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Deity Table

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 04:24, 27 September 2021 by Zanithar (talk | contribs) (swapped over Yuan Ti Deities to Yuan-ti Powers)

Character Creation

Characters on Arelith:
Race - Alignment
Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds
Mark of Destiny
Epic Sacrifice
Head List

See the Deity page for full information.

Also see Category:Deities for additional data.

See Paladin Deities for the list of available Deities for Paladins (A Paladin MUST select from this list).

This table includes the Deity's primary categorization. In some cases a Deity is associated with multiple panetheons in which case the highest level of cateforization they reflect across the various categorizations they are associated with will be reflected.

Example: Lurue is both a Faerûnian Demipower and an Seldarine (Elven Power) but will be categorized, in this table, as a Faerûnian Demipower.

Name Deity Alignment Divine Worshipper Alignment Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Categorization
Abbathor Neutral Evil CE NE LE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Abraxas Neutral Evil CE NE Knowledge and Invention Magic Planar Powers
Abyssal (magic) Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Magic Planar Powers
Abyssal (trickery) Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Abyssal (war) Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Planar Powers
Aerdrie Faenya Chaotic Good CG CN NG Trickery and Deceit Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Akadi Neutral CN NN LN NE Trickery and Deceit Nature Major Powers
Alathrien Druanna True Neutral NN NG CN LN Knowledge and Invention Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Angharradh Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Anhur Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Nature Mulhorandi (Human)
Araleth Letheranil Chaotic Good CG NG CN Hearth and Home Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Arvoreen Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Asgorath Neutral CN LE LG LN NN NE NG CE CG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Draconic Pantheon
Asmodeus Lawful Evil LE NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Planar Powers
Astilabor Neutral CN LN NN NE NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Draconic Pantheon
Auppenser Neutral CN LN NN NE NG Knowledge and Invention Magic Intermediate Powers
Auril Neutral Evil LN CN NE War and Destruction Nature Lesser Powers
(Aspect of Hlal)
Chaotic Neutral CN CG CE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Azul Lawful Evil LE NE LN Hearth and Home Nature Maztician (Human)
Azuth Lawful Neutral LE LG LN Knowledge and Invention Magic Lesser Powers
Baalzebul Lawful Evil LE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Baervan Wildwanderer Neutral Good CG LG NG Hearth and Home Nature Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Bahamut Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Lesser Powers
Draconic Pantheon
Bahgtru Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Orc & Goblin Powers
Bane Lawful Evil LN LE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Major Powers
Baphomet Chaotic Evil NE CE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Barachiel Lawful Good LG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Celestials
Baravar Cloakshadow Neutral Good CG LG NG Trickery and Deceit Magic Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Bargrivyek Lawful Evil LN LE NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Orc & Goblin Powers
Bel Lawful Evil LE NE War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Planar Powers
Berronar Truesilver Lawful Good LG LN NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
(Aspect of Vergadain)
Chaotic Neutral CN, CG, CE Trickery and Deceit Magic Mulhorandi (Human)
Beshaba Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Intermediate Powers
Brandobaris Neutral CN NN NE NG LN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Bright Nydra
(Aspect of Selune)
Chaotic Good CG NG CN Hearth and Home Nature Monstrous Deities
Callarduran Smoothhands Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Knowledge and Invention Magic Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Chauntea Neutral Good CG LG NN NG Hearth and Home Nature Major Powers
Clangeddin Silverbeard Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Corellon Larethian Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Crozhen Lawful Evil LE NE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Cult of Shared Suffering True Neutral NN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Heresies
Cyric Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Major Powers
Cyrrollalee Lawful Good LG LN NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Dagon Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Nature Planar Powers
Dark Moon Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral CN NN LN Trickery and Deceit Magic Heresies
Deep Duerra Lawful Evil LE LN NE War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Deep Sashelas Chaotic Good CG CN NG Knowledge and Invention Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Demogorgon Chaotic Evil NE CE War and Destruction Magic Planar Powers
Deneir Neutral Good LG NG CG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Lesser Powers
Diinkarazan Chaotic Evil CE NE CN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Monstrous Deities
