Bestow Curse, Greater

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Bestow Curse, Greater
Arelith Wiki

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[The Astrolabe]
Spell Level(s): Bard 6, Cleric 8, Druid 8,Favored Soul 8, Hemomancer 8, Sorcerer 8, Spellsword 8, Warlock 8, Wizard 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Necromancy
Descriptor(s): None
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Permanent
Additional Counter Spells: Remove Curse
Save(s): Varies
Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Provides ability to affect the target with one of the selected curses (radial spells).
Curse Of Exhaustion Saving throw Fort: -12 physical ability drain.
Curse Of Isolation Saving throw Fort: A Cursed creature is silenced, deafened, and turned to stone. Lasts 5 turns.
Curse Of Thanatos Saving throw Fort: On NPCs: Save versus death (Death Immunity is respected), reanimate if slain. On Player Characters: There is a 0.1% chance each. round to save vs the curse or die (Death Ward protects).
Curse Of Narfell - Saving throw Will: A Cursed creature is harmed by healing spells as if they were undead (and yet not healed by inflict spells)
Curse Of Sunstar Saving throw Fort: A Cursed creature becomes sun sensitive (similar to some races). !Currently works only against PCs.
Curse Of The Revenancer Saving throw Fort: On NPCs: The target is slain by a spirit. (Death Ward protects.) On Player Characters: After being cursed, any living creature killed by the victim had a small chance to come back as a revenant and zealously hunt down mortals until it is destroyed. Permanent. Player characters also receive a -4 penalty to Saving Throws against Death Effects. Requires Piety to cast.
Curse Of Zhengyi Saving throw PC Fort, NPC of Surge: On NPCs: The target is affected by a random blood arcana surge. (saving throw depends on the rolled surge curse). On PCs: Increases blood surge chance (allows it to affect all subjects). Applies -4 Penalty to Saving Throws against Curse Effects (Will save negates).
Curse Of Urfestra - Saving throw Will: Initial Affect target with Curse of Nightmares Temporary Secondary (only affects PCs): 25% chance on finished rest for Nightmares to materialize and claw at the victim. - Permanent


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