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Character remake: Difference between revisions

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EdensFall (talk | contribs)
Update to Setstats
Mattamue (talk | contribs)
update from DM Poppy, replaced all content
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== Quick Summary ==
== Quick Summary ==
When remaking your character, you have three options.
Arelith has a number of options available regarding adjusting your Character and remaking them entirely.
* Fresh Start: Remake with a slightly different name. No transfer of items, gold or properties is allowed. This is just like creating a new character, except that the memory of the old one is retained.
* Remake with same name AFTER you use the [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] command OR the [[Console command#-delete_character|-delete_character]] (below level 16 only). Again, you will not retain items, gold, crafting points, shops, quarters, etc. See below for an extended explanation.
* Ask a DM to delevel you to any level you want. Those levels will not be refunded. In this case, you keep all items and properties you may own. You also keep your allocated crafting points, however you may also request a separate craft point delevel allowing the option to remove up to two points per level lost through the trade skill menu. You will not earn any new crafting points until after you reach your old level.

Relevel - Using the console command [[Console_command#-relevel|-relevel]], you will be returned to level 1 whilst retaining all of your XP. This will allow you to reselect Feats, Skill and Stats from level 2.

== Longer Explanations ==
Remake - Using the ingame command [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] will delete your character without rolling on the Epic Sacrifice system. This will allow you to remake a Character of the same name. A server reset is required before you can re-select the same name
=== Deleveling===
You can ask a DM for assistance with deleveling, but you will be not getting the removed EXP back. If you lose XP all the way to level 1, be sure to gain enough XP for level 2 before logging as it may result in a loss of inventory.
:: '''Note''': Crafting points are not included in a DM delevel, if you also wish to reallocate your Crafting points, you will need to ask the DM to delevel this as well.
===Rules and etiquette===

Muling is not permitted in any form. If you delevel, rebuild, delete and remake your character, you may not take back any item, property or gold that was once yours. 
Character Adjustment - Following an application to the DM Team, you can request a change to your level 1 Feats, Stats or Class to help fix a bad build or to take you out of a class following on from a class overhaul.
::'''Note''': Adding a clarification on Property: This does not mean you can never re-own a particular property, merely that it cannot be held in trust for you by another character.
::: '''''DM Titania (14 Nov 2020)''': Yeah it's no transfer, so: Can't give it to someone else and then ask for it back/purchase it, etc.  But if you bought an inn room in 2018, and then it's open in 2020, you can buy it.''

In the case that you just delevel to change your build, the "no cheese" rule applies. Some good examples of rebuilding:
== Process Explanations ==
*Switching most feats - weapon feats, metamagic, school feats.
=== Relevel ===
*Switching skill ranks.
Using the ingame command [[Console_command#-relevel|-relevel]] will return you to level 1 whilst retaining all of your XP. It is imperative that you reach level 2 before logging out, as it may result in a loss of your inventory.
*Switching/adding/removing a multiclass.  

But the following examples could be considered exploiting:
'''Note''': Your crafting points are not reset with the [[Console_command#-relevel|-relevel]] command. This is only available through a request to the DM Team and will incur an XP Penalty.
*Rebuilding to pick up a crafting feat, overuse it, and switch back.
*Taking a class with a language you are not supposed to have.
*Taking a class/skill ranks in order to get to somewhere, and then switch back.
*Taking a class to craft something you couldn't before.  

: Simply ask yourself "is this gaming the system?". In case of doubt, ask your friendly neighborhood DMs for clarification. For most cases and intent, if you are going to switch to a class in order to get into somewhere you couldn't before, you are expected to stick with that class for a long while and have good RP reasons to have taken that class to begin with, and '''not''' relevel once a week to switch your skill dump allocation to be a parry master one day, and then a disguise master the next, and then a master beast tamer, and so on.
=== Remake ===
At any point, you may choose to use the -remake_character command to remake your Character from scratch. This process will delete your Character without rolling on the Epic Sacrifice table.  
*You may remake your Character with the same name and retain prior RP memories
*Your Character MUST remain the same race
*You cannot add new awards to a remade character
*When remaking a character who had an award, you will need an award available to spend on it again for the remake.
This process will reset your XP, Bank Balance, Inventory, Storage, Properties and any other previously stored information regarding your Character.

=== Remake with same name===
'''Note''': A server reset will need to take place before using the same name.
Due to a bug in Neverwinter Nights, the game remembers certain things about your character even after deletion, and applies that memory to a new character with the same name, even if it is not exactly the same character. Here is the recommended remake process.

* Issue the [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] command OR the [[Console command#-delete_character|-delete_character]] (below level 16 only) to delete your existing character.
=== Rules and Etiquette ===
* '''Important''': Wait until the next time there is a server reset. There is usually one every 24 hours, and you can [http://portal.arelith.com/ check] to track server uptime.
Muling is not permitted in any form. Following a remake, any property or posessions previously held by the Character may not be retaken or returned to them.  
* Create the new character.

