Class Level(s): Cleric 21, Druid 21, Favored Soul 21, Pale Master 15, Shaman 21, Sorcerer 21, Wizard 21
Spellcraft Prerequisite: 22
Innate Level: 10
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short (8 meters)
Area of Effect / Target: Point
Duration: 2 round / level
Save(s): None
Spell Resistance: No
Description: The caster summons a powerful dragon to the targeted location. The type of dragon is dependent upon the summon stream. Use -stream ? for more details. Epic spells are not affected by arcane spell failure from armor, nor can they be interrupted, countered, or dispelled. When cast with the Dracolich stream, the spell now counts as a Necromancy spell, thereby bypassing some specialist wizards' spell school limitations.
- Summons are heavily customized, read Summoning Changes which details how summons are changed on Arelith and Summons which details each specific summon stream and what is summoned at each tier of the stream.
- Table key:
- ↑ Shadows receive turns, hours, then hours * 2 per level with Illusion spell focuses plus concealment + 10% per Illusion Focus.
- ↑ Blackguard and Pale Master animate dead class feats, see Summons and Blackguard unique undead for details.
- ↑ Non-dracolich stream.
- ↑ Dracolich stream.
- ↑ For the purposes of Planar Conduit, characters can only use streams on their own Good-Evil alignment axis. Evil characters can take this feat and use the neutral summons, but there is no support for demons and devils.
- ↑ Blackguard fiendish summons class feat, see Summons for details.
- ↑ Warlock Dark Invocation: Planar Gate bonus feat summons as Gate spell.
- ↑ Warlock Dark Invocation: Planar Gate feat special: Bonuses for this summon as if the Warlock had Greater Spell Focus: Conjuration even without the feats.
- ↑ Warlock Eldritch summon pact feats. See Summons for details.
- ↑ Warlock Eldritch summon feat tiers 4 and above are subject to the Epic Caster Bonus.
- ↑ You can only summon streams that a warlock can do pacts, with the Eldricth summon feat.
- ↑ Warlock Eldritch summon feat summons are exempt from the alignment divergence penalties typical of outsider summons.