Class Level(s): Cleric 17, Druid 17, Favored Soul 18, Shaman 18
Spellcraft Prerequisite: 24
Innate Level: 10
Component(s): Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Large (5 meters radius)
Duration: Instantaneous
Save(s): Harmless
Spell Resistance: No
Description: The caster enters a stance in which they are wreathed in elemental fury at the expense of summoning capability. Elemental type is dependent on the current elemental stream, if no stream is selected then one of the four basic elements will be chosen. Epic spells are not affected by arcane spell failure from armor, nor can they be interrupted, countered, or dispelled. Upon activating the feat you are 'wreathed in elements' gain a plethora of bonus stats whose values vary and depend on your active elemental stream (see below), "all of the caster's summons are immediately dismissed and new summons are prevented while the stance is active".
- Base Stance
- Note: Levels in monk negate the AC gain
- +4 Damage Resistance (DR)
- +d6 Damage applied to weapon (see notes), dependent on elemental type
- +2 regeneration
- 2d4 damage per round in an AoE
- -40 to hide and MS while active
- This spell is mutually exclusive with Shapechange.
- This spell does not work with divine shield (the shield AC is disabled)
- This spell does not work with defensive stance (pending a new stance system - Work in Progress)
- Elemental Type Adjustments to Base Stance
- +2 Shield AC for a total of +6 Shield AC
- -2 DR for a total of +2 DR
- -2 Shield AC for a total of +4 Shield AC
- +2 DR for a total of +6 DR
- Weapon damage bonus increased from d6 to d10
- -1 Regeneration for a total of +1 Regeneration
- Weapon damage bonus decreased from d6 to d4
- +2 Regeneration for a total of +4 Regeneration
- Aura provides regeneration effect to Allies within the AoE
- Spell Area of Effect increased to Huge (6.67 meters radius)
- The bonus d6 damage applies to fists, melee weapons, and bows. This damage respects Damage Immunity and Damage Resistance.
- This spell is currently NOT accessible to the Cleric Warpriest Path.