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Swashbuckler is a custom base class with Arelith specific changes.


The swashbuckler is the paragon of panache. Equally formidable in both dueling and discourse, they exude daring and bravado. Unlike the unruly barbarian or uncultured druid, the swashbuckler wins fights using their brain and their finesse rather than brute strength or magical prowess. Foregoing heavy armor and bulky weapons in favor of acrobatics and precision, the swashbuckler is a force to be reckoned with. Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: None

Class Features


Hit die: d10

Proficiencies: armor (light), shields, weapons (martial, simple)

Skill points: 4 + int modifier ((4 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: bluff, craft mastery, craft trap, discipline, heal, intimidate, leadership, lore, parry, perform, spot, taunt, tumble, ride

Unavailable feats: craft wand, scribe scroll, weapon specialization

Primary saving throw(s): fortitude, reflex

Base attack bonus: +1/level

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level BAB Saves Feats
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Weapon Finesse
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Grace
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Insightful Strike
4th +4 +4 +4 +1
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Swashbuckler Dodge
6th +6/+1 +5 +5 +2
7th +7/+2 +5 +5 +2 Mobility
8th +8/+3 +6 +6 +2 Panache
9th +9/+4 +6 +6 +3
10th +10/+5 +7 +7 +3 Elegant Strike
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +7 +3 Luck of Heroes
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +8 +4 Uncanny Dodge
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +8 +4 Acrobatics Skill Mastery
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +9 +4 Feint
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +9 +5
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +10 +5 Evasion
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 Slippery Mind
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 Second Intention
20th +20/+15/+10/+5  +12 +12 +6


Bonus feats: The epic Swashbuckler gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th. In other words, at levels 23, 26, and 29.

Epic bonus feats: armor skin, defensive roll, epic damage reduction, epic dodge, epic prowess, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, improved evasion, improved stunning fist, improved whirlwind attack, overwhelming critical, superior initiative

Unavailable epic feats: epic weapon specialization, outsider shape, construct shape, dragon shape, undead shape

  Lvl   Feats
21st Third Intention (see above)
23rd Bonus Feat
24th Improved Acrobatics Skill Master (see above)
26th Bonus Feat
29th Bonus Feat

