Liberator is a custom prestige class with Arelith specific mechanics.
A Liberator is an enduring symbol of liberty and freedom from tyranny. These champions of freedom and equality are strong-willed, independent-minded, and virtuous. They particularly direct their efforts against lawful evil societies that are dictatorships or plutocracies. These liberators also target slaveholders, slave traders, and powerful, corrupt governments. However, they also recognize the possibility of tyranny even in a state of anarchy where strong individuals may impose their will on weaker people. Mechanical information is included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.
Class Mechanics
Alignment restrictions: Chaotic Good
Base attack bonus: +6
Class: Cannot take levels in Vigilante.
Class Features
Hit die: d10
Proficiencies: all simple and martial weapons, all types of armor and shields
Skill points: 4 + int modifier ( (4 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)
Class Skills: bluff, climb, concentration, craft mastery, discipline, heal, intimidate, listen, lore, parry, ride, sail, spot, taunt, use traps
Unavailable feats: Scribe Scroll, Craft Wand, Weapon Specialization
Bonus feats: On levels 6 and 9, choose a Method, aka Liberator Bonus Feats
Primary saving throw(s): Fortitude, Will
Base attack bonus: +1/level
Level Progression
Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.
Epic Liberator
Bonus feats: The epic Liberator gains a bonus feat 13, 16, and 19.
Epic Liberator bonus feats: Armor Skin, Epic Improved Combat Casting, Epic Planar Turning, Epic Prowess, Perfect Health, Epic Toughness, Great Smiting, Improved Sneak Attack, Blinding Speed, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization: Unarmed, Overwhelming Critical, Great Dexterity; Improved Methods: Improved Method: Complex Experimental Device, Improved Method: Guerilla Warfare, Improved Method: Nightmare Tactics, Improved Method: Secret Identity, Improved Method: Signature Weapon Mastery & non-epic Methods aka Liberator Bonus Feats
Unavailable epic feats: Epic Weapon Specialization, Outsider Shape, Construct Shape, Plant Shape, Undead Shape
Arelith Changes
Bonus Language
Type of feat: General, Cavalier Bonus, Divine Champion Bonus, Fighter Bonus, Liberator Class, Vigilante Class
Prerequisite: Improved Unarmed Strike, Base attack bonus +4
Automatically granted by: Liberator 1, Vigilante 1
Required for: Pugilist
Specifics: The Brawler gains extra attacks when unarmed. 1 APR at 4 BAB, and 2 APR at 9 BAB. An APR is lost if the brawler dons any armor. Another APR is lost if the brawler wields a shield.
Use: Automatic
Special: Monks and Werewolves do not benefit from these feats. All classes except Monks, Weapon Masters, and Arcane Archers can take Brawler/Pugilist as general feats.
Liberator gain total piety per tick, based on Liberator level: 1-8 = 0.1%; 9-27 = 0.2%; 28-30 = 0.3%. Other classes do not have this innate piety gain. The default piety tick is -0.1% so the net total from levels 1-8 Piety will not lose piety, then gain 0.1% 9-27, and 0.2% from 28-30.
Bull's Strength Spell-Like Ability
Always gives +4 instead of 1d4+1 STR.
- Lasts a number of turns equal to caster level. Once the Liberator has reached class level 10, the feat's duration is hours per caster level.
- 10 minute cooldown, but is also now self-target only.
Type of feat: General, Cavalier Bonus, Divine Champion Bonus, Fighter Bonus, Liberator Class, Vigilante Class
Prerequisite: Brawler, Base attack bonus +9
Automatically granted by: Liberator 3, Vigilante 3
Required for: None
Specifics: The pugilist can wear light armor without losing any unarmed attacks. The pugilist's unarmed damage also scales with 1.5x strength modifier.
Use: Automatic
Special: Monks and Werewolves do not benefit from these feats. All classes except Monks, Weapon Masters, and Arcane Archers can take Brawler/Pugilist as general feats.
Method: Signature Weapon
Type of feat: Cause of Vigilance Path, Rogue Bonus, Liberator Bonus, Vigilante Bonus
Prerequisite: Rogue 7, Vigilante 6
Automatically granted by: Liberator 5
Required for: Improved Method: Signature Weapon Mastery
Specifics: Anyone can pick up a blade, but it is the wielder who knows how to make their enemies fear it. Wielder gains increased Attack Bonus (+1 soft to the character and not the weapon so it does not improve DR piercing), Damage (+1), and Intimidation (+2) when wielding the Signature Weapon. Signature Weapons can be chosen via using this feat to target a weapon. Can choose Gloves as a Signature Weapon for Unarmed. Signature Weapon bonus for unarmed will only apply when equipped with a glove or a gauntlet.
Use: Automatic (selected via special abilities feat)
Improved Method: Signature Weapon Mastery
Type of feat: Cause of Vigilance Path, Liberator Epic Bonus, Vigilante Epic Bonus
Prerequisite: Vigilante 13, Method: Signature Weapon
Automatically granted by: Vigilante (Cause of Vigilance) 15, Liberator 12
Required for: None
Specifics: Anyone can pick up a blade, but it is the wielder who knows how to make their enemies fear it. Wielder gains increased Attack Bonus (improves to +2 soft to the character and not the weapon so it does not improve DR piercing), Damage (improves to +2), and Intimidation (improves to +5) when wielding the Signature Weapon. Signature Weapons can be chosen via using this feat to target a weapon. Can choose Gloves as a Signature Weapon for Unarmed. Signature Weapon bonus for unarmed will only apply when equipped with a glove or a gauntlet.
Use: Automatic
Divine Synergy
Method Bonus Feats
Method: Gruesome Technique
Type of feat: Cause of Freedom Path, Rogue Bonus, Liberator Bonus, Vigilante Bonus
Prerequisite: Rogue 7, Liberator 6, Vigilante 6
Automatically granted by: Harper Scout 3, Vigilante (Cause of Freedom) 5, Zhentarim Operative 3
Required for: Improved Method: Nightmare Tactics
Specifics: Fear nearby enemies in a medium area of effect of 3.33 meters radius on deathblow, trap triggering, or grenade explosion (AoE is the grenade effect for grenades): Choking Powder (extra +4 DC), Thunderingstone (extra +4 DC), Beholder Dust, and Smoke Bomb. DC of 20 + (intimidation / 5) DC versus will. Method Fear: Until end of round, target runs away from origin of fear with 25% movement speed (75% MS reduction). For 2 rounds: -10 AC, -10 Saves, -10 Skills, -10 AB, 50% Spell Failure. However, against player characters this changes to: 1-round fear, -4 malus, 75% movement penalty. Additionally, grants the Use Poison feat.
Use: Automatic
Method: Grenadier Basics
Method: Skirmish Maneuvers
Method: Hidden Persona
Type of feat: Vigilante Bonus, Liberator Bonus, Harper Scout Class, Zhentarim Operative Class
Prerequisite: Liberator 6, Vigilante 6
Automatically granted by: Harper Scout 1, Zhentarim Operative 1
Required for: Improved Method: Secret Identity
Specifics: The vigilante leads two separate lives, perhaps a guard or a simple merchant by day. However, the corruption and incompetence of the law have forced them to take on a persona, a completely different identity, by night to exact justice upon the criminally powerful when no one else will. Each unique disguise identity gains increased difficulty to break over time. For every server tick under the same disguise name, the disguise name gains a point. Every 12 points (1 hour active play time) in the same disguise name increases Disguise DC by 1. Hidden Persona has a cap of Character Levels / 3 (max of 10). Secret Identity's cap is 20.
Use: Automatic
Improved Method: Guerilla Warfare
Improved Method: Nightmare Tactics
Type of feat: Liberator Epic Bonus, Vigilante Epic Bonus
Prerequisite: Liberator 13, Vigilante 13, Method: Gruesome Technique
Required for: None
Specifics: Fear nearby enemies in a medium area of effect of 3.33 meters radius on deathblow, trap triggering, or grenade explosion (AoE is the grenade effect for grenades): Choking Powder (extra +4 DC), Thunderingstone (extra +4 DC), Beholder Dust, and Smoke Bomb. DC of 20 + (intimidation / 5) DC versus will. Method Fear: Until end of round, target runs away from origin of fear with 25% movement speed (75% MS reduction). For 4 rounds: -10 AC, -10 Saves, -10 Skills, -10 AB, 50% Spell Failure. Improved fear 2x radius. Improved DC by +3. However, against player characters this changes to: 1-round fear, -4 malus, 75% movement penalty.
Use: Automatic
Improved Method: Secret Identity
Type of feat: Liberator Epic Bonus, Vigilante Epic Bonus, Harper Scout Class, Zhentarim Operative Class
Prerequisite: Liberator 13, Vigilante 13, Method: Hidden Persona
Automatically granted by: Harper Scout 5, Zhentarim Operative 5
Required for: None
Specifics: The vigilante leads two separate lives, perhaps a guard or a simple merchant by day. However, the corruption and incompetence of the law have forced them to take on a persona, a completely different identity, by night to exact justice upon the criminally powerful when no one else will. Each unique disguise identity gains increased difficulty to break over time. For every server tick under the same disguise name, the disguise name gains a point. Every 12 points (1 hour active play time) in the same disguise name increases Disguise DC by 1. Hidden Persona has a cap of Character Levels / 3 (max of 10). Secret Identity's cap is 20.
Use: Automatic
Improved Method: Ordnance Familiarity
Type of feat: Liberator Epic Bonus, Vigilante Epic Bonus
Prerequisite: Liberator 13, Vigilante 13, Method: Grenadier Basics
Required for: None
Specifics: Not all battles can achieve victory through overwhelming strength. The vigilante may utilize their innovative intelligence to create devices of distraction or devastation, whichever suits their agenda more. The Vigilante class levels are now included in the calculations for the grenade's usage and DC. Also improves the failed save breaches for Disjunction Shard from 3 to 4. Baseline 2 breaches are unchanged. Characters with Improved Method: Ordnance Familiarity or at least 2/3 of their levels as Rogue and the Method: Grenadier Basics feat are now immune to their own Choking Powder cloud.
Use: Automatic
Special: All Harper levels count towards Liberator.
Roleplay Tips
- Some mechanics developed differently than written, but this original write-up has guidance on class lore. Note that Liberator was originally a sub-class of Vigilante but had to be split out for engine reasons therefore the Vigilante lore write-up includes the spirit of Liberator.
External Links
- Spreadsheet for Liberator.