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The Sequence

From Arelith Wiki
Ssanrani's Sign, The Extimate Nous
Planar Powers: Bel | Dispater | Mammon | Fierna/Belial | Levistus | Glasya | Baalzebul | Mephistopheles | Asmodeus | Pazuzu | Orcus | Graz'zt | Baphomet | Demogorgon | Dagon | Abyssal (magic) | Abyssal (war) | Abyssal (trickery) | Ravanna | Malkizid | Zuggtmoy | Juiblex | Paush | Eltab | Pale Night | Obox-ob | Abraxas | Kostchtchie | Tymphal | Crozhen | Haknian | The Sequence | Pisaethces | mother | Kezef | The Endless Frost | Dendar | Cackles | Atropus | Tharizdun | Mak Thuum Ngatha | Yeenoghu | The Drowning Man

Power Level: Planar Power
Symbol: Consecutive sets of two, four, and eight red points
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Genius loci, self-replication, formal logic
Worshipers: Logicians, astronomers, megalomaniacs
Arelith worshippers' alignments[1]: LE, NE,CE
Aspects: Knowledge and Invention, Magic

The angles of time and space have power in patterns. Written language, arcane script, all are nothing more than the sums and wholes of geometry: lines, radians, points, circles, arranged in ways which carry symbolic meaning. The Sequence is this same principle writ large upon the firmament.

A tenuous awareness of the constellation has persisted for tens of thousands of years, with the first star-scriers credited to its discovery those of 'House Ssanrani,' who might have been Sarrukh, or ancient Yuan-ti, but the name goes unattested in any known texts of greater repute.

The Sign, once Seen, as can only be done by the willing Initiated, writes itself back upon the observer. It is fourteen stars in whose relative positioning is purposeful intelligence. An eon ago it was six stars. In an eon to come it shall be thirty. In eternity, it shall be all of them.

It is light-bursts caught in glass. It is deranged apophenia transmuted into dreadful perfect sanity-by-bludgeoning-consensus. It is the triumph of reshaping a heart, a mind, a nation, a planet in one's own image. It is the scratching insistence that something is out of place and must be righted. It is the instant an opposing opinion gives way to compliance.

It is the spiraling logarithmic certainty of a four-dimensional equation. It is asymptotic. It is honest. It is singularity. It is beautiful.


  1. On Arelith, the restriction for D&D clerics also applies to paladins and druids