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A mounted character

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[The Astrolabe]

Riding is the process of using a mount such as a horse to move around. There are horses distributed all around the server that can be used in conjunction with the Ride skill to gain a mobility bonus when on the surface.

Arelith uses a riding system different from the default game. The information on this page replaces the original system.

Ride options show up in the Class section of the radial menu, when right clicking on a horse.


To use mounts on Arelith a character needs at least 6 points in the Ride skill. At 6 points the character receives additional options in the radial menu.

There are a variety of different horses, from lowly pack horses to noble destriers or shadowy nightmares. They can typically be found just outside of settlements in stable areas.

To begin the process, right-click on a horse and select Ride options in the Class section. To mount, choose "Individual Mount" and your character will attempt to mount the horse.

When done riding, right-click on yourself, choose class options, and choose "Individual Dismount." The horse will still be a party member and follow you around until you remove it from your party. At this point it will stay put unless otherwise acted upon. Horses you have dismounted will show your character's name on them as owner until another character mounts the horse.

  • 1. Everyone can mount everywhere except areas smaller than or equal to 144 units (12x12, 18x8, 24x6, etc. are all too small).
  • 2. There will also be exceptions that will disallow riders to ride in certain areas, such as housing areas split up into smaller rooms and corridors but have dimensions greater than 144 units of area.
  • 3. UD riders are 10% slower than surface riders in outside areas, but they will not receive this penalty when riding in underground areas or large enough interior areas whereas surface riders will.
  • 4. -area Provides the area name, dimensions of the area, and whether your character can mount in this area or not.

Riding Mechanics

Every 3 points in Ride will add 1% of riding speed. Bonuses to Ride skill from Dexterity do not count, but bonuses from enchanted items do count. These bonuses cap at 10% to 30%, depending the quality and nature of the breed of horse.

As a character rides, there is a chance of being thrown off the mount. In normal situations, when not in combat, this chance is very low. In dangerous situations, though, the chance can be very high. Characters with the minimum 6 points in Ride may find themselves being thrown off a great deal.

The chance of being thrown off varies a lot, to the point that it has been difficult for developers to describe easily. Having a score of 30, though, is generally agreed to handle most all horses in most all situations.

The Mounted Combat feat adds +1 melee Attack Bonus instead of the normal bonus. Mounted archery remains unmodified. Equipping Longbow or Heavy Crossbow while mounted will receive a -8 AB penalty (Nothing reduces this penalty).

Riding AC has no dependency on Tumble nor does Tumble apply any AC whilst riding.

Formula for AC while riding is:

  • Mounted Combat feat is needed to benefit from the Ride AC bonus
  • (Total Ranks of (Hard) Ride + Cavalier Level) / 7 capping at 4 maximum
  • Example: A character with 10 levels of cavalier and 10 dex will need 18 hard ranks of ride to get 4 (AC Other Modifier) while riding. Or in other words (28 - X Cavalier Levels) = Amount of (Hard) Ride Ranks Required for a Max Ride AC of 4.
Note: This is an untyped AC bonus.

Riders suffer from 10% Arcane Spell failure unless they have the Mounted Combat feat or are riding an arcane steed.

Lances may only be used when on horseback.

Characters with the now-disabled Riding Award may still summon their horses and are granted a 5 per Hit Dice bonus to their Ride skill.

Riding Calculations

Horse Award still gives Character level + 5 in ride ranks.

Being drunk lowers ride.

Out of combat:

  • Normal horses and pack horses give a 10 bonus.
  • Arcane horses give +5 ride to Sorcs and Wizards, otherwise -5.
  • Elven horses give +5 ride to elves, 0 to half elves and -10 to Half orcs, -5 to all others.
  • Wild horses are -15+animal empathy ranks in bonus ride.
  • Destriers and war horses give 5 bonus ranks.
  • Nightmares, shadow steeds and Cav warhorse T1 give 0 bonus.
  • Cav warhorse T2 is 5 bonus
  • Cav warhorse T3 is 10 bonus

In combat:

  • Default, normal and pack horses -15 ride.
  • Arcane, Elven and Wild horses -5 in combat.
  • Nightmares, Shadow steeds, Cav 1 give 5 ride.
  • Destrier, war horse, cav T2 give 10 ride.
  • Cav t3 gives 15 bonus.

Speed bonuses:

  • Pack is 10%.
  • Default, normal, arcane are 15%.
  • Destrier, war horse, nightmare, shadow steed, Cav T1 are 20%
  • Elven horse is 25%
  • Wild horse, Cav T2 are 30%
  • Cav T3 are 40%
  • Max is still 150%


  • 6 Ride or less, throw.
  • If ride ranks + horse bonus < 15 --> roll d20 - 5 + ride rank and bonus, if that value is less than 11, throw.
  • If ride rank is less than or equal to 20, and d20 rolls a 1, throw.

Types of Mounts

There are many horses available in game. Typical varieties include Horses and Pack Horses such as those found in stables south of Cordor. Racial linked horses are available that offer bonuses if the rider is of that race. Also, arcane steeds are available which help casters avoid the 10% arcane spell failure that is present on horseback.

Other types of mounts exist and are waiting to be discovered in-game.

In the underdark travelers may find additional opportunities to use their skills at Riding.

Choose "Individual Mount" to get on the horse.
Choose "Individual Dismount" to get off the horse. Don't forget to remove it as party member or it will continue to follow you around.