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Template:Feats: Divine Smite

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Divine Smite is an instant use ability. Adds Charisma Modifier to AB and source class levels to damage (Capping at 20). Cooldown is 6 seconds between use, increased by 1 second per Great Smiting feat. You can save up to a single use of this skill, Extra smiting allows you to save up to 3 uses. A single use refreshes every 3 minutes, Extra Smiting halves the refresh time to 1.5 Minutes. Works with melee weapons and unarmed. Divine Smite shares the character's weapon threat range and critical multiplier, with the exception of bonuses granted by Weapon Master feats.

Divine Smite grants scaling Damage based upon the difference between the smiter's alignment and the alignment of the recipient of the Smite.

The full amount of Smite damage (100%) is delivered at opposite ends of the Alignment Chart, meaning a Lawful Good smiter and a Chaotic Evil recipient (or vice versa). Partial Smite damage is delivered based upon the following:

  • Start at 0% Smite Damage (same alignment)
  • Each difference on the Law <-> Chaos axis is +10%
  • Each difference on the Good <-> Evil axis is +40%
  • A small, unknown RNG amount is then added to help prevent alignment metagaming

Great Smiting

Great Smiting can be taken as repeating additional feats to increase their potential smite damage. The character's potential Divine Smite bonus damage increases to 1 + (smite tier / 2) times their combined Paladin, Divine Champion, Blackguard, Harper Paragon, and Zhentarim Enforcer levels, up to a maximum of 20 * (1 + (smite tier / 2)).

Instant Attack:

Instant Attack Feats (Activated):

  • Instant attacks share a cooldown timer: Dirty Fighting, Divine Smite, Eldritch Blast, Eviscerate, Elemental Maelstrom, Elemental Strike, Misericorde, Whirlwind Attack
  • Using instant attacks lower attacks in the following round by 1. This is meant to offset the free attack gained by activating them.
  • Instant attacks are made to look and feel like regular melee attacks while actually being an entirely independent feature. Cannot trigger cleave and similar abilities for this reason.
  • Instant attacks mirror the animation delay of regular attacks via a short cooldown after casting a spell.
  • Parrying instant attacks works differently the normal parry mechanics because it is scripted and implemented differently. Parry cannot riposte instant attacks, but parrying the instant attack does not count against parries-per-round. Against a character that has 4 APR and additionally uses an instant attack every round (like a hasted Spellsword), parry builds can parry 4 of these 5 attacks per round and riposte three of them.
  • Most instant attacks (except Whirlwind Attack) ignore Weapon Master crit feats. Exception is elemental strike/maelstrom which only allows Ki Critical for Bladesingers (where the feat is built-in to the path) to enable their extra threat range.
  • If an attacker is running, their melee instant special attacks against PCs now roll at a disadvantage.
  • This disadvantage applies to both attack and threat rolls, causing the attacker to roll a d20 twice and proceed with the lower result. Replaces a prior 0.5 second movement speed penalty.
  • Epic Dodge does not cause Instant Attacks to automatically miss due to an engine limitation (Epic Dodge is hard coded to affect normal flurry attacks). It instead forces any Instant Attack to roll at disadvantage until it causes one to miss. Then it goes on cooldown for 6 seconds.
  • This means attacking a target that has Epic Dodge while moving will roll twice at disadvantage. Effectively rolling four times.
  • Instant Attacks can apply Sneak Attacks if the requirements to perform a Sneak Attack are met.

Alignment Chart

Percentage +10%
Axis Lawful
+40% Good
Lawful Good (LG) Neutral Good (NG) Chaotic Good (CG)
Lawful Neutral (LN) True Neutral (N) Chaotic Neutral (CN)
Lawful Evil (LE) Neutral Evil (NE) Chaotic Evil (CE)