  • Rolling a 1 is an automatic failure. Rolling a 20 will always succeed.
  • If you fail on the 'Initial Craft', the project (and all items it requires) will be destroyed. Other items in the workstation will not be destroyed.
  • Items can be also customized: changed in shape or colour, renamed or given new description.
  • Adding the name of a character in brackets at the end of the item's name will allow that character to alter its description using the enchantment basin as if it was their own. An item would have to look something like "Completely Generic Sword [Joe Doe]".
  • Details about weapons, their customization and level requirements can be found in weapon guide.

Trade Skill Distribution

The current system favors careful point distribution across trades over full investment in one trade. Any trade points invested beyond the highest (DC-2) of a craft provides little benefits; Mastery for crafting point efficiency and the mechanical interpretation for RP. This means folks do not have to invest up to 50 points in order to be successful crafters. Trade Skills can be mixed and matched for a unique crafting experience.

Note: The Commoner class expands on trade skill points extensively with Tradeworker granting an extra 2 trade skills points per level.

Break Points

Trades have natural breaking points for their effective distribution. 33 points in Herbalism, for example, are all you need for all the trade's crafts. Also consider are whether a craft is a consumable or not! Dedicating skill points into a 1-time craft can be often seen as wasted if there are ways to secure the initial template (God Saves). Unless certain non-consumable craft is in high demand (Masterly Damask weapons, for example).

Many new crafting recipes have been added since this table was made. It currently works as a guideline for planning skill point allocation, but please consult the individual trade skill pages for specific recipes while these recommendations are updated.

Trade Trade Skill investment break-points
    14 - bronze(DC 12), silver(13), gold(14), adamantine(15), brass(16), greensteel(16) ingots
    18 - Repair Kits
    23 - Fixtures
    43 - Masterwork Runes
    53 - Masterly Damask Weapons
    18 - Repair Kits
    25 - All Fixtures
    26 - Instruments
    38 - Masterwork Runes, Ashwood Stabilizer (also available from Alchemy)
    47/50 - Ashwood Bow/Crossbow
    1 - All pieces of cloth and leather
    13 - Gem Bag, Spell Component Pouch
    18 - Repair Kits, all fixtures
    38 - Masterwork Runes
    42~46 - Non-ranger, but high tier cloaks and armors
    54 - Runic Ranger's Armors (Shirt/Studded Leather)
Art Crafting
    1 - Glass, bottles, Malachite and Greenstone
    17 - Spell Component
    20 - All gems
    22 - All Fixtures
    38 - Masterwork Runes, Prisms
    44 - Headband of Protection
    4 - Tanning Acid (used for Tailoring)
    13 - Flask of Oil (used for repair kits) & Mojos (required for Potions of Heal and Attunement)
    19 - Potion of Heal
    26 - Poisons (30 for all, may need Alchemy at 20 for Arsenic)
    28 - Abeyant Template (also available from Alchemy)
    33 - Dragon Oil (also available from Alchemy)
    43 - Healing Kits +10
    14 - Skleen, Dust of Appearance
    17 - Spell Component
    22 - All essences and catalysts
    28 - Abeyant Template (also available from Herbalism)
    33 - Ashwood Stabilizer (also available from Carpentry), Dragon Oil (also available from Herbalism)

Racial Trade Skill Bonuses

1 racial bonus Trade Skill point for most races:

Skill Race
Alchemy Rock Gnome, Svirfneblin, Forest Gnome, Imp, Kobold
Art Crafting Half-Elf
Carpentry Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Wild Elf, Wood Elf
Herbalism Lightfoot Halfling, Ghostwise Halfling, Strongheart Halfling, Fey, Wild Dwarf, Goblin, Green Hag
Smithing Shield Dwarf, Gold Dwarf, Duergar, Half-Orc, Hobgoblin, Orog, Troglodyte, Derro, Gnoll, Ogre, Snow Goblin
Tailoring Human, Deep Imaskari, Drow, Yuan-ti Pureblood
Base race Rakshasa, Vampire, Planetouched
None Minotaur, Firbolg, Half-Giant, Shadovar, Gloaming, Fey'ri, Avariel, Aquatic Elf

Crafting Strength Requirements

Crafting requires strength for carry weight to manage materials and components. There are Bags for carrying crafting components, and magically enchanted weight reduction versions which can be found as loot, but the number and variation of components across the crafting paths can quickly add up. The character's carry weight is something to consider when planning a crafting path.

  • Observed component carry requirements from highest to lowest:
    • 1. Smithing
    • 2. Herbalism
    • 3. Art Crafting (Only if granite/marble is involved)
    • 4. Carpentry
    • 5. Alchemy
    • 6. Tailoring

Trade Build Guides

Guides for planning Trade Skills for Gift of Craftsmanship (71 Trade Skill points) and non-gift (61 Trade Skill points).

Many new crafting recipes have been added since this table was made. It currently works as a guideline for planning skill point allocation, but please consult the individual trade skill pages for specific recipes while these recommendations are updated.

(61 Max = 60 base + 1 racial point)

Title style Art Crafting Herbalism Tailoring Alchemy Smith Carpentry Total Bonus Note
Master Smiths
Master Smith 1 1 7 51 60 Tailoring
Rune Smith 1 1 15 43 60 Herbalism
Master Tailor/Seamstress
Master Tailor 1 1 52 6 60 Smithing
Expert Tailor 1 1 45 13 60 Smithing
Rune Tailor 20 1 38 1 60 Tailoring
Master Carpenter/Woodworker
Master Carpenter 1 1 1 7 50 60 Smithing
Rune Woodworker 1 1 1 18 39 60 Carpentry
Luthier 20 1 1 11 27 60 Smithing
Maester/Master Artist/Artisan
Maester Artisan 44 1 1 1 13 60 Smithing
Rune Artist 38 2 1 1 18 60 Herbalism
Arcanist 20 16 1 22 1 60 Herbalism
Adventurer 1 23 18 18 60 Herbalism
Herbalist 8 33 18 1 60 Smithing
Alchemist 20 4 1 33 1 1 60 Herbalism

(71 Max = 60 base + 10 Gift + 1 racial point)

Title style Art Crafting Herbalism Tailoring Alchemy Smith Carpentry Total Bonus Note
Master Smiths
Master Smith 1 1 17 51 70 Tailoring
Rune Smith 1 8 18 43 70 Herbalism
Master Tailor/Seamstress
Master Tailor 1 4 52 13 70 Smithing Can lower tailoring for more Smithing
Expert Tailor 20 4 45 1 70 Tailoring
Rune Tailor 1 13 38 18 70 Tailoring
Master Carpenter/Woodworker
Master Carpenter 1 10 1 8 50 70 Smithing
Rune Woodworker 1 12 1 18 38 70 Carpentry
Luthier 20 4 1 18 27 70 Carpentry
Fletcher 1 1 17 22 1 28 70 Tailoring
Maester/Master Artist/Artisan
Maester Artisan 44 1 1 22 2 70 Smithing
Rune Artist 38 1 1 22 8 70 Smithing
Arcanist 20 26 1 22 1 70 Herbalism
Adventurer 1 33 18 18 70 Any
Alchemist 20 4 1 33 12 70 Herbalism
Quartermaster 1 28 18 22 1 70 Herbalism

Pages in category "Crafting"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.