Site Map
All articles on Arelith wiki should:
- belong to at least one of the 5 main subcategories of Category:Site map.
- be listed on this page, with exception of articles belonging to Category:Deities, Category:Crafting (Trade Book), Category:Areas, Category:Character, and Category:Items.
There are only 5 main categories:
- Category:Rules - rules, their explanations, clarifications and examples
- Category:Arelith community - information about out of game activities
- Category:Game mechanics - how things work on Arelith NWN severs
- Category:World - information about in game places, items and characters
- Category:FAQ - compilations of links, terms, abbreviations and useful articles not fitting in any category above.
Guidelines for the Site Map
- Every single page should be included here, with the exception of individual articles on gods, items, areas, and characters.
- Each page should be included only once and with link.
- Important contents of articles van be mentioned by listing sub-headings from topic. Those are marked by the use of italics. Meaning, when you click on the Rules link, you are taken to a page that lists each of the 5 golden rules, one by one, followed by links to the wiki and forums rules. On the Site Map, the Wiki and Forums Rules headings would appear as normal ===Headings===, while the 5 golden rules would be listed as Italics, because there won't eventually be a link in their place.
- Redirects are placed after a dot(*) under each link
Rules / Category:Rules
- The 5 Golden Rules
Roleplay rule
Rule clarification
Player versus player rule
No excessive theft rule
Be nice rule
Listen to the DMs
Arelith chat rules
- Redirect from: Chat rules
- Redirected to Arelith chat
Arelith forum rules
- Redirect from: Forum rules
- Redirected to Arelith forum
Arelith wiki rules
- Redirects from: Wiki rules
- Redirected to Arelith wiki rules
Arelith community
- Redirected to Category:Arelith community
Staff / Category:The Staff
- Redirects from: Dungeon master, DM, Developer
- Guide to Contacting DMs
- Redirect from: Contact DMs
Encyclopedia Arelithica
Arelith forum
Arelith chat
- Redirect from: Arelith Chat
Arelith radio
Game mechanics
- Redirects to Category:Game mechanics
- Hakpak
- RPBonus
- redirects from Roleplay rating, Roleplay bonus
- Real estate - Note: article? what to write in it? --OnMyWay 18:00, 29 March 2009 (UTC)
- Speedy messenger
- Redirect from: Speedy Delivery
- Speedy messenger
- Town crier
- Redirect from: Town Crier
- Town crier
- Using Languages
- Understanding Languages
- Learning Languages
- Phrasebook
- Available Languages
- Languages by Race - Note: include this only on separate pages for each race?
- Languages by Class - Note: include this only on separate pages for each class?
- Common
- Abyssal
- Animal language
- Celestial
- Draconic
- Dwarven
- Elven (has redirect from Drow language)
- Gnome language
- Goblin language
- Halfling language
- Infernal
- Orc language
- Sign language
- Thieves cant
- Undercommon
Console command
- Redirects from: Special commands, Disguise, Console commands
- NWN console command
- Mith's Virtual Console
- Available Languages, Actions and Emotes
- Chosen Deity
- Domains
- Power and Presence
- Available Deities
- Deities Breakdown by Alignment
- Player-created Deities
Note: Each God has own page and belongs to following:
- Subcategories by strength (each god belongs to only one) (originally those categories were by IG book, but Hubcapped remade them to FR canon categories):
- Category:Greater Deities
- Category:Intermediate Deities
- Category:Lesser Deities
- Category:Demigods
- Category:Forgotten Realms Deities - for those not mechanically supported on Arelith
- Category:Player-created Deities / Player-created deities
- Subcategories by alignments of allowed followers on Arelith
- one for each of 9 alignments
- each god belongs to several of them
Note: There are still left original articles that go by IG book (if we keep sorting above then it might be good keeping them):
Future updates
Common bugs
- Common naming for majority of bugs entries:
- Problem (description of bug),
- Example (if needed),
- Cause (if known),
- Solution (if known)
- Guide to bug reporting
- Redirect from Guide to Bug Reporting
NWN issues
- Redirects to Category:NWN issues
- CD Key
- Connecting
- Redirect from Direct connect from desktop
- Dual Core Processor and NWN
- Enable Party Invite Popup
- Journal editing - Redirect from Journal Editing
- Logs of text
- More players from the same network
- Portraits and Voices
- Quickslots and Macros
- Screenshots
- Windowed mode
- Horses freeze my game
- Lag
- Vista and NWN
- Accent
Character mechanics
- Redirects to Category:Character mechanics
- New character
- Redirect from: New Character, Character creation
- Note: Needs updating. OnMyWay 20:04, 25 March 2009 (UTC)
- Character change
- Redirect from: Character Change
- Character remake
- Redirect from: Character Remake
- Alignment
- Experience
- Category:Spells
- Redirect from: Category:Spells
