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Celestials: Barachiel | Domiel | Erathaol | Pistis Sophia | Raziel | Sealtiel | Zaphkiel

In the lore of the Realms the Celestial Hebdomad are seven legendary Tome Archons who dwell in the House of the Triad and are subordinate to the gods Tyr, Torm, Ilmater, and Helm.

All that is known in these same legends is that they were seven mortal martyrs who perished as champions of ORDER and RIGHTEOUSNESS in times immemorial and each oversees a mountain in Celestia as well as leads an army protecting it.

Zaphkiel, the greatest of these archons, is a figure of mystery whose true origin and nature are unknown to all except, as legend goes, to Tyr. They are the only remaining archon from the ancient days and they alone were charged with naming the replacements among those who fell from among the other archons who were said to take the form and place of their predecessor.

The deity Bahamut was once remembered among their ranks as the co-ruler of Mercuria but has ascended since to godhood and still dwells in the House of the Triad.

These beings refuse worship but sometimes influence the mortal realms by acting as sponsors for the archetypical paladin or the righteous and orderly.

Mortals associate them symbolically with a lion. They were said to watch over Lunia the Silver Heaven of Mount Celestia. They were known as the leader of trumpet archons, the Herald of the Hebdomad, leader of Celestia's defenses, and a patron of mortal heralds.
Mortals associate them symbolically with an ox. They were said to watch over Mercuria the Golden Heaven of Mount Celestia. They were charged with looking over the many great tombs and mausoleums in this realm. They opposed wicked tyrants and among mortals were a patron of those who opposed tyrants and desecrated the restful dead.
Mortals associate them symbolically with a dragon. They were said to watch over Venya the Pearly Heaven of Mount Celestia. They dwelt in the library fortress of Xiranthador and spent time watching the multiverse unfold, paying special attention to children they knew had great destinies. They were a patron of seers, prophets, and librarians.
Mortals associate them symbolically with an eagle. They were said to watch over Solania the Electrum (CRYSTAL?) Heaven of Mount Celestia. They spent their time visiting the cathedrals and monasteries there and walking with petitioners through the valleys. They did not dwell in a palace by choice, living without possessions, and so was a patron to monks, mystics, and ascetics.
Mortals associate them symbolically with a bear. They were said to watch over Mertion the Platinum Heaven of Mount Celestia. They opposed evil in all its forms and with righteous anger which was said to make them burn - earning them the nickname the Firestar. They were the patron of paladins.
Mortals associate them symbolically with a dog. They were said to watch over Jovar the Glittering Heaven of Mount Celestia. They are with protecting the seventh and purest heaven, Chronias, from incursion. They were the patron of guards and guardians.
Mortals associate them symbolically with a donkey. They were said to watch over Chronias the Illuminated Heaven of Mount Celestia. They were the embodiment of purity and good - and watched over the most innocent mortals, particularly stillborn and sacrificed babies. The only entities to have actually seen Zaphkiel are the gods and the other tome archons. They were the patron of the innocent.


  • You cannot worship celestials as your patron deity (it is a sin) however, you can attune to them. Player characters will also not be able to create a celestial altar. There will be a location in game to visit and attune to the celestials.

Pages in category "Celestials"

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