Spell Level(s): Paladin 1, Cleric(Moon) 1, Cleric(Sun) 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Transmutation
Descriptor(s): Weapon Enchantment
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Creature or Melee Weapon
Duration: 2 minutes per level
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save(s): None
Spell Resistance: No
Description: You empower the touched melee weapon with some effects depending on the source of the Bless Weapon. You can target another creature to enchant its worn melee weapon. When targeting a dual-wielding character, if the primary weapon is already blessed, the off-hand weapon will be blessed instead. Non-restricted weapon enchantment.
Paladin Spell Book
- Enhancement Bonus (Attack and Damage):
- Caster Level 1 -10: +1
- Caster Level 11-15: +2
- Caster Level 16-20: +3
- Caster Level 21-25: +4
- Caster Level 26-30: +5
- Caster Level 1+: +2d6 divine damage vs. undead
- Caster Level 13+: +2d6 damage vs. outsider
- Caster Level 13+: +2d6 damage vs. dragon
Cleric Spell Book (Moon Domain):
- Caster Level 1+: +2d6 magic damage vs. undead
- Damage Bonus (Shapechanger):
- Caster Level 1+: +2d6 magic damage vs. shapechanger
Cleric Spell Book (Sun Domain):
- Caster Level 1+: +1d8 positive damage vs. undead
- Caster Level 1+: +1d8 fire damage
- Note: This damage bonus replaces any temporary essence
Stacking Rules:
- Bless weapon's vs. undead damage will be either +1d8 positive OR +2d6 magical depending on the time of day
- Bless weapon's other bonus damage (+1d8 fire and +2d6 vs shapeshifter) will still apply
- Enhancement bonus only applies when it is cast from Paladin spellbook. Cleric levels will not count towards enhancement bonus scaling.
- +2d6 Divine dmg vs. undead from Paladin spellbook and 1 of the Damage vs. Undead from Sun OR Moon Domain will stack
- Not restricted.
- When bless weapon is cast on crossbow bolts, it adds a temporary blessed bolt item property (also known as "on-hit: slay rakshasa"), which will instantly kill any rakshasa hit by the bolts.
- Properly effects vampire player characters.
- Stacking:
- An existing attack bonus (temporary or permanent) will be replaced by the attack bonus component from this spell if it is greater.
- An existing damage bonus will be replaced by the damage bonus component from this spell if it is both matching and greater, there are noted exception above.