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- ''mother''
- (Purple Dragon) Knight
- 5% roll
- AB
- AC
- Aasimar
- Aasterinian
- Abbathor
- Abbreviations
- Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
- Ability
- Ability Modifier
- Abraxas
- Abyssal
- Abyssal (Trickery)
- Abyssal (magic)
- Abyssal (trickery)
- Abyssal (war)
- Accent
- Acid Domain
- Acid Fog
- Acid Splash
- Acid domain
- Adama
- Adaptive gears
- Adventurer's torch
- Adventuring XP
- Aerdrie Faenya
- Age
- Aid
- Air Domain
- Air Genasi
- Air domain
- Akadi
- Alathrien Druanna
- Alchemist's fire
- Alchemistic catalyst
- Alchemy
- Alchemy workstation
- Alignment
- Ambidexterity
- Ambidexterity/feat
- Amphibious Character
- Amphibious Character/feat
- Amplify
- Angharradh
- Anhur
- Animal Companion
- Animal Domain
- Animal language
- Animal sinew
- Animate Dead
- Annam All-Father
- AoE
- Apprentice staff
- Apprentice stave
- Aquatic Elf
- Araleth Letheranil
- Arcane Flux
- Arcane Flux/feat
- Arcane archer
- Archer
- Arctic Dwarf
- Arelith Chat
- Arelith Wiki
- Arelith chat rules
- Arelith forum
- Arelith forum rules
- Arelith reckoning
- Arelith statistics
- Armor
- Armor Skin
- Armor Skin/feat
- Arrow
- Arrow Bundles
- Arrow bundles
- Arrow shafts
- Arrows
- Art crafting
- Art crafting workstation
- Arvoreen
- Asgorath
- Ashwood Stabilizer
- Ashwood stabilizer
- Asmodeus
- Assassin
- Assassin Quest System
- Assembly Template
- Astilabor
- Atropus
- Auppenser
- Aura Versus Alignment
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Courage/feat
- Aura of Enmity
- Aura of Frost
- Aura of Glory
- Aura of Menace
- Aura of Tyrant Fog
- Aura of Tyrantfog
- Aura of Undertow
- Aura of Vitality
- Auril
- Avachel
- Avariel
- Avascular Mass
- Awaken
- Award
- Awards
- Azul
- Azuth
- Baalzebul
- Background
- Backgrounds
- Baervan Wildwanderer
- Bahamut
- Bahgtru
- Balagarn's Iron Horn
- Balance
- Baleful Polymorph
- Ball Lightning
- Ban
- Bandage roll
- Banded armour
- Bane
- Bane (deity)
- Bane (spell)
- Banishment
- Bank
- Baphomet
- Barachiel
- Baravar Cloakshadow
- Barbarian
- Barbarian helmet
- Bard
- Bardic harp
- Bardic mandolin
- Bardic pipes
- Bargrivyek
- Barkskin
- Bastard sword
- Battleaxe
- Battletide
- Bear's Endurance
- Bed
- Bel
- Belial
- Belt
- Berronar Truesilver
- Bes
- Beshaba
- Bestow Curse
- Bestow Curse, Greater
- Bestow Wound
- Bhaal
- Bigby's Clenched Fist
- Bigby's Crushing Hand
- Bigby's Disrupting Hand
- Bigby's Forceful Hand
- Bigby's Grasping Hand
- Bigby's Interposing Hand
- Black Blade of Disaster
- Blackfire
- Blackguard
- Blackguard's helmet
- Blacksmithing
- Blackstaff
- Blade Barrier
- Blade Thirst
- Blades of Fire
- Blasphemy
- Bless
- Bless Weapon
- Blibdoolpoolp
- Blind
- Blindfold
- Blinding Speed
- Blinding Speed/feat
- Blindless/Deafness
- Blindness/Deafness
- Blood Frenzy
- Blood Homunculus
- Blood Locust
- Blood of a Magic Creature
- Blood of a magic creature
- Blue-suede boots
- Blur
- Bolt Bundles
- Bolt bundles
- Bolt of cloth
- Bolt of silk
- Bombardment
- Book
- Books
- Boons
- Boot
- Boots
- Boots of the ultimate coward
- Bow
- Bows
- Brandobaris
- Brass Gears
- Brass knuckles
- Brawler
- Brawler/feat
- Breach List
- Brew potion
- Brick
- Bright Nydra
- Brutal Attack
- Brutal Attack/feat
- Bugbear
- Bull's Strength
- Bundle of Bronze Arrows
- Bundle of Bronze Bolts
- Bundle of Damask Arrows
- Bundle of Damask Bolts
- Bundle of Iron Arrows
- Bundle of Iron Bolts
- Bundle of Steel Arrows
- Bundle of Steel Bolts
- Bundle of arrows
- Bundle of bolts
- Bundles
- Burning Hands
- Burst of Glacial Wrath
- CD Key
- CD key
- Cackles
- Call Lightning
- Callarduran Smoothhands
- Cambion
- Camouflage
- Capture
- Carpentering workstation
- Carpentry
- Casting mold
- Cat's Grace
- Cause of Freedom
- Cause of Freedom/feat
- Cause of Vigilance
- Cause of Vigilance/feat
- Cause of Vindication
- Cause of Vindication/feat
- Cavalier
- Cegilune
- Celestial
- Chain Lightning
- Chain mail
- Chainshirt
- Chair
- Champion of Torm
- Chaos Domain
- Chaos Shield
- Chaotic evil
- Chaotic good
- Chaotic neutral
- Character Builds
- Character Customization
- Character Editing Room
- Character Remake
- Character creation
- Character remake
- Charisma
- Charm Monster
- Charm Person
- Charm Person or Animal
- Chat commands
- Chat rules
- Chauntea
- Chest
- Chill Touch
- Chromatic Orb
- Chronepsis
- Circle of Death
- Circle of Doom
- Circlet
- Citizenship
- Citizenship system
- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
- Clangeddin Silverbeard
- Clarity
- Class
- Class Spell Changes
- Class changes
- Classes
- Cleric
- Cleric's staff
- Clerics staff
- Clerics stave
- Climbing rope
- Cloak
- Cloak of nature's blessing
- Cloak of the caster
- Cloak of the sight
- Cloak of the stalker
- Cloaks
- Cloth
- Cloth (large)
- Cloth (medium)
- Cloth (small)
- Cloth armor
- Cloth armour
- Cloth large
- Cloth medium
- Cloth small
- Cloud of Bewilderment
- Cloudkill
- Club
- Coal
- Cold Domain
- Color
- Color Spray
- Combust
- Command
- Commands
- Common
- Common bugs
- Commoner
- Communication
- Communication in game
- Cone of Cold
- Confusion
- Connect
- Connecting
- Console Commands
- Console command
- Console commands
- Constitution
- Contact DM
- Contact DMs
- Contacting DMs
- Contagion
- Containers
- Continual Flame
- Control Undead
- Conversation emotes
- Cooking
- Corellon Larethian
- Corellon larethian/notes
- Cotton
- Couch
- Courtier's outfit