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From Arelith Wiki
Character Creation
Creation (New Players Guide)
Race - Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds - Alignment
Marks - Epic Sacrifice
Customization - Head List - Builds
Character Systems
Description - Disguise / Covered
Languages - Experience - Quests
Pickpocket - Rest - Role Play Bonus
Death - Lycanthropy - Investigate
Sequencers - Runic Sequencers
World Systems
Settlements - Factions
Quarters - Shops - Taverns - Banks
Riding - Sailing - Boons
Communication - Portals
Time - Containers/Bags
Radiant Heart - Assassin's Guild
Sencliff's Pirates
Item Creation Systems
Alchemy - Art Craft - Carpentry
Herb - Smith - Tailor
Dweomercraft - Runes
Weapons - Melee / Ranged / Siege
Resources - Poison
Arelith Changes
Classes - Skills - Feats - Trap
Summons - Familiar Reskins
Spells (list) - Misc
Rules - Roleplay - Maps
Console Commands
Common Bugs - Staff
Support Tickets - Character Remake
[The Astrolabe]
Spell Level(s): Cleric 9, Favored Soul 9, Hemomancer 9, Shaman 9, Sorcerer 9, Wizard 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Transmutation
Descriptor(s): Death
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Varies, see text
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save(s): Fortitude 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes

Description: Forcibly transforms a creature into a blob of tangled flesh. The creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage per Caster Level when struck by the spell; a Fortitude saving throw halves the damage. If the damage reduces the creature to less than 5% or 50HP (the highest of the two) of its maximum HP, it dies (Death Ward protects from the death effect).


The VFX is gated behind the Violence Level game setting, to allow the intended VFX: navigate to Game Options>Game>General>Advanced> Change Violence Level to ‘Special’.


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