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Arcane Flux

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 04:33, 5 October 2022 by Mattamue (talk | contribs) (updated to featbook page)
Type of feat: Spellsword Class, Wizard Class, Sorcerer Class, Wild Mage Class
Automatically granted by: Spellsword 1, Wizard 1, Sorcerer 1, Wild Mage 1
Required for: None
Specifics: A Spellsword's Elemental Strikes or a Wizard's cantrips have a chance to activate the Arcane Flux effect on the caster. When activated, Arcane Flux will replenish the next hostile spell cast via the Spellsword or Wizard spellbook. Dispels and spell breaches are exempt. The current Arcane Flux effect status can be displayed via the -cooldown command. Works on "hostile" spells only, see Arcane Flux for a full list. Spellsword: Arcane Flux will randomly trigger when using Elemental Strike or Elemental Maelstrom. The chance is 10% for non-critical Elemental Strikes and 20% for Elemental Maelstroms and critical Elemental Strikes. There is an internal cooldown to prevent the effect from triggering more than once every couple rounds. Wizard: Casting a wizard cantrip has a 10% chance to activate Arcane Flux. For Generalist Wizards, this chance increases to 15%. Sorcerer: Casting a cantrip has a 10% chance to activate Arcane Flux. Wild Mages have a 5% chance to activate Arcane Flux.
Use: Automatic
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Hostile Spells

Arcane Flux Spell List Wizard Spellsword
Faerie Fire - 1
Burning Hands 1 1
Charm Person 1 1
Chromatic Orb 1 1
Color Spray 1 1
Grease 1 1
Horizikaul's Boom 1 1
Ice Dagger 1 1
Magic Missile 1 1
Negative Energy Ray 1 1
Ray of Enfeeblement 1 1
Scare 1 1
Sleep 1 1
Blindness/Deafness 2 2
Cloud of Bewilderment 2 2
Combust 2 2
Frostbite 2 2
Gedlee's Electric Loop 2 2
Ghoul Touch 2 2
Gust of Wind 2 2
Melf's Acid Arrow 2 2
Scorching Ray 2 2
Tasha's Hideous Laughter 2 -
Web 2 2
Bigby's Disrupting Hand 3 -
Fireball 3 3
Flame Arrow 3 3
Frost Nova 3 3
Halt Undead 3 3
Hold Person 3 2
Lightning Bolt 3 3
Mestil's Acid Breath 3 3
Negative Energy Burst 3 3
Scintillating Sphere 3 3
Slow 3 3
Sound Lance 3 3
Stinking Cloud 3 -
Vampiric Touch 3 5
Bestow Curse 4 4
Charm Monster 4 3
Confusion 4 4
Contagion 4 4
Crushing Despair 4 4
Enervation 4 -
Evard's Black Tentacles 4 -
Fear 4 4
Finger of Agony 4 4
Ice Storm 4 4
Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm 4 5
Phantasmal Killer 4 -
Wall of Fire 4 5
Wall of Ice 4 5
Ball Lightning 5 5
Cloudkill 5 7
Cone of Cold 5 5
Daltim's Fiery Tentacles 5 -
Darkbolt 5 6
Dismissal 5 4
Dominate Person 5 -
Feeblemind 5 -
Firebrand 5 5
Hold Monster 5 3
Mind Fog 5 5
Nightmare 5 5
Sunfire 5 5
Acid Fog 6 6
Bigby's Forceful Hand 6 -
Chain Lightning 6 6
Circle of Death 6 -
Disintegrate 6 6
Evil Blight 6 5
Eyebite 6 6
Flesh to Stone 6 6
Freeze 6 6
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm 6 7
Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles 6 -
Undeath to Death 6 -
Vitriolic Sphere 6 6
Banishment 7 8
Bigby's Grasping Hand 7 -
Control Undead 7 -
Delayed Blast Fireball 7 7
Finger of Death 7 -
Great Thunderclap 7 7
Power Word, Stun 7 -
Prismatic Spray 7 7
Avascular Mass 8 8
Bigby's Clenched Fist 8 -
Horrid Wilting 8 7
Incendiary Cloud 8 8
Mass Blindness/Deafness 8 8
Mass Charm 8 8
Maze 8 8
Nybor's Wrathful Castigation 8 -
Otto's Irresistible Dance 8 -
Scintillating Pattern 8 -
Shadow Plague 8 8
Sunburst 8 8
Bigby's Crushing Hand 9 -
Burst of Glacial Wrath 9 7
Dominate Monster 9 -
Energy Drain 9 -
Iceberg 9 -
Mass Hold Monster 9 8
Meteor Swarm 9 8
Power Word, Kill 9 -
Wail of the Banshee 9 -
Weird 9 -


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