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Cavalier is a custom prestige class available on Arelith.


Cavaliers are warriors who specialize in fighting while mounted rather than on foot. While they can take many forms, ranging from the prototypical heavily armored knight to the lightly armored raider, they are usually seen using a wide variety of long weapons on horseback. As expert horsemen, they have a special bond with their steed, who is usually never far from them. Whether they fight for a cause, for profit, or for glory, Cavaliers can always be found charging fearlessly into combat.

Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: None

Feats: Mounted Combat

Base attack bonus: +5

Skills: Ride 8

Class Features

Hit die: d12

Proficiencies: Cavalier Weapon Proficiency

Skill points: 4 + int modifier ((4 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: concentration, craft mastery, discipline, heal, intimidate, leadership, listen, lore, ride, sail, spot, taunt

Unavailable feats: craft wand, scribe scroll, weapon specialization

Bonus feats: ambidexterity, blind fight, called shot, cleave, deflect arrows, disarm, dodge, expertise, great cleave, improved critical, improved disarm, improved expertise, improved knockdown, improved parry, improved power attack, improved two-weapon fighting, improved unarmed strike, knockdown, mobility, mounted archery, point blank shot, power attack, rapid shot, spring attack, stunning fist, two-weapon fighting, weapon finesse, weapon focus, weapon proficiency (exotic), whirlwind attack

Epic bonus feats: (if Cavalier levels taken at character level 21+) armor skin, epic damage reduction, epic prowess, epic toughness, epic weapon focus, improved stunning fist, improved whirlwind attack, overwhelming critical, superior initiative

Primary saving throw(s): fortitude

Base attack bonus: +1/level

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will HP Feats Mechanical Mount Tier Mounted Charge On-foot Charge Non-cav Weapon Daze (Slash/Pierce) Stun (Bludgeon) Bullrush (Bludgeon)
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 12 Bonus Feat,
Practiced Rider
Spirited Charge Tier 1 Common (120%) +2 AB 0.5 second 0.5 second
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 24 Fearless +2
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 36
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 48 Bonus Feat Spirited Charge Tier 2 Rare (130%) +3 AB +1 AB +1 AB 1 second 1 second 1 second
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 60 Fearless +4
6th +6 +5 +2 +2 72
7th +7 +5 +2 +2 84 Bonus Feat Spirited Charge Tier 3 Unique (140%) +4 AB +2 AB 1.5 seconds 1.5 seconds 1.5 seconds
8th +8 +6 +2 +2 96 Fearless +6 Weapon of Choice: Lance
9th +9 +6 +3 +3 108 Fear Immunity
10th +10 +7 +3 +3 120 Bonus Feat Spirited Charge Tier 4 +5 AB +3 AB +2 AB 2 seconds 2 seconds 2 seconds

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Bonus Feats - Cavaliers get bonus Feats at levels 1, 4, 7, and 10.
Cavalier Weapon Proficiency 1 Cavaliers can wield the following weapons without penalty: Bastard Sword, Cavalry Axe, Cavalry Hammer, Cavalry Sword, Heavy Flail, Katana, Lance, Light Mace, Light Flail, Morningstar, Naginata, Nodachi, Pike, Scythe, Spear, Wakizashi, and Warmace.
Practiced Rider 1 A Cavalier is an expert horseman and gains a bonus to ride equal to their cavalier level. This ride bonus will count towards Ride AC, mounted movement speed, and is less likely to be thrown off mounts.
Spirited Charge 1 Instant action.
  • Cavalry Weapons: Same as the weapons listed in Cavalier Weapon Proficiency
  • Size Matters: Spirited Charge can only be used by weapons that are the same size as or larger than the Cavalier. The exceptions are Light Flail and Spear.
  • Mounted Bonus: A cavalier can charge (for 12 seconds) with any weapons and unleash devastating blows. Cavalry weapons get better damage multipliers as well as special debuffs. Keen (Item Property), Improved Critical (Feat), Increased Multiplier (Weapon Master), and Ki Critical (Weapon Master) will further boost the effectiveness of Spirited Charge. The Weapon Master feats will only apply to Cavalry Weapons.
  • On-foot Bonus: This ability may be activated while not mounted. When used in this fashion the Cavalier will receive a small attack bonus and +40% movement speed for 12 seconds (2 rounds) in lieu of the mounted benefits.
  • Momentum: The longer a cavalier charges, the stronger the Spirited Charge. If Spirited Charge is proc'd as soon as it is activated, it deals 80% of charge damage. The bonus damage is increased up to a maximum of 110% over 2 seconds.

Note: The Cavalier will become rooted for 2 seconds if they spirited charge against a player character

Fearless 2 A Cavalier is conditioned to charge into battle against even the most fearsome of opponents and gains a +2 bonus to saving throws vs fear. This bonus increases to +4 at level 5, +6 at level 8, and becomes Fear Immunity at level 9.
Summon Mount 3 Cavaliers are bonded with their horse and they can summon their personal steed if it isn’t already nearby. The horse will have a 50 Temporary hit point bonus permanently applied to it.

Summons different mounts based on summoning tier and armor worn.

  • Tier 1 (Cav 1): Saddled Palfrey (All armor)
  • Tier 2 (Cav 4): Saddled Palfrey (No/Cloth armor), Leather Barding (Light armor), Chain Barding (Medium & Heavy armor)
  • Tier 3 (Cav 7): Saddled Palfrey (No/Cloth armor), Leather Barding (Light armor), Chain Barding (Medium Armor), Plated Charger (Heavy Armor)
  • Wild Horses: Druids and Wild Races (Wild Elf, Forest Gnome, Wild Dwarf) will always summon wild horses (unsaddled horse)
Summon Special Mount 3 Cavaliers can summon special mounts that are unique to their class and/or alignment.

Nightmare Mounts: Available to the following Classes and Evil Alignment - Blackguard, Hexblade, Warlock, Wizard, Spellsword, Sorcerer, Cleric, and Favored Soul

  • Unsaddled Nightmare - Evil Classes, Tier 2 Summon Mount, and Wild Race (Wild Elf, Forest Gnome, Wild Dwarf)
  • Saddled Nightmare - Evil Classes and Tier 2 Summon Mount
  • Armored Nightmare - Evil Classes and Tier 3 Summon Mount

White Charger: Available to the following Classes and Good Alignment - Paladin, Champion, Knight, Cleric, and Favored Soul

  • White Chain Charger - Good Classes and Tier 2 Summon Mount
  • White Plated Charger - Good Classes and Tier 3 Summon Mount

Rangers can summon wild horses if they use Summon Special Mount, but if they have any of the aforementioned evil/good classes then they will summon Nightmares/White Chargers, instead.

Dedicated Blackguards, Hexblades, Paladins, Knights, and Divine Champions get their mount visuals upgraded! Mechanically their mounts still depend on their cavalier level. (Mount speed and ride bonus remain unchanged)

  • Level 4+ Cavaliers with 10+ Blackguard/Divine Champion levels get Armored Nightmare/White Plated Charger (for good characters only)
  • Level 4+ Cavaliers with 21+ Hexblade/Paladin levels get Armored Nightmare/White Plated Charger
  • Level 4+ Cavaliers with 7+ Knight levels get White Plated Charger

Note: Good alignment restriction for paladin, knight, and divine champion still applies. Neutral/Evil Knights and Divine Champions don't get anything special

Weapon of Choice 8 Cavaliers gain Weapon of Choice: Lance. For Weapon Master builds, this allows the Weapon Master to select a melee weapon of choice and be granted a free mounted charge weapon of choice.

Roleplay Tips

Cavalier on the Forgotten Realms wiki

External Links

Cavalier Overhaul Spreadsheet v3.2 (Latest)
Cavalier Overhaul Spreadsheet v3.0 (Old)
Arelith Cavalier news post
5th Edition Cavalier Information