Diirinka Chaotic Evil NE CE CN Trickery and Deceit Magic Monstrous Deities
Dispater Lawful Evil LE NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Planar Powers
Domiel Lawful Good LG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Celestials
Dugmaren Brightmantle Chaotic Good CG CN NG Knowledge and Invention Magic Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Dumathoin Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Eha Chaotic Neutral CN CG CE Hearth and Home Magic Maztician (Human)
Eilistraee Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Eldath Neutral Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Nature Lesser Powers
(Aspect of Shevarash)
Chaotic Neutral CN CG CE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Yuir (Half-elf)
Eltab Chaotic Evil CE NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Planar Powers
(Aspect of Tiamat)
Neutral NN NE LN War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Monstrous Deities
Erathaol Lawful Good LG Knowledge and Invention Magic Celestials
Erevan Ilesere Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Seldarine (Elven Powers)
(Aspect of Shar)
Chaotic Evil CN CE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Demipowers
Fenmarel Mestarine Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN Trickery and Deceit Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Fierna/Belial Lawful Evil LE NE Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Finder Wyvernspur Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Demipowers
Flandal Steelskin Neutral Good CG LG NG War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Gaerdal Ironhand Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Gaknulak Lawful Evil LE NE LN Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Monstrous Deities
Garagos Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Demipowers
Gargauth Lawful Evil LE LN NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Demipowers
Garl Glittergold Lawful Good LG LN NG Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Garyx Chaotic Evil CN CG NE CE War and Destruction Nature Draconic Pantheon
Geb Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Mulhorandi (Human)
Ghaunadaur Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Magic Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Glasya Lawful Evil LE NE Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Gond Neutral LG NG CG LN NN CN LE NE CE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Intermediate Powers
Gorellik Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Nature Monstrous Deities
Gorm Gulthyn Lawful Good LG NG LN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Graz'zt Chaotic Evil NE CE Knowledge and Invention Magic Planar Powers
Great Mother Chaotic Evil CE NE CN Hearth and Home Magic Monstrous Deities
Grond Peaksmasher Chaotic Good CN LE LG LN NN NE NG CE CG War and Destruction Nature Monstrous Deities
Grumbar Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Hearth and Home Nature Major Powers
Gruumsh Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Orc & Goblin Powers
Gwaeron Windstrom Neutral Good CG LG NG War and Destruction Nature Demipowers
Haela Brightaxe Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Haknian Lawful Evil LE NE, CE War and Destruction Magic Planar Powers
Hanali Celanil Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Hanseath Chaotic Neutral CN CG CE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Harlot's Coin Chaotic Evil CE Knowledge and Invention Magic Heresies
Hathor Neutral Good CG LG NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Mulhorandi (Human)
Helm Lawful Neutral LE LG LN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Intermediate Powers
Hlal Chaotic Good CN CG NN Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Draconic Pantheon
Hoar Lawful Neutral LE LG LN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Demipowers
Horus-Re Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Mulhorandi (Human)
(Aspect of Shar)
Chaotic Neutral CN CE Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Lesser Powers
Ilmater Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Intermediate Powers
Ilneval Neutral Evil LE NE CE War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Orc & Goblin Powers
Ilsensine Lawful Evil LE NE LN Knowledge and Invention Magic Monstrous Deities
Isis Neutral Good CG LG NG Nature Magic Mulhorandi (Human)
Istishia Neutral CN NN NE NG LN War and Destruction Nature Major Powers
Jergal Lawful Neutral LE LG LN War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Demipowers
Juiblex Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Magic Planar Powers
Kelemvor Lawful Neutral LE LG LN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Major Powers
Khurgorbaeyag Lawful Evil LN LE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Orc & Goblin Powers
Kiaransalee Chaotic Evil CE CN NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Kirith Sotheril Neutral Good NG LG CG Knowledge and Invention Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Kiltzi Chaotic Good CG NG CN Hearth and Home Magic Maztician (Human)
Kossuth Neutral CN LE LG LN NN NE NG War and Destruction Nature Major Powers
Kostchtchie Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Planar Powers
Kurtulmak Lawful Evil LN LE NE War and Destruction Magic Monstrous Deities