- Skill and feat changes
- Redirects from: Feat changes, Skill changes
- Pickpocketing
- Devastating critical
- Riding
- Craft Weapon, Armour
- Bluff or Perform
- Death
- Dying
- The Death Area
- Memory
- Returning to the Living
- Respawn Points
- Permanent Death of Character
- Mark of destiny
- Redirect from: Mark of Destiny, Mark of despair
- Player corpses
- Redirect from: Player Corpses
- Mark of destiny
- 5% roll
- Redirect from:The 5% roll, Epic Character Retirement Program
- 5% roll
Class / Category:Classes
- all in Category:Classes
- Arcane archer
- Assassin
- Barbarian
- Bard
- Blackguard
- Champion of Torm
- Cleric
- Druid - Redirect from: Totem animal
- Dwarven defender
- Fighter
- Harper scout
- Monk
- Paladin
- Pale master
- Ranger
- Red dragon disciple
- Redirect from Red Dragon Disciple
- Rogue
- Shadowdancer
- Redirect from Shadow Dancer
- Shifter
- Sorcerer
- Weapon master
- Wizard
Race / Category:Subrace
- Aasimar
- Air Genasi
- Drow
- Duergar
- Earth Genasi
- Fire Genasi
- Ghostwise Halfling
- Gnoll
- Goblin
- Gold Dwarf
- Half-Elf
- Kobold
- Lightfoot Halfling
- Moon Elf
- Orog
- Rock Gnome
- Shield Dwarf
- Strongheart Halfling
- Sun Elf
- Svirfneblin
- Tiefling
- Water Genasi
- Wild Elf
- Wood Elf
- Redirect: Lycanthropy
- Note: Move to different section of Site Map? OnMyWay 06:34, 25 March 2009 (UTC)
Equipment and crafting / Category:Equipment
- Redirect to: Category:Equipment
- Redirect from: Equipment
- Redirect from: Equipment and Trade
- Note: Too small category.Considering moving articles to other category. OnMyWay 10:41, 29 March 2009 (UTC)
- Enchantment basin
- What They Do
- How They Work
- Limitations, Issues & Notes
- Specific Properties
- Enchantment Spell Focuses
- Customization
- Radial menu customization system
- Distorted and prismatic mirrors
- Essences on weapons
- Weapon guide
- * Redirect from Category:Weapon Guide
Crafting / Category:Crafting
- Linked with Category:Crafting (subcategory of Category:Items)
- How to Create
- How to Repair
- Important Notes
- Link to Trade Book
- Alchemy
- Art Crafting
- Carpentry
- Herbalism
- Forging
- Tailoring
Note: I'm still not sure if is needed another article Trade book outside of Equipment and Trade, Crafting and Category:Crafting. It seems as too many articles about the same thing. OnMyWay 09:34, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
Trade book- made into Item
Note: There is a place for "Properties" in the table for each item. I would like to remove it and keep the properties listed only on separate pages for each items. This would avoid spoilers for those who don't wish to know properties of items and only come to wiki to see materials and other info freely available in game in Trade book. OnMyWay 08:31, 29 March 2009 (UTC)
Note: Because most items in Trade book have all words starting in capital letters, they will be not find automatically by searches.
Note: Trade Book needs to be whole united. Each part was done by different person and differently. There is a lot of categories that are half filled and never got used or linked from anywhere. Hubcapped had probably some great design in mind, but in my opinion creating many small subcategories can make it quite confusing. So I'm adding all to one big list in Category:Crafting.
- Categories for destruction (by OMW): Forged Items | Forged Weapons | Weapons
Worth keeping could be:
- Category:Martial Weapons
- Category:Ranged Weapons (instead of separate one for longbows, shortbows and slings)
- Category:Ingots
OnMyWay 07:21, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
- Redirect to: Category:World
- Redirects to: Category:Areas
- Redirects to: Category:Guilds
- Redirects to: Category:Character
- Redirects to: Category:Items
- Linked to: Category:Surface
Underdark / Category:Underdark
- Redirects to: Category:Underdark
- Playing any UD race
- Redirect from: The Definitive Drow Policy
Arelith FAQ / Category:FAQ
- I have no preference as to what the category is called. As for its purpose, I want to make it SOLEY links that already exist elsewhere on the hierarchy, simply reorganized in a manner that will give a natural flow to a new player. This will give us several ways to organize the information with no risk in duplicate articles or conflicting information. That said, I'll move some of these topics to the Game Mechanics section - When the rest of the Site Map is complete, we can come up with a layout for the FAQ and add the links then. - UGrabMyDrumstick
- Note - The exception to the above will perhaps be a Reference section with links like Terms, Abbreviations, D&D and the like. - UGrabMyDrumstick
- Neverwinter Nights - redirect from NWN
- D&D
- Non-player character - redirect from NPC
- Carebear
- Grandfathering
- Griefing - redirect from Griefer
- Powerbuilding - redirect from Powerbuilder
- Powergaming - redirect from Powergamer
- Pridegaming - redirect from Pridegamer
New player guide
Other external links
- Redirect from Other external links