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Revision as of 19:46, 19 January 2023 by Mattamue (talk | contribs) (adding the player shop pic and subtitle to this sub-page after removing it from the SystemsNav template default)
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[The Astrolabe]

Shops are stores run by players. They allow characters to make items available for sale at all times. Most all items can be put for sale in stores and players are free to set any price they like.

Most shops are also tied to Settlements and as such are under the control of settlement leaders or guildhouse owners, depending on where the shop is located. This includes the ability to revoke ownership in addition to setting and collecting taxes.

As a major, mandatory rule, you may own one shop per player ( not per character) only. Temporary shops are excluded from this rule.


A player accessing a shop as a customer, the shop inventory shown with goods on the left and the shop front on the right.
A shop purchase dialogue appears when a player removes a shop item, displaying its value.

Customers: Each shop when accessed by a potential customer will present them with an inventory listing the items available for purchase, the customer can then remove and inspect each item, removal of an item from the inventory presents the user with a dialogue option for purchase which also displays the price of the goods.

Owners: Each shop can store and sell thirty items. A stack of items counts as a single item. Anything placed within your shop you can remove by clicking on the item, and you will not get the dialogue option customers get.

Stacks of Items To allow Customers to purchase single items from a stack click your shop sign and go through the following dialogue options. [Faction & Shop Options]-[Set Faction Permissions & Shop Settings]- {Shop} Buy partial stacks. If toggled on the display text will turn green.


To set the prices of your inventory you can do any of the following.

[Set Sale Prices] This option lets you effect the value of everything in the store by a set amount. When choosing this the dialogue display will show "Items are sold at XXX% of the value". You can adjust the value by choosing +xx% or -xx% in the dialogue and it will be reflected at the top of the dialogue box. Only items added to the shop without speaking a value are effected by this.

Speaking Shop owners can speak the price before adding an item for sale to set the price. Stacks of items will be given the price spoken divided by the amount of items in the stack. For example speaking 1000 and adding in a stack of five items will result in items purchased singly a value of 200 gp each.

[Display/Change Item Prices] This option displays each item in the shop and the current price it is being sold at. Speak a price and click an item to change its sale price. Setting a price to 0 will set the price to the shops default which is set under [Set Sale Prices].


Factions can be added to a shop to allow for a variety of things. They are added by going under [Faction & Shop Options] and speaking the faction name before choosing [Set Faction] (Type name before selecting)

Set Faction Permissions and Shop Settings This allows you to toggle which options you wish an added action to have. The options must be enabled on both the shop screen and within the faction itself.


A shop sign, shop markup and details of ownership can be found using this.

The shop owner may mark the value of goods up or down, each shop inventory comes with a sign adjacent , the markup value at a particular store is displayed through the signs on-use dialogue and can be modified by the owner as required. Items are valued based on their blueprint gold value and then adjusted accordingly.


Taxes are an inescapable part of life and Arelith is no different. Shop taxes are not added onto the sale price set by the owner, but rather they are portions taken out of that sale price which get diverted to third parties. The sale price the Shop owner sets is the sale price the customer pays: taxes just mean the owner gets a little bit less of it.

There are three different ways shops can get taxed, and they are calculated in sequential order:

Settlement Taxes These taxes are applied if the shop is located inside a player-owned settlement. The only exception to this rule is for shops located in Andunor's Hub, which uses a default tax rate of 10%. All other cities have tax rates set by their leaders, and this percentage is deducted from the sale item first and automatically transferred to the settlement's accounts. There is only one exception to city taxes applied to city shops, and that's if they are subject to...:

Guildhouse Taxes Guildhouses taxes are applied only to shops which are attached to Guildhouses. These are almost always located inside or directly outside a Guildhouse, and you can check by reading the sign if the Guildhouse owner is paying maintenance for the shop. Guildhouse taxes are a flat 8%, and supersede any settlement taxes, even if the Guildhouse and associated shop are located inside a settlement. Guildhouse taxes go directly to the Guildhouse owner's account.

Faction Taxes Not really "taxes" as they are configured by the owner of the shop (see above), but these percentages are drawn from the value of the product remaining AFTER either settlement or guildhouse taxes have been deducted.

Temporary Shops

A temporary shop.

Temporary shops work exactly like usual player owned shops, but must be interacted with regularly. A temporary shop that has not been interacted with by the owner within three RL hours will become available for sale once again. If no one buys the shop in the intervening time, the owner may reclaim the shop simply by interacting with it.

If a temporary shop is located inside a settlement, its settlement taxes are capped at 2%.