Labelas Enoreth Chaotic Good CG CN NG Knowledge and Invention Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Laduguer Lawful Evil LE LN NE Knowledge and Invention Magic Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Laogzed Chaotic Evil LE NE CE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Monstrous Deities
Lathander Neutral Good LG NG CG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Major Powers
(Aspect of Cyric)
Chaotic Neutral CN CE Trickery and Deceit Magic Intermediate Powers
Lendys Lawful Neutral LE LN LG NN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Draconic Pantheon
Levistus Lawful Evil LE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Lliira Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Lesser Powers
Lolth Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Loviatar Lawful Evil LE LN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Lesser Powers
Lurue Chaotic Good CG CN NG Knowledge and Invention Nature Demipowers
Luthic Neutral Evil LE NE CE Hearth and Home Magic Orc & Goblin Powers
Maglubiyet Neutral Evil LE LN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Orc & Goblin Powers
(Aspect of Rillifane Rallathil)
Chaotic Good CG NG CN War and Destruction Nature Yuir (Half-elf)
Malar Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Nature Lesser Powers
Malkizid Lawful Evil LE NE CE Trickery and Deceit Magic Planar Powers
(Aspect of Talos)
Chaotic Evil CE NE CN Trickery and Deceit Magic Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Mammon Lawful Evil LE NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Planar Powers
Marthammor Duin Neutral Good CG LG NG Trickery and Deceit Nature Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Mask Neutral Evil CE LE NE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Lesser Powers
Maztica True Neutral NN NG NE CN LN Hearth and Home Nature Maztician (Human)
Melira Taralen Chaotic Good CG NG CN Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Mephistopheles Lawful Evil LE NE Knowledge and Invention Magic Planar Powers
(Aspect of Sseth)
Chaotic Evil CE NE CN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Yuan-ti Powers
Mielikki Neutral Good CG LG NG War and Destruction Nature Intermediate Powers
Milil Neutral Good CG LG NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Lesser Powers
Moander Chaotic Evil CE NE CN War and Destruction Nature Demipowers
Moradin Lawful Good LG LN NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Mythrien Sarath Chaotic Good CG NG CN Hearth and Home Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Mystra Neutral Good CG LE LG LN NG Hearth and Home Magic Major Powers
Naralis Analor Neutral Good LG NG CG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Nathair Sgiathach Chaotic Good CG NG CN Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Seelie and Unseelie Court (Fey Powers)
Nature & Beast Spirits No Alignment CN LE LG LN NN NE NG CE CG Nature Magic Other Beliefs
(Aspect of Gond)
Chaotic Good CG NG CN Trickery and Deceit Magic Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Nephthys Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Mulhorandi (Human)
Nobanion Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Nature Demipowers
Nomog-Geaya Lawful Evil LE, NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Orc & Goblin Powers
Nula Chaotic Neutral CN CG CE Hearth and Home Nature Maztician (Human)
Null Lawful Neutral
Lawful Evil
LE, NE, CE War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Draconic Pantheon
Oberon Neutral Good NG CG NN Hearth and Home Nature Seelie and Unseelie Court (Fey Powers)
Obox-ob Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Oghma Neutral LG NG CG LN NN CN LE NE CE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Major Powers
Orcus Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Magic Planar Powers
Osiris Lawful Good LG LN NG Hearth and Home Nature Mulhorandi (Human)
Pale Night Chaotic Evil CE NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Planar Powers
Paush Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Magic Planar Powers
Pazuzu Chaotic Evil NE CE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Planar Powers
Pisaethces Chaotic Evil CE NE Hearth and Home Magic Planar Powers
Pistis Sophia Lawful Good LG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Celestials
Plutoq Lawful Neutral LN LG LE Knowledge and Invention Nature Maztician (Human)
Poseidon Chaotic Neutral CN CE NE Trickery and Deceit Nature Monstrous Deities
Qotal Lawful Good LG NG CG LN Hearth and Home Magic Maztician (Human)
Queen of Air and Darkness Chaotic Evil CE NE CN Trickery and Deceit Magic Seelie and Unseelie Court (Fey Powers)
Ravanna Chaotic Evil LE NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Planar Powers
Raziel Lawful Good LG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Celestials
Red Knight Lawful Neutral LE LG LN War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Demipowers
(Aspect of Rillifane Rallathil)
Chaotic Good CG NG CN Trickery and Deceit Nature Yuir (Half-elf)
Rillifane Rallathil Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Risen Sun (Amaunator) Lawful Good LN LG War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Heresies
Sarula Iliene Chaotic Good CG NG CN Nature Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Savras Lawful Neutral LE LG LN Knowledge and Invention Magic Demipowers
Sealtiel Lawful Good LG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Celestials
Sebek Neutral Evil CE LE NE War and Destruction Nature Mulhorandi (Human)
