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Harper draft

Character Creation

Characters on Arelith:
Race - Alignment
Deity - Class
Gifts - Backgrounds
Mark of Destiny
Epic Sacrifice
Head List

Harper is a default prestige class with Arelith specific changes and new additions.


Arelith Harpers enjoy many changes that benefit the different aspects and paths the class can take. There are five prestige classes for Harpers. Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. Base mechanics can be found on NWNWiki. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Harpers have a required DM #Token Process approval and have additional #Expectations.

Token Process

In addition to the mechanical requirements listed below, players will also need DM approval, where only after will they be assimilated into the guild.

To apply for a Prestige Class token, please contact DMs on the forums, via PM to Active DM's.

Please study the Roleplay tips below. Your concept must understand secrecy and display the ability to work with a secret organization, as well as show why the Harpers would be interested at all.

Additionally, no Drow or other monster race will be considered for this PRC unless they are good-aligned via the normal reward.


If you want to take one of the Harper prestige classes, and to be counted as a full-fledged Harper for systems purposes you need to get a token from a DM (first meeting the requirements above). However, the Harpers have many allies, and you can play an ally of the Harpers without having the token or taking a class.

You could play a starting character as an agent of the Harpers, although getting in contact with the existing Harpers on Arelith island might take a very long time given their secrecy.

Players on Arelith do not need to fear that their Harper class is metagamed from the playerlist, as the player's build is hidden. The class abilities are also quite subtle, so if you're careful it won't be obvious that you have the class.

WARNING: If your Harper betrays the Harper Cell or outs other Harpers, they risk character deletion should they be killed, as Harpers do not tolerate outers/betrayers in their own cell.

The Harper Code

  • Harpers work against villainy and wickedness wherever they find it, but they work ever mindful of the consequences of what they do.
  • All beings should walk free of fear, with the right to live their lives as they wish.
  • The rule of law aids peace and fosters freedom, so long as the laws are just and those who enforce them lenient and understanding.
  • No extreme is good. For freedom to flourish, all must be in balance: the powers of realms, the reaches of the cities and the wilderlands into each other, and the influence of one being over another.
  • Whatever it takes, a Harper will do. Pride never rules the deeds of a true Harper.
  • Freedom is a multiversal right, though Harpers can spare themselves less freedom than those they work to protect when the need presents itself.
  • Harpers police their own. A Harper who hears the call of personal power can no longer hear the sweet song of the harp. A Harper who seizes power, and holds it above all else, is a traitor to the harp. Traitors must die for freedom to live.
  • Without a past, no being can appreciate what they have, and where they may be going.

Class Mechanics

Harper Scout


Alignment restrictions: None

Skills: discipline 4, search 4, lore 6, bluff 6

Feats: alertness, iron will

Multi-classing: May not have any other Harper class

Class Features

Hit die: d6

Proficiencies: armor (light), weapons (simple)

Skill points: 8 + int modifier ((8 + int modifer) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: appraise, bluff, craft mastery, craft trap, discipline, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, open lock, parry, persuade, pickpocket, ride, search, spot, tumble, use magic device

Primary saving throw(s): reflex, will

Base attack bonus: +3/4 level

Bonus feats: crippling strike, favored enemy, opportunist, skill mastery, slippery mind; improved evasion or defensive roll only on level 5

Unavailable feats: weapon specialization

Epic bonus feats: blinding speed, epic dodge, epic weapon focus, epic prowess, epic reputation, epic skill focus, epic toughness, favored enemy, improved sneak attack, opportunist, skill mastery, slippery mind

Unavailable epic feats: great dexterity, epic weapon specialization, outsider shape, construct shape, dragon shape, undead shape

Lvl BAB Saves Feats HP
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Can use the -track command.

