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From Arelith Wiki
Aspect of Sharess
the Dancer
Yuir Powers: Elikarashae | Magnar | Relkath | Simbul | Zandilar

Gender: Female
Demonym: Zandilaran
Power Level: Demigod
Symbol: Blue-skinned dancing female figure
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Love, Tragedy.
Worshipers: Aglarondan half-elf lovers, dancers, entertainers.
Arelith worshippers' alignments[1]: CG, NG, CN
Aspects: Hearth and Home, Trickery and Deceit


Is a blue-skinned goddess of love and tragedy. She is associated with dance and passionate quick burning love. She is an aspect of the goddess Sharess.

See Deity Aspects for more information.

See Also


  1. On Arelith, the restriction for D&D clerics also applies to paladins and druids