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Turn Undead

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Revision as of 06:46, 24 July 2021 by Zanithar (talk | contribs)
Turn Undead / Turn Creature / Turn

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The Turn Undead Feat has been heavily customized/expanded on Arelith.

Updates to this page are pending.

Type of feat: class
Prerequisite: Cleric 1, Paladin 3, Blackguard 3
Required for: divine might, divine shield, extra turning

Specifics: With this feat, the character can inflict a number of effects (see below) on the affected targets. This ability may be actived three times, plus the character's charisma modifier. It replenishes a single activation every 10-11.5 minutes. Refreshes sequentially, once one cool down is complete the next replenishment will begin automatically. The character's level and charisma are used to determine how many undead are turned.

Use: Selected. If the character has twice as many levels as the undead have hit dice, the undead are instantly destroyed.

  • Command:
Turns target into a henchman, wanders off if removed from party
  • Damage:
Very specific domain interactions with certain targets will result in damaging the turned creatures (see Domains for more details).
  • Destroy:
Target is destroyed
  • Fear:
Applies 50% Spell Failure and -10 malus to AB, AC, saves, and skills
  • Neutralize:
Target turns neutral and wanders off
Works for matching character and target alignments
Example: a Good aligned Good Domain Cleric turning a celestial, an evil aligned Evil Domain Cleric turning a fiend, or a neutral aligned [[Animal Domain|Animal]/Plant Cleric turning a neutral animal
  • Rebuke:
Target is stunned

Note: All of the above effects are automatically calculated and applied. Players only need to use on the Turn Undead feat. All Domains can Neutralize, Destroy, Rebuke, or Fear the affected creatures, but only a select few Domains can Command or Damage certain creatures (see below).

Cleric Domain Aberration Animal Beast Construct Elemental Magical Beast Ooze Shapeshifter Undead Vermin


  • The affected area has a radius of 20 meters, centered on the turner. Creatures are affected from nearest to furthest, with friendly creatures exempt. Creatures must be seen to be affected.
  • The total hit dice of all affected creatures is limited to 2d6 plus the turner's charisma modifier and level. This is increased by another d6 if the caster has the Sun Domain.
  • The duration of the forced flight is 5 rounds, plus one round per the turner's level.
  • The "level" used by this feat for all purposes listed so far (total hit dice affected, destroying instead of turning, and duration) is the turner's Cleric level plus the higher of Paladin level−2 and Blackguard level−2) if either is positive.
  • For the purpose of determining the highest level (hit dice) creature that can be turned, the turner's level is modified (from −4 to +4) by a turn check, and no creature with more hit dice than the modified level can be turned. The turn check is a die roll: d20 + charisma modifier, plus another d4 if the turner has the Sun Domain.
turn check level modifier
0 or less −4
1 to 3 −3
4 to 6 −2
7 to 9 −1
10 to 12 +0
13 to 15 +1
16 to 18 +2
19 to 21 +3
22 or higher +4
  • Creatures with turn resistance add this to their actual hit dice both when determining if they can be turned and when totaling the number of hit dice turned so far.
  • Whether or not a creature is affected by turn undead is determined by that creature's racial type (which can change under the influence of a polymorph, with undead shape being of particular note). Undead are always affected (unless friendly), while additional races may be affected based on clerical s and the planar turning feat.
  • An affected creature cannot be cured with the Restoration or Mind Protection lines of spells. However, the effect may be dispelled, with the turner's hit dice as the effective caster level of the turn effect.
  • Outsiders get a bonus to their turn resistance equal to their spell resistance, unless the turner has Planar Turning in which case the bonus is half that amount. The spell-resistance-based turn resistance stacks with any normal turn resistance the outsider may have.
  • Constructs, if affected by a turning attempt, are not forced to flee, nor are they destroyed if the turner's level is twice theirs. Instead, constructs receive 1d3 points of Magical Damage per the modified level used to determine the highest level creature that can be turned.

Custom content notes

  • script: NW_S2_TurnDead