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Ranged Weapons

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Ranged Weapons

A forging workstation

Crafting on Arelith:
Art Crafting
Dweomercraft - Runes
Weapons - Melee / Ranged / Siege
Resources - Poison

Ranged Weapons are weapons that can be used against distant opponents, as opposed to melee weapons. See the main Weapons article for full information.

Note: Recipes here are made with Carpentry except for a few which use Smithing or Tailoring. These have been noted below.

Ammunition is made with both Carpentry and Smithing. See those articles for recipes and stats.


Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Primative, Druid, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: Thrown
Weight: 0.0 lbs (reduced from default 0.1 lbs)

Stack size also increased to 500.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Product Properties
Dart (Bronze) 243 1 1 1 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
50 Dart (Bronze)
Dart (Iron) 272 15 3 900 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
50 Dart (Iron) Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Dart (Iron) 304 18 6 850 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
50 Masterly Dart (Iron) Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Dart (Steel) 333 21 13 3300 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Dart (Steel) Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Dart (Damask) 391 23 40 10200 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
50 Dart (Damask) Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Dart (Steel) 361 23 50 6350 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Silver)
50 Masterly Dart (Steel) Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Masterly Dart (Damask) 419 28 135 16950 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
50 Masterly Dart (Damask) Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage

Heavy Crossbow

Base Damage: 1d10
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: Missile
Weight: 9.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Heavy crossbow 4 8 10 100 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
1 Animal sinew
Masterly heavy crossbow 8 11 20 7510 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
2 Spider silk
Attack Bonus: +3
Mighty: +2
Grand Masterly heavy crossbow 68 33 211 26380 gold 16th 2 Sapphire
6 Animal sinew
1 Greater magic weapon
6 Hardwood
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Attack Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Mighty +6
Massive Criticals 2d8
Vharrke'brei (Wardbreaker) 841 27 170 15000 gold 16th 1 Mithril Dust
4 Coal
1 Ingot (Lead)
2 Ingot (Steel)
Drow Smith
Attack Bonus +5
Massive Criticals +2d12
Mighty +5
-3 Dodge AC
-1 Dex Bonus
Race Restriction: Elf, Half-Elf
Alignment Restriction: Evil
UMD Requirement: 50
Ashwood Repeating Crossbow 1161 52 500 62260 gold 16 8 Brass Gears
2 Ashwood stabilizer
1 Grand Masterly heavy crossbow
2 Hardening finish
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Attack Bonus: +4
Attack Penalty: -3 (see note below)
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Mighty +3
Note: With both the Rapid Reload and Rapid Shot feats the user gains an additional attack per round.
Ashwood heavy crossbow 1026 52 900 121390 gold 16th 1 Adaptive gears
2 Ashwood stabilizer
1 Grand Masterly heavy crossbow
1 Ingot (Mithril)
2 Hardening finish
Attack Bonus: +4
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Mighty +6
Massive Criticals 2d10
Gonne 557 29 160 20000 gold 13th Made with Forging
1 Hardwood

3 Ingot (Steel)
6 coal

The Gonne is a firearm. It uses touch attack rules to hit and requires mildly-expensive slugs made through Alchemy or occasionally found as loot to function.
Gonne 1160 29 160 20000 gold 13th Made with Carpentry
2 Hardwood

3 Ingot (Steel)
6 coal

The Gonne is a firearm. It uses touch attack rules to hit and requires mildly-expensive slugs made through Alchemy or occasionally found as loot to function.

Light Crossbow

Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: 19-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Small
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Weapon Focus Group: Missile
Weight: 6.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Light crossbow 10 7 1 70 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
1 Animal sinew
Masterly light crossbow 9 10 1 170 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
2 Spider silk
Attack Bonus +3
Mighty +2
Grand Masterly light crossbow 69 34 236 29522 gold 16th 1 Greater magic weapon
2 Sapphire
6 Animal sinew
6 Hardwood
1 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Attack Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Massive Critical: 2d8 Damage
Mighty +4
Weight: 6.0
Ashwood light crossbow 1027 52 900 121360 gold 16th 2 Adaptive gears
2 Ashwood stabilizer
8 Animal Sinew
2 Hardening finish
4 Rare Hardwood
Attack Bonus: +4
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Mighty +6
Massive Criticals 2d10
Drow Crossbow 482 25 89 11175 gold 1 Ettercap's silk gland

1 Ingot (Steel)
2 Ingot (Zinc)
2 Spider silk

1d8 piercing 19-20/x2

Attack Bonus: +1
Only Usable By: Assassin OR Fighter OR Ranger OR Rogue
Only Usable By: Elf
Only Usable By: Evil
Use: Manticore Spikes 1 Charge/Use

Sithyrr'tyne (Hand Spinneret) 842 29 160 20000 gold 2 Animal Sinew
1 Ingot (Brass)
2 Hardwood
2 Softwood
1 Web (scroll)
Carpenter must be a drow
Attack Bonus +4
Bonus Feat: Point Blank Shot
Bonus Feat: Sneak Attack (+5d6)
Massive Criticals 2d6
Web (3) 3 uses/day
Only Usable by: Evil
Only Usable by: Elf OR Half-elf
Increased UMD Requirement: 50
Level Requirement (16)


Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Large
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Elf, Aquatic Elf
Weapon Focus Group: Missile
Weight: 3.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Longbow 6 9 1 150 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
1 Animal sinew
Damage: 1d8 Piercing 20x3
Masterly longbow 7 11 2 250 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
2 Spider silk
Damage: 1d8 Piercing 20x3
Attack Bonus +1
Mighty +1
Powerful longbow 29 23 58 7364 gold 2nd 1 Magic weapon (Scroll)
6 Hardwood
6 Spider silk
Damage: 1d8 Piercing 20x3
Attack Bonus: +1
Massive Criticals: 1d10
Mighty +2
Grand longbow 25 36 259 32392 gold 16th 1 Greater magic weapon (Scroll)
2 Sapphire
4 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
6 Spider silk
1 Hardening Finish
Damage: 1d8 Piercing 20x3
Dexterity +1
Attack Bonus: +3
Massive Criticals: 2d8
Mighty +2
Ashwood longbow 1024 49 600 58200 gold 16th 2 Ashwood Stabilizer
1 Dragon Oil
2 Hardening Finish
8 Spider silk
4 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
Damage: 1d8 Piercing 20x3
Dexterity +2
Attack Bonus: +3
Massive Criticals: 2d10
Mighty +4


Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Primative, Elf, Rogue, Aquatic Elf
Weapon Focus Group: Missile
Weight: 2.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Shortbow 5 6 1 60 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
1 Animal sinew
Masterly shortbow 11 10 1 160 gold 2nd 1 Hardwood
1 Softwood
2 Spider silk
Attack Bonus: +1
Mighty +1
Powerful shortbow 28 23 57 7164 gold 2nd 1 Magic weapon (Scroll)
6 Hardwood
6 Spider silk
Attack Bonus: +1
Massive Criticals: 1d10
Mighty +2
Grand shortbow 26 36 257 32192 gold 16th 1 Greater magic weapon (Scroll)
2 Sapphire
2 Softwood (Ancient Yew)
6 Spider silk
1 Hardening Finish
Attack Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +1
Massive Criticals: 2d8
Mighty +2
Ashwood shortbow 1025 49 600 75396 gold 16th 2 Ashwood Stabilizer
1 Dragon Oil
2 Hardening Finish
1 Grand shortbow
Attack Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Massive Criticals: 2d10
Mighty +4


Base Damage: 1d3
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Weapon Proficiency: Exotic, Monk
Weapon Focus Group: Thrown
Weight: 0.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Product Properties
Shuriken (Bronze) 241 1 1 1 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
50 Shuriken (Bronze)
Shuriken (Iron) 270 15 3 450 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
50 Shuriken (Iron) Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 1 Damage
Masterly Shuriken (Iron) 303 18 6 850 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
50 Masterly Shuriken (Iron) Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Shuriken (Steel) 331 21 13 1650 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Shuriken (Steel) Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 2 Damage
Shuriken (Damask) 389 23 40 5100 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Shuriken (Damask) Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 3 Damage
Masterly Shuriken (Steel) 360 23 50 6350 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Masterly Shuriken (Steel) Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Piercing 4 Damage
Masterly Shuriken (Damask) 418 28 135 16950 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Masterly Shuriken (Damask) Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Piercing 6 Damage


Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Tiny (Small in vanilla nwn)
Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Primative, Druid, Monk, Rogue
Weapon Focus Group: Missile, Thrown
Weight: 1.0 lbs

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Properties
Sling 629 1 1 2 Gold 2nd Tailoring
2 Leather (Small)
Masterly sling 640 8 1 102 gold 2nd Tailoring
2 Leather (Small)
Mighty +1
Grand masterly sling 657 25 83 10402 gold 2nd Tailoring
1 Masterly sling
2 Cloth (Small)
1 Leather (Medium)
1 Tanning acid
10 Potion of cat's grace
Attack Bonus: +2
Massive Criticals: 1d10 Damage
Mighty +2
Elite sling 687 35 255 31954 gold 16th Tailoring
3 Tanning acid
3 Cloth (Small)
3 Leather (Small)
2 Sapphire
1 Greater Magic Weapon
Attack Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +1
Mighty +2
Enhanced Elite Sling 1028 50 900 121292 gold 16th Tailoring
4 Alchemistic Catalyst (Greater)
2 Ashwood Stabilizer
1 Dragon Oil
1 Elite Sling
Attack Bonus: +3
Enhancement Bonus: Dexterity +2
Mighty +5

Throwing Axe

Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: x2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Small
Weapon Proficiency: Martial
Weapon Focus Group: Thrown
Weight: 0.1 lbs (reduced from default 1.0 lbs)

Note: This weapon has been customised for Arelith, read more here.

Name ID DC Craft
Value Level Materials Product Properties
Throwing Axe (Bronze) 242 1 1 1 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Bronze)
50 Throwing Axe (Bronze)
Throwing Axe (Iron) 271 15 3 450 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
50 Throwing Axe (Iron) Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 1 Damage
Masterly Throwing Axe (Iron) 305 18 6 850 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
50 Masterly Throwing Axe (Iron) Attack Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Throwing Axe (Steel) 332 21 13 1650 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Throwing Axe (Steel) Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 2 Damage
Throwing Axe (Damask) 390 23 40 5100 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Throwing Axe (Damask) Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 3 Damage
Masterly Throwing Axe (Steel) 362 23 50 6350 gold 2nd 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Masterly Throwing Axe (Iron) Attack Bonus: +2
Damage Bonus: Slashing 4 Damage
Masterly Throwing Axe (Damask) 420 28 135 16950 gold 13th 2 Coal
1 Ingot (Iron)
1 Ingot (Silver)
1 Ingot (Steel)
50 Masterly Throwing Axe (Damask) Attack Bonus: +3
Damage Bonus: Slashing 6 Damage