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Revision as of 00:15, 24 August 2021 by Zanithar (talk | contribs) (Class Features: removed "except climb" from available skills)

Character Creation

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Head List

Specialist is a custom prestige class with Arelith specific changes.


Arelith Specialists enjoy bonus feats, almost all the skills, and synergies with Commoner. Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: none

Levels: 20 character levels

Feats: Any skill focus

Class Features

Hit die: d6

Proficiencies: No additional proficiencies.

Skill points: 8 + int modifier ((8 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: All

Unavailable feats: scribe scroll, craft wand, weapon specialization, epic weapon specialization

Epic Bonus feats: Any skill focus, any epic skill focus

Primary saving throw(s): Not applicable, only epic progression

Base attack bonus: Not applicable, only epic progression

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Level Feats HP
1 6
2 12
3 bonus feat 18
4 24
5 30
6 bonus feat 36
7 42
8 48
9 bonus feat 54
10 60

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Tradeworker - If taken with Commoner, gains an additional 2 trade skill points each level for a total of 4 each level. This additional bonus continues even if taking levels in specialist. A level 30 commoner would have 120 trade skill points from leveling same as a 21 commoner / 9 specialist.

Otherwise, no other Commoner requirements apply to Specialist. Specialists may gain experience, writs, and all other normal gameplay systems if added as a mutli-class to any other class.

Roleplay Tips

This class is effectively whatever a character wishes it to be, and is open to all base professions. A specialist can be anything from a master trapper, to an acrobat or stealth expert. With all skills unlocked (except climb), and able to gain epic feats in Skill Focus, there are few limitations to this diverse and very special new option for characters on Arelith.

External Links

Information about the release of the class available on Arelith's news page.
Forum post of the release of the class.