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Invisible Blade

From Arelith Wiki
Revision as of 04:41, 6 November 2021 by Zanithar (talk | contribs) (Arelith Changes: updated IB with a weapons section similar to swashbuckler outlining what works with the IB class abilities.)

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Invisible Blade is a custom prestige class with Arelith specific mechanics.


Arelith Invisible Blades are deadly rogues who prefer to use light blades in combat. Mechanical information is included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: None

Base attack bonus: +7

Feats: Two-weapon Fighting

Note: Dual Wield (Ranger Feat) does not meet this requirement.

Class Features

Invisible Blade

Hit die: d8

Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies are gained

Skill points: 8 + int modifier

Class Skills: bluff, climb, concentration, craft mastery, heal, hide, listen, lore, move silently, parry, ride, sleight of hand, spot, tumble

Unavailable feats: scribe scroll, craft wand, weapon specialization

Primary saving throw(s): Reflex

Base attack bonus: +1/level

Special: Class abilities require wearing clothing or light armor. Additionally, class abilities require dual-wielding class weapons (kukri, shortsword, or dagger) or a combination of those weapons (like dual-wielding shortsword and dagger).

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Feats HP
1st 1 0 2 0 Bleeding Wound 8
2nd 2 0 3 0 Crippling Throw, Arcane Bleed 16
3rd 3 1 3 1 Eviscerate 24

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Bleeding Wound 1 On a successful melee attack the target will receive a bleeding wound stack.
  • Bleeding wound will cause 3 slashing damage per stack every round.
  • Bleeding wound stacks expire after 1 minute after the last application of the effect.
  • Dealing more bleeding wounds will refresh the duration of this effect and increase the stack by 1.
  • Restoration, Greater Restoration or Healing Kits clears this effect. DC for healing kit is 35.

Crippling Throw 2 On a successful ranged touch attack the target will be inflicted by 2 Bleeding Wound stacks and must succeed against a reflex save with a DC equal to Character Level + 3 + Intelligence Modifier.
  • Upon a failed reflex save, the target will be slowed by 50% for 5 rounds.
  • The target does not benefit from spellcraft bonus to the save.
  • This ability has a 2 turn cooldown.
Arcane Bleed 2 Upon a successful melee touch attack the target:
  • Is breached of up to 4 spell effects.
  • Receives a -5 penalty to Lore and Use Magic Device skills for 5 rounds.
  • This ability has a 3 minute cooldown.
Eviscerate 3 Upon a successful touch melee attack:
  • All Bleeding Wound stacks are removed from the target.
  • For each stack removed, the target receives 2d4 slashing damage.

Invisible Blade Weapons

The Invisible Blade abilities, where noted above, can only be used when wielding a particular selection of Invisible Blade weapons. The weapon must meet the following criteria to be considered an Invisible Blade weapon:

Note: Although the weapon must be a finesse weapon, it is not required to be wielded using finesse (used with Dex). This allows Strength based Invisible Blade builds.
  • The weapon must be a size category smaller than the wielder

Examples: 1. A human Invisible Blade can wield Short Swords and qualify for Invisible Blade class features. 2. A halfling Invisible Blade can wield Kukris and qualify for Invisible Blade class features.

Roleplay Tips

Visit the Forgotten Realms wiki for some class lore.

External Links

Information about the NWN 2 class is available on NWNW 2 wiki.