+1 Caster Level Bardic Knowledge Bonus Feat

2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Skill Focus: Bluff

Deneir's Eye

3rd +2 +0 +3 +3 +1 Caster Level

Cat's Grace

4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Epic Skill Focus: Bluff

Eagle's Splendor Liira's Heart

5th +3 +1 +4 +4 +1 Caster Level

Create Harper Item: Crafting provides an extra potion: (Cat's Grace + Invisibility
Eagle's Splendor + Potion of Attunement) Trackless Step Bonus Feat (Improved Evasion or Defensive Roll)


Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Blinding Speed - Harper Scout levels count for the reduction of Blinding Speed's Arelith specific 8 turn cooldown. The cooldown of Blinding Speed is reduced by 1 turn every 6 combined Assassin, Harper Scout, Rogue, Shadowdancer and (Swashbuckler / 2) levels. Rogue levels are -not- required for this bonus to trigger. Although all applicable class levels stack, Swashbuckler adds 1 effective level towards the cooldown per 2 Swashbuckler levels.
Specialty Weapons - Assassin, Harper Scout, Rogue, and Shadowdancer levels stack with Rogue levels when qualifying for the +1 AB to Rogue proficiency weapons at levels 19 and 24. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger. At 19 combined levels, gain +1 AB when using any Rogue Proficiency weapon, except the quarterstaff. At 24 combined levels, gain +1 additional AB when using any Rogue Proficiency weapon, except the quarterstaff. These bonuses add to a weapon's non-magical Attack Bonus and allow Damage Reduction penetration. For example, a +3 AB weapon will become +5, capable of bypassing Stoneskin or Premonition, with 16 rogue 5 shadowdancer and 3 assassin combined levels.
Lightly Armored - Assassin, Harper Scout, Rogue, and Shadowdancer levels stack with Rogue levels for the purpose of calculating how much lost DEX is regained as Dodge AC via the Lightly Armored feat. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger. Light armor will receive all AC lost to the dex cap as Dodge AC, subject to a cap of AC/4 combined levels. For example, if you have 6 rogue and 3 assassin levels and 28 of dex (modifier 9), and you are using a Studded Leather Armor - which has a max dex modifier of 4 - then, you'd have 4 of normal dex AC, and 2 of extra Dodge AC, and lose 2 points of AC until combined level 15.
Stealth Speed Increase - Assassin, Harper Scout, Rogue, and Shadowdancer levels stack with Rogue levels when qualifying for the in stealth rogue speed increase, this does include the AB bonus upon leaving stealth for Harper Scout. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger. At combined level 16, movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 10%. At combined level 20, movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 20%. At combined level 24, movement speed penalty in stealth is reduced by 30%. If the character has monk levels 10% of the bonus is removed.
Shady Deals - Harper Scout levels stack with Rogue levels when qualifying for Rogue grenades and Rogue grenade reflex DC bonuses.
Skillpoints - Skillpoints per level increased to 8.
Class skills - Access to open lock, parry, ride, search, spot, and use magic device as class skills.
Voting - Harper Scout can vote in every election, even in places where they are not a citizen. The other Harper classes get this ability as well, but only with a full 5 levels in the class. However, no Harper (nobody with the Prestige Class permission token) may stand for election as a settlement leader. If the Harpers wish to rule directly, they will need an ally to stand in their place.
Harper Pin - Harpers examining characters will get feedback if the person they are looking at also carries a Harper Pin (the Prestige Class token).
Set Trap - For each 5 levels in Assassin, Harper Scout, Rogue, or Zhentarim Operative, the saving throw DC on traps they set is increased by 1.
Tymora's Smile - Removed.
Improved Sneak Attack 3 At levels 3 and 5.*********
Wary Alertness 14 +2 bonus spot and listen at combined Rogue and Harper Scout or Zhentarim Operative levels.
Wary Alertness 24 +5 bonus spot and listen at combined Rogue and Harper Scout or Zhentarim Operative levels. Replaces Sharp awareness.
Understanding language - Harper Scout levels contribute towards understanding languages you do not speak.
Learning language 5 5 Harper Scout levels gives you +1 more language you can learn.

Roleplay Tips

External Links