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Weapon Finesse 1 Granted Weapon Finesse at level 1.
Grace 2 +1 bonus on Reflex saves at 2nd level. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, +3 at 20th level, and +4 at 29th level.
  • Lose this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a large shield or tower shield.
Insightful Strike 3 While using a Swashbuckler Weapon, a Swashbuckler is able to use their knowledge of anatomy to deal extra damage and gains bonus damage equal to their intelligence modifier. This damage cannot exceed their Swashbuckler level.
  • Lose this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a large shield or tower shield.
Swashbuckler Dodge 5 A Swashbuckler is light on their feet and gains +1 dodge AC at level 5. This bonus increases by 1 every 5 levels, to a maximum of +6 at level 30.
  • Lose this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a large shield or tower shield.
Mobility 7 Granted Mobility at level 7.
Panache! 8 Effects of the Swashbuckler's outrageous panache become more apparent. You receive a bonus to all social skills (Bluff, Intimidate, Leadership, Perform) equal to the higher of your intelligence or charisma modifiers.
Elegant Strike 10 While using a Swashbuckler Weapon, a Swashbuckler is able to aim for weak points such as the gaps in armor or the soft spots on a creature's body.
  • Gain +1 attack bonus, +1 per additional 10 levels not to exceed dexterity modifier.
  • Lose this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a large shield or tower shield.
Luck of Heroes 11 Gain Luck of Heroes at level 11.
Uncanny Dodge 12 Gain Uncanny Dodge I at level 12.
Acrobatics Skill Mastery 13 At 13th level, a Swashbuckler becomes so confident in their acrobatic skills, that they can make a daring dash across the battlefield.
  • For three rounds, the swashbuckler gains a 50% boost to their movement speed.
  • Due to the physical strain of this maneuver, it can only be performed once every 3 minutes.
  • Automatically succeed on climb, jump, and use rope checks.
  • Freedom of Movement.
Feint 14 When using a Swashbuckler Weapon, a Swashbuckler can use feints to deceive their opponent. The intention is to trick an opponent by launching one or more fake attacks, forcing them to mount an unnecessary defensive move, thus straining themselves.
  • Once per round, on a successful hit, a DC is automatically rolled of the Swashbuckler's intelligence modifier + 1/2 Swashbuckler level + the highest of leadership, bluff, or intimidate / 5 against the opponent’s reflex save.
  • A successful feint will force the opponent to fight more defensively, dropping their strength by the Swashbuckler’s hard intelligence modifier.
  • Stacks on repeated failed saves.
  • Saving throws ignore spellcraft.
  • Lose this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a large or tower shield.
Evasion 16 Gains Evasion at level 16.
Slippery Mind 17 Gains Slippery Mind at level 17.
Second Intention 19 At 19th level, when using a Swashbuckler Weapon, a Swashbuckler can perform an advanced feint, where you design your entire move with a second strike firmly in mind. Their first attack is a feint that their opponent will parry. After the parry, their opponent will launch a riposte which the Swashbuckler then parries before launching a premeditated counterattack into a weak point.
  • Once per round, on a successful hit, a DC is automatically rolled of the Swashbuckler's intelligence modifier + 1/2 Swashbuckler level + the highest of leadership, bluff, or intimidate / 5 will be rolled against the opponent’s fortitude save.
  • A successful 2nd Intention will lower the opponent's constitution by the Swashbuckler’s hard intelligence modifier.
  • Stacks on repeated failed saves.
  • Saving throws ignore spellcraft.
  • Lose this ability when wearing medium or heavy armor or when using a large or tower shield.
Third Intention 21 An epic Swashbuckler is the paragon of intuition and fighting with their brain over their brawn. Rather than simply feint or perform a second intention to deceive their opponent before performing a deadly attack, an epic Swashbuckler is fighting three steps ahead of their opponent.
  • Aware of their opponents plans, the Swashbuckler can avoid all damage and crowd control effects for six seconds.
  • A maneuver this complicated is no simple task to perform, and therefore can only be done once every 3 minutes. At 25th level, further training reduces this to 1 minutes, and at level 28, a master Swashbuckler only waits 30 seconds between third intentions.
Improved Acrobatics Skill Master 24 At 24th level, a Swashbuckler is an expert outshined by none in acrobatics. When they use their acrobatic skill mastery to dash across the battlefield, not even magical binds can stop their intrepid traverse.
  • Can now be performed once every 2 minutes.
Blinding Speed -
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[The Astrolabe]
Under construction.
( View - Edit Feat )


  • None


  • None

Swashbuckler Weapons

Some of the Swashbuckler abilities, where noted above, can only be used when wielding a particular selection of Swashbuckler weapons. The weapon must meet the following criteria to be considered a Swashbuckler weapon:

Note: Although the weapon must be a finesse weapon, it is not required to be wielded using finesse (used with Dex). This allows Strength based Swashbuckler builds.
  • The weapon size must be medium or smaller in size
  • Unarmed combat does NOT apply


Can - A Small race two-handing a Katana, Longsword, Rapier or Scimitar.
Can - A Tiny race two-handing a Hand Axe.
Can - A Medium race wielding a Katana, Longsword or Scimitar.
Can - A Small or Medium race wielding a Dagger, Handaxe, Kama, Kukri, Light hammer, Mace, Shortsword, Sickle or Whip.
Cannot - A Medium race wielding a quarterstaff or double sword.
Cannot - A Small or Medium race using Unarmed Combat.

Roleplay Tips

External Links

Arelith Swashbuckler news post
[http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/rogue:swashbuckler 5th Edition Swashbuckler Information