Protection Domain
A Cleric with Protection Domain is learned in the ways of watchers and guardians.
Domain Special Abilities
Bonus Abilities
- Lifeline: Protection Domain Clerics can cast Raise Dead or Resurrection on a living target to apply a Lifeline to that target for the duration of 60 minutes. If the affected creature reaches -10 hitpoints during the effect, they fall to the ground unconscious instead of dying, and are raised or resurrected one round later with the Greater Sanctuary effect applied (Similiar to a God save).
Activation Abilities
- Able to Turn Undead. (See Turn Undead)
- Able to Turn Outsiders as if they were Undead. (See Turn Undead)
Divine protection - The Cleric is able to cast an improved form of sanctuary that sets the save DC at 10 + charisma modifier + clerical level. The effect has a duration of 5 rounds + charisma modifier.- Domain Power: Applies Heroic Shield; Only the ward (guard) portion of the ability, none of the bonuses requiring Knight levels, to the target.
- Gives both ward and self 50% phys DI for 1 round
- Grants 5% Damage Immunity to all damage types for designated "Ward"
Spell Interactions
- Immune to Isaac's Lesser Missile Storm (when Shield spell is active)
- Lesser Spell Mantle is empowered
Domain Spell List
- Shield (1)
- Magic Vestment (2)
- Minor Globe of Invulnerability (3)
- Energy Buffer (4)
- Lesser Mind Blank (5)
- Globe of Invulnerability (6)
- Greater Stoneskin (7)
- Lesser Spell Mantle (8)
- Protection from Spells (9)
Divine Protection can be used once per day.Greater Sanctuary and Divine Protection now share the same cooldown. Using one will disable the usage of the other for 4 minutes- Turn Undead has been extensively customized on Arelith. Read more here.