Segojan Earthcaller Neutral Good CG LG NG Trickery and Deceit Nature Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Sehanine Moonbow Chaotic Good CG CN NG Trickery and Deceit Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Sekolah Lawful Evil LE NE CE War and Destruction Nature Monstrous Deities
Selune Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Magic Intermediate Powers
Selvetarm Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Set Lawful Evil LE LN NE CE War and Destruction Magic Mulhorandi (Human)
Shaktari Chaotic Evil CE NE War and Destruction Magic Yuan-ti Powers
Shar Neutral Evil CE LE NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Major Powers
Sharess Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Demipowers
Shargaas Chaotic Evil CE CN NE Trickery and Deceit Magic Orc & Goblin Powers
Sharindlar Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Nature Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Shaundakul Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN Knowledge and Invention Nature Lesser Powers
Sheela Peryroyl Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Nature Magic Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Shevarash Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Shiallia Neutral Good CG LG NG Hearth and Home Nature Demipowers
Siamorphe Lawful Neutral LE LG LN Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Demipowers
Silvanus Neutral CN LN NN NE LG War and Destruction Nature Major Powers
(Aspect of Labelas Enoreth)
Chaotic Good CG NG CN Knowledge_and_Invention Magic Yuir (Half-elf)
Solonor Thelandira Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Nature Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Sseth Chaotic Evil LE NE CE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Yuan-ti Powers
(Aspect of Talona)
Chaotic Evil CE NE CN Trickery and Deceit Nature Yuan-ti Powers
Sune Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Major Powers
Talona Chaotic Evil CE CN NE Trickery and Deceit Nature Lesser Powers
Talos Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Nature Major Powers
Tamara Neutral Good LG NG CG NN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Draconic Pantheon
Task Chaotic Evil LE NE CE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Draconic Pantheon
(Aspect of Tiamat)
Chaotic Evil CE NE CN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Monstrous Deities
Tempus Chaotic Neutral CE CG CN War and Destruction Hearth and Home Major Powers
Tethrin Veralde Neutral Good NG LG CG War and Destruction Magic Seldarine (Elven Powers)
Tezca Chaotic Evil CE NE CN War and Destruction Nature Maztician (Human)
Thard Harr Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Nature Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Freth Faith Lawful Evil LE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Heresies
The Sequence Lawful Evil LE NE Knowledge and Invention Magic Planar Powers
Thoth Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Knowledge and Invention Magic Mulhorandi (Human)
Three-Faced Sun Lawful Neutral LN War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Heresies
Tiamat Lawful Evil LN LE NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Lesser Powers
Draconic Pantheon
Titania Chaotic Good NG CG CN Trickery and Deceit Magic Seelie and Unseelie Court (Fey Powers)
Torm Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Lesser Powers
Tymora Chaotic Good CG CN NG Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Intermediate Powers
Tymphal Lawful Evil LE NE War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Planar Powers
Tyr Lawful Good LG LN NG War and Destruction Knowledge and Invention Major Powers
Ubtao Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Hearth and Home Nature Major Powers
Ulutiu Lawful Neutral LE LG LN War and Destruction Nature Demipowers
Umberlee Chaotic Evil CN NE CE War and Destruction Nature Intermediate Powers
Urdlen Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Lords of the Golden Hills (Gnomish Powers)
Urogalan Lawful Neutral LE LG LN Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Uthgar Chaotic Neutral CG CE CN NN NG War and Destruction Nature Demipowers
Valkur Chaotic Good CG CN NG War and Destruction Hearth and Home Demipowers
Vaprak Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Monstrous Deities
(Aspect of Sseth)
Chaotic Neutral CN CE War and Destruction Trickery and Deceit Yuan-ti Powers
Velsharoon Neutral Evil LE NE CE Trickery and Deceit Magic Demipowers
Verenestra Neutral NG CG NN Knowledge and Invention Nature Seelie and Unseelie Court (Fey Powers)
Vergadain Neutral CN NN NE NG LN Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Morndinsamman (Dwarven Powers)
Vhaeraun Chaotic Evil CE CN NE Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Dark Seldarine (Drow Powers)
Watil Neutral Good NG LG CG NN Hearth and Home Nature Maztician (Human)
Waukeen Neutral CN LN NN NE NG Knowledge and Invention Trickery and Deceit Lesser Powers
Yeenoghu Chaotic Evil CE CN NE War and Destruction Hearth and Home Monstrous Deities
Yondalla Lawful Good LG LN NG Trickery and Deceit Nature Yondalla's Children (Halfling Powers)
Yurtrus Neutral Evil LE NE CE War and Destruction Nature Orc & Goblin Powers
Zaltec Chaotic Evil CE NE CN War and Destruction Magic Maztician (Human)
(Aspect of Sharess)
Chaotic Good CG NG CN Hearth and Home Trickery and Deceit Yuir (Half-elf)
Zaphkiel Lawful Good LG Hearth and Home Knowledge and Invention Celestials
Zuggtmoy Chaotic Evil CE NE Trickery and Deceit Nature Planar Powers