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Dirgesinger is a custom prestige class available on Arelith.

Please note: as of March 23rd, 2022, this class is not yet implemented. It is still a work in progress.


Dirgesingers voice melodies not of celebration and joy, but of sorrow and grief. They are often rootless wanderers who travel from place to place, wrapped in inconsolable torment from some personal tragedy. A few are sinister creatures who extinguish the joy of others by teaching the folly of love, the futility of hope, and the finality of the grave. Others still seek to honor the dead and remind the world of what has been lost, collecting tales of tragedy and writing elegies about them. No one will remember a dead queen in a few short generations, but a great lament might be sung a thousand years hence.

Dirgesingers always have a strong reason to choose their path, drawing power from the deepness of their loss. They have a talent for expressing their grief through song, choosing whether to bring despair, or to avoid the spread of more of it. They hold high positions in cultures where death is revered, serving as death-priests or entrusted with the serious responsibility of composing requiems for those who have passed. The rare dirgesinger who associates themselves with powerful undead might serve in the courts of lich kings or at the arm of a vampire lord.

Class Mechanics


To qualify as a Dirgesinger, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.

  • Skills: Lore 8 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks
  • Feats: Curse Song, Iron Will
  • Alignment restrictions: None. A Dirgesinger is as likely to be Good as they are Evil.

Class Features

  • Hit die: d6
  • Proficiencies: none
  • Skill points: 6 + int modifier
  • Class skills:
  • Bonus feats: spell focus (illusion, enchantment or necromancy), greater spell focus (illusion, enchantment or necromancy), arcane defense (illusion, enchantment, necromancy), skill focus: perform, epic skill focus: perform, epic reputation, perfect health, lingering song, extra music, lasting inspiration, unremitting cadence, song of the heart, dirge of woe, dirge of harvest, dirge of reprisal, dirge of damnation, dirge of awakening, dirge of terror
  • Unavailable Feats: weapon specialization
  • Primary saving throw(s): fortitude, will
  • Base attack bonus: +3/4 levels

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Feats HP
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 dirgesinger synergy, bonus feat 6
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 momento mori 12
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 macabre knowledge I 18
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 bonus feat 24
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 nocturne crescendo 30
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 macabre knowledge II 36
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 ghastly resonance, bonus feat 42
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 requiem 48
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 danse macabre, macabre knowledge III 54
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 echo, inspiring minstrel, bonus feat 60

Dirgesinger Features

Feature Level Description
Dirgesinger Synergy 1 A Dirgesinger deals with the topic of death and the dead more than an average minstrel. Two-thirds of your Assassin levels now count towards your Bard Song and Curse Song scaling and charges, and you gain a Synergy Bonus of +3 to Palemaster levels towards your Bard Song and Curse Song scaling and charges.
Momento Mori 2 A Dirgesinger's Curse Song deals additional Sonic damage to all targets that it strikes over a period of 3 rounds. Each tick deals a number of damage dice equal to half of your combined Dirgesinger levels and Charisma modifier (d6 vs. Undead and d3 vs. Non-Undead).
Macabre Knowledge 3, 6, 9
Nocturne Crescendo 5 Whenever the Dirgesinger regains a charge to Bard Song, they gain an additional charge if they are under an open sky during night hours.
Ghastly Resonance 7 Ghastly Resonance doubles the radius of your Curse Song and adds ten rounds to its duration.
Requiem 8 The Dirgesinger's Bard Song counts all Dirgesinger levels when applied to friendly undead.
Danse Macabre 9
Echo 10 The Dirgesinger projects echoes of their performances into the minds of others. Their Curse Song and Dirge Songs are more felt than heard, and can affect targets regardless of any Silence or Deafen effects (whether they be on the Bard themselves or on the target). Their Dirges also now apply a lesser version of Momento Mori to any hostile targets struck.
Inspiring Minstrel 10 A character with this feat can take Lasting Inspiration so long as they meet the Perform requirements. Granted on 20th level Bard or 10th level Dirgesinger.

Dirge Songs

Dirge Songs are special feats available only to a Dirgesinger as bonus feats. They are a primary feature of the Dirgesinger class that sets them apart from a Bard, and personifies their musical talent into macabre (or deadly) power.

Dirge Songs are instant use abilities but each Dirge Song can only be applied to a particular time once (in that different Dirge Songs do stack, but the same Dirge Song applied twice will not.)

Dirge Song Prerequisites Cooldown Duration Description
Dirge of Woe
Dirge of Harvest
Dirge of Reprisal
Dirge of Damnation
Dirge of Awakening Charisma 21+
Dirge of Terror