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Shadow Mage

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Shadow Mage is a custom path for Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer with Arelith specific changes.


Arelith Shadow Mages enjoy changes that benefit their Illusion, Necromancy, and Enchantment paths at the cost of serving one of the Dieties that provide access to the Shadow Weave. This path has its own page for its unique mechanics applied on top of Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer. Mechanical changes are included in the #Class Mechanics on this page and explained in the #Arelith Changes section. Base mechanics can be found on NWNWiki (wizard) or (sorcerer). The #Roleplay Tips section provides suggestions for character development. Shadow Mages also have a tie to the Shadow Weave.

Class Mechanics


Alignment restrictions: non-good

Multiclass restrictions: Druid is not an allowable multiclass for Shadow Mage

Path: Shadow (Weave) Mage is a path for Wizard (not specialist Evoker) and Sorcerer characters. It can be obtained after creating your character via selection on the -path menu in the starter area, or by talking to a special Non-player-character (NPC) in-game (IG), which is strictly IG information and requires DM spawning which requires contacting DMs if it is a path you wish to pursue after character creation.

Shadow Weave

During the course of her eternal war with the goddess Selûne, the goddess Shar created the Shadow Weave in response to Selûne's creation of Mystra and the birth of the Weave. If the Weave is a loose mesh permeating reality, the Shadow Weave is the pattern formed by the negative space between the Weave's strands. It provides an alternative conduit and methodology for casting spells.

Shar, being the goddess of secrets, has mostly kept the secret of the Shadow Weave to herself.

Following the time of troubles she encouraged her mortal church to dissolve her Order of Beguilers. The primary task of the beguilers of Shar was to conceal the existence of the Shadow Weave. When the "Lady of Loss" revealed its existence, openly flaunting her masterful creation, their usefulness waned.

Among other faiths and communities Shar's weave was adopted by the Church of Cyric - the Mad God always seeking some means to undermine the Harlot Mystra and the god Vhaeraun became the patron of that magic among Drow.

All it takes to gain access to the Shadow Weave is a willingness to either devote yourself to Shar or to pay price negotiated by your patron. On Arelith this is represented in the Deities either allied to her or are related in some way to evil, darkness, and forbidden knowledge. Followers of (or those attuned to) these Deities can become Shadow Mages.

It is [required] that the character be non-good aligned when taking this path. As the powers drawn from Shar are ruinous by nature. This is mechanically enforced.

Class Features

Hit die: d4

Proficiencies: Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer proficiencies

Skill points: 2+ int modifier ((2 + int modifier) * 4 at 1st level)

Class Skills: Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer

Unavailable feats: weapon specialization

Bonus feats: Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer

Primary saving throw(s): will

Base attack bonus: +1/2 level

Spellcasting: Arcane (spell failure from armor is a factor), intelligence or charisma based on wizard or sorcerer respectively, as the base for the path

Level Progression

Hit points rolls on Arelith are always maximum.

Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer progression.


Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer spells.

Epic Shadow Mage

Wizard (not specialist Evoker) or Sorcerer epic progression.

Arelith Changes

Change Level Description
Path - Wizard or Sorcerer. Specialist Evoker Wizards cannot become Shadow Mages as Evocation spells are barred for Shadow Mages.
Path Classes - Shadow (Weave) Mage is a path for Wizard (not specialist Evoker) and Sorcerer characters. It can be obtained after creating your character via selection on the -path menu in the starter area, or by talking to a special NPC IG, which is strictly IG information and requires DM spawning which requires contacting DMs if it is a path you wish to pursue after character creation.
Shadow Weave - A Shadow Mage uses the Shadow Weave to power their spells. This means:
  • Evocation (minus Darkness and shadow-themed spells) spells are cast at -6 caster level and DCs
  • They cannot become Wild Mages (or take any other wizard/sorcerer subclass), and are not affected by Wild Magic zones.
  • They cannot cast arcane spells if their primary or secondary (attunement) Deity is not one of the Dieties that grant access to the Shadow Weave.
Boons -
  • Shadow Mages get +2 DC and Caster Level on all Illusion, Enchantment and Necromancy spells.
  • May take levels in Shadowdancer after obtaining 3 levels of Shadow Mage (and 5 total character levels) as an alternative to meeting the usual skill and feat requirements. Shadow Mages don't gain sneak dice from their Shadow. Instead, they gain 1 caster level for every Shadowdancer class level
    • Notice: Some advise this is not a viable class combination.
Shadowdancer caster level and Sorcerer - Levels in Shadowdancer grant arcane caster levels but does not grant bonus spell slots for Wizard, or bonus/known spells for Sorcerer. This means that a 4 Sorcerer / 10 Shadowdancer would cast spells at caster level 14 but would only have access to circle 2 Sorcerer spells, same as level 4 Sorcerer. Taking 20 levels in Sorcerer either first, or after 10 levels in Shadowdancer would result in the same number of known spells as a level 20 Sorcerer.

Roleplay Tips

See Shadow Weave details.

External Links

Information about shadow mage available on FRwiki.