Spell Level(s): Cleric 9, Favored Soul 9, Hemomancer 9, Sorcerer 9, Spellsword 8, Warlock 8, Wizard 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Necromancy
Descriptor(s): Blood Arcana, Evil
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan (8.33 meters)
Duration: Special
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save(s): Special
Spell Resistance: Yes
Description: The caster issues forth forlorn names of powerful curses. The area around the caster becomes damp with crimson vapor forming clouds. Before long a storm is unleashed with a single burst of power on everyone within its premise. Those unfortunate to be caught in the storm risk being subjected to one or more of the curses raging within the region. 1 curse is picked at random. If the caster is Wizard Necromancy Specialist, Pale Master, Hemomancer, Warlock(Undying II), Cleric with Death or Undeath domain - and has over 21 CL, the DC of the spell is increased by 2. If the caster has Epic Spell Focus Necromancy, the size of the area increases to Colossal.
1 - Curse of Rot - Fort Save - Death - Neglects immunity to death effects, uses disease immunity instead. Instantaneous.
2 - Curse of Despair - Fort Save - 3d6 bleeding damage per round (Does not stack). Healing spells harm. Inflicting spells heal. 1 round /3 CL.
3 - Curse of Isolation - Fort Save - Petrify, Silence, Blindness/Deafness. 1 turn /3 CL.
4 - Curse of Exhaustion - Fort Save - d4+6 Attribute and 1d4+1 Level drain. Instantaneous.
5 - Curse of Paranoia - Will Save - Panic(Fear) - 10 rounds. If the creature is still feared at the end of the duration it receives d6(CL) psychic damage (no damage if immune to fear / immune to mind-affecting).
6 - Curse of Madness - Will Save - 3d6 psychic damage per round. (Does not stack). Confusion. 1 round /3 CL.
7 - Curse of Nightmares - Will Save - Sleep - If the creature is not awake in 10 rounds is subjected to a Nightmare effect (d10(CL) psychic damage). 10 rounds.
8 - Curse of Misfortune - No Save - -2 penalty on attack rolls, armor class, saving throws, and skill checks. 10 rounds. (Does not stack). Breaches 1 effect (save-less): 2 effects with ESF: Necromancy.