Note: The Aasimar race may only be selected by spending a Greater Award!
The Aasimar bear the legacy of a celestial being or even a deity in their ancestry, and have incredible potential to do Good in the world. At the same time, their heritage marks them as different and often leads to persecution, ridicule, or exile from superstitious or backward communities.
Aasimar are the descendents of humans and some good outsider, such as a true celestial, a celestial creature, couatl, lillend, or even a servant or avatar of a good deity. (Some of these creatures must use magic to assume a form that is compatible with a Human mate, of course.) While Elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings with good outsider ancestry are reputed to exist, those crossbreeds are not true Aasimar.
Aasimar understand that they are special, even if they do not understand their true heritage. Many Aasimar from a latent bloodline don't even know what creature engendered the line in first place. Two Aasimar from the same bloodline often have the same distinguishing feature.
Aasimar look Human except for one distinguishing feature related to their unusual ancestor. Some examples of these features (and the ancestors that cause them) are:
- Golden eyes.
- Silver hair.
- Feathers at the shoulder blades. (This does NOT mean wings. Astral Devas; Celestials: Avoral, Planetar, Solar; Trumpet Archons)
- Features in hair. (Celestials: Avoral)
- Pearly opalescent eyes. (Celestials: Ghaele)
- Powerful ringing voice. (Lillends, Trumpet Archons)
- Brilliant topaz or silver eyes. (Celestials: Solar)
- Silvery or golden skin. (Celestials: Solar)
- Iridescent scales in small patches. (Couatls or Lillends)
Mind that traits like entirely reflective skins or glowing eyes are not or otherwise supported in the models and are therefore in principal not allowed.
However, as per the Arelith remarks upon creating a subrace: Due to racial dilution, on Arelith, the skin tones noted are VERY faint. Characters who choose deep colors for these races that are outside of the offered features will be edited to a more appropriate tone. Certain obvious racial characteristics WILL prohibit or limit greatly interaction with certain groups or individuals. Common sense dictates that any creatures of monstrous appearance will be treated as monsters, and players who choose these characteristics will interact accordingly, or be asked to remake, adjusted, or deleted at the DM's discretion.
What this comes down to: when considering the overall appearance of the character, is it 'slightly creepy' (on a par with a creepy mundane) or is it 'monstrous and scary' on a par with an ogre walking down the street? The latter is where the line has been crossed (and yes, good-aligned monstrousities can still be scary). If you are in doubt, try contacting a DM to clarify whether your idea is viable or not, or accept the consequences it may have if you decide to take the gamble (like, as mentioned above, adjustment/removal of character).
Most Aasimar in Faerun are derived from the deities of Mulhorand. When the mortal incarnations of the Mulhorand pantheon defeated the Imaskari, they settled and took mortals as lovers and spouses. The half-celestial offspring of these unions became nobles of that country, and dilution of the divine essence through marriages to pureblooded Humans created Aasimar. Many of these Aasimar left the country in search of a destiny not tied to their grandparents, and so the lands around Mulhorand have more Aasimar than any other area.
Most Aasimar are wary of their Human neighbors. Even those raised by parents who understand their heritage cannot escape the stares of other children and adults, for Humans fear that which is different. Aasimar usually experience a great deal of prejudice, which is all the more painful to the good-inclined Aasimar who truly wants to help others survive in a hostile world. Aasimar are often seen as aloof, when in many cases this is a protective measure born of years of misunderstandings. Aasimar often look upon true celestials and other good outsiders with a mixed envy and respect. The lucky ones recieve occasional guidance and advice from their celestial ancestor, and these Aasimar are more likely to exemplify the stereotypical celestial virtues.
Because an Aasimar's favored class is Paladin, a majority of them follow that path, at least for a time. The philosophy of the Paladin class resonates in the Aasimars' hearts, and they are innately suited for a career championing law and good. Some Aasimar, particulary those descended from a nonlawful outsider, instead become Clerics, since they are naturally wiser and more charismatic than most Humans. Even Aasimar who don't become divine spellcasters gravitate toward divine-related classes such as the divine champion, for the call of the light is very strong.
Not all Aasimar live up to their potential. An Aasimar Blackguard or Sorcerer of evil is a terrible opponent, and deities such as Shar and Set love to corrupt an Aasimar, turning her into a bitter, angry creature nursing old grudges from unjust persecution.
Aasimar rarely have siblings who are other Aasimar, for the heredity of the supernatural is a chancy thing. Because of this, few Aasimar get to know another of their kind. On the rare times they encounter another Aasimar, there is a sort of unspoken understanding between them, and an Aasimar is likely to take another Aasimar's side in an argument, regardless of other affiliations, just for a taste of kinship.
Aasimar, being more rare than even half-elves, have no true society of their own. Few have the opportunity to meet other Aasimar or celestial beings, so they attempt to blend into the culture of their parents. If they had such a thing, Aasimar would have a lawful good or neutral good society, focusing on charitable works, helping the needy, and campaigning to eradicate Evil. In a few rare places, Aasimar can find true acceptance and search for news of other Aasimar born in other lands, hoping to make arrangements to have the child brought to the sanctuary and raised in an environment where he or she is cherished, not considered strange.
Creating new character on Arelith
- Any "base race": Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Moon Elf, Lightfoot Halfling, Rock Gnome, or Shield Dwarf
- Alignment Restriction: Any Good or Neutral (Non-Evil)
- Requires Greater Award
- All base race abilities, stats and feats
- Listen +2, Spot +2
- 15% damage immunity to fire, cold and electricity
- Darkvision
- Spell Like Ability: Light 1/day
ECL: +2
At character creation, an aasimar may select a bloodline at the cost of an increased +1 ECL. Only one can be chosen and once chosen it cannot be modified.
- Bloodline of Duty: +2 STR, +2 CHA
- Bloodline of Grace: +2 DEX, +2 CON
- Bloodline of Perception: +2 WIS, +2 CHA
- Bloodline of Splendor: +2 CHA, +2 CON
- Bloodline of Acumen: +2 INT, +2 CON
Gifts and base race ability modifiers stack with bloodlines. The increased ECL from the bloodline does not limit the selection of gifts in any way, though the increased ECL from the [aasimar/tiefling] subrace does.
Aasimar look Human except for one distinguishing feature related to their unusual ancestor. For some examples of these features (and the ancestors that cause them) see the appearance description above.
Life expectancy and ageing: the same as their base race.
- Bonus language: Celestial
- Due to their in-part outsider nature, they are affected by Dismissal and Banishment.
- Starting city: Cordor
Human | Human - Deep Imaskari - Firbolg - Half-Giant - Shadovar |
Dwarf | Shield Dwarf - Gold Dwarf - Duergar - Wild Dwarf |
Elf | Moon Elf - Aquatic Elf - Avariel - Fey'ri - Sun Elf - Wild Elf - Wood Elf |
Gnome | Rock Gnome - Svirfneblin - Forest Gnome |
Halfling | Lightfoot Halfling - Ghostwise Halfling - Strongheart Halfling - Fey |
Half-Elf | Half-Elf - Gloaming - Green Hag - Kenku |
Half-Orc | Half-Orc |
Monstrous | Drow - Goblin - Kobold - Gnoll - Orog - Hobgoblin - Ogre - Minotaur - Imp - Troglodyte - Yuan-ti Pureblood - Derro - Rakshasa - Vampire - Grodd Goblin - Snow Goblin - Bugbear |
Planetouched | Aasimar - Air Genasi - Earth Genasi - Fire Genasi - Water Genasi - Tiefling |