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Listen to the DMs

From Arelith Wiki

The Dungeon Masters are the in game authority who mediate disputes, issue contextual rulings and make sure players aren't cheating.

If you feel like you've been treated poorly by a Dungeon Master, there is a process to get the situation resolved by a higher power.

  • Obey the ruling. If a Dungeon Master tells you to do something, do it. Take this time to gather all related information and then contact the Head Dungeon Master.
  • The Head Dungeon Master will review the decision that the Dungeon Master made. Your complaint is kept as anonymous as possible, so be sure you only contact the Head Dungeon Master when submitting a decision review request or filing a complaint about the behavior of a Dungeon Master. This can be done on the forums by tagging the Active Admin subgroup or directly tagging the Head Dungeon Master.
  • The Head Dungeon Master will make their decision. Give them time. Until they make a decision, you are required to listen to the ruling the original Dungeon Master made. It is not until the Head Dungeon Master repeals their decision that you can ignore it.
  • If you think the Head Dungeon Master is being unfair or negligent, you can take the complaint to the next step up the chain. This involves contacting the active administrators on the server by tagging the Active Admin subgroup and requesting a second decision made by the Head Dungeon Master.
  • The same process is repeated here. Listen to whatever ruling the Head Dungeon Master gave you until the administrators repeal the decision that the Head Dungeon Master gave you.