Undeath Domain
A Cleric with Undeath Domain is endowed with insight into the profane forces of unlife.
Domain Special Abilities
Bonus Abilities
- Soul Shackle: Undeath Domain Clerics can cast Raise Dead or Resurrection on a living target to apply a Soul Shackle to that target for the duration of 60 minutes. If the affected creature reaches -10 hitpoints during the effect, they fall to the ground unconscious instead of dying, and are raised or resurrected one round later with the Greater Sanctuary effect applied (Similiar to a God save).
- +2 to Undead Caster level
- Automatically gains Undead: Vampire Stream at 9th+ Cleric level if the caster has Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
- Automatically gains Dragon: Dracolich Stream at 24th+ Cleric level if the caster has Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy
Activation Abilities
- Able to Turn Undead. (See Turn Undead)
Spell Interactions
- Better Death Armor Scaling (1 Dmg/CL instead of 1 Dmg/2CL)
- Mummy Dust has a (5 + Cleric Lvl + Harper Priest Lvl + Zhentarim Fear Speaker Lvl) % chance to create two Dread Mummies with Mummy Dust instead one. Similar to Necromancy Specialist Wizard.
Domain Spell List
- Negative Energy Ray(1)
- Death Armor(2)
- Negative Energy Burst(3)
- Infestation of Maggots(4)
- Create Undead(5)
- Kyristan's Malevolent Tentacles(6)
- Create Greater Undead(7)
- Avascular Mass(8)
- Wail of the Banshee(9)
- Turn Undead has been extensively customized on Arelith. Read more here.