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Miaou (talk | contribs)
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:DM = [[:Category:The Staff|Dungeon Master]]
:DM = [[:Category:The Staff|Dungeon Master]]
:Dmg = Damage
:Dmg = Damage
:DPS = Damage Per Second, a method to calculate damage output
:DR = Damage Reduction/Damage Resistance (Damage Resistance = 100% Damage Reduction)
:DR = Damage Reduction/Damage Resistance (Damage Resistance = 100% Damage Reduction)
:Drd = [[Druid]]
:Drd = [[Druid]]

Revision as of 15:36, 13 November 2022

TO DO: add links


AA = Arcane archer
AB = Attack Bonus
AC = Armour Class
AFK = Away From Keyboard
AoO = Attacks of Opportunity
AR = Arelith Reckoning
As = Assassin
AWOL = Absent WithOut Leave / Absent Without Official Leave


BAB = Base Attack Bonus - it is from class only. ( It does not includes ability modifier, weapon enhancements, feats, spells, or anything else except your class bonus to attack.)

Bbn = Barbarian
BG = Blackguard
BR = Before Arelith Reckoning - time
BRB = Be Right Back
Brd = Bard


CE = Chaotic Evil (alignment)
CG = Chaotic Good (alignment)
CHA = Charisma
Clr = Cleric
CN = Chaotic Neutral (alignment)
CON = Constitution
CoT = Champion of Torm
CP = Crafting Points


D&D = Dungeons and Dragons

DC = Difficulty Class - a target for character skill checks. (For example, a certain type of trap kit may have a DC of 15. To set the trap, the character must get a result of 15 or better on a Use Traps skill check.)

DD = Dwarven defender
DEX = Dexterity
DM = Dungeon Master
Dmg = Damage
DPS = Damage Per Second, a method to calculate damage output
DR = Damage Reduction/Damage Resistance (Damage Resistance = 100% Damage Reduction)
Drd = Druid


EXP = experience

FoD = Finger of Death (spell)
For = Fortitude
FR = Forgotten Realms
Frt = Fighter
ft. = foot (Length) = 0.305 meter


gc = gold coins
GM = Game Master - other name for Dungeon Master
GP = gold coins


HD = Hit Die
HotU = Hordes of the Underdark
HP = Hit Points
HS = Harper scout


IC = In Characer
IG = In Game
INT = Intelligence
IRL = In Real Life

J - K - L

lbs. = Pounds (Weight) = 0.454 kilogram
LE = Lawful Evil (alignment)
LG = Lawful Good (alignment)
LN = Lawful Neutral (alignment)

M - N

MIA = Missing In Action
Mnk = Monk
MoD = Mark of Destiny
MS = Move Silently (skill)

NE = Neutral Evil (alignment)
NG = Neutral Good (alignment)
NN = Neutral Neutral (alignment)
NP = No Problem
NPC = Non-Players' Character
NWN = Neverwinter Nights


OOC = Out of Character


Pal = Paladin
PC = Players' Character
PDK = Purple Dragon Knight
PK = player kill
PM = Pale master
PM = Private Message
PnP = Pen and Paper - game played without computer
PP = Pick Pocket
PvP = Player versus Player (conflict)


r = Round = 6 Seconds in Real Life(RL)
RDD = Red dragon disciple
Ref = Reflex
Rgr = Ranger
RL = Real Life
Rog = Rogue
RP = Role-Play

RPB = Role-Play Bonus = bonus experiences obtained on Arelith server. :RPB is tied to players' CD key. So RP Bonus is kept for all characters and all player accounts played from the same CD key. It also unlocks possibility to play some rare subraces. RPB can be granted when players' good RP is noticed in game by DMs.


SC = Spellcraft
SD = Shadow Dancer
Sh = Shifter
Sor = Sorcerer
SoU = Shadows of Undrentide
SP = Skill Points
SR = Spell Resistance
SS = screen shot
STR = Strength


t = Turn = 1 Minute RL (10 Rounds)
TN = True Neutral (alignment)
TS = True Seeing (spell)

U - V - W

UD = Underdark
UMD = Use Magic Device (skill)

WIS = Wisdom
Wiz = Wizard
WM = Weapon master

X - Y - Z

XP = experience