Step 2 is very important, because the server must first "forget" about your old character. Failing to do so will result in the following:
'''Note''': Properties may be owned again, provided they are found for sale uninfluenced.

* When you first log in, you will see your full bank account, and have access to any quarters, shops, citizenships etc. that your old character had.
In the case of a character Relevel it is considered to be an exploit when abusing the command for examples such as:
* After the next server restart, or when you change server, you will lose '''all''' of your character's possessions, bank balance will reset and you will lose the data which previously appeared to have been carried over from the old character.
*Rebuilding to take and use Crafting Feats and then switching back
*Rebuilding to take and use Class/Skills and then switching back
*Selecting a class with a language and then switching back
*Selecting a class to manipulate the crafting system and then switching back.
If in doubt of what is and is not "Gaming the system" ask a member of the DM Team. For most cases, if you are going to switch class, we will expect you to stick with it and have good RP reasons to have switched in the first place.
Excessive use of the relevel function is monitored.

===For Characters at or above Level 16===  
== Character Adjustments ==
The automatic [[Epic Sacrifice]] system ("rolling") now applies to all characters 16 and above when using the [[Console command#-delete_character|-delete_character]] command. If you want to remake the character, it MUST be at 15 or below when using the [[Console command#-delete_character|-delete_character]] command OR you MUST use the [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] command.  
As Arelith is a constantly evolving server with the addition of new systems, features and balances, there will be instances in which a Player may feel as though the function of their Character has been changes as a result.

'''DM Lilac and Mith''' said:
The Character Adjustment system is a process in which a player may apply to the DM Team to have certain aspects of their Character modified at level 1 (Feats, Stats, Class).
:"If your character is below the threshold of being allowed to roll, then you are welcome to use the [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] command to remake them all you want (with a reset inbetween to prevent bugs).

:If your character is above the threshold, then use the [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] command, and then remake (with a reset inbetween to prevent bugs).
This system is in place specifically for Characters whom have been built incorrectly and require a small modification to correct them or to adapt following on from a Class/Feature Overhaul.

:If you roll a character for a reward, you are not allowed to remake them."
Character Adjustments will not be offered as a replacement to the [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] feature regarding changing class.

:In fact, you may only remake a character as long as you delete them naturally through [[Console command#-delete_character|-delete_character]] (below level 16 only) OR through [[Console_command#-remake_character|-remake_character]] (at any level). If the character encounters any other sort of [[Death#Permanent death of character|permadeath]], they may not be remade.
=== Limitation ===
What Character Adjustments can do:
*Change level 1 Base Class, if alignment restrictions are met.
*Change level 1 Feats / Stats
'''Note''': Existing Paths will be removed

What Character Adjustments cannot do:
*Cannot become Commoner and Commoners cannot be adjusted
*Cannot adjust Characters that started as "Archer Rangers" due to feat adjustments
*Cannot adjust Totem Druids due to stat adjustments

== Class Migrations ==
=== Stat Change ===

Players can request a new start class through a PM to the Active DM team with the following information:
Character Name - Bob
:* Notice from what class to what class with a supported RP reason OR supported mechanical reason (changes to base class since character implementation, for example.)
Player Name - MrBobPlaysHere
:* Include any supported RP and/or plans on how the new class will be handled.
Public Key - [[CD_key#Public_CD_key|CD Key]]
:* Include a link or the change details that impacted the reason behind it, if it was mechanical (this way DM's don't have to do extra digging)
Current Stats - STR:10 DEX:10 CON:10 INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10
Intended Stats - STR:10 DEX:10 CON:10 INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10
Reason -

This will then be passed to the DM team where they will assess the request. If requests from one class to another are not reasonable and make no sense, the player will be notified of its rejection.
Double-check the intended stats using the latest version of the [https://forum.nwnarelith.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=27725 Arelith Build Calculator]. The input ability spread expected by -setstats can be found in the row right below the gift selection.

'''What -setclass can do:'''
Highlight what is granting higher values than default by Racial Properties and Creation Gifts in brackets.

The new setclass feature can change a character's level 1 class to any other base class, if the alignment restrictions are met. These class migrations will remove all paths corresponding to the character's currently selected classes, except Kensai, Weave Master and the old Favored Soul path. If the new class gains bonus feats at level 1, the character will be forced to select a bonus feat before leveling back up.
Example: STR: 22 (H-Orc +2, Gift of STR +2)

'''What -setclass cannot do:'''
=== Feat Change ===

:* -Setclass cannot modify a character's base stats.
Character Name - Bob
:* Characters cannot become Commoners, and Commoners cannot use the -setclass feature.
Player Name - MrBobPlaysHere
:* Characters that started as Archer Rangers cannot be migrated due to their various feat adjustments.
Public Key - [[CD_key#Public_CD_key|CD Key]]
:* Totem druids cannot be migrated due to their totem stat adjustments.
Current Feats -
Intended Feats -
Reason -

=== Class Change ===

'''The DM's will then use the command, and the following proceeds:'''
Character Name - Bob
Player Name - MrBobPlaysHere
Public Key - [[CD_key#Public_CD_key|CD Key]]
Current Class -
Intended Class -
Reason -

Step 1: The DM will use the -setclass command on the player that has been approved for the change in base class.<br>Step 2: The level 1 migration process involves a forced character relevel. Make sure there is enough space in your character's inventory in case any items automatically get unequipped.<br>Step 3: If the new class has bonus feats at level 1 (example: Warlock Pact feats), you cannot level up before using the "-bonusfeat" command to choose them from a list of valid options.<br>Step 4: After selecting the bonus feat, continue leveling up normally and have fun with the new class!
For Class Changes, it is imperative to include both IC and OOC reasoning for the changes to be made. This function is intended for the use of Characters following a Class overhaul that changes the dynamics of how your Character will now function, or for Characters whom have made a clear and undisputable mistake when building their Character.

'''Note:''' The DMs reserve the right, under fair assessment and team consensus where the player has been warned previously and given the opportunity to improve their RP in the concerning area, to modify the base class of characters. This is something that would be rarely utilized by the team to adjust classes that have fallen from their accepted playstyle (see evil Paladin, etc).
We will not change a level 30 Barbarian to a level 30 Wizard because you are bored. The -remake_character feature exists for this. Only in exceptional circumstances with substantial RP support will we change a Class outside of the reasoning of a "Fix" and it will come with a total level reduction.

The -setstats command is a way to adjust a character's level 1 ability scores and reset their selected general feats.
:*Gifts, paths, and the base class are unaffected.
'''Application Process:'''
Those interested in applying for a base stat change for their character must do the following:
:Submit a forum PM to the Active DM team with:
::1. Character Name
::2. Public CD Key -> can be determined by following this link: https://wiki.nwnarelith.com/CD_key#Public_CD_key
::3. Starting Stats ( + Racial Stat /  Gifts consideration)
4. Intended Stats ( + Racial Stat / Gifts consideration)
DMs will then review and respond to the PM and arrange a time to handle this in-game.
'''How It Works:'''
1. The -setstats command can only be used by DMs, so players will need to approach the DM Team with their new desired level 1 ability spread. This ability spread must include both racial modifiers and major gifts: if a Half-Orc with Gift of Might wants the maximum possible strength score at level 1, they need to specify 22 STR (18 base + 2 race + 2 gift).
2. The command will check whether the specified ability spread is valid for the character, taking into account a) their gifts and b) their race's present-day ability score adjustments (i.e. the adjustments that would be applied to a new character of this race).
:*If NO, feel free to double check the specified stats using the latest version of my Arelith Build Calculator (Link: https://forum.nwnarelith.com/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=27725). The input ability spread expected by -setstats can be found in the row right below the gift selection.
:*If YES, -setstats will trigger a relevel for the character to ensure their original ability spread can be replicated. This is an essential safety check to prevent issues, but it might also prevent some grandfathered characters from receiving ability score adjustments. If so, both the player and DM are informed of the circumstance and an ability score adjustment would need to be performed manually by Spyre or another admin, so the next step would be contacting them.
3. If all of the above safety checks were passed, the character's ability scores are adjusted to the new ability spread. This also resets the character's level 1 general and bonus feat(s) to ensure ability requirements are still fulfilled.
4. The ability score adjustment is complete. Players can now use the -generalfeat and -bonusfeat commands to select their new level 1 feats before leveling up again.

[[Category:Character mechanics]]
[[Category:Character mechanics]]

Revision as of 18:55, 2 December 2022

Character Remake
Character Creation
Creation (New Players Guide)
Race - Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds - Alignment
Marks - Epic Sacrifice
Customization - Head List - Builds
Character Systems
Description - Disguise / Covered
Languages - Experience - Quests
Pickpocket - Rest - Role Play Bonus
Death - Lycanthropy - Investigate
Sequencers - Runic Sequencers
World Systems
Settlements - Factions
Quarters - Shops - Taverns - Banks
Riding - Sailing - Boons
Communication - Portals
Time - Containers/Bags
Radiant Heart - Assassin's Guild
Sencliff's Pirates
Item Creation Systems
Alchemy - Art Craft - Carpentry
Herb - Smith - Tailor
Dweomercraft - Runes
Weapons - Melee / Ranged / Siege
Resources - Poison
Arelith Changes
Classes - Skills - Feats - Trap
Summons - Familiar Reskins
Spells (list) - Misc
Rules - Roleplay - Maps
Console Commands
Common Bugs - Staff
Support Tickets - Character Remake
[The Astrolabe]

Quick Summary

Arelith has a number of options available regarding adjusting your Character and remaking them entirely.

Relevel - Using the console command -relevel, you will be returned to level 1 whilst retaining all of your XP. This will allow you to reselect Feats, Skill and Stats from level 2.

Remake - Using the ingame command -remake_character will delete your character without rolling on the Epic Sacrifice system. This will allow you to remake a Character of the same name. A server reset is required before you can re-select the same name

Character Adjustment - Following an application to the DM Team, you can request a change to your level 1 Feats, Stats or Class to help fix a bad build or to take you out of a class following on from a class overhaul.

Process Explanations


Using the ingame command -relevel will return you to level 1 whilst retaining all of your XP. It is imperative that you reach level 2 before logging out, as it may result in a loss of your inventory.

Note: Your crafting points are not reset with the -relevel command. This is only available through a request to the DM Team and will incur an XP Penalty.


At any point, you may choose to use the -remake_character command to remake your Character from scratch. This process will delete your Character without rolling on the Epic Sacrifice table.

  • You may remake your Character with the same name and retain prior RP memories
  • Your Character MUST remain the same race
  • You cannot add new awards to a remade character
  • When remaking a character who had an award, you will need an award available to spend on it again for the remake.

This process will reset your XP, Bank Balance, Inventory, Storage, Properties and any other previously stored information regarding your Character.

Note: A server reset will need to take place before using the same name.

Rules and Etiquette

Muling is not permitted in any form. Following a remake, any property or posessions previously held by the Character may not be retaken or returned to them.

Note: Properties may be owned again, provided they are found for sale uninfluenced.

In the case of a character Relevel it is considered to be an exploit when abusing the command for examples such as:

  • Rebuilding to take and use Crafting Feats and then switching back
  • Rebuilding to take and use Class/Skills and then switching back
  • Selecting a class with a language and then switching back
  • Selecting a class to manipulate the crafting system and then switching back.

If in doubt of what is and is not "Gaming the system" ask a member of the DM Team. For most cases, if you are going to switch class, we will expect you to stick with it and have good RP reasons to have switched in the first place. Excessive use of the relevel function is monitored.

Character Adjustments

As Arelith is a constantly evolving server with the addition of new systems, features and balances, there will be instances in which a Player may feel as though the function of their Character has been changes as a result.

The Character Adjustment system is a process in which a player may apply to the DM Team to have certain aspects of their Character modified at level 1 (Feats, Stats, Class).

This system is in place specifically for Characters whom have been built incorrectly and require a small modification to correct them or to adapt following on from a Class/Feature Overhaul.

Character Adjustments will not be offered as a replacement to the -remake_character feature regarding changing class.


What Character Adjustments can do:

  • Change level 1 Base Class, if alignment restrictions are met.
  • Change level 1 Feats / Stats

Note: Existing Paths will be removed

What Character Adjustments cannot do:

  • Cannot become Commoner and Commoners cannot be adjusted
  • Cannot adjust Characters that started as "Archer Rangers" due to feat adjustments
  • Cannot adjust Totem Druids due to stat adjustments

Stat Change

Character Name - Bob
Player Name - MrBobPlaysHere
Public Key - CD Key
Current Stats - STR:10 DEX:10 CON:10 INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10
Intended Stats - STR:10 DEX:10 CON:10 INT:10 WIS:10 CHA:10
Reason -

Double-check the intended stats using the latest version of the Arelith Build Calculator. The input ability spread expected by -setstats can be found in the row right below the gift selection.

Highlight what is granting higher values than default by Racial Properties and Creation Gifts in brackets.

Example: STR: 22 (H-Orc +2, Gift of STR +2)

Feat Change

Character Name - Bob
Player Name - MrBobPlaysHere
Public Key - CD Key
Current Feats -
Intended Feats -
Reason -

Class Change

Character Name - Bob
Player Name - MrBobPlaysHere 
Public Key - CD Key
Current Class -
Intended Class -
Reason -

For Class Changes, it is imperative to include both IC and OOC reasoning for the changes to be made. This function is intended for the use of Characters following a Class overhaul that changes the dynamics of how your Character will now function, or for Characters whom have made a clear and undisputable mistake when building their Character.

We will not change a level 30 Barbarian to a level 30 Wizard because you are bored. The -remake_character feature exists for this. Only in exceptional circumstances with substantial RP support will we change a Class outside of the reasoning of a "Fix" and it will come with a total level reduction.