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Mordenkainen's Disjunction

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Revision as of 16:53, 26 January 2024 by Miaou (talk | contribs)
Mordenkainen's Disjunction
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[The Astrolabe]
Spell Level(s): Sorcerer 9, Spellsword 8, Wizard 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Abjuration
Descriptor(s): None
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Medium (20 meters)
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal (10 meters radius) or Single
Duration: Special
Additional Counter Spells: Greater Spell Mantle
Save(s): None
Spell Resistance: No

Description: First, breaches a single enemy of up to 6 magical defenses or a group of enemies of 2 spell protections each according to the Breach List. Then, attempts to strip all magical effects from a single target in a dispel attempt. Or, if AoE targeted, attempting to remove the two most powerful spell effect from each creature. To remove an effect for the dispel portion, the caster makes a dispel check up to +23 dispel caster level.  Finally, the spell will lower the SR of all creatures within the area of effect by 10 for 10 rounds. Does not lower Monk spell resistance.


  • Area of effect dispels will no longer try to dispel the highest spell level effect(s). Instead they will try to dispel all effects up until two have been removed.
  • Each Spell Focus in Abjuration grants a cumulative +1 to Dispel rolls with Epic granting an additional +1 for a total of +3. These are applied after the Level Cap imposed by individual spells.
  • Arcane Defense: Abjuration increases a characters effective Caster Level by +2 when trying to resist a Dispel.
  • To remove an effect in a dispel check, the caster makes a dispel check of 1d20 +1 per caster level (up to a maximum) against a DC of 12 + the spell effect's caster level.
  • See Dispel Tables for a breakdown and tables of common situations and their probabilities.
  • See Breach List for changes to what spells are breached first.
  • Nature's Balance breaches more spells with investment in Spell Focus: Transmutation.
Spell Innate
Max Dispel
Caster Level
Lesser Dispel 2 5 N/A
Dispel Magic 3 10 N/A
Greater Dispelling 5 23 N/A
Mordenkainen's Disjunction 9 23 6 (2 AoE)
Lesser Spell Breach 4 N/A 2
Greater Spell Breach 5 N/A 4
Nature's Balance 8 N/A 2-3 AoE
