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Blackguard is a default prestige class with Arelith specific changes.


Arelith Blackguards enjoy many changes that benefit their spell-like abilities and summons. Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. Base mechanics can be found on NWNWiki. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: Any evil

Base attack bonus: +6

Class Features

Hit die: d10

Proficiencies: armor (light, medium, heavy), shields, weapons (martial, simple)

Skill points: 4 + int modifier ((4 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: bluff, concentration, craft mastery, discipline, heal, hide, intimidate, leadership, listen, lore, move silently, parry, ride, spot, taunt

Unavailable feats: craft wand, scribe scroll, weapon specialization

Primary saving throw(s): fortitude

Base attack bonus: +1/level

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Feats HP Sneak Summon
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 use poison 10 -
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 bull's strength, dark blessing, smite good 20 -
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 create undead, turn undead, Arelith custom poison (ACP) +1 DC 30 - undead tier 1
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 40 1d6
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 summon fiend 50 1d6 fiend tier 3
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 inflict serious wounds, ACP +2 DC 60 1d6
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 contagion 70 2d6 undead tier 2, fiend tier 4
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 inflict critical wounds 80 2d6
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 ACP +3 DC 90 2d6 fiend tier 5
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 100 3d6

Epic Blackguard

Bonus feats: The epic blackguard gains a bonus feat every three levels. In other words, at levels 13, 16, and 19.

Epic blackguard bonus feats: armor skin, epic fiendish servant, epic prowess, epic reputation, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, great smiting, improved combat casting, improved sneak attack, overwhelming critical, perfect health, planar turning

Unavailable epic feats: epic weapon specialization, outsider shape, construct shape, dragon shape, undead shape

Level Feats HP Sneak Summon
11th 110 3d6 undead tier 3
12th ACP +4 DC 120 3d6
13th bonus feat 130 4d6
14th 140 4d6
15th ACP +5 DC 150 4d6
16th bonus feat 160 5d6
17th 170 5d6
18th ACP +6 DC 180 5d6
19th bonus feat 190 6d6
20th 200 6d6

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Class skills - Blackguards on Arelith get access to Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently and Spot as class skills.
Prerequisites - Hide Ranks and Cleave are not necessary to take blackguard levels anymore. Only evil and +6 BAB.
Divine Wands - Blackguards on Arelith gain access to divine wands.
Chosen Deity - All Divine Classes (Clerics, Paladins, Druids, Divine Champions, and Blackguards) must be one of the cleric alignments of that deity. See Chosen Deity to read more.
Bonus Language - Infernal if Lawful. Abyssal if Chaotic or Neutral.
Divine Might - When using Divine Might, the Blackguard also confers an Attack Bonus and magic damage bonus to their active summon, equivalent to +1 per 4 class levels.
Divine Shield - When using Divine Shield, the Blackguard also confers a Dodge AC bonus to their active summon, equivalent to +1 per 4 Blackguard levels.
Summoning Changes - For specifics, read Summoning Changes which details how summons are changed on Arelith and Summons which details each specific summon stream and what is summoned at each tier of the stream.
Create Undead 3 Infinite uses/day, but instead has a cooldown of 6 minutes starting the moment the undead is slain or dismissed.
  • Create Undead will conjure an undead exclusive to the blackguard.
  • The summon starts at Tier 1. At level 7, increases to 2. At level 11, increases to 3.
Summon Fiend 5 Infinite uses/day, but instead has a cooldown of 6 minutes starting the moment the fiend is slain or dismissed.
  • Summon Fiend will conjure a Demon for CE, a Yugoloth for NE, or a Devil for LE.
  • CE and LE Blackguards can learn the Yugoloth stream from from summoning books.
  • NE Blackguards can learn the Infernal and Abyssal stream from summoning books.
  • The summon starts at Tier 3. At level 7, increases to 4. At level 9, increases to 5.
  • Summon Fiend will gain Epic Caster Bonus if cast by an Epic Blackguard (blackguard 11).
Epic Fiendish Servant 16 Taking this epic feat increases summon fiend tier to 6.
Bull's Strength Spell-Like Ability 2 Always gives +4 instead of 1d4+1 STR.
  • Lasts a number of turns equal to caster level. Once the Blackguard has reached class level 10, the feat's duration is hours per caster level.
  • 10 minute cooldown, but is also now self-target only. When a Blackguard uses this spell-like feat on herself, the +4 STR bonus is also automatically applied to the Blackguard's active summon.
Arelith custom poisons 3 Every 3 levels, a Blackguard receives +1 DC when using Arelith's custom poisons.
Inflict Wounds 6 When targeting their own equipped weapon (right-hand equipment slot), a Blackguard casting Inflict Serious Wounds or Inflict Critical Wounds will instead apply a negative damage effect similar to a Temporary Damage Essence. (As with Temporary Essences, this will over-write other similar effects.) This effect lasts a number of hours equal to class levels. Doing so gives the weapon a red glow.

Roleplay Tips

Excerpt: Blackguard.

External Links

Information about default NWN class are available on NWNWiki.