- Aspect of Shar
The Shadow Giant, Devourer of Honor, Courage, and Nobility (insult), Betrayer of the Eshowe (insult), Ravager of the Tabaxi
- Faerûnian Demipowers: Finder Wyvernspur | Garagos | Gargauth | Gwaeron Windstrom | Hoar | Jergal | Lurue | Nobanion | Red Knight | Savras | Sharess | Shiallia | Siamorphe | Ulutiu | Uthgar | Valkur | Velsharoon | Eshowdow | Moander
Aliases: | |
Gender: | Male |
Demonym: | Eshowdowan |
Power Level: | Demipower |
Symbol: | Black, vaguely man-shaped shadow with long claws |
Alignment: | Chaotic Evil |
Portfolio: | Shadows, destruction, revenge, cowardice, ignominy, fear |
Worshipers: | Eshowe, outcast Tabaxi, Chultan goblins, Chultans groomed to worship Shar |
Domains: | Evil, Trickery, Destruction |
Arelith worshippers' alignments[1]: | NE, CN, CE |
Aspects: | War and Destruction, Trickery and Deceit |
Shar has always wanted a place in the hearts of Chultans and finally she was able to defeat the enemy of Ubtao shortly after the Time of Troubles. Not wishing the Protector of Chult to discover that a Faerunian power has infrilted his domain she has maintained the aspect - with only some in her priesthood aware of the transition.
See Deity Aspects for more information. Clerics of this Deity with over 50% Piety may spend 10% to enter Shadow Doors.