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Invisible Blade

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Invisible Blade
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[The Astrolabe]

Invisible Blade is a custom prestige class with Arelith specific mechanics.


Arelith Invisible Blades are deadly rogues who prefer to use light blades in combat. Mechanical information is included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: None

Base attack bonus: +4

Feats: Dirty Fighting

Class Features

Invisible Blade

Hit die: d8

Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are gained

Skill points: 8 + int modifier

Class Skills: bluff, climb, concentration, craft mastery, discipline, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, parry, ride, sail, sleight of hand, spot, tumble

Unavailable feats: scribe scroll, craft wand, weapon specialization

Primary saving throw(s): Reflex

Base attack bonus: +1/level

Special: Class abilities require wearing clothing or light armor. Additionally, class abilities require wielding Invisible Blade Weapons.

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Feats HP
1st 1 0 2 0 Bleeding Wound 8
2nd 2 0 3 0 Crippling Throw, Arcane Bleed 16
3rd 3 1 3 1 Eviscerate 24
4th 4 1 4 1 32
5th 5 1 4 1 40

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Stealth Bonuses - Assassin, Harper Scout, Invisible Blade, Rogue, Shadowdancer and Zhentarim Operative levels stack with Rogue levels when qualifying for the in stealth rogue speed increase but only Rogue, Harper Scout, and Zhentarim Operative levels count for the +AB bonus when leaving stealth. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger.
  • At combined level 16, movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 10%.
  • At combined level 18, gain +1 AB for 1 round after leaving stealth. +AB has a 5 round cooldown.
  • At combined level 20, movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 20%.
  • At combined level 24, movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 30% and gain +2 AB for 1 round after leaving stealth. +AB has a 5 round cooldown.
  • If the character has monk levels 10% of the bonus speed is removed.
Lightly Armored - Assassin, Harper Scout, Invisible Blade, Rogue, Shadowdancer and Zhentarim Operative levels stack with Rogue levels for the purpose of calculating how much lost DEX is regained as Dodge AC via the Lightly Armored feat. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger. Light armor will receive all AC lost to the dex cap as Dodge AC, subject to a cap of AC/4 combined levels. For example, if you have 6 rogue and 3 assassin levels and 28 of dex (modifier 9), and you are using a Studded Leather Armor - which has a max dex modifier of 4 - then, you'd have 4 of normal dex AC, and 2 of extra Dodge AC, and lose 2 points of AC until combined level 15.

NOTE: Taking the levels of Cleric and selecting the Seeker path will remove this feature.

Specialty Weapons - Assassin, Harper Scout, Invisible Blade, Rogue, Shadowdancer and Zhentarim Operative levels stack with Rogue levels when qualifying for the +1 AB to any finessable weapon at levels 19 and 24. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger. At 19 combined levels, gain +1 AB when using any finessable weapon. At 24 combined levels, gain +1 additional AB when using any finessable weapon. These bonuses add to a weapon's non-magical Attack Bonus and allow Damage Reduction penetration. For example, a +3 AB weapon will become +5, capable of bypassing Stoneskin or Premonition, with 16 rogue 5 shadowdancer and 3 assassin combined levels.
Note: The weapon must be a finesse weapon, please note that there are a number of custom weapon changes including adding finesse to weapons.
Blinding Speed -
Type of feat: Epic General
Prerequisite: 21st level, dexterity 25+
Required for: None
Specifics: The character is able to activate an instant action extraordinary (not affected by antimagic) Haste-like effect on themselves. Casting times are not reduced by Blinding Speed, but Blinding Speed has all the other individual effects of Haste except for the casting effect: +1 APR (Attack per round), +50% Move Speed, and +4 Dodge AC. Activating this ability does not break stealth. If Haste is cast on someone with Blinding Speed, the Blinding Speed effect is cancelled and Haste is applied. Effect duration is 3 turns. Unlimited uses per day, but 8 turns of cooldown period between uses. The cooldown of Blinding Speed is reduced by 1 turn every 6 combined Assassin, Harper Scout, Invisible Blade, Rogue, Shadowdancer, Swashbuckler and Zhentarim Operative levels. Rogue levels are not required for this bonus to trigger.
Use: Selected (instantaneous)
Bleeding Wound 1 On a successful melee attack the target will receive a bleeding wound stack.
  • Bleeding wound will cause Bleeding damage per stack every round scaled by level:
  • Level 1: 1 Damage
  • Level 2: 1 Damage
  • Level 3: 2 Damage
  • Level 4: 2 Damage
  • Level 5: 3 Damage
  • Bleeding wound stacks expire after 1 minute after the last application of the effect.
  • Dealing more bleeding wounds will refresh the duration of this effect and increase the stack by 1.
  • Restoration, Greater Restoration or Healing Kits clears this effect. DC for healing kit is 35.
Crippling Throw 2 On a successful ranged touch attack the target will be inflicted by 2 Bleeding Wound stacks and must succeed against a reflex save with a DC equal to Character Level + 3 + Intelligence Modifier.
  • Upon a failed reflex save, the target will be slowed by 50% for 5 rounds.
  • The target does not benefit from spellcraft bonus to the save.
  • This ability has a 2 turn cooldown.
Arcane Bleed 2 Upon a successful melee touch attack the target:
  • Is breached of up to 4 spell effects.
  • Receives a -5 penalty to Lore and Use Magic Device skills for 5 rounds.
  • This ability has a 3 minute cooldown.
Eviscerate 3 Upon a successful melee attack:
  • Converts and consumes up to 5 Bleeding Wound stacks into level scaled Bleeding damage:
  • Level 1: 1d3 per stack
  • Level 2: 1d3 per stack
  • Level 3: 1d3 per stack
  • Level 4: 1d3 per stack
  • Level 5: 2d3 per stack
  • This damage is in addition to the normal attack damage
  • This damage is subject to criticals
  • Cooldown: 10 seconds

Instant Attack Feats (Activated):

  • Instant attacks share a cooldown timer: Dirty Fighting, Divine Smite, Eldritch Blast, Eviscerate, Elemental Maelstrom, Elemental Strike, Misericorde, Whirlwind Attack
  • Using instant attacks lower attacks in the following round by 1. This is meant to offset the free attack gained by activating them.
  • Instant attacks are made to look and feel like regular melee attacks while actually being an entirely independent feature. Cannot trigger cleave and similar abilities for this reason.
  • Instant attacks mirror the animation delay of regular attacks via a short cooldown after casting a spell.
  • Parrying instant attacks works differently the normal parry mechanics because it is scripted and implemented differently. Parry cannot riposte instant attacks, but parrying the instant attack does not count against parries-per-round. Against a character that has 4 APR and additionally uses an instant attack every round (like a hasted Spellsword), parry builds can parry 4 of these 5 attacks per round and riposte three of them.
  • Most instant attacks (except Whirlwind Attack) ignore Weapon Master crit feats. Exception is elemental strike/maelstrom which only allows Ki Critical for Bladesingers (where the feat is built-in to the path) to enable their extra threat range.
  • If an attacker is running, their melee instant special attacks against PCs now roll at a disadvantage.
  • This disadvantage applies to both attack and threat rolls, causing the attacker to roll a d20 twice and proceed with the lower result. Replaces a prior 0.5 second movement speed penalty.
  • Epic Dodge does not cause Instant Attacks to automatically miss due to an engine limitation (Epic Dodge is hard coded to affect normal flurry attacks). It instead forces any Instant Attack to roll at disadvantage until it causes one to miss. Then it goes on cooldown for 6 seconds.
  • This means attacking a target that has Epic Dodge while moving will roll twice at disadvantage. Effectively rolling four times.
  • Instant Attacks can apply Sneak Attacks if the requirements to perform a Sneak Attack are met.

Invisible Blade Weapons

The Invisible Blade abilities, where noted above, can only be used when wielding a particular selection of Invisible Blade weapons. The weapon must meet the following criteria to be considered an Invisible Blade weapon:

  • All concealable melee weapons, which are weapons one or more size categories smaller than the wielder
  • Exceptions: Lance, Magic Staff, Spear and Shuriken.
  • NOTE: Monkey Grip does not expand applicable weapons, it confers no mechanical change to these restrictions.

1. A human (medium sized race) Invisible Blade can wield a single Short Sword (small sized weapons) and qualify for Invisible Blade class features.
2. A halfling (small sized race) Invisible Blade can dual wield Kukris (tiny sized weapons) and qualify for Invisible Blade class features.
3. An Ogre (large sized race) Invisible Blade can wield a scimitars (medium sized weapon) and qualify for Invisible Blade class features.

Roleplay Tips

Visit the Forgotten Realms wiki for some class lore.

External Links

Information about the NWN 2 class is available on NWNW 